I Never Saw It Coming

By Stimle

Published on Aug 26, 2019



I Never Saw It Coming

by Stimle (stimle@yahoo.com)

(MM, Auth, Humil)

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Note: This is a revised version of an old story of mine. It contains elements of fantasy and fetish and scenes of humiliation that have a strong sexual component.

The club wasn't too far from my office and since parking was a bitch on Friday nights, I decided to park at my building and walked the four blocks to where Jonah and a group of friends were celebrating his birthday. Jonah had reserved the loft, which overlooked the entire bar, and I quickly found him, drink in hand, toasting his 27th with a group of his friends.

I walked up the stairs, admiring his lean 6'0 frame as he laughed at something one of his friends said, his dark brown hair flopping boyishly in his brown eyes. He took a drink from his bottle of Pacifico, turned to say something, and saw me approach.

"Stevie!" he greeted me with a shout and a half hug. I smiled at the nickname only he ever used. "I'm so glad you made it! I wasn't sure you were coming."

"Are you kidding me? You come all the way from Seattle to celebrate your birthday, you bet your ass I'm coming," I said, enjoying the strength of his embrace. "Wouldn't miss it. In fact, I have no plans the entire weekend."

Since everybody else looked to be a few drinks in, I figured I'd be designated driver. I signaled to the bartender and ordered a Sprite. "Noooo... it's my birthday," Jonah said, stopping the bartender. "He'll have a Singapore Sling!" he shouted over the noise.

"A Singapore what? What the fuck is that?" I asked.

Jonah paid for the drink over my protests and we toasted. He clinked his bottle to my glass and winked at me, his lips curving up slightly as he watched me take a sip. Whatever a Singapore Sling was, it was good. A little on the sweet side but not overly so. I'm a beer guy and don't usually drink mixed drinks, but one would be fine. Plus, as Jonah said, it was his birthday.

"Let me introduce you to some of the guys," he said, taking my arm and leading me to where a group of young men were talking. I graduated from college seven years ago and had stayed here in San Diego while most of the guys I was closest to, including Jonah, who was a year behind me, had moved away.

I recognized a few of the guys but didn't really know them that well. Because Jonah and I had different majors we didn't have a lot of the same friends. But we had the important things in common: I liked to fuck and Jonah liked to be fucked.

Two of the guys, a pair of beefy gym jocks named Brent and Jeff, stood out in particular. They were both about Jonah's height and were very cute. I'd never met them but apparently they knew who I was.

They spent a good part of the evening following me around like smitten acolytes, casting worshipful glances at me as they complimented my body and asked about my diet and workout routine while taking multiple opportunities to feel my pecs, biceps, and, occasionally, my ass. It was a good thing the lights were dim in the club because I started throwing wood thinking of the fun I could have tag-teaming these two.

I've been told, on occasion, that I have a young `Chris Hemsworth thing' going on. While I don't mind the comparison, I don't think we look that much alike, other than we both have thick blond hair, blue eyes, and favor a bit of facial hair. Oh, and he's an inch taller than my 6'2 (yes, I checked).

Jonah handed me another drink and I arched my brow and I tried to turn it down, wondering what he was playing at.

"Oh, come on," he half-pleaded, looking up at me with his big brown puppy dog eyes, his lower lip thrust out. "It's my birthday, celebrate! Fuck, I'll spring for an Uber back to your place."

My place? Hmmm... "Okay," I assented. This was shaping up better than I'd imagined. "What the hell."

"Good, now quit being such a pussy and drink up!"

Pussy? I curled my lip in a mock snarl and gave him a friendly bump with my shoulder. He looked up at me with a mischievous grin and I couldn't help but roll my eyes as we clinked glasses again.

By the time we left the bar, I'd somehow had two more Singapore Slings and was feeling pretty good. Four drinks in three hours isn't a whole lot to some guys, but it was pushing the limit for me, especially since all I'd had to eat since lunch was some pretzels and a couple of fried mozzarella sticks. Between the drinks and Brent and Jeff's constant fondling, I was a little smashed and very horny, and it was a struggle to keep my wits about me and act more sober that I was.

Jonah had also been flirting heavily with me all night and when he suggested he crash at my place, batting his long eyelashes as he rubbed my pecs, I knew I'd be getting lucky. I knew that look of his. I'd seen it plenty of times. He wanted to fuck. And damn if I wasn't worked up and ready to oblige!

I finished my drink, wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and said, "Let's go." I thought my voice sounded a little slurred, but nobody seemed to notice.

"I'm over my limit so Brent and Jeff offered to drop us off on the way back to their hotel if you don't mind," Jonah informed me as we walked in the brisk night air, his hand resting almost possessively on my lower back just above my ass. I nodded and didn't think twice when we stopped at Jonah's rental to retrieve an overnight bag from the trunk because, honestly, my mind was on Brent and Jeff, thinking about how much fun it would be to have them over as well.

I almost suggested it, but tonight I wanted it to be just me and Jonah. Hell, with all the signs and clues he'd been dropping left and right, I knew my itch was going to be scratched. I could feel my dick go erect in my briefs, throbbing at the thought of fucking his tight ass. It had been too long.

Jeff and Brent had slipped me their numbers earlier in the evening and I figured tomorrow night I could head over to their hotel or have them over for some hot threesome action. Hell, I could even ask Jonah if he wanted to watch.

Jonah had his hand between my legs the entire fifteen minute ride from the club to my townhouse, thumbing my fat prick through my worn jeans. I could see Brent checking us out in the rear view mirror from time to time but I was too turned on to give a fuck. Jonah was trying to work my dick free from my briefs so he could rub the denim across the sensitive piss slit and crown. Yeah, he remembered what I liked.

Every now and then he'd slide his hand up under my shirt and play with my nipples, giving them a random tweak and pluck. This was new to me and I lay my head against the headrest and let my legs fall open wider, giving him the access he wanted. He was getting me nice and aroused, obviously knowing the reward of my cock up his ass was only minutes away.

I zoned out somewhere along the way, caught up in the bliss, and the next thing I knew my pants were undone and Jonah had the head of my cock popped up over the waistband of my briefs and was running his finger over the head and circumcision scar, basting it with my pre-cum.

"What the fu--" I started to whisper as I sat up, tucking my dick away and yanking my zipper back up.

"Just seeing if it's still in working order," he replied, a look of wide-eyed innocence on his face as he brought his finger to his mouth and sucked on it. "Getting it primed for the main event."

"Oh, it's in working order alright," I confirmed, buttoning my pants and adjusting my raging boner. "Don't you worry about that."

Brent pulled up to my house and I got out and walked up the front path, still slightly buzzed from the alcohol, although I was feeling more sober than I had when we left the club. I looked back to see Jonah leaning into the passenger window, talking to the guys. His ass looked amazing and I was looking forward to tapping it. No, drilling it.

As if he could feel my gaze burning a hole in his jeans, he looked back at me over his shoulder with the biggest shit-eating grin I'd ever seen splayed across his face, and fuck if my cock didn't go even harder.

He straightened up, fist-bumped the guys, and walked over to me. He was actually licking his fucking lower lip as he stared at my crotch.

Once inside he grabbed a couple of mini-bottles of Jack Daniels from his bag and went to the kitchen to mix us each a Jack and Diet Coke. As he handed me my glass, he pressed me against the refrigerator, pushed my shirt up to my armpits and began to tongue and tease my nipples with his teeth while he cupped by balls through my jeans, kneading and fondling them. I hissed as I spread my legs and thrust into his hand. "Jonah," I rasped.

