I Love Someone with Initiative

By Drew Writer

Published on Apr 4, 2011


This is a story of pure fiction. Any similarity with real people is pure coincidence. This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you don't read it. I don't claim to own any of the music presented in this chapter. If you aren't allowed to read such material, stop now. The author retains copyright. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at drewthewriter@hotmail.com

Extra Note: Please forgive me if the information concerning L.A. and its touristic places isn't precise. I got the information from the internet since I've never been to L.A. :p Thanks for your understanding.

I Love Someone with initiative 2

. . . . . . .

I was softly awakened from my sleep by a delicious smell of coffee and the sound of rain outside my window. My mind, still half asleep started to think what happened yesterday. It happened very fast. I had recently moved to the city of Los Angeles, to study in a college of the arts. Next thing I remember was meeting Leonard, a neighbor who happened to have a great sense of initiative.

He had seen me from afar having trouble moving some boxes. He had helped me move all my stuff to my apartment. All the time I spent with him moving boxes, I started to know him. He was extremely friendly. His voice was hypnotizing. I learned he was a dancer. After we finished bringing all the boxes into my apartment, I simply had to continue to know him.

So I decided to invite him to dinner. I explained I had still nothing on the fridge so we ordered food. When he presented himself at dinner he I thought I was in some kind of dream. He was gorgeous. Later he had surprised me with an extremely great improvisation. He chose a song and made a complete beautiful and graceful choreography. I loved every bit of this guy. After that, we started having dinner, a delicious lasagna, from a nearby restaurant.

In the middle of our dinner, the casual conversation we were having changed radically when he asked me about my love life. After my answer showed interest in him, the most surprising and unexpected thing happened. He gave me a powerful and passionate kiss. After a short interruption, went to bed together. There our lust and passion gave fruit to an incredible night together.

Slowly I started to come back to reality. I started hearing the rain slowly start to stop. Suddenly I realized 2 things. Number 1: There was no one in my bed. I sat up and saw the mess on the other side of the bed, like if someone had slept there. And the second thing I started processing was the smell of coffee. I had certainly had not bought coffee yet.

I got up and grabbed my jeans from the floor and put them on. I walked out of my room, and saw Leo on the kitchen making coffee.

"Good morning, sleepy head" he said as he saw me.

"Good morning Leo. Where did you get the coffee?" I said while rubbing my eyes.

"Well, you see. I have the habit of wake up early and get a cup of coffee. So today when I got up, I saw you had absolutely nothing. So I decided to go buy some stuff for you. I saw the keys of your apartment so I left early to the supermarket to buy you some basic things. I hope you don't mind" He said while placing his hands in front of him like saying sorry.

Of course I didn't mind that, I actually loved what he did. Taking the initiative for me. But I did mind him using his money for me.

"You shouldn't have used your money for me. I don't want you to waste your money no more." I said.

"Have no worries. It was basic stuff it didn't get over 50 bucks, besides I had to do something in show of appreciation for the food that we didn't finish by the way." He said giving me a smile.

Now that I recall, we still had food in our plates when everything started. I started wondering what had happened with the lasagna.

"I had to throw it away" he answered my mental question, clearly seeing my concern about the matter.

"Such a waste, it was so good. Cooked to perfection." I said while receiving a cup of coffee from Leo.

"Yeah, it was good. But what happened instead of that was a lot more interesting and a lot more delicious." He said, with another killer smile.

He almost made me spill my coffee. He was totally right. I wanted to know what he thought about last night. After all it had been my first time. I had seen lots of porn to know what to do. But one thing is seeing and another very different was performing it.

"You are right, I was very nervous about what would you think of it" I said with some hesitation.

Suddenly he moved from where he was and went where I was sitting. He leaned to me and gave me a kiss. A tender and warm kiss. Maybe it was my imagination, but I could feel what he was feeling. Compassion for me, letting me know that everything was great and that he wouldn't change it for anything.

When he finished kissing me he stayed close to my face, as reading my expression.

"Everything was perfect, more that I had ever imagined. I wouldn't change it for nothing in the world." He said with a tender tone.

"Thanks, I felt that way too" I said turning my face away so he didn't see my blushed face.

He touched my chin and said "Now now, let's have a good breakfast. I know a really good place we could go eat. It's a few minutes away from here."

"Well, we may have a small problem." I said, considering that I had no car yet. "I have a car but I'm not able to use it yet."

"Who said we were going to go in YOUR ride." he said with a huge smile on his face.

. . . . . .

