I Got a Feeling

By Jenny Tian

Published on Jul 13, 2012


Jason slowly pulled his shirt up, revealing his skin, his muscular torso, I watched him flex his muscles, wanted nothing more but to touch them, wanted to lick him and explore him everywhere... Suddenly I noticed his grin... it was almost a smirk, but sexy as hell.

"You really like to watch me strip, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah. It's... hot."

He chuckled and slowly, slowly pulled his pants off. He still had his boxers on and then came towards me, started to take my clothes off. But when his hands started to pull on my boxers I groaned, pissed at the feeling I just got.

"Jason, stop."

"What?" He asked with a confused expression. "Why?"

"We have to stop."


"Just a... feeling."

"Are you serious?" He asked and I saw how the tent in his boxers began to shrink.

"I'm sorry." I said. "It's just... I can't ignore these feelings."

"But why would we have to stop? It's not like anyone's going to come in here at this time."

"I don't know."

"Is this too fast for you?"

"No, that's not it."

"You can just say it, you know." He said.

"Jason, it's not too fast, really not. I just think that we shouldn't do anything right now. Let's wait half an hour, okay?"

He looked at me and then he nodded and laid down on the bed with a pout. His pout was cute but I didn't want him to think I didn't want to do stuff with him. I had been horny the whole day, working and then meeting Jason during the breaks. I knew we were both looking forward to this night, but...

Several minutes passed, we were both lying in bed but further apart from each other than usual. I didn't like it. I wanted to hug him close, have him kiss me until I couldn't think normally anymore. I didn't like the distance. It was only two days after that first time we slept together. We'd meet out parents tomorrow...

I was just about to say something when the door burst open. Jason sat up, as did I and there was Cliff Carbons.

"Guys, I'm sorry to disturb your sleep but there's been an emergency. Someone made a big mistake and I need you. There are already several guys working on it and I'm sorry but it looks like this is going to be a long night. Put on some clothes and come to my office." With that he left the room and Jason and me hurried to get there.

Cliff was right. It was one long, almost sleepless night. We were all in the big office of the mansion, Cliff was doing phone calls and we were working on the computers, drinking lots of coffee. It was almost five am when we were done.

"Thanks James, Jason. You were a great help." Cliff said and I tried to stifle a yawn.

"Mmh, I just wanna go to sleep." Jason mumbled.

"Yes, get to bed. Nobody's going to wake you up tomorrow... I mean this morning. Good night."

"Good night, Sir." I said and looked outside the window. It was still dark outside since it was winter but soon the sun would rise.

Jason and I were too tired to do anything and as soon as we hit the pillows we were asleep.


"I'm sorry, James. I acted like a spoiled kid... again." Jason said as we went to my home.

"It's okay. I was feeling frustrated, too. But I learned early that I had to listen to my feelings."

"Yeah. That was almost creepy. I have no idea what would have happened if my father had caught us in bed together, doing stuff."

"Yup, that would have been a bad way to come out."

"I'm going to make it up to you."

"You don't have to, Jason. I understand. Besides, I like to see your pout. It's cute."

"What? No, it's not."

"It is, believe me."

And he pouted, which made me laugh. He chuckled when he realized what he did and walked a little closer to me. "Lets make the vacation our honeymoon." He said with a low, sexy voice.


"You know, let's wait before we go the whole way until then. It will be like a honeymoon, us somewhere in a chalet in the alps. We'll make it special."

"I like that." I said with a smile.

He nodded and then a thoughtful expression crossed his face. "I think Kyle knows or at least suspects." He then said.

"Why?" I asked even though I'd gotten the same impression.

"Some hints he dropped. They're small, I almost didn't notice them but he's said some weird things several times. And I think that since he's coming with us on the vacation he might figure it out." We had talked about inviting him to come with us. Declan really liked him too and I thought that this way he wouldn't feel like a third wheel if... Jason and me went to bed early or something. And Kyle had agreed when Jason asked him.

"Yeah, I also think he'll be okay with it."

"I hope so. But we should probably tell him on the way." He said.