He looked up at me and grinned and then gave the hard nub of my tit a quick nip, giggling when I yelped. He took a quick sip of his drink, set it down, and then took mine, put it to my lips and began pouring it in, his lust-filled eyes locked on mine as if challenging me. It was pretty strong and burned a bit as it went down, but I drank it all, not wanting to dampen the mood.

He stepped back and grabbed the front of my jeans, his fingers sliding into my underwear and the soft hair of my trimmed pubes. He wrapped his hand around my cock and led me up the stairs to my bedroom. Damn, the guy wanted it bad!

Once we got to my room he let go of me and stepped back, flashing me a coy smile.

"Oh bullshit you're shy," I laughed throatily as I reached for him. "You've been pushing my buttons all fucking night. You're totally begging for this."

"Well, I've been looking forward to doing this for a long time," he confessed, his eyes zeroing in on my crotch again. "And now that you said you don't have plans..." He trailed off.

"An entire weekend?" I said, giving my hard dick a good squeeze for him. "Really?"

"You have a problem with that," he asked, looking up at me.

"Hell no," I said, unable to believe my good luck. A whole weekend fucking that sweet ass twelve ways to Sunday. "Time for you to strip and assume the position!"

He threw his arms out wide. "You want this prize, boy? You gotta unwrap it."

"With pleasure," I said, my lusted mind pausing only the slightest at the word `boy'. I slowly lifted his t-shirt up and over his head, running my hands across the planes of his broad chest - appreciating his big, well-defined pecs - then rubbing my thumbs over his nipples and lingering a bit as I did. He gasped and hunched and I swear I saw his crotch expand. "Oh yeah, I know exactly what you want tonight."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." I tossed the shirt into the corner and deftly unbuttoned and unzipped his Topman skinny jeans. As I yanked them down over his strong thighs, I was greeted by bulging tighty whities. They were Calvin Klein, of course, Jonah and his fucking designer labels. His erection was obvious and needy; it pushed up and to the left in the briefs, which were the slightest bit translucent where the tip of his wet dick pressed against the soft white cotton. I reached out and swiped my index finger over the head of his leaking cock and smiled as he shivered. I brought it to his lips and he sucked my finger. Hard.

"Nice," I said, nodding my approval. "Very nice."

He blushed slightly, his eye-lids fluttering a bit as he looked up at me. "I think it's only fair you get naked, too," he said. "Now strip!"

There was a slight edge to his voice that in my slightly inebriated condition I found more adorable than dominating. I smiled back at him. "Yes sir," I chuckled, giving him a mock salute as I began to disrobe.

I was a bit unsteady as I undressed, wobbling a little as I stripped my shirt over my head. I don't like the feeling of not being 100 per cent in control, but for some reason I didn't mind with Jonah. Probably because we both knew what was coming next. Jonah had been sending signals all night long that he wanted to fuck. It was all good.

I kicked off my shoes, wiggled the toes of my bare feet, and was shoving my jeans down when Jonah gave me a gentle shove and I flopped down onto the bed on my back. I sat up as he stripped my pants off leaving me in just my plain black Hanes. He grinned again and helped me to my feet, only to shove me down on my knees and pull my face into his crotch. He was still wearing his underwear and his manly scent mixed with his pre-cum was titillating. I inhaled deeply and gently mouthed and nuzzled his boner through the white cotton.

"Ha," he barked out, jumping back and peeling his underwear down. He pointed at my tented briefs, "Get those off, boy!" I climbed to my feet and quickly complied.

The next thing I knew, we were in a 69-position on my California King bed and he had my throbbing prick deep in his throat, slurping loudly as he thrust his dick into my mouth. I didn't want to move this fast so early so I pushed away slightly but Jonah apparently had other ideas. He turned on the bed and pulled in close to me. He was on his side, pressed right against me, playing with my cock and sliding his fingers under my balls to stroke my taint.

That last drink was kicking in and, while my head wasn't spinning or anything like that, I was definitely buzzed. His fingers on me felt great and I decided to relax and let him go for it. Once I was worked up enough, though, he was in for it because my dick needed relief!

His mouth was on my nipple again, teasing it with his teeth and pulling it into a hard point. One hand was gripping my cock now, the pad of his thumb rubbing lazy circles over the slick, fat crown, and the other was tugging at my nuts.

"Oh Christ," I practically purred as I arched my back. As I did so, the fingers that were pulling on my balls slid between my legs and began to feather over my hole.

"What the--?" I jumped and the fingers retreated, and then Jonah suddenly got on top of me, settled himself between my legs, and, looking straight into my eyes, bent down to kiss me.

This was interesting. Jonah hungrily took possession of my mouth and I went with it, letting him in when he pressed. And why not? Jonah was hot and built and we both knew there were no strings attached. Consenting fucking adults. I opened wider to him.

I don't know how long we made out, our tongues probing and jousting, when I felt him shift slightly on top of me as if reaching for something and then heard a small hissing noise. Once again, my mind paused, but then his right hand was traveling down my body and slid between my muscled thighs. His finger was back, playing with my ass, and in my tipsy and horny condition, I let him in.

He was up to the second knuckle of his index finger when the next thing I knew he had a small bottle next to my right nostril.

"What the..." I mumbled, taken aback. I tried to roll out from under and sit up, but he moved his arm so it was pressing down on my chest holding the bottle of poppers just inches from my face. His finger slid into my ass a bit further and he gently, but firmly, pushed me back down on the bad.

"Do them," he said, his voice a sudden, no-nonsense crack. "Sniff." I felt my dick twitch and I inhaled.

Oh shit. This isn't a good idea, I thought, as the first wave of the aroma hit me, wrapping itself around my already fogged mind. Me and poppers never mixed well. Me and poppers and alcohol? Fuck... Well, this wasn't the time to walk down Memory Lane.

As if reading my mind, Jonah smiled wickedly and put the bottle to my left nostril. He didn't have to say anything: I immediately inhaled and felt the bottle move back to the other nostril. And then I was gone. Flying high.

"Oh my God," I heard myself saying over and over as Jonah went to work on my hole. He'd settled himself between my legs and had them spread wide. In fact, he grabbed at them, bent my knees, and pulled me up against him. I felt his hot, wet tongue lick up and down the crack of my ass before centering on my pucker.

"Oh... Jonah...," I started, my voice low and cautious as his tongue stabbed at my hole. "What are you doing?"

He smiled at me, eyes locked on mine again, and I could see the lust in my eyes reflected back at me. "Nothing you don't want, Steve."

I swallowed hard as he put the poppers back to my nose. I inhaled. He pressed the bottle into my hand and I reluctantly took it. "Do them when I tell you," he said.

Fuck, I could just imagine what I must look like. I nodded. "I don't remember you being this aggressive."

"Things change." Something in his voice made my dick pulse and he smirked as he watched it burp a pearl of pre-cum. He bent down and licked the tip clean, swirled his tongue over the crown, and then took me all the way in. He pulled off and turned his face up, watching me as he rubbed the stubble of his five o'clock shadow over the sensitive flesh of my cock.

I gasped and shivered as my dick began to visibly twitch. He reached to the nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube and I yelped when I felt the cool gel come in contact with my buttocks.

He inserted the full length of his index finger into the tight heat of my body and I absently took a hit off the bottle.

I still wasn't sure about this. I mean, I've bottomed before but not since college. Back then my friend Doug and I used to fool around and on a couple of occasions he'd goaded me to use poppers after I was all worked up. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, he be fucking me. He seemed to know exactly what buttons to push and I never saw it coming. Never.

