I Love Someone with Initiative

By Drew Writer

Published on Feb 23, 2011


This is a story of pure fiction. Any similarities with real people if pure coincidence.

his is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex.If this offends or bothers you dont read it.

I dont claim to own any of the music presented in this chapter.

If you aren't allowed to read such material, stop now. The author retains copyright.

No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at drewthewriter@hotmail.com

It was a dark and rainy night.

I could hear the raindrops hit against my window and some distant thunder. I could also hear the wind blowing hard against some trees. These are the type of nights that makes me nervous, there is no special reason for it, but they always make me uneasy. I always wake up in the middle of the night when these storms happen. But not tonight. This night is different.

This night I was not alone in my room. Tonight I was lying in bed with one of the most beautiful creations I have ever met. Just feeling the warmth of this special body next to me, sleeping peacefully, calmed me down. The firmness of this body reminding me I was not alone. I felt safe, and complete.

I still couldn't believe how lucky I was being with him right now, and how is it possible that my wildest dream with him finally came true. Knowing that everything I imagined about him was true. In that moment I started remembering everything from the beginning. From how I got to this city, to one of the most important days of my life.

The day I met... Leonard.

. . . . . . .

I had recently moved to Los Angeles to attend the Otis College of Art and Design. I had always loved painting. Since I have memory I have always had a brush on my hand. My dad thought it would be a great idea, considering my potential, to go to an art college and Otis was one of the first options.

I knew that going to that college would mean to leave my city and my friends behind, but everybody was very happy for me and encouraged me to follow my dream. I come from a wealthy family. So money has never been a big issue. I knew that I was not going to need to live in the campus. I never really liked share rooms. So I was going to rent a loft or apartment near college.

I remember the day I left my country. All my friends were there and also my parents. From a Distance I heard somebody call my name.

"Jacob!" I immediately recognized the voice and looked back. It was one of my childhood friends. Alexander. It had been a couple of years since I last saw him. His parents had moved to another city for business reasons.

"Jacob where you thinking in leaving and not say goodbye to me?"

"Definitely not" I answered. "But I had no way of contacting you! You changed your number and never gave me the new one. And I couldn't contact you by email."

"Yeah, sorry ´bout that" he said with embarrassment, while scratching the back of his head.

"I had a major problem with my email. And I could never remember what your email was" I knew he was really nervous and he starting rambling around so I interrupted him.

"The important part is that you are here, and I can say goodbye to one of my most dear friends."

Suddenly he hugged me. And felt his tears in my shoulder.

"I´m going to miss you Jake" he said after separating from me and washing the tears away. "Just promise me you´ll visit when you have the chance."

"I will most certainly will" I answered him.

"Well.." he said "I have to go now, I have a long drive home!"

"It was great to see you again." I said to him.

"Have fun......But not that much" he said and then started laughing while he was leaving.

He was the only person I can recall, that I confessed my "preference" to. And he was ok with it. Never changed the way he treated me. In fact he seemed to loosen up more and enjoyed my company even more. I always thought that he was gay to or at least curious about it. But I never had a chance to ask him.

"All passengers of the flight 332 to Los Angeles California please be ready for the boarding" I heard from the speakers of the airport.

"Well... I guess this is the goodbye" I said to my family and friends. I gave tons of hugs to everyone and everyone made me laugh and cry. Finally after all those hugs and tears I started my way to the plane.

. . . . . . . .

I got on the plane and sat in one of the first class seats. I was very nervous to start this new life. Although those nerves weren't about where I was going to live, or how to get there. Because my parents had already fixed that for me. I had a small apartment near college campus. I guessed I had to take the bus to get there, but it was something normal, so that was not the problem.

I had saved a good amount of money since my graduation. I had worked for 2 years selling paintings, so I wouldn't starve to death. I was going to look for a part time job. I would figure out what later.

So having my life practically given as a gift to me... Why was I still nervous about?

I had a few hours to think about it on my way to L.A. And then it hit me. This would be the first chance to actually find love. Or at least look for it freely. My parents never knew about my preferences. And I want it to stay like that. I was nervous about if I would be able to find someone that cared for me. I knew I was good looking because a lot of girls tried to hit on me. Several times!! But I was never interested in them.