When we went outside of the gate, I was surprised to see a beautiful and stylish Kawasaki ER-6n. One of the most beautiful motorcycles I had ever seen. A really stylish tone of black. If there was something I really liked to know about, besides man and paintings, were motorcycles. Never had the opportunity to buy nor ride one. This motorcycle in particular, costs about 8,000 dollars.

"Am I dreaming?" where the only words that escaped my mouth.

He laughed very hard at the sight of my amusement.

"If you are dreaming, it is a really good dream. Right?" he said while giving me a small punch in my shoulder.

"It's beautiful......I mean...... how? I was still in shock.

"Don't think you are the only one with loving relatives, now hop on. I'm getting really hungry." He said while getting on the amazing bike, and handing me my helmet.

The ride on the bike was as good as I had ever imagined. I loved the speed it got to. The trip was relatively short; I really didn't want to get down from the motorcycle. When I finally did we were at a very cozy looking restaurant, and by the looks of it, it was a Hispanic food restaurant.

. . . . .

After waiting like 10 minutes, our food came. It was delicious Cuban food. Damn did this boy have good tastes. During the meal I tried to have a casual conversation, but I had a doubt that was bugging me, it had to do with his family. He didn't seem to talk much about them. The only time he talked about his parents he said that when he began showing interest in dancing they didn't like it at the beginning but then he changed subject.

"Is something wrong?" he said. Did he have some mental skills or something, is like he knows how to read me. Am I an open book for him?

"No I was just wondering. Do you live with your parents?" Probably not the best way to ask, but the only one that I could think of anyway.

I could see that my question had affected him somehow. And I really didn't expect the answer he gave me.

"Well to be honest. No. I don't live with them. My parents died about 6 years ago." He said.

I felt so stupid for asking something like that.

"I'm sorry to hear that." was the only thing I could say.

"It's ok. It was a long time ago. After that happened, I went to live with my aunt and uncle in New York. There I could continue practicing my dancing in a really good dance academy." He said. And I could definitely see him coming back to normal.

"Did your uncle or aunt pay for the academy?" I said, now curious.

"No they didn't. Actually my parents did. When they died they left me whole benefactor of their possessions, which included 12 acres of a vineyard. My parents where one of the biggest investors in the fruit and wine companies. I am supposed to be the head owner until I turn 25. That is one of the orders they left in their will. So meanwhile my uncle is the owner and he pays for pretty much everything. Even my motorcycle and where I live." He said very calmly.

So, here I was. In front of one of the richest people to be, sitting in a Cuban restaurant eating moros con cristianos (rice and beans) and some scrambled eggs.

"Wow, that's a lot to digest in a breakfast. And I've only known you for about 24 hours. Any other surprises that I need to know" I said joking.

"Well, you already know I'm gay, so I guess not. Not any major surprises in the future." He said already in his joking self.

"I love that part of you. Even though we only know each other for not that long, I feel like I can trust you. I have come to love you." I said from the bottom of my heart.

I say Leo's eyes turn a little watery.

"Thanks Jacob, me too. I feel exactly the same way. It's like I've known you all my life." He leaned to me and gave me a small kiss in the lips. As always he took a part of me when he did it. How could I say no to such a gentle and delicious drug like him?

When he finished, I saw my surroundings to see if anyone had noticed. But first of all the restaurant was kinda empty, and the people that where there didn't pay attention to their surroundings.

Suddenly I saw Leo stand up from his chair and once again grab my hand like he did yesterday night. I had no idea what he had in mind but it must be good. After all he has initiative.

He moved really swiftly among some tables and eventually we reached his destination: The bathroom. Was he so eager to take a leek?

The bathroom was small with only 2 stalls and 1 sink.

Leo took me to one of the stalls. Opened the door and led me in.

"Somebody might hear us" I whispered to his ear. I was panicking already.

"Relax, nothing is going to happen. What's the worst they can do? Ban us?" he said with a smirk on his face.

He started to kiss me on the neck, driving me crazy with his touch. So warm and sweet. At the same time he was grabbing my ass firmly. I started to breath heavily. I could also hear his breathing become more intense. My cock was already completely hard in my jeans. He was so close to me I could definitely feel his.

Suddenly he stopped. He saw me directly in the eyes and then turned his sight to my bulge.

"That must be hurting!" he said stating the obvious. I could only nod. I was extremely turned on. "Let me help with that."

With a very swift moment, he unbuttoned my jean and pulled them down, to reveal my boxers. They had a clear spot of precum on them. I was so aroused it had leaked a great deal of it. A lot more slowly this time, he pulled my boxers down, revealing first my pubes then my rock hard on, which instantly popped out almost hitting my abdomen.