And there was the one time junior year in college when I got dosed with something during Spring Break, and Jonah, Doug and the other two guys we were rooming with took me back to the room where I ended up getting fucked by all of them for most of the night. But that was ages ago and I'd long since reasserted my Alpha persona with each of them - on numerous occasions - so what the fuck was I doing here with Jonah?

His chuckle pulled me out of my reverie and I looked up to see him grinning at me.

"Earth to Steve," he laughed, beaming, and I was suddenly very aware that he had three fingers working my ass and, what's more, my ass was working them back! When had that happened?

He must've seen the confusion on my face because he threw his head back and laughed again. "Man, I've been down here for almost five minutes opening you up and the whole time you've been moaning and writhing and huffing those poppers... And I only told you to sniff them the one time! Holy fuck!"

And before I knew it, Jonah was rolling a condom onto his cock and lubing it up. He got onto his knees, grabbed my legs and with no hesitation whatsoever, pushed his way inside me.

"Oh fuck!" I roared as his pubic bone met my ass and he proceeded to thrust into me in swift, punishing strokes. This wasn't the tentative Jonah from college, the Jonah who blushed and practically fell all over himself apologizing as he fucked me that long ago Spring Break night. No, this was Jonah on a mission! I didn't recognize this Jonah. I didn't know this Jonah, but fuck - I wanted to!

I took another hit off the bottle of poppers and lay back, my eyes on his as he pistoned into me. I wrapped my legs around him and arched my back. Fuck, this felt good.

I was getting lost in the pounding, actually enjoying the feeling of being taken and dominated like this, when I heard a noise. I looked up past Jonah and there, standing in the doorway of my bedroom, were Jeff and Brent, eyes wide and mouths open in disbelief.

What the hell?! I felt Jonah shift and I watched as he turned to look over his shoulder - never losing his stride - a big smile spreading across his face.

"Glad you guys could make it," he said, as he took the bottle of poppers from me, capped it, and tossed it over his shoulder.

"Wouldn't miss it," they chimed in unison.

Jeff caught the bottle in his left hand while Brent held up a second bottle. "Jonah here told us that poppers bring out your inner slut, Stevie. Is that true?"

I flicked my eyes up at Jonah; he was grinning widely as he thrust in deeper. I wailed and moaned and then made a whimpering noise as his cock grazed my nut. My cheeks flushed scarlet.

"Don't worry," Brent said as he sat down on the bed beside me and ran his thumb over the seam of my lips, "Jonah here doesn't kiss and tell." He fumbled with the plastic security seal on the poppers he was holding. "He wouldn't give us any details... no matter how much we fucked and sucked him. Would he, Jeff?"

"Nope," Jeff agreed, nodding, as he walked to the other side of the bed. "He just told us we'd have to see for ourselves."

My gaze was going back and forth between the two of them as they spoke. I don't know how I could've gotten it so wrong. All night long I'd assumed Frick and Frack were bottoms hoping I'd take them for a test drive, but no... these two were obviously tops and fuck if Jonah didn't set me up. Set me up to take me down. And in my own house! I looked at him. He'd blushed when Brent had `outed' him but now he had a smug smile on his face as he winked at me.

Everything about this scene should've screamed "bad idea" but for some reason I was turned on.

The thing is, I trust Jonah implicitly. We're great friends and I know he'd never do anything to harm me, so I decided to put that trust into action, knowing he'd have vetted these guys before letting them anywhere near me.

Meanwhile, my eyes had zeroed in on Jeff's crotch as he popped open the buttons on his tight 501's, shucked them off and then peeled down his bright red jockstrap. His cock was beautiful, only about five inches when soft (seven when he stroked it to full erection) but it was... beautiful. Perfectly proportioned and thick and--

"Oh my God," he exclaimed as he stepped out of his jock and knelt on the bed. "Did you just fucking lick your lips?!"

My face reddened and I gulped as he gently and then more forcefully slapped his perfect dick against my cheeks. I turned my face left and right, chasing it and bobbing my head for it, but he held it just out of reach. It was fucking humiliating but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to taste it. I needed to taste it.

He took my chin in his hand and gently thumbed my lower lip, playing with it. Then he laid his cock across my lips and smiled as they automatically parted for it. A bottle of poppers appeared at my nostril and again I took a deep draw without any coaxing. As the fumes wrapped their now-familiar tendrils around my booze-soaked brain, I felt my jaws opening - fuck, they might've even unhinged - and his cock slid in like it belonged there. Like it found its home. Fuck if it seemed to fit just right.

"Omigod, Jonah!" he exclaimed as he arched his back and pushed in even further. "You weren't kidding! He's a natural!"

A natural?! I wanted to feel ashamed and dirty. I mean, shit... here I was on my back, naked with my legs up and spread wide, one cock reaming my ass while another plunged my throat. And me a fucking top! This was not me! This was not who I was! On any other day the roles would be reversed and I'd be the one doing the fucking. But at that moment, as Jonah continued to pummel my ass, lifting my legs even higher, spreading them wider and putting them over his shoulders, angling his cock to bump against my delicate prostate, all I wanted was to be the one getting fucked. In every position. In every hole. And apparently my grunts, groans, and moans were making that abundantly clear. What the fuck was happening to me and why didn't I care?

"Yeah, take it deeper," Jeff growled lowly as he sunk his dick deeper into my throat. "Yeah, you've been staring at it all night, haven't you, Stevie?."

"Jock Boy Stevie looks more like Jock Slut Stevie," Brent said, giving me an appraising look. "You like this, don't you?"

At that moment Jonah's cock up my ass rang the bell of my fuck nut again and my eyes fluttered. I nodded, my reply muffled because of the log lodged in my throat.

"What's that, Stevie?" he asked. "I can't hear you."

Jeff pulled his cock out of my mouth and slapped it against my cheeks again. "What (slap) did (slap) you (slap) say (slap), Stevie?"

Oh Christ! "Yes," I panted, the heat rising in my cheeks and my dick leaking copiously.

"You're nothing but a Jock Slut Bottom Boy, aren't you, Stevie?" Brent said.

I groaned out loud. Oh God, this was so humiliating... so debasing! Jonah calling me Stevie was one thing - it was a nickname and a term of endearment - but when Jeff and Brent said it? Hell, all night it had been a respectful "Steve this" and "Steve that", but now, hearing them call me Stevie like the way they were was humiliating. Another rung down the ladder of degradation.

Brent bent close and grabbed me by my hair. It was just rough enough to be thrilling. "Say it, Stevie. Tell me what a slut you are. Tell me how much you want to be fucked. Tell me how much you need it."

"Yes," I gasped out, nodding furiously. "Yes, I'm a slut."

"And you want it."

I nodded.

"Say it, Stevie."

"I want it."

"Say you need it."

Another nod. "Yes. I need it."

"Need what?"

"To... to be.. f-fucked," I stammered. "I need to be fucked."

"You heard him boys," he said as Jeff shoved his cock back into my waiting mouth. "Let's fuck him like the whore he is."

And then I was being fucked in both ends. In my bed. In my house. They positioned so my head was hanging over the side of the bed, bent way back so my open mouth would allow Jeff's thick shaft to penetrate past my throat and choke reflexes. Brent was tugging at my balls and teasing my nipples, and they seemed to be connected directly to my cock which was sticking up and ramrod straight like a flag pole.

I reached down to grab it when a strong hand grabbed my wrist. "No way," Brent said, looking me directly in the eyes. I moved my arm slightly. "Touch yourself again and I'll tie your wrists to the bedposts, got it?"

I nodded, or what could pass for a nod, what with Jeff's cock plunging in and out of my throat. But Brent wasn't done. He gestured to Jeff who grabbed both my wrists and held them over my head, pulling my hard, fit body taut, putting it on display as he continued to ravage my hungry mouth with his pistoning cock.