I laugh every time I remembered how one of then tried to describe me. I had received a text message that was definitely not for me. She probably sent it to me by mistake, or maybe it was a weird way of her to tell me how "hot" I was. I always gave my second phone number just to keep my "straight" cover.

She wrot:

"Hey Karen, how are yoy. I have to tell you what happened to me today. I meet this beautiful guy, he is a painter. He's not that tall, maybe 5, 8 or 5, 9. He looks in great shape. He has beautiful hazel, green eyes. I totally got lost in his sight. Dark haired. Delicious lips. And great smile. Is like they got him from a movie or something! I can't wait to go out with him!!"

Then I received another text message saying "Sorry for the message, it was for a friend. Hope to see you soon."

Needless to say, I did not go out with her. Just the thought of it made me laugh.

I really hoped to find someone in the time I was there. I hadn't really thought of what I would do when college finished but it was still a lot of time for that.

Then I was brought back to reality when the plain starting descending into the Los Angeles Airport.

Right after the baggage claim and starting exiting the gate, I saw a sign saying "Jacob, the next Da Vinci" That was work of my "comical" dad.

Then I saw who was holding the sign. It was an uncle of mine that lived in California, but in a different city. I didn't expect to see him there.

"Since when do you work picking people from the airport Uncle Pete?" I asked him, while giving him a big hug.

"Nahh!! I'm just making your dad a favor. I'm supposed to take you from the airport to your apartment."

"Thanks Uncle Pete, you the best." I said.

It wasn't that long drive from the airport to my new apartment. I loved the location of the apartment. It was in front of a beautiful park with a small pond in the middle. I love places like that to relax and read some books while hearing the wind.

My dad didn't hold back with the apartment he got for me. It was big. It had a big main room where I would sleep. With a nice bed in one side. And a desk for a computer. No TV so I had to buy one. And most important there was a big room where I would be painting. I had a good kitchen and a really cozy living room. It was way more than what I would expect.

"He really loves you. Doesn't he?" My uncle asked after seeing my expression of amazement.

"Yes" I answered "I have always tried to be a good son, having in mind I'm their only son. Always trying to be responsible, and loving to them. I think this is the way for them to say thank you."

"Yeah it's obvious" he said starting to laugh. "I have a gift for you myself" he said changing to a more serious voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

He reached his hands to his back pocket. I saw him taking a pair of car keys. I could not believe it.

"You've got to be kidding me" I said.

"Nope, and is nothing to fancy so don't get too excited, it's no Camaro."

Fuck it, I was happy with any set of wheels, but when he took me to the back part of the building, I saw this beautiful and new Chevrolet Spark. It was too much for me.

"Oh My God!!" were the only words that could escape my mouth. I started to say the words thank you. But my uncle interrupted me.

"I'm glad you like it" he said. "Now you only have to wait to get you license process done and you can take your car wherever you want".

"How long do you think that´ll take" I asked.

"At least a week. So don't go panicking."

"I´ll survive, don't worry" I said.

After many thanks and hugs, my uncle gave me a folder with everything that I needed to know about my college life. Schedule, ID, information pages, and a letter that mentioned how happy the college was to have me there.

Then my uncle said goodbye, and left.

I went back to my apartment and started making plans of what would I do.

I would wake up early tomorrow make some exercise, maybe run on the park or the beach. Then, head back to the apartment and receive the moving van with all my things. And also start decorating. Because I still had some days before I started classes, I would go buy my materials and some things for the house. And of course things for the fridge.

Later I would go check out the college and see the campus.

I went to bed without knowing that that next day, was going to be the day

I would meet, the boy of my dreams.

. . . . . . . .

I woke up early, after a night of good rest. I say good rest because I went to sleep early. I was bored because I had no TV, no internet, just my ipod.

After some coffee and a bath I put on some exercise clothes and started running. I went to run through the park, it was a beautiful day, very sunny. I loved this days.

I received a call from the moving service. They told me that they were close to my apartment, so I decided to head back and receive them.

When they got to my apartment I already had changed clothes. They started unloading the boxes into the entrance of the building.

Suddenly I heard a voice I did not recognize.