"Last time I saw this, I didn't really pay attention on how beautiful your cock is!" he said, while slowly starting to stroke me.

Again his touch was warm and soft. His movement was firm but slow. He definitely wanted to tease me. I started to release my weight into the corner of the stall. Enjoying every movement of this angel of seduction.

Then I felt his tongue playing and analyzing my whole member. Running from the base to the head and under it too. I moaned with every touch of his tongue. Never in my life have I been so aroused like this moment. I slowly started to play with his hair. It was soft and smooth. I never really noticed but he has kind of long hair. Not long just abundant. Enough for me to play with it and run it across my fingers.

Finally he placed my cock into his wet mouth. In that moment I felt as if I was in heaven. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster, the sweat on my back. Every part of my body was reacting to his touch. He moved up and down my member, enjoying every part of my 8 inch dick.

He stopped for a brief second to get some air. And took the opportunity to say something.

"Are you enjoying this?" He asked.

"Yes!!" Was the only answer I could give in between breaths.

Then he continued with his work.

A little bit faster this time he continued sucking my cock. I knew I was getting really close to finish. I had no idea this was going to be so good. His warm mouth was the perfect complement to my dick. At the same time he was using his tongue to circle my cock's head. It's like he had many years of practice.

I started to pull his hair a little bit stronger know. The feeling was ecstatic. My lust was reaching levels it had never gone to. My breathing was really heavy. I knew that if someone entered the bathroom, they could clearly hear someone doing something in here. But at this point I really didn't care.

Finally after a few more minutes of complete sucking and licking, my balls gave out. I came directly into his mouth. It was one, if not the best cum I had ever done. I felt like everything, my problems, desires, stress, flowed out of me. The first 3 blows where really strong and Leo did a great job taking those in. then other 2 came out with a little less strength.

I was surprised to see how he swallowed everything even after I was done, he continue to suck me. Like milking me. He stood up and gave me a tender kiss in the lips. I could taste my only cum in his lips. Which only made it even more delicious.

"What do you think?" He said with that smirk that I loved so much.

"Out of this world, thank you." I said.

"I'm glad you liked it, that's to show you how much I care for you now." He said while he moved to give me a kiss in the cheek.

We went out of the bathroom, luckily nobody saw us, and they didn't even saw we left the table.

After we had finished breakfast I asked Leonard.

"Now what's the plan? Do you have any more surprises for me?"

He was about to answer when my phone rang.

I took my phone out of my pocket and saw the number.

"My parents!" I said

I totally forgot to call them. I haven't talked to them since I got here. "Hello!!" I said as cheerful as possible.

"So you leave your house, and you suddenly stop feeling the need to talk to your mother?" My mom said, kinda upset.

"No mother, not at all. I was just kinda "busy"." I internally laughed because of my own joke.

"Busy or not, you had to call us. When do you start your classes?" she asked. At the same time Leonard took my attention by doing a mimicry of my mother nagging me.

"Classes? What classes?" I asked, not knowing what my mother was talking about.

"Jacob, the reason you left home." She said.

"Ohhh those classes." Finally understanding the conversation.

"Yeah those classes!!" When do they start?"

"What day is today?" I was totally out of the conversation because I had a distraction right in front of me.

"Let's see. You left home on a Sunday. You were supposed to receive your stuff on Monday, and that was yesterday. So what day is today?" My mom was really good when it came to sarcasm.

"Oh yeah!! Today is Tuesday." I answered.

"Good boy" she said talking as she was talking to a puppy.

"Well classes start on Thursday, so I still have time to unpack and go sightseeing. This place is really beautiful." I said obviously talking about Leo. He clearly understood my language and threw me a kiss.

"Good, good. How's your schedule? When can I talk to you, without being afraid to interrupt your classes?"

"It's really good. I'm on class from 9:00am to 3:00pm from Monday to Thursday this semester. So after that is ok. I've also made arrangement to paint every opportunity I have so I can start showing my work in this city." I answered, trying to be as specific as possible.

"That sounds really good. I'm glad you are enjoying it there. Study hard. We miss you." She said sounding a little sad.

"Thanks mom. I miss you guys too. I promise I'll go visit as soon as possible. Say hi to dad." I said and then after she said bye I hung up.

"You are a mommy's baby aren't you?" he said laughing.

I laughed with him. "Yeah, we are really close."

"That's really good. I'm very glad for you. So tell me, do you have any plan for today? Or you just want to hang out? I'm a really good tour guide!" He said.

I really wanted a guide through L.A. considering that I wouldn't have time later.

"That sounds perfect! Where are you gonna take me?" I said puzzled. How many sightseeing could there be in L.A.?