By now, Jonah had settled into a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of my ass with a skill and intensity that surprised me. Apparently he'd gotten some practice over the last few years.

Brent turned his focus from my balls and nipples to my dick. He sat on the bed next to me, rubbing my abs and grasping my dick.

"Let me tell you a story," Jonah said. Brent and Jeff both looked intently at him. "Something about his cock."

I immediately knew where this was going and my eyes darted to his. He arched his brow and quirked a smile, and then launched into a story I'd told him six years ago when I was standing where he was, fucking him into the mattress.

During a high school sports physical when I was sixteen years old, I found out (in the most embarrassing way ever) that I could get hard and cum again within minutes of getting off. No, the doctor wasn't a perv who jacked me off; he was our family doctor. He was holding my nuts, making me turn my head and cough and stuff, when I got a massive hard-on and blew a load that barely missed him. I was so mortified that he left the exam room for several minutes to let me clean up and compose myself. But when he came back and resumed the exam, fuck if I didn't get hard again. I was completely red-faced when I told him it felt like I needed to shoot off again. He calmly explained to me that some younger men were able to recover from an orgasm much quicker than others - he called it the refractory period - and apparently I was one of them and that I should look at it as a good thing. Well, I'd taken that newfound super power to heart in my high school and college conquests, and one night while fucking Jonah after a few drinks, I boasted to him of my sexual prowess. Now he was using that knowledge against me.

"I wonder how many loads we can wring out of this bad boy then," Brent mused aloud, staring directly into my wide eyes. The thought of being milked was both scary and tantalizing.

"I like the way you think, Brent," Jonah said in way of reply. "He told me the other day he's been working non-stop for weeks and hasn't gotten any in ages. I have a feeling he's got a lot of pent up... need."

"This should be pretty awesome then," Brent said as he took my dick in one hand and my balls in the other.

He teased my dick mercilessly for nearly ten minutes, alternating between taking me completely into his throat, corkscrewing his fist up and down the shaft, and roiling his spit-slicked palm over the head, all the while either mouthing or tugging at my balls. I was lost in the sheer bliss of it all, and couldn't tell you how many times he took me to the edge and then backed off. And this was while Jonah was fucking my ass and Jeff was practically skull-fucking me!

But I didn't miss a beat! Not one fucking beat. I wanted it all. I wanted that cock in my ass and I couldn't get enough of Jeff ravaging my whorish mouth. When I finally shot - seven huge thick and creamy spurts that shot up my chest, neck and into my hair - Brent scooped it up and fed it to me.

That was a first.

He milked every drop from my cock until it dribbled and then started teasing the over-sensitive flesh of my head. Again he kept up his wicked ways on my dick, working his magic while I squirmed and whimpered and almost screamed, Jeff's cock still fucking my hungry mouth.

I nearly passed out twice from lack of oxygen, and then - holy shit - my cock got hard again and before I knew it I was shooting a second load - as large as the first - that he this time spread across my face like icing. It must've looked like a fucking glazed donut!

I was a mess. Face slick with my own cocksnot, ass and mouth being pounded ... the only thing that could've made this scene any raunchier was if I was being fucked while on my hands and knees.

And then, as if they'd read my mind, that's exactly what they did!

Jonah pulled out and spanked my ass hard, surprising me. "Come on, Stevie. Be a good boy and turn over.."

My eyes widened. Good boy?! What the fuck? I wanted to say something, to protest, but who was I kidding? I was putty in their hands and I was loving it.

Jeff's cock was still deeply lodged in my throat and he continued to fuck my face, his hand threaded through my thick hair, as I awkwardly maneuvered onto all fours, his cock never once slipping from my suctioning mouth.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jonah unzipping Brent's pants. Like Jonah, he wore white Calvin Klein briefs, and they looked like they could barely contain his enormous bulge. As he skimmed the briefs down along with his jeans, his erect cock slapped up against his flat belly, and I realized he was at least nine inches. I shuddered and my hole instinctively tightened and my cock, which had just shot two loads, throbbed back to life.

All night I'd been admiring what he was packing, but now, seeing it up close, my eyes practically leapt from their sockets. It was long and shaped like a torpedo with a head the size of a ripe plum. But it was the circumference that gave me pause. It was the proverbial Coke can - girthy and marbled with veins.

"Oh fuck," Jonah laughed, doubling over, "I can see your hole clenching and you're fucking hard again!!"

My face reddened with shame which, for some reason, just made my cock get harder.

"Oh shit, you really ARE a slut!" Jonah laughed as he gave my dick a quick couple of tugs. "Who'd have thought?"

"I didn't realize just what a slut he is," Brent laughed as he rolled a condom onto his dick and slowly slathered it with lube. "Look, his hole is twitching. I think it's winking hello!"

There was no way my ass could take that tree trunk I thought as he got into place behind me and began to stroke my ass, feathering calloused fingertips across my spasming hole and then sliding them - one, two, three, four!! - into my already slicked and loosened channel.

I wasn't prepared for how big Brent was. When I felt the blunt tip of his cock at my entrance, felt the stretch in the ring of muscle, my eyes widened in panic. I'd never taken anything that big before in my life and my body wanted to buck and fight, but Jonah was ready, the poppers at my left nostril, and I snorted deeply.

"That's right, you fucking stud," he urged with a wink, ruffling my hair and making soft noises of encouragement while moving the bottle to the other nostril. "Another one. Yeah, you got this. You're such a natural."

A natural?! There was that word again. My eyes flicked up at him and locked with his as Brent pushed all the way into me. The pressure of that huge cock filling me was the most exquisite yet intense mix of pleasure and pain I'd ever felt. A natural?

My eyes rolled back in my head, lashes fluttering, as drool spilled down the corners of my mouth. I realized I was making sounds that were a cross between mewling and choking. I saw Jonah out of the corner of my eye staring at me, eyes wide and mouth open, as these two tops played me like an instrument. They were dominating me like I'd never dominated anybody else. Fuck, they were working me in ways I'd never even thought to work another guy, and I could tell from the look on Jonah's face that he knew it as well. He knew that I knew, and he knew that I knew that he knew. And he knew just how much I was enjoying this debauchery. Oh shit... A natural.

"Oh yeah," Brent rumbled, his voice gravelly and low. "So fucking tight. Need to loosen this Jock Slut up a little."

I shuddered when he said that. Loosen me up?

He was balls deep in me and he laid his body against mine, encircling me with his surprisingly strong arms. He wrapped one hand around my dick and began a slow corkscrew as he started to move inside me.

"You like this, don't you?" he whispered, his mouth next to my ear, breath hot as he ground into me while stroking my shaft.

I nodded, not trusting my voice because I knew I'd sound needy and wanton, like some bitch. I must've presented quite the picture: me, at least two inches taller and a good twenty pounds heavier than these guys, being roundly, soundly and thoroughly dominated.

"You like having a cock up your ass, don't you, Stevie?" Brent asked just as Jeff pulled his cock out of my mouth.

"Unnghh!" I grunted in obvious pleasure as he rammed into me. "Yes." I shivered, fighting to suppress a shriek as he scrubbed his thumb over my wet prick tip.

"Yeah, that's it," he said as his other hand slid up my chest and began to fondle my pecs.

"Oooohhh..." I cooed softly at this new sensation.

Jonah gave me a hit off the poppers. "You're so loving this," he said as he put the bottle to my other nostril. "Man, if the guys could see you right now."

I moaned loudly as the poppers hit, and as Brent's cock continued to batter my prostate, I felt myself slipping yet another rung down the ladder of degradation and I didn't care. What the fuck was happening to me?