"Why? So we can kick him out if he's a homophobe?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "No. But he might find it weird that the two of us will share a room and he'll be with Declan, whom he barely knows."


"But the kicking out might be the ace in our sleeves."

I grinned at him, he gave me a quick kiss and soon we were at my home. I noticed how Jason's body tensed a little and how his expression became less relaxed but I was sure that things would turn out okay. My parents had had several weeks to get used to the idea of me being with another man and they hadn't said anything bad or mean about it.

As we entered the house, the first thing we noticed was the wonderful smell that came from the kitchen. My mother was standing at the stove, preparing lunch. "Hi mom." I said and she looked up, giving us a kind and genuine smile. "Mom, this is Jason, Jason, my mom."

"Hi Mrs Abbott. It's nice to meet you." Jason said and shook her hand.

"Hello Jason. It's nice to finally put a face to the name I've heard so much about."

Jason meeting my parents was a success. We ate lunch with my mother and she was definitely charmed by Jason's open and polite character. We spent the afternoon doing nothing but lying on my bed, cuddling, kissing and making out. At least until Declan burst inside and spoiled the mood. Well, he got hit by two pillows and I liked to see Jason and Declan becoming friends.

Usually when he came over he ate dinner with us but this time he excused himself, saying that he didn't want to be there when my parents grilled Jason.

My father came home just before dinner and he had a more serious expression but still gave us both a smile. Dinner indeed resembled the Spanish Inquisition without the torture. My father wanted to know every detail about Jason. He asked about his family, his friends, his grades, his future, his dreams, his hobbies, his musical and athletic abilities and every other thing he could think of. I was sure that Jason felt a little uncomfortable but he answered the questions politely and when dinner was over he had convinced my parents that he was the perfect son of a rich man.

"You think I passed?" Jason asked after dinner when we were in my room.

"You did well. Mom is charmed by you and you gave my father a good impression."

"That's what I've been trained for my whole life. Playing the role of the perfect son."

"Playing being the important word. We all know you're just a..." Jason didn't let me continue the sentence and just covered my lips with his.

"Jason..." I gasped.

"I've never been so horny." He mumbled as he nibbled on my earlobe and sent shivers through my body.

"Me too. But we should wait before everyone is in bed. My parents usually don't come in here... Jase..." He sucked and bit my neck, leaving a mark. "Jase... my father might come in..."

"You're like an addiction. I like everything about you." He said and looked at me. "I love your dark hair. I love your eyes, greenish, deep, love your nose..." He kissed the tip of it and I giggled. "Love your lips even more." He said and kissed my lips. "You're so amazing." He whispered and then pulled back when there was a knock at the door. It opened before I said yes and knew it had to be my father, probably checking to make sure Jason wasn't taking advantage of me. But I really wondered what he'd have done if Jason and me were doing something.

"Do you guys want something to drink?" He asked.

"No, thanks."

"Okay. Err..." He hesitated and then sat down on the chair. "I just wanted to make sure you guys were safe."


"I know we talked about it already when you were younger but I just wanted to make sure. If you don't want to buy the stuff I can..."

"Dad." I said again and felt myself blush. "We're 21 not 15!"

"I know. It's just... You're my son and now you're suddenly... bringing home someone for the first time... and it's not a girl..."

"Dad, it really is okay. I understand and we'll be careful."

"Okay." He sighed. "That was awkward." He said and then grinned at us. "Sorry for acting so weird Jason. I'm just concerned about my son. Don't hurt him."

"Yes, Sir. I won't."

"Good. Well, your mother and I are going to bed. Goodnight, boys." He said and left the room.

"Geez." I said and laid down. "That really was awkward."

Jason chuckled. "He loves you and I guess we have permission to do whatever we want as long as it's safe."

"So embarrassing."

"Oh, come on." Jason said and bent down to kiss me.

"This is really weird." I whispered.


"Doing stuff when my parents are in the same house."

"I'll make you forget about that." He said with a grin.

"Better not. They might hear us."

"They know we're sleeping together."

"But it's still a little embarra... ooooh..."

"Like that?"

"Yes... do it... again, please..." I moaned and Jason obliged.