"Well like a told you, I'm a very good tour guide. Nothing to do with the fact I used to be an actual tour guide. " I saw a small smile revealing his perfectly white teeths. Gosh every single part of this man was beautiful.

"Is there something you are not good at?" I asked joking.

He seemed to think for an answer.

"Not that I can think off " he said while letting a huge laughter. " Now now, let's go. This is going to be a busy day. "

We left the restaurant and went directly to Leo's bike. I was still shocked by the beautiful byke. And by the power that it gave. With one swift movement the byke came to life. And after a few seconds we were on the road.

I didn't know what was better. The byke or being able to hug this beautiful creature in my arms, and hold him tight. After a moment of thought the answer was obvious. Him.

"We are getting close. " he said after about 10 minutes of driving. Having a motorcycle had its perks. No traffic.

"What are we going to see first?" I asked puzzled because I saw nothing around. Only some hills and roads.

"Be patient, you will see it soon."

And in that moment I knew the first stop in our sightseeing tour: The Hollywood sign.

I had only seen it on TV before. It was huge and amazing. We came to a stop in a parking lot.

We walked to a viewer where we had the view of the entire city. It was absolutely astonishing. I could even see the coast from here.

"Oh Leo this is beautiful!" I said to my tour guide.

"And this is nothing; this city is even more beautiful when you look at it up close. So let's go. Let's hop into a tour bus." He said.

"Wait, I thought you were going to be my tour guide." I protested.

"Haha. I am but it's a long walk from here to the coast." He answered.

"So where is the adventure then?"

"Oh I see where you are going. So you wanna walk? Fine with me!" He said and then had a look on his watch. "Its barely 9:20am, we have enough time"

With that decided, we started walking. It wasn't a hot day. For that I'm grateful. We hadn't walked 10 steps when I stopped and realized something.

"Oh shoot I forgot my camera! How do I even dare come sightseeing without a camera?" I was so distracted this morning I forgot to take my camera.

Leo did not say a thing just started laughing really hard.

I didn't see the joke so I asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"I thought you were never going to realize that. So say thanks im always ready." With that he reached to his jacket pocket and took a small camera out. And hand it out to me.

"Hold on a sec.........this is my camera!!!" I said as I realized that was MY camera.

Again he said nothing just started laughing.

"How....when...why?" I muttered.

"I kinda got the idea I was going to take you sightseeing, and I saw your camera right there and kinda knew you were going to forget it. So I took the liberty to bring it. I hope you are not mad!" he said while placing his hands in front of him.

"Have I ever told you I love initiative? There is no way I'm getting mad. Besides you saved me from a very serious nagging from my mom. I could already hear her. 'You went sightseeing and gave me no pictures. How dare you', hahaha. Thanks" I said giving him a huge hug.

"Im glad that I can make you happy. That's my sole reason of existing." He said and I could feel the sincerity in his words.

A small tear was running down my cheek. Nobody had ever told me something so beautiful.

"Thanks, you are amazing!"

In that moment I separated from him and hugged him from the side and starting posing for the camera. He got the idea and immediately he posed. We took a beautiful picture of us 2 and in the background the Hollywood sign.

. . . . . . .

The next 3 hours went so fast I didn't feel them at all.

We walked from the Hollywood sign and went first to the Chinese theater. It was absolutely full of people. Many pictures were taken there. Then we continued walking to the Walk of Fame. It's amazing the amount of names that were there. I was enjoying every single second of this tour.

Finally after many walking, we got to the Santa Monica Pier. It was absolutely wonderful. We could see so many couples walking around hugged and kissing like they were newly married. I wanted that. I wanted it with all my heart.

As we were walking down the pier I slowly grabbed Leo's hand. I was so nervous; I thought he was going to reject me.

Instead he hold on tight to my hand.

"Do you want this? In public?" he asked. Pure sincerity and love in his face.

"I do." I answered him.

Suddenly he embraced me in a powerful hug.

"I love you Jacob." He said and shortly after I felt his lips in mine. Pure love and tenderness coming out of him. Our mouths were literally one. I could feel everything he felt, and again I felt complete. I wanted to be like this forever.

In that moment I knew that this was what I was looking for. Someone I could trust to be with me forever. Then I realized a tear was rolling down my cheek.

Leonard separated his lips from mine.

"Is everything all right?" he asked concerned.

"Everything is perfect" I said throwing myself to his arms.

Then in that moment I heard a voice. A voice I knew, and certainly wasn't expecting to hear here.

"Jacob is that you? What are you doing?"

. . . . . . .

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