After a couple more minutes of slow and steady rutting, teasing my dick, and mauling my pecs, Brent straightened up, put both hands on my hips, and increased his pace.

"Oh fuck," I grunted. "Unghhh..."

"Here we go now," he said, slamming into me now in full force. Thump! Thump! Thump! I think my teeth actually fucking rattled.

"Oh... ohh... unghh..." I bit out, my cries getting louder and louder as I let go and surrendered more of my control. I felt red-faced with shame and it only excited me more.

"Hey Jeff, can you keep Stevie here quiet for me?" Brent asked.

"Absolutely," Jeff replied, lifting my chin and pointing his dick at my mouth.

"Open wide," I heard Jonah snicker, but my mouth was already wide open, my tongue rolled out like a welcome mat.

"Nice," Jonah laughed, mussing my hair. "Such a good slut, Stevie!"

"Mmmppphh..." I groaned around the cock in my mouth, my dick twitching as I belatedly realized what I'd just done. Oh shit.

I've seen enough porn in my day to know what I must've looked like. Hell, I've topped enough guys - solo, tandem, in groups - but never like this. Never so completely. Or maybe it just seemed that way because I was the one on the receiving end now. Had the guys I'd fucked and taken over the years ever felt this? "Hey, Jeff, pull out," Brent said, interrupting my thoughts, "I think Stevie wants a facial." He reached up and grabbed me by my hair, pulling me off Jeff's cock with a loud, sloppy, slurp. Moments later Jeff's cock exploded like a cannon, blasting volley after volley in my face. "Oh fuck," I moaned as the wet heat spattered across my face and in my mouth. Jonah held my head in place as Jeff basted my cheeks, chin and forehead with his cum. Before I had a chance to catch my breath, Jonah stepped in and shoved his dick into my mouth. Brent's breathing became heavier, more labored, and his hands tightened on my hips as his thrusts became more powerful, slamming into me and knocking me forward on to Jonah's cock. "Ungh!!!" he cried out in a deep, throaty roar as he began to cum. I could feel every spurt in my hole as it filled the condom. It felt like it went on forever. And suddenly I was cumming. "Holy fucking shit!" Jonah cried out as my dick spewed its load, cheesing his knees and my rumpled sheets. "Did you guys see that? He fucking came without his dick being touched at all!" "Just like a natural born bottom," Brent said, pulling out of my ass and slapping it hard. "Just like a natural bottom." Oh my God, he was spanking me! The fuck?! Each wallop of his palm against my ass burned and my dick was getting hard again. And I was loving it. The way he called me a `natural bottom' curiously warmed me and I pushed my butt out more, getting a chorus of laughs in return. I felt the bed shift and then there was a puff of air on my ass and I realized Brent was blowing in my crack! I swear I jumped a foot, Jonah's cock slipping from my mouth, and I instinctively clenched my cheeks, but he spread them with his fingers and started blowing delicate wisps of heat against my reddened skin and hole. "Make it wink for me, Stevie," Brent urged as he gently touched his index finger to my puckered hole and pulled it away. He did this a few more times. Jonah moved to get a better view and was practically crying, he was laughing so hard. My anal knot automatically flexed and spasmed and then gripped the tip of Brent's finger. The three of them burst out laughing. Brent kept his finger where it was for several long seconds and then gently pressed it into my twitching hole. It sunk easily up to the second knuckle. I sucked in my breath and let out a high-pitched moan. "Oh damn," Jonah cried out, his hand flying to his mouth. "It looks like his hole is trying to eat your finger." "It's hungry. Wants to be filled. The sign of a true bottom," Brent said matter-of-factly. "You wanna try it?" "Fuck yeah!" Jonah replied with a fist pump, staring down at me. He'd put his briefs back on and he was squeezing and stroking his shaft through the white cotton which was now damp with his pre-cum. I couldn't take my eyes off it and the way he was looking down at me, I knew he knew it. He got down on his knees behind me and fluttered his tongue between my cheeks. I almost collapsed in ecstasy and fought to keep on all fours. Then the son of a bitch started to recite `This Little Piggy' as he played with my ass and teased my pucker with the tip of his index finger. He was laughing so much his finger was shaking as it probed my hole and it felt so fucking good. When he got to the line `Wee, wee, wee, wee, all the way home!' he drilled two fingers in my ass, crooked them, and wiggled them around. I gasped and grunted at the intrusion and the guys snorted loudly, doubling over with their howls of laughter as Jonah withdrew his fingers a little and then gave me another poke before pulling out altogether. My face was red with shame but secretly I was thrilled. I never thought being humiliated like this could be such a turn on, and I wanted more! The poppers were placed to my nose and I inhaled, twice in each nostril. I was flying. I felt a hand move between my legs and I looked back over my shoulder to see Brent nod at Jeff, who took my scrotum in one hand and began fondling it, gently tugging it downward. While he did that, Brent started to stroke my taint and I shuddered at the sensations coursing through my body. "Ohhhh..." I moaned lowly. I'd never felt anything like this and I couldn't help but voice my pleasure. Jeff continued working my nutsack but a little more aggressively now, the slapping and squeezing my balls getting just a bit harder. He wrapped his other fist around my cock and ran it up and down the length of the shaft, bending it toward the mattress, applying just a bit of extra pressure at each end with every stroke. The sounds escaping my lips were becoming more guttural and base. Primal screams. My breath hitched and I felt the cum churning in my nuts. "I can hear how much you like this," Jeff said as he took each one of my balls in his hand, rolling them and feeling their heft as he continued to tug my sack. I groaned as he pulled my erect dick further down between my legs so it was perpendicular to the mattress. Then, going hand over hand, he began a downward corkscrew, working my dick like he was milking a cow's teat. His fingers and hands were lubed just enough to easily slide over my vein-etched cock, while still rough enough that the sensitive skin of my shaft felt every callous. Fuck! He continued jacking my cock with those long, smooth strokes, making sure he polished my knob with his cupped palm. He kept this up for at least twenty minutes, taking me to the edge more times than I could count. I'd never felt such exquisite torture before. And try as I might, I couldn't keep from making those little mewling noises. It got even worse when Jonah began to play with my nipples, plucking and flicking them and rolling them between his spit-slicked thumb and forefinger. "Oh!" I gasped sharply, as my breath hitched again. "More. Yes. Oh yeah, that's it." Then Brent started in on my ass again, a lone finger easily breaching that ring of muscle. I tightened around it, silently pleading for more, but it was just the one finger, teasing and tickling and I was starting to go crazy. For the last I don't know how long - hour? Two hours? - my ass had been getting joyously plowed by a succession of cocks, each one bigger than the last, and now Brent was back there finger-banging me and it felt too small. I wanted more. I wanted bigger. Needed bigger. Needed more. Something happened inside me and suddenly I pushed my ass back and started wiggling it. "Gotcha!!" Brent burst out. "Stevie really wants it now. Look how his hungry hole is searching for more." I was completely red-faced but my ass needed to be filled. Needed to be fucked and right now! It was as if Brent and Jeff had been doing their homework and studying up on me. Found my playbook and memorized it. "Oh please, please!" I begged, practically sobbing with need and lust. Nobody had ever worked me over like this and treated me like I was nothing more than an object. Just the thought of it had me leaking like a broken faucet. "Please fuck me!" And oh boy, did he ever comply! He got back into position and pushed into me hard and fast. "Is this what you're hungry for, Stevie?" he asked, signaling Jeff to give me more of the poppers. "Ungghhh... yessss..." I moaned at the welcome penetration, my eyelids fluttering as the poppers hit. "Ohhhhhh..." "Much better," Brent grunted as his hips picked up speed and he settled into that familiar, pounding rhythm, his balls slapping my ass in a staccato `thwap thwap thwap.' "Still tight but so nice. You fit me like a glove." He shifted his hips, switching his angle, and I cried out as he found my sweet spot and began to pound away with abandon. "Oh God! Oh God!" I moaned in pleasure, nearly out of my mind with desire now. "You like this? You want more?" he asked, each thrust going deeper, pushing me closer and closer to that point of no return. I nodded frantically, unable to find words. "Tell me," he demanded, reaching up and pinching my right nipple. "Tell me what you want." "More!" I gasped. "I want more! Oh God, more! Harder!! Fuck me harder!" The words just spilled from my mouth and when I glanced up, I caught a bemused look on Jonah's face. But I didn't care because Brent had reached his stride again and I was in heaven, luxuriating in the feelings that bubbled to the surface as he plunged fast and furious inside me, his dick hitting the bundle of nerves deep within me with every thrust. My head dropped forward and I closed my eyes as a steady, rumbling hum slipped past my lips. This was the life. A hand fisted in my hair and yanked my head up. I opened my eyes to find Jonah and Jeff standing in front of me, stark naked, their erect cocks pointed at my mouth. "Open up," Jeff said, tapping my lips with the head of his cock, and I opened my mouth greedily, taking them both in at the same time. "Oh dang this feels incredible," Jonah gushed as they pumped my mouth in time with Brent's pounding of my ass. He looked straight into my eyes as he said, "I could really get used to this on a full time basis." My mind was spinning. The thought of servicing Jonah - bottoming on a full time basis - was something I'd never even considered before. But now, for some reason, the idea sounded very appealing, especially if this caliber of ass-fucking was part of the deal. But the thoughts scattered and disappeared when they pulled out of my mouth and Jeff shoved the poppers to my nose again. "Hold still now," he commanded, grabbing my hair and lifting my head up. My jaw was slack and I was drooling, slobber running over my lips and down my chin. He aimed his dick at my mouth and I opened without being prodded, wanting - needing - it back inside. He slowly, in one steady push, slid the entire length of his cock into my mouth and down my throat. I had no gag reflex at this point, but considering his girth and how deeply he buried it, I found that after several seconds I couldn't breathe. "Dude, pull out," Jonah urged worriedly, grabbing Jeff's arm while softly stroking my back. "He's turning red!" Jeff shook his head. "He's fine," he said reassuringly. He put his hand to my cheek, "He likes it, don't you?" I nodded, trying to relax my throat while Brent's battering ram was still barreling in and out of my ass, driving me closer and closer to the edge. Jeff gave my cheek a slap. "Look at me." I looked up at him. My eyes were watering. "That's not too much for you, is it?" he asked, his voice ripe with mockery. "Not a big jock slut like you." I shook my head defiantly. I shook my head no and gasped, my chest heaving as I tried to relax my throat muscles to take more. I nodded as Brent's cock continued to sluice in and out of me. "You're such a fucking slut, Stevie," Jeff laughed derisively as he rammed his cock back home into my mouth. They settled into a pounding rhythm, Jeff timing his thrusts with Brent's as they relently fucked me from both ends. Our bodies were sheened with sweat. After a while I was dimly aware of Jonah tapping my shoulder and saying something to me. I opened my eyes. "Say hi to Doug," he said, holding up his phone. "Mmmppphhh..." I moaned, my eyes going wide when I realized he was FaceTiming me. "Holy fuck, is that Steve?" Doug's voice boomed from the phone. "Yes!" Jonah exclaimed. "Too bad you couldn't get here this weekend." "I knew that butch image was all an act," Doug said, his voice amused but also laced with something like contempt. "Nice to finally see him for the real faggot he is." And then I was cumming, roaring around the cock in my mouth as I shot, if possible, an even bigger load than the one previous. That did it. Jeff pulled out and blasted my face and moments later Brent was unloading in my ass. I heard laughter coming from the phone and I didn't dare look.