"May I give a hand?" said the voice.

I turned around, and for a second I thought I was dreaming. I felt my knees go weak.

This gorgeous guy was in front of me. Beautiful brown skin. Tall. 5,9 maybe 6,0. Short haired. But the thing that cought my sight were his eyes. Beautiful honey eyes. I was lost in him.

I managed to come back to reality and say. "Yeah of course!"

He raised his hand to shake mine.

"I'm Leonard" he said.

"Jacob" I said. "Nice to meet you!" He had no idea how true thise words were. It was REALLY nice to meet him.

"Nice to meet you too" he said. "I live right next to this building, and couldn't help to see your ..... "situation", so I said, I'll go help" "Yeah, thanks" I said. "That's really nice of you." "I know that we are going to be great friends, Jacob." he said. For one second, I felt in heav.en. Knowing that this wasn't going to be the last time I would see him. . . . . . . . The task of taking the boxes to my apartment was a lot easier when there was somebody helping.

And even more enjoyable when that person turns out to be gorgeous. I could see him at work. When he picked up a box I could see his muscles grow. It was clear that he had worked on his body.

His shirt was the perfect size to let me see his body. I could deffinetly see some great abs. His arms were very strong. And his chest was very firm. One of the things that cought my eye while he was walking in front of me, was his butt. Deffinetly round and firm. One of the most perfect butts I've ever seen. Deffinetly a top 3.

"Where do you want me to put this last box?" he asked. I then realized that was the last box, I had to come up with a plan to make him stay a little longer and get to know him.

"Just place it there" I said, pointing to one empty space of the living room."

"So how old are you Leonard" I asked, trying to break the ice.

"I just turned 19" he said.

"Hah, I'm older than you" I said, trying to brag. "I'm 20"

"Just for a year, maybe months" he said, destroying my bragging.

"You got me" I said, laughing. "So are you studying or working?" I asked him.

"Well right now I'm working in a coffee shop just part time, but what I'm really good at is at dancing." he said.

Really??" I said in shock. I really enyojed seeing good dancers. They would always have this awesome bodies and almost everytime, they turned to be gay.

"Yeah, I am a really good dancer" he said. "I've been in a dance school since really small, so I say I'm good" he started chucking.

"I bet it, I can see your hard work in your body" I slapped myself in my mind for allowing that comment.

He chuckled "thanks!" he said.

I could deffinetly see him turn a little red. He was so beautiful I started thinking I was dreaming being in front of this aparition.

"So you didn't work today?" I asked to distract him from my previous comment.

"No, I didn't. I have today and tomorrow free." "Well I have to thank your boss for it then, without you I would have to bring all this boxes by myself. Thank you! How can I pay you?" I asked him.

"Don't worry about it", he said.

"No, seriously let me invite you to dinner, because I have not taken anything out of the boxes I can't cook anything so we can order a pizza. What do you think?"

He gave it a thought for a while but then nodded.

"It really sounds good!! We will see tonight, I have something to do right now." He said after looking at the watch.

I hadn't even realize what time it was, we had started to unpack since 9:00am and it was 1:00pm already, if I had been faster I would have invited him to lunch. His beauty and cuteness definitely slow me down. I felt like time wasn't real.

"Oh sorry its lunchtime already, I didn't notice until now. I enjoy your company so much I didn't feel time" I said.

"Haha I know what you mean, I didn't feel it either. I just have to go do some errands so I'll be here by 6:00pm. What do you think? And that way we can continue to know each other more." He said.

"Sounds great" I said.

"Ok I'll get going, I'll be back later. Again VERY nice to meet you. Don't go anywhere." He said while chuckling and looking for the door.

"I won't!!"

As soon as he was out of the door, I couldn't help but to jump around in excitement, and trying, miserably failing, not to make so much noise. The next couple of hours went by really fast, I had to take out the most basic items out of their boxes, most of my clothes and my bed sheets, my glasses and plates. Forks and everything that had to do with the kitchen.

Had a visit from my landlord asking if everything was of my liking. Of course I said that of course everything was perfect. I later continued with my unpacking. Found many decorations for the living room. Some lamps and some paintings I had made, which made it a lot more comfortable.