It was the third week of the new year and the four of us - Declan, Jason, Kyle and I - sat in Dee's car because it had the biggest trunk. The sun was shining but it was freezing outside.

The higher we got the more snow there was and the colder it got. The road was getting more curvy and on one side we could only see snow, on the other we could see down to the city and the lake. It was beautiful and nice. We had music playing, I was sitting at the front with Declan and when I saw Jason's face I knew he was about to come out to his friend.

"Kyle..." He started.


"There's something we need to talk about."


"Err... it's... well, err..."

Jason was struggling and I thought I could see Kyle's mouth twitch.

"Well, the thing is... I'm... I'm... gay." He said.

"Oh?" Kyle just raised one of his eyebrows.

"And... James and I are a couple."

"I see."

"You... don't mind, do you?"

"Nah. I suspected it. I saw how weird you acted around James and when I saw the looks I had it figured out."

"Are we... obvious?"

"No, I don't think so. But we've known each other since ever and your behavior was weird. So..."

"I see. Well, I'm glad you don't mind."

"Of course not. You're my friend."

"Good." Jason said and I saw how the tension left his body.

"It's good you don't mind." I said. "He would have kicked you outside if you did."

"Really? Geez, Jason, so sensitive about the subject, huh?" Kyle asked with a grin.

"It's just that... well, this was the first time I ever told anyone and it's... weird."

"It gets better." Declan said and I looked at him.

"Is there something you want to tell us?" I asked.

He grinned. "Well, it's not like I'm going to come out now or something. But I know how it is to tell someone something uncomfortable. The first time I had to dump someone, my very first girlfriend, I felt bad and it was very uncomfortable. But it gets better as you do it."

We all laughed and there just wasn't anything to say to someone like him, who was incorrigible.

It was already getting dark when we arrived at the chalet. We had already received the keys and it looked idyllic. There were other houses and some small hotels but our chalet was a little further away from the village and everything around it was white. There was a lot of snow, maybe one feet of snow on the roof of the chalet and there were icicles hanging down, big icicles that could probably kill someone if they decided to fall down on someone's head. Everything was wooden, and just beautiful.

Declan opened the door, turned on the light and we brought our bags inside and put our snowboards and Kyle's skis next to the door before looking around. There were two bedrooms, one kitchen, one living room with a fireplace, the chairs looked very comfortable and the carpet looked... inviting. I could almost see Jason and me lying in front of the fire, on the carpet, making love.

We had brought some food but tomorrow we'd have to go to the small shops in the village.

"This is really nice." Kyle said with a smile.

"It's homey. Let's make a fire?" Jason asked and Dee nodded. "There was a lot of wood outside."

"I'll get it." I said and got several sticks of wood. Kyle threw the newspaper in it and Dee lit the fire. Within minutes it was crackling and sizzling quietly, the fire getting bigger, the wood catching fire... everything was just so nice. I really loved the chalet and was sure we were going to have a great time.

We made some dinner afterwards - well, Jason and Dee just watched, they were no help at all - but Kyle turned out to be a good cook.

"You two look like housewives. I'm glad I won't have to cook since you... Ouch!" He glared at me when I punched him but then he grinned. "Okay, but it's not my fault if you get food poisoning."

"We'll teach you how to cook." Kyle said and I thought that that would probably be a lot of fun.

Dinner was simple but pretty good. We all enjoyed it but I felt myself getting really tired. We sat down on the comfortable couch and chairs in front of the fire, Jason next to me with his arm around my shoulder and I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

"They're so cute together." I heard Kyle say quietly.

"Yeah. Weird, but cute." Dee said and when he yawned I couldn't help but yawn, too and I had to laugh when Jason and Kyle followed Declan's example.

"Why're we all so tired?" Jason asked and pulled me a littler closer.

"Dunno." I mumbled and the smell of his body made me feel wonderful, the arm on my shoulder made me feel safe.

"We were just sitting in the car for four hours, not doing anything exhausting."

"Driving for so long always makes me tired." Declan said.

"Let's go to bed, huh?" Kyle said. "Should we sleep in?"