By the time Brent and Jeff left two hours later, making sure I saw them snag my underwear as a trophy of their conquest, I was a fucked out mess and exhausted beyond belief. I hadn't been fucked since that Spring Break night and I'd never been used the way I'd been tonight. It felt fantastic.

Jonah was in the bathroom cleaning up. Whether or not he'd anticipated the night getting this wild, he seemed pleased with himself and with what he and the guys had accomplished, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. How he, Brent and Jeff had fucked me practically senseless. Shooting their loads across my face... the names they called me... Fuck!

I lay sprawled out on the bed, one knee up - my well-fucked hole exposed - aware of how lewd a position I was in but not giving a fuck. It wasn't just the domination that had me still wanting more, either; it was the humiliation. For others to witness my control and dignity being stripped away - to watch me transform into a complete whore begging to be fucked - was somehow intoxicating.

By all rights it should have been worse having Jonah there, especially him being somebody I'd regularly fucked and dominated for nearly three years. Somebody I cared about, whose thoughts and opinions mattered. It should've been unbearable, but for some reason it wasn't. I'd wanted him there. Wanted him to see me like that. It was thrilling with him there. Fuck, he'd orchestrated the entire night. He'd choreographed my takedown. So yeah, he belonged there, fully participating in the dismantling of my top status.

Things tonight had been different than that time on Spring Break. Brent and Jeff weren't just fucking me and milking my dick and such; they were fucking my mind as well. I had the strangest feeling they had been consciously trying to convert me from a top to a bottom. They seemed to have a sense of how to make me weak while at the same time crave more. They knew exactly how to make my body submit to its deepest, unknown, desires. To want to be brought down so completely. They knew precisely what angles, thrusts, and rhythms to use to get me to slut out so fully.

And I'd wanted it all. SO. FUCKING. MUCH.

I bent both knees, spread my legs and reached down to play with my hole. My mind was spinning and whirling at the potential fall-out from the last few hours. I knew what I must've looked like and I wondered what Jonah must think of me. Would I ever be able to top him - or anybody - again? Were my days as a dominant top over? Would I be okay with that? To be honest, I didn't really care at the moment.

I inserted a second finger into my ass and absently brought the bottle of poppers to my nose as the conflicting thoughts bounced around in my head. I inhaled deeply.

"Whoah, you ARE a whore, aren't you!" Jonah exclaimed from the bathroom door. I had no idea how long he'd been standing there watching me. He stared at me for several more seconds until I had to look away.

"Wow, so is this who you really are now?" he asked as he approached the bed. I looked up at him in stunned silence. It was as if he was seeing right into me. Maybe for the first time.

Without saying a word he sat down and dabbed at my face with a warm, wet washcloth. He was surprisingly gentle and attentive as he wiped cum, drool and sweat from my face and neck. He winked at me and gave my hair a quick ruffle, looking at his fingers and frowning when he realized the tackiness wasn't hair gel, but cum.

"Such a slut," he said, giving me a friendly jab with his elbow.

He went back into the bathroom and washed his hands. I had thought my night was over but apparently he had other ideas because he suddenly stood in front of me, a devilish smile playing across his lips as he pulled a familiar looking object from behind his back.

"What the--?" I stammered as he grabbed the lube and began slathering a good amount of it up and down a large rubber cock. My heartbeat quickened and I felt a throbbing in my dick.

"I know my limits, man," he confessed, smiling as he gently pulled my fingers (which were still shamelessly rooted up my hole) free. "This thing can last a helluva lot longer than I can, and believe me, I mean to take my time with you tonight." He easily maneuvered my willing, pliant body into position and slowly inserted the dildo into my ass. I put up no resistance at all. None.