When it was about 4:30pm I went to take a shower, I didn't want to receive my visit all dirty. I took a long cold shower. It felt so good.

After I was clean I started to prepare the table. I knew it was only a pizza nothing fancy but I still wanted it to be nice and a pleasent experience. I was going to prepare a salad so we could eat with the pizza and breadsticks.

It was about to be 5:45PM when I decided to call for the pizza. I went to the yellow pages and look for a pizzeria near. I found this restaurant that seemed to be a family business. Normally family businesses had the best food. In the middle of the phone call, the guy from the pizzeria told me they also sold pastas. That was it!! Perfect!! Some decent food!!

So I made an order of some lasagna that would go great with my salad. After I gave the guy, a really friendly guy named Michael, my address so they could bring the pasta home, I hung up. 5 minutes later, somebody buzzed my intercom.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me, Leonard" This beautiful voice answered. I felt my knees go weak.

"Come right in" I said while pressing the gate release button.

A few seconds I could hear him knocking on the door.

I went to open the door and I was in awe when I saw Leonard with a beautiful and delicate purple silk shirt. It looked so beautiful with his skin color. He was also wearing a pair of jeans that looked so delicious on me. I couldn't believe how beautiful his eyes looked in that color.

And I could clearly see his beautiful shape. His strong chest and arms. Is he teasing me?

"Hi" he said. With his hands inside his pockets.

"Hey, its great to see you" I said " I'm glad you were able to come"

"You promised me food, haha that's more than enough to win me" he chuckled.

"I thought that it was because you enjoy my company" I said in a humorous tone.

"That too, that too, you got busy since I left right?" he said as he came in and saw all the things I had unpacked.

"Haha, yeah. I thought of getting at least some decorations out, that way my house would look like one when you came!" I answered.

"It definitely worked, it looks much better than the afternoon. Its transforming into a house!"

"Thanks, so what can we do while we wait for the food?" I asked, hoping helplessly that he answered: "We can kiss and I can let you fuck me until I cum." I laughed to myself, although at the same time it made me kind of horny.

"Well, how much time do we have?" he asked clearly with an idea in his mind.

"Humm....about ten minutes maybe a little less."

"That is more than enough time. Do you happen to have an ipod speaker?" he asked.

"In fact, I do, Let me go grab it." I really wanted to see what he was up to.

I stood up and went to my room, where right next to my bed was my ipod speakers. I really enjoyed going to sleep with music but didn't like to go to bed with a headphone, that's why I bought the speakers. And boy did it come in handy.

When I was back, the light seemed a little softer; apparently some lights had been turned off. And in the middle of the living room I saw Leonard standing with his shirt opened completely, I could finally see his great body. As I had imagined it was perfect. He had beautiful abs and that was the thing that mostly stood out to me.

"So, what's going on?" I asked him.

"I'm going to show you, a little bit of my magic. I'm going to dance for you. Don't worry I won't charge." He answered with a smile on his face.

"I must be very lucky then. What are you going to dance, I don't really have that kind of music." I said remembering that I only had rock and some electric music. I guessed he was going to dance a techno or something.

"Got that covered!!" He said while taking out an ipod from the back part of his jeans.

He placed the speakers in a small desk and placed his ipod there. He shuffled through the ipod until he found what he was looking for. He started playing "My Immortal" from Evanescence. I loved the song, and for some strange reason I didn't have it on my ipod.

He started dancing at the rhythm of the song. Doing graceful movements, with his hands, legs, and whole body. I was in complete awe. His movements were performed with such passion. Then all of a sudden, when the song entered a faster beat, I could see his movements turned faster and much more powerful. Jumping and performing excellent spins.

His body was starting to sweat, it was so hot. My dick suddenly started to grow, I tried to not think of how hot he looked, but it was impossible. When the music stopped, he finished in the floor and looked completely exhausted. I started clapping and stood up to show my respects to his awesome dance.

"Wow you are great, that was awesome" I said still in awe.

"Thanks" he said while standing up. I could see his body all worked up, and his breathing was heavy. And I could swear that he had a boner. I could definitely see a half hard cock in his jeans, He was perfect. I wanted to kiss him so bad.

