I Need You

By moc.loa@216maZahS

Published on Nov 6, 2000


Here is Part 6, i just typed it now. Its really weak but people have been bugging me to get it otu so here it is.

Disclaimer: No members of Nsync are gay (that i know of, i do have some speculation and wishes) And this story is Just Fiction, as In its Fake if you are not of legal age to read the leave! Now Read!


A month has passed. Everyone has been informed about Jc's incident and the guys now know about Jc and Justin's new found relationship. Justin and Jc have been together every minute of every hour since that tragic night that almost changed both their lifes forever, well in a way it has. It brought them together. In the world of other couples, Chris and Dani are still going strong while Joey has found a new love, Pop Queen Christina Aguilera. Lance? Still single. The group isnt really on the best terms with Lance at the moment. He is to keen about the idea of being in a group with a Gay couple.

"JUSTIN!!" Jc yelled from the living room.

"I'll be down in a second." He yelled from up the stairs.

"If you don't hurry we're gonna miss the movie." He shouted.

Justin came bouncing down the stairs like a rabit. "Ready to go?" He asked Jc.

Jc staired at him blankly. "Lets go!" He said grabing Justin and pushing him out the door.

Joey and Christina sat in the living room of the apartment they were renting together. "You know how much I love you?" He asked her.

"How much?" She asked.

"This much." He said holding his arms out to the side as far as he could.

"That's all?" She pouted.

"No...and this much." He said before he started kissing her all over he neck.

"I love you." Christina cooed.

"Chrissy?" he asked


"You know how much I love you right?" She nodded "Well, I have never felt this strong about another person before. I know we have only been dating for a month but we have been friends for so long. Chrissy, what im saying is I want to spend every minute, every hour, of every day with. So Ms. Christina Aguilera will you become Mrs. Christina Aguilera-Fatone?" He asked her grabing a ring box out of his back pocket. She gave him the most ferce kiss either of them ever experienced. "So is that a yes?" He joked.

"Josh, what movie are we seeing again?" Justin asked.

"Meet The Parents...I heard its really funny." Jc said walking up to the ticket desk.

"How can I help you?" The man asked.

"Can I have 2 tickets for the 4:10 showing of Meet The Parents?" Jc asked.

"That'll be $10.50" Jc handed the guy the money and the guy handed him the tickets.

The movie ended and Jc and Justin sat in the back of the theater. "That was so funny." Justin said.

"Yeah, that family was insane!" Jc laughed.

"Im just glad your parents aren't like that." Justin said standing up.

They headed back home. When they pulled in the drive way there were 3 extra vehicles parked. They exchanged odd looks and entered the house. "Hey, whats going on?" Justin asked the room full of people. Joey, Christina, Chris, Dani, and Britney all sat in the living room. All with blank expresions.

"You all look like you've seen a ghost." Jc said.

Britney got up and put her arms on Jc and Justin's shoulders. "I think you should sit down." She said with a voice full of concern.

"Whats wrong?" Justin asked in a panic.

Chris pointed to the Tv. "Look."

Chris pressed play and a video of Lance on TRL started to play. "Yeah so? Lance was on TRL today to talk more about FreeLance whats so wrong about...." Justin stoped mid sentence when he heard Lance's voice. "Play that again." He demanded.

Chris rewound the video and pressed play again. "...Yes Carson you heard me right. Im leaving Nsync." Lance said.

"But why?" Carson asked.

"Well, I was brought up with a strong religious background my religion is against homosexuality, and I cant be in a group when 2 of my assosiates are in a homosexual relationship." He stated.

"What?...can you say who." Carson asked confused.

"Who do you think?" Lance asked.

"Justin and Joey?" He asked.

"Justin and Jc." He corrected.


Well there you have part 5...what ya think? Please Pleas Send me feed back...no one ever does, well i get a few. very few...im not that loved!

Next: Chapter 7

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