"How long have you been planning this?" I managed to choke out, acutely aware of how much I was enjoying the feeling of a dildo in my ass again after all this time. My cock was back at half-mast.

"Planning?" he replied thoughtfully. "I dunno. I mean, I've thought about it on and off since that time I fucked you. Which, by the way, I still can't believe! That night was wild, and to be honest, when we took you back to the hotel and you were so out of it? Well, I was sure Ryan or Derrick or Doug - fuck, maybe all three of them were in on it - had slipped you something because they were all over you the minute they got you in the door. I was so fucking pissed I wanted to kick their asses for doing that to you."

He stopped and I looked up at him. He shrugged. "But they convinced me they had nothing to do with it - swore up and down it wasn't them - and by that time they'd got you all stripped down and worked up, and then you started to slut out. I mean, dude... you were acting all submissive, going on and on about how much you needed to be fucked, then... well, you know."

I nodded and gasped as he casually fucked me with the dildo. "It was like a switch or something inside me flipped on and I just wanted to fuck you."

"And as I recall you did," I said with a small smile. "Twice."

"I was so nervous that first time," he recalled, "but then... Yeah. And hell," he leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, "if I knew what a whore you were, I'd have done this a long time ago!"

I didn't respond. I knew he was mostly kidding, but still.

"Hey, you're not upset, are you?" he asked, his voice gentle. "I mean, you were totally into it earlier." He started to stroke my inner thighs. It felt good. Nice.

I couldn't look at him. I wasn't upset at all. If anything, I was enjoying myself too much and that's what concerned me. Something about the way the three of them had mercilessly fucked me and the way they'd talked to me and what Jonah was doing now... It was like some dam deep inside me had broken open and I wanted more. I wanted to be dominated. Owned. I wanted multiple cocks in my mouth... I wanted to be double-penetrated... I wanted a room full of all the guys I'd ever topped lined up waiting to fuck me - both my ass and mouth - and to shoot their loads in me and all over me. I wanted them to grab me by the hair and slap their hard dicks across my face and tell me what a cock slut I really was.

But I couldn't tell Jonah that. Of course, I didn't have to say anything because he already knew. I looked at my fully swollen cock and then at Jonah.

"Wow, you are SUCH a whore!" he laughed as he began to work the dildo in earnest. He gave it a twist and it began to vibrate, shocking the hell out of me. I was unable to suppress a squeal as jolts of pleasure reverberated up and down my spine and to the tip of my cock.

"Oh fucking hell," I gasped, and I reached for my dick and started to stroke it but Jonah slapped my hand away.

"Hands off," he rebuked. "You don't touch it unless I say so."

"Unghhh...," I grunted, nodding in obedience as he continued to plunge the rubber cock into me, driving it home.

"Yeah, tell me how much you love this," he husked as he pulled out to just the tip and then thrust back in, repeatedly plundering my hole. He wrapped his fist around my cock and began to scrub the pad of his thumb over the tip.

"Jeezus!!" I wailed as he went to town, tugging my sack and fondling my balls as the dildo found my sweet spot. Where the fuck had he learned all this? As he settled into his rhythm with the vibrator, my wails eventually turned into loud moans of pleasure.

"You'd better keep it down," he said, as my cries began to crescendo. "You're making a fuck ton of noise."

He groped around for something on the floor, the dildo never missing a stroke, and came back up with the white Calvin Klein briefs Brent had left behind when he took my underwear. He shoved them into my open mouth.

"Hmmpph?!" I grunted, shocked and aroused. What the fuck? I could smell and taste Brent. Oh fuck this was so disgusting... and so hot!

Jonah smirked again and gestured over his shoulder to the double-paned windows he'd opened on his way to the bathroom, the sounds from outside clearly audible. "Can't have all your neighbors hearing you getting made like some cheap whore!"

The `cheap whore' crack did it. My dick was throbbing and I reached down again, despite what he'd said, and grabbed it, giving it two quick jerks before it exploded in a huge gush, spraying my sap up my abs, chest, and chin.

"God, that's the sexiest fucking `My Calvins Moment' I've ever seen!" Jonah marveled, shaking his head as the hot sticky spill began to pool on my chest.

I lost track of time as he continued to fuck me with the dildo, using angles and thrusts to keep me off balance as he called me every degrading name in the book. And I fucking loved it, my dick throbbing and leaking as he eventually settled into slow, languid strokes, long dicking me the way Doug used to. I continued moaning into the briefs he made me keep in my mouth, my back arching from time to time as I took hits from the bottle of poppers I kept clasped in my hand.

After a while Jonah urged me up onto all fours and began to tug on my sack as he once again changed the angle of his thrusts. I grabbed the headboard and held tight. When my grunts turned into moans of pleasure, he pulled the gag from my mouth.

"Oh God... yes," I panted. "So good, Jonah! So good!"

"Come on, you Jock Slut," he hissed, squeezing and slapping at my balls the way Jeff had earlier, although not as hard. "Tell me you want more!"

I squealed - yes, fucking squealed - and pushed my ass out. "Yes," I gusted, nearly out of breath. "Oh fuck, yes... more!" He reached around and gave my cock a few tugs and suddenly I was cumming again, shouting as I shot full force against my headboard.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" I roared as my orgasm ripped through me.

"Shut the fuck up before I call the cops!" a voice bellowed from somewhere outside and I heard a window being slammed.

My head whipped around and I stared at my open window. My jaw dropped and my face turned white. Oh God, did I just out myself to my neighbors? I looked at Jonah. He just laughed and shoved the briefs back into my gaping mouth and went back to working the dildo around and around in my upturned ass.

When he finally pulled the dildo out of my hole I don't know how much later, it made a loud suctioning pop. He yanked the underwear from my mouth and dropped them on my face as he walked into the bathroom. "Clean yourself up. You're a fucking mess." I heard the water in the sink run as I did my best to wipe cum and sweat from my chest and abs as well as from the headboard. Shit, I was a mess, but oh my God, it had felt fucking awesome. Jonah came back into the room holding something black and cone-shaped and my jaw dropped when I realized it was a butt plug! "Man, your dick just got hard again," he said, pointing at my cock. He shook his head in amazement as he got down on his knees and reached for the lube. "What're you doing, Jonah?" I asked, my voice tentative. I'd never had anything like that up my ass before. It looked to be the size of Brent's dick on steroids! It had bands and nubs and reminded me of an armadillo. I gulped and my dick gave another lurch. "Well, ideally I'd like to have my cock up your ass all night,' he said, "but I'm beat. So I figured this would be the next best thing. Get back on your hands and knees." "I dunno about this," I said nervously. "Oh come one. It's not much bigger than Brent's dick and that was like an elephant's trunk. This should be a piece of cake." "Still," I hedged, even as my dick started to show renewed interest. Jonah laughed and shook his head. "God, how did you ever get that top rep you have when you're obviously such a slut for something up your ass?" That was all it took. I obeyed without question or hesitation, moaning and sniffing at the poppers as he worked the plug into my hungry hole, slapping my ass and verbally disparaging me. It was embarrassing and humiliating and as hot as hell, and my dick was erect and leaking like a sieve the entire time. It was a tight fit but fuck if I didn't love it. When he was finished he washed his hands in the bathroom. I was pulling the sheets up around me when he came back into the room. "Not so fast, Stevie," he said as he crawled into bed next to me. "Put these one." He handed me the slobber and cum-crusted briefs I'd had in my mouth earlier. The briefs Brent had left behind. "Oh my God," I gasped, shocked that such a simple command was turning me on like this. As I awkwardly pulled on the soiled Calvins, the butt plug thumped my prostate and my dick drooled, and I realized his domination of me was complete. At this point I'd have done anything he asked. I managed to get my unruly dick into the briefs and lay on my side as I tried to get used to the invader filling my ass. Eventually I drifted off to sleep. Sometime later I felt his hand slide into the underwear and pull my dick out. He tucked the waistband under my balls and slowly stroked me to erection. When I was erect he wrapped his hand tightly around my shaft and began to rub the pad of his calloused thumb deliberately over the sensitive tip, making me squeal and grunt. "Easy, Stevie," he murmured lowly in my ear. I wanted to push his hand away but knew better. There was something almost delicious in the way he worked my cock over, stroking it, roiling his palm over the head. He masturbated me for a long time, the way Brent had earlier, repeatedly bringing me to the edge of orgasm and then easing back, periodically grinding his crotch into my ass to drive the butt plug in deeper. Finally I couldn't take it. "Oh fuck," I moaned, my voice now nothing more than a whimper. "I gotta cum, Jonah. Please?" He gave my dick a few more tugs and then pulled the briefs back up. "Go ahead, Stevie," he encouraged, thrusting his hard dick against my ass as he rubbed the head of my cock through the material. "Cum for me." I grunted loudly as I shot my load into the briefs. I couldn't believe what I'd been reduced to. A few hours earlier I'd been planning to fuck the living daylights out of Jonah. Now, the tables had been completely and maybe permanently turned. I pulled back the sheets and started to get up. "Where are you going?" he asked, reaching for me. "I gotta clean up," I said. "This underwear is gross." "Un huh. No," he said. "Get your ass back down here." I gulped hard, unexplainably excited despite how exhausted and dirty I felt. I lay on my side and was touched when he scooched close and spooned me, throwing his right arm over me in an affectionate, yet possessive, manner, before planting a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