"How long did it take for you to come up with that choreography?" I asked.

"I just made it up!!" he said, with a smile on his face. "That's because I'm number one in improv class"

"You really are awesome, Leo. I would kill to have that kind of dance skills" I said.

"Well I can teach you some moves one of this days, I'm a pretty good teacher too!!" He said clearly gloating.

At the same time, the doorbell rang; finally food was here, although the only thing I wanted to eat was in front of me.

"Ok mister: OH I CAN TEACH A TREE TO DANCE, food is here. Go to the bathroom to freshen up a bit while I prepare the table" I said to him while showing the way to the bathroom.

I opened the door, and was surprised to see this really cute guy on the door, blue eyes, blonde messy hair; he was 16 or 17 maybe. Something told me that he was Michael, the guy I talked on the phone before. He had a bag with 2 Styrofoam containers.

"You Michael?" I asked, wanting to get that doubt off my mind.

"Yeap, the same" He answered with a big smile on his face. He had such a cute smile. "How did you know?"

"It was just a hunch, so you do deliveries too?" I asked, to make some small talk.

"Well I do sometimes, and I really didn't have much to do today, so I decided to deliver this to you"

"I appreciate it very much, so how much is it?" I asked while taking my wallet.

"It would be $12.99" he said looking at the receipt.

I took out a 20 dollar bill, he had gone to so much effort to deliver it by himself, he deserved a good tip.

"I can't accept it, it's too much!" he said.

"Yes you can, and you will. I'll be ordering more soon and I want to leave a good impression" I said while giving him the money.

"Thanks he said, you are very generous. Next time you order something I will personally bring it, and will see that you get more." He said I thanked Michael, and received the bag from him. I saw him going onto his skate. Apparently he had come in his skateboard. He really wanted to deliver that order. I laughed to myself.

When I got inside, I was surprised to see Leonard right next to a well prepared table. He had placed all the dishes and had even turned on a small candle that was on candle. This boy knew what initiative was. I loved this guy.

"I saw the dishes ready, so I thought I would help you out.... And also I really like candles so, that's why I lit it." He said very nervously.

"It's ok, don't worry. I really enjoy your initiative. It makes you special." What, now I am flirting with him? Anyway too late to take it back.

We both sat down, I opened the food cases, and man did it smell delicious.

Once again I was not mistaken as to where to buy food. The lasagna was cooked to perfection and you could smell the garlic and basil.

We placed the lasagna in the plates and served the salad in a different plate. The conversation went really easy after that, I talked about my family, my work, and how I had decided to come this state to continue studying. Later we talked about him, how he learned to dance, and how at the beginning his parents didn't support him too much.

Then the conversation turned around when he asked one question. One question that would turn my world around.

"So, tell me. Is someone occupying your heart currently?" He asked, in a very serious way.

The question got me by surprise, and it almost makes me spit the wine I was drinking.

"Ummm......the truth is that no. Nobody is in my heart right now."

"Why? You are very good looking. You have a great job. You have money.

What has happened?" he asked really intrigued.

"Well, I guess I haven't found the one that is supposed to love me completely."

"Have you looked for that one special?" he kept asking.

"Truth is, that I haven't looked for it completely" and then I decided to throw the bomb, if this was going to happen, I was going to figure it out really soon. "But apparently it found me."

I just felt the connection in that moment. Even though I had only recently met him, I knew in my heart that it was more than just a friendship. Maybe I was crazy, maybe I was desperate. But it worked. "It did" he said, while coming closer to me.

In that moment time stopped. The moment his lips touched mine, I felt perfect. He was so warm, and sweet. I knew he was intoxicating me with every breath. It wasn't an ordinary kiss. I could feel his feelings in it.

I knew this was perfect.

It seemed that this kiss was lasting forever. I didn't want it to stop. The passion in it was addictive and intoxicating. I felt the adrenaline in my blood. And I could feel my heart pounding, rushing to pump blood to this turned on body.

When the kiss stopped, I could still feel him. I opened my eyes, and say this beautiful creature in front of me watching me with such passion. Waiting for my reaction, waiting for the words that were going to come from my mouth. But I was still in shock. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Leo" I whispered, still having him so close to me. "That was beautiful" I said.