"How about breakfast around nine or ten?" Declan asked.

"That's good." I said but my voice sounded so tired and I more felt than heard Jason chuckling.

"Let's get you to bed." He said and we got up.

"Mmh, good night, guys." I said.

"Good night." Kyle and Declan said and went to their room. For a second I wondered if they minded sharing a room, since they didn't know each other that well but then we were in our room, the one with the big bed, while the other room had two smaller beds.

We both got rid of our clothes but I was just too tired to do anything. Jason pulled me to him, spooning me from behind, whispering into my ears... "G'night, Jame."

"Nite, Jase." I mumbled and I was asleep within seconds.


The sunlight tickling my nose woke me up. I felt refreshed, ready for the day and after giving the still sleeping Jason a kiss I took a quick shower and then went to the kitchen. Kyle was already up, drinking some freshly brewed coffee.



"Want a cup?" He asked.

"Yes, please."

"Sugar, milk?"


"Okay. Here you go." He handed me the mug and I took a sip. It was really good.

"Did you seep well?" I asked.

"Yes, and you? Any wild stuff happening last night?"

I chuckled. "Nah, you saw how tired I was."

"Yeah." He grinned.

"You're really cool."


"No, really. You were always friendly and you helped me, like on new year and I really like you."

He smiled. "I like you too. You seem like a good person and I think you're good for Jason."

I smiled back at him. "Let's make some breakfast? The smell might be able to get him out of bed."

Kyle chuckled. "He's definitely not a morning person. It's almost impossible to get him out."

"Yeah. I haven't spent that many nights with him but I had to bribe him the first time to get him to open his eyes."

"What with? Or is that a question I shouldn't ask?" He said with a grin.

"I had a present for him. The second time he was better because, err... doesn't matter."

He laughed and I realized that he was a really happy person and his expressions were all vivid and beautiful. I was sure that after this vacation we'd all be very close friends.

Declan came to the kitchen in his boxers a little later. "Oh, smells good."

"Morning." We said and he looked over our shoulders to see what we were cooking. "Mmh, may I have some of those?"

"Yes, sit down." Kyle motioned him to the chair.

"I'll get Jason." I said.

"Might take a while." Kyle mumbled.

"What? Can't you just leave the hanky-panky?" Declan asked.

"He's not a morning person, moron." I said and Declan just grinned.

Jason looked so peaceful in his sleep and the thought of hanky-panky actually had me kind of hot. "Hey, Jase, wake up. Breakfast's done." I said but he didn't even stir. I then tried to shake him but he just grumbled. "Get up, Jase, c'mon..." I thought about doing something nice but instead I started to pinch him a little. His arms, his cheeks and when he moaned I kissed the place where I pinched him and when he still didn't stir I bit him.

"Mmh... wh..." Jason mumbled something.

"Get up, sleepy head." I said and finally, finally he opened his eyes, looking cute as hell.

"Morning." I said and kissed him. "Breakfast is waiting for you. And hot, strong coffee. Get up, okay?"

"Don't wanna." He said and pulled me to him.

"Hey, you need to get up, sleepy head."

"Let me go back to sleep."

"No, get up or there's not going to be any breakfast for you."

"So mean." He mumbled but he started to get up. "I'll take a quick shower, okay?"

"Sure. But hurry."

"Okay." He said and I watched his naked ass as he walked to the bathroom.


About thirty hours later I looked at the snow, felt the cold win, squinted my eyes a little, trying to see better and shook my head, trying to understand how I could go from being so incredibly happy to being scared... really, really scared shitless.

"Think this is the right way?" Jason asked me with a worried expression.

"I hope so."

"What does your feeling tell you?" Declan asked and looked around in the completely white world where everything looked the same.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." I said and we all fell silent, only the relentless wind was blowing, making sounds but it was not comforting, not at all.


That was chapter 8. When I started writing this story I thought it would turn out to be maybe 4 chapters and now we're already at the eighth... =) There might be two more chapters but not much more. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you think about it! You can contact me at azulasn@yahoo.com

Have a nice summer!

Next: Chapter 9

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