I woke up late the next morning and lay still for a few minutes, blinking away the cobwebs and confusion. My head was pounding with a hangover and my ass was tingling.

"Good morning, Sunshine," a voice said, startling me, and I looked up to see Jonah sitting in my leather club chair a few feet away, drinking coffee and reading the paper. A glance at the clock on the nightstand told me it was nearly 11:00 a.m. Shit! He'd obviously been up for some time.

"Oh fuck," I moaned as the events from last night came back to me. "That wasn't a dream, was it?"

"I hope not," he said, setting the paper down and flashing me a lascivious smile, "because that was the best night of your life, wasn't it?"

I sat up and groaned. "Oh fuck."

"Oh fuck is right," he said. He took another sip of coffee. "I bet you're hard, aren't you?"

My dick twitched. I felt my face flush beet red and I nodded.

"Show me," he ordered.

I reluctantly pulled the sheet aside and revealed my morning wood - more like a Redwood - that stretched my briefs to the limit.

"Very nice." His iPhone dinged and he picked it up. "There's coffee when you're done in the shower," he said as he tapped at the screen.

I threw the sheet back and gingerly got out of bed. I shuffled into the bathroom and studied my reflection in the mirror, acutely aware that I'd been ridden hard and put away wet last night. My hair was sticking up everywhere and my chest was shiny and pasty with dried semen. At least Jonah had cleaned my face off, but my lips were still puffy from sucking so much dick and my nipples were red and swollen. God, I was such a whore.

I lowered the briefs to take a piss. They were disgusting, still sticky and tacky with the load of cum I'd shot into them as well as all the leaking I'd done throughout the night. I peeled them off and kicked them into the corner.

I got into the shower, leaned my head against the cool tiles and gently removed the butt plug. As the hot water cascaded over me, washing the cum and sweat from my body, the events of last night replayed over and over in my mind. What the fuck?! What did I do? What did I LET be done to me? Yeah, I'd been a little drunk, but nowhere near to the point where I didn't know what I was doing, but yet... shit, I let Jonah take me. Let him! The little shit had planned it. Plotted. And then for Brent and Jeff - oh fuck, he actually enlisted those two hot little motherfuckers to help him. Those cocks in my ass. In my mouth. That glorious degradation...

My ass tingled just thinking about it. It felt strangely empty, not just because the plug was gone, but... but because it missed being fucked? Yeah, it missed being fucked. I missed being fucked.

I don't know how long I stood there, but a slight flicker of the overhead lights and a snicking noise roused me back to reality and I was shocked to find my right hand lazily stroking my hard dick while two fingers of my left hand were working their way round and round in my hole.

I snapped back to the present and finished my shower, wrapping a towel tightly around my waist as I left the bathroom, making sure to keep my still throbbing rod under the knot, hoping it would keep it in check.

I pulled open my dresser drawer to grab some briefs. I still couldn't believe the nerve of Frick and Frack to take my underwear like I was some kind of big game trophy. But again, the thought of them with my underwear as some kind of souvenir was oddly erotic and - fuck, there went my dick again!

I kept the towel around my waist as I stepped into grey briefs, too embarrassed to let Jonah see that I was fully erect, when something hit me in the face. I grabbed it as it fell: white briefs. What the fuck?

"Put 'em on," Jonah said.

Oh hell no, I thought. This was going too far.

"Sorry, but I don't wear tighty whities," I sneered, trying to reassert my authority and, hopefully, salvage some dignity.

He was out of the chair and beside me in an instant. "Maybe you'd rather wear these then?" He thrust Brent's soiled briefs in my face. The briefs he'd shoved in my mouth while he fucked me with the dildo last night... The briefs I used to wipe the sweat and cum from my body... The briefs I shot into last night and slept in...

I gulped and my dick lurched again and I took a sniff. The sharp, tangy aroma of sweat mingled with cum was heady and I inhaled again. He kept them in place while he spoke.

"I watched you feeling yourself up in the shower," he said, his voice low as he leaned in close, keeping the dirty briefs pressed against my nose as he swiped his thumb back and forth over my left nipple like a windshield wiper. It hardened immediately and he began to pluck and tweak it in earnest. "I even have a nice video of it."

He pushed me back a few inches and yanked the towel off. "Look at you. You're fucking boned up again and you're leaking."

I looked down and sure enough, my briefs were tented and the light grey cotton around the tip of my dick was dark, wet and sticky.

"Omigod," I moaned as he eased me, unresisting, back onto the bed. He yanked my briefs off and my cock catapulted up, slapping my belly and flicking droplets of pre-cum on my abs.

"You want me to fuck you, don't you?" he said as he stripped off his t-shirt. Not a question.

I nodded wordlessly. He was wearing Levi's 501's and with a quick flick of his hand he was completely unbuttoned. His briefs were bulging and I couldn't take my eyes off the hard on jutting out in his underwear.

"You're going to spread your legs and hold yourself open," he ordered, "and then I'm going to fuck that tight, hungry hole of yours until you cum."

I nodded as I grabbed the backs of my thighs and pulled them up and apart, putting my freshly cleaned hole on display for him. He looked down and smiled. My eyes followed his. He was staring at my cock - my fully erect, twitching and dripping cock.

"I didn't tell you," he said as he rubbed lube into my hole, "but my company is transferring me here next month."

Our eyes met and he smiled. "Maybe this can become a permanent arrangement."

My eyes went wide and I gulped. What? Permanent?

He smiled again, bent over me, and held a bottle of poppers to my nose. I inhaled deeply and sighed when he pierced me with two fingers.

At that moment the doorbell rang and I could hear somebody entering below.

"Yo, Jonah!" a familiar voice rang out. "Got your message!"

I looked up into Jonah's eyes in shock as he slid a third finger into place and pushed the poppers back under my nose.

"You promised me the entire weekend, remember?"

The End

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