"I know" he said. Apparently he was still in shock too.

In the exact same moment that he was coming back to me, to continue this perfect moment. Something broke our perfect bubble. A sound. At first my confused mind didn't understood what it was, and then I understood it was a cell phone ringing. It wasn't mine because I had it off.

Then I saw Leonard, drawing away from me. I could see the pain in his face, having to get away of this perfect moment. He checked his phone and he did something I would never imagined. He rejected the phone call. He turned off the phone, and stood up.

He took me by the hand, leaned forward to me next to my ear, an said the words that totally broke me apart.

"Come with me" he silently whispered.

I stood up, and followed him. The way to my room was realy easy to figure out. When we were in my room, he started to kiss me once again. This time the kiss was more tender and soft. Passion had transformed into love and romanticism.

Gently I started to unbutton his shirt to reveal those beautiful abs that could tear me apart. I touched them gently and finally felt the firmness of his body. A firmness I would have only imagined to touch. Then he grabbed my t-shirt and took it off for me.

"You have a really great body, my friend" he said obviously checking my own abs.

"I work out too" I said. He then started to kiss me again this time, touching my body. His body temperature was just perfect. He went to my nipples, and started playing with them, which gave as a result a moan from my part.

Then he went down through my body, finally reaching my jeans, where he started feeling the bulge that was already present under my jeans. He started touching it and rubbing it with his hands. That gave me so much pleasure that I started to moan even more.

I started hearing some distant thunder at that moment but my mind was in another place in that time that I didn't pay attention to it.

Suddenly his hand started to unbutton my jeans. After he had finished my already hard cock jumped out of my boxers. I could see his face expression. I wasn't a stallion but I had a very good package. Leonard then started to stroke my dick.

The movement from his hand was perfect; I started to kiss him even harder. I had my hand on his head. The movement was so good I started pulling his hair gently. I decided that it was moment to return the favor. So I ferociously took his jeans and briefs away, revealing his hidden treasure.

It was so beautiful. It was hard and the perfect size, a little bigger than mine. I started to suck him off. At the beginning I went slow not taking it completely

At the same time playing it with my tongue, licking the tip of it and the part right below the head. Slowly but steady I started taking more of it into my mouth. I knew he was enjoying it because of the moans that were coming out of his mouth. While I was still sucking him my hand slipped behind him and had the chance to touch each of his cheeks. After squeezing each delicious cheek, my fingers slipped between them and found his opening.

It instantly gave a response from him. His hands tightened the grip he had on my shoulders. This was the spot. I stood up and took him to the bed where he laid facing down. He spread his legs, an invitation for me.

It took me one second to get on top of him. I reached out to my drawer where just recently had placed the bottle of lubricant, which I used to jerk off.

I squeezed some of it into my hand and rubbed it into my hard cock and some into his hole. I gently started my way to his glory hole. Very slowly I inched forward, sinking further into him.

Slowly at first, he lifted his ass driving me deeper into him. I knew he wanted it badly. Steadily, I began to move in and out of him. I heard his moans of pleasures, which only aroused me even more.

Slowly I started to speed up. I could feel everything inside him. Even how my hard dick pressed against his prostate. It was pleasure it its most perfect state. I touched his smooth ass at the same time that I was thrusting in. Our bodies were connected, our souls were intertwined. We were one. Then I realized that I was moaning too. My lust had reached to unimaginable heights. I wanted to be here for eternity.

But then, in the middle of all this passion I knew that I was very close to finish. Leonard was also very near to finish; he was stroking his dick with every movement I made. After a few more minutes I exploded inside him. A very powerful moan came out of me in that moment. Almost at the same time a long powerful came from Leo, who had just finished on my sheets.

In that moment the both of us surrendered into the bead, both still panting in satisfaction. I leaned close to him to kiss him one more time. Again the kiss was perfect. There are no words to explain what had just happened, we both knew it. So we just lay there, enjoying every moment. I could now hear the rain outside the building but right now I didn't care for anything else. There was just one thing that mattered to me right now, and that was Leonard, the gorgeous man who was laying right next to me.

The man who was going to be the main part of the crazy adventure that lied ahead.

Next: Chapter 2

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