I taste my housemate's juices

By Jay

Published on May 10, 2024


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Everyone is over the age of 18

We are on our way home on the plane from the music festival. Me, my housemate Dylan and his girlfriend Katy are in a row, and my boyfriend Damien got separated into a different row in front of us.

Katy is in the window seat, sleeping with her head against the wall of the plane. She had called this seat so she could take the videos of the take off and the landing.

Damien didn't want to sit in the middle because his shoulders are too wide, so I got stuck in the middle while Damien took the aisle seat.

We chatted about the festival while Katy slept, reminiscing on the drunken memories.

"God I can't wait to go home and fuck. It's been too long," he says, looking over at Katy sleeping. We had shared a hotel room with very little privacy. "You guys too I imagine?"

"Well ..." I start and avoid my gaze. Damien and I had fucked quickly where they were in the shower.

"You fucking didn't!" Dylan says loudly and a couple people stir from their seats to look at us

We chuckle quietly to each other and Dylan reaches over and pulls me in with his arm, wrestling me into his chest and rubbing my head with his knuckles. "You two dirty horndogs. Can't leave you alone for 2 minutes"

"Yeah it was just a quickie when you guys were in the shower" I say. And I licked the cum off your underwear and sniffed it while fucking ass, I finish in my head. Not that I can ever tell him that

"Fair enough" Dylan rubs his nose. "You think Katy would be down to fuck in the bathroom right now?"

"Have you been in those bathrooms? You're barely going to fit in there"

"Yeah fuck. Well speaking of, gotta take a leak"

Dylan disappears to the washroom and I look over to see if I can see my boyfriend from my row. Fast asleep, with his seat back and headphones on.

The flight attendant passes by and I give her all the garbage in our row. I must have been pretty tired because the next thing I remember is Dylan poking me awake.

"What?" I groan. There has been at least an hour left on the plane.

"Go piss dude. We have a tight connection and you always spend fucking forever in the bathroom"

He's not right. I groan and close my eyes again

Dylan nudges me again

"I'm not missing the connection because of your slow ass"

I groan and unbuckle my seat belt, slowly shuffling across Dylan's legs.

"Whoa!" I snap awake as I fall onto Dylan's lap. How did I trip??

I immediately flail to get up in this tight space between him and the seat in front of him and end up using his thigh to push myself up and he supports me by pushing on my waist.

Embarrassed and burning hot in the face, I say sorry quickly and walk quickly to the washroom.

I get in the small space and immediately close the door and lock it. I take off my pants and piss into the small metallic toilet.

As I listen to the sound of my stream hitting the bowl with the airplane hum in the background, I notice it.

A familiar scent

Really familiar

I shake my dick off and look around for the culprit. And now that I'm looking, I'm surprised I missed it in the first place.

A napkin, a bit crumpled but laid out flat, balancing on the narrow ledge of the small sink.

I straighten out my shirt over my pants and get a closer look.

Opaque white goo is across the napkin, almost naked to the eye on the white napkin until you look closer.

I lean closer and smell it.

My face burns and the burning spreads to my cock. I grab myself and position my dick so it can grow hard.

I smell it again and groan lightly. Oh my god. It's so fresh.

Oh my god

I look at myself in the mirror as I go for another whiff of the cum. I watch myself close my eyes as I take in the full odour of his juices.

He did this for me. He wanted me to see this. He left this for me.

My cock itches with desire and I pull my pants down just enough to get my cock out.

I rub the precum on my cock and spread it on my shaft, breathing shallowly into the cum stained napkin.

Breathe in

I picture Dylan naked, sitting with his legs wide and his cock hard. Stroking his meat with a backhanded stroke

Breathe in

He taunts me, pleasuring himself while teasing me with his eyes and his face expression. He knows I want it

Breathe in

I stroke my cock quickly, getting more and more slippery with the precum I'm leaking out.

Breathe in

He switches his stroke and goes quickly up and down the middle of his shaft

Breathe in

"Im gonna nut you cumslut"

I suck up the cum on the napkin, tasting again his delicious familiar juices. His bitterness is familiar after eating his cum a couple times now, and my body welcomes it.

I buckle over a bit as I cum, bumping into the sink in the small space. I shoot into the sink as I continue to lick the napkin, running my tongue up the paper.

"Taste my cum Ryan" He says while spraying cum out of his uncut cock.

I breathe heavily in the napkin, realizing when I open my eyes where I am. I quickly wipe up my drooling dick, and throw the napkin away. I rinse my cum off the tiny sink bowl as best as I can and get out of the lavabo.

Outside, a disgruntled man sighs and shoves past me to the bathroom. I take a deep breath and make my way back to the seat

"What took you so long?" Dylan says without looking up and I crawl over his knees again. Why can't this asshole just get up?

I plop back into my seat, knowing my underwear is still getting wet from me leaking the last bit of cum

"Where were you doing?" He says with a hint of humour in his voice.


Next: Chapter 5

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