I Wanna Lick It

By Tony Idolatry

Published on Apr 1, 2001



DISCLAIMER: If you are underage and/or unqualified to view adult material, if adult material is outlawed in your community or you are offended in any way by explicit depictions of sexual activity, DO NOT read on. This is an entirely FICTITIOUS story. The celebrities mentioned here have never engaged in these types of activities, nor would they ever consider doing so. They are all living angels. So there. Also, my apologies to Phil Collins. :) Enjoy the story!

"I Wanna Lick It" by Tony Idolatry

Flash forward: Post-Grammy party, 2002

Christina Aguilera was beyond pissed, which if you listened to all those fucking tabloids, was not an uncommon emotion for her to feel. Tonight, though, she really WAS doing her best to let her sour mood rub off on the happy musicians gathered around her. She sat all alone in a worn leather booth, nursing a virgin pina colada, while over in a distant corner of the crowded Beverly Hilton ballroom, Christina spotted the sassy women of Destiny's Child, each holding their brand spankin' new Album of the Year Grammies for their latest effort, "Survivor." One reviewer said their album was "like listening to a 21st century version of the Supremes, if Diana Ross was backed up by Aretha and Gladys. A revolutionary triumph." That word stung Christina the most. "Revolutionary." Usually she wouldn't give a fuck about a hot R&B group, but she kept getting her ass kicked by this particular trio, twice in a row at the Billboard Awards, and now in the prestigious Grammy Album of the Year category, where her latest and, she thought, best album, "Live to Be With You," was nominated only to go down in flames when the envelope was opened. In front of billions of television viewers. Could there BE anything more embarassing?

Oh yes. You bet your ass there could. Two hours earlier, after Christina had hypnotized the arena with a flawless performance of her album's title track, a soaring yet funky ballad that was tailor made for her riffing vocals, the song lost Best Female Pop Vocal Performance.....to Britney Spears. Dear GOD! The no talent skank Christina had all but insisted in every interview would be unemployed by the time these awards rolled around had BEATEN her.

It was bad enough to lose to Macy Gray the year before, but to Britney? No fucking way. This must be some kind of parallel universe, where that critic calls Destiny's Brat "revolutionary" while slamming her own best single ever as "an obvious ripoff of Gloria Estefan's 'Live For Loving You,' a song that offered absolutely no reason for a cover version in the first place." Stupid FUCK! The song sounded NOTHING like Gloria! Christina only LOOKED like Gloria, the latest "Latin sensation." Why couldn't anybody really SEE? She was her own artist, unable to be labeled. She was UNIQUE and TALENTED, damn it!

Christina was jolted back to reality when she slammed her glass down on the table just a bit too hard. The white drink sloshed over and spilled on her chest. Not a big deal - her midriff and most of her breasts were bare thanks to her most revealing awards show dress yet, a tiny violet blouse - but the drink DID manage to find some fabric in her lap to stain: a matching sequined violet mini-skirt.

"SHIT!" Christina screamed out, uselessly dabbing a dry cocktail napkin on the giant white blotch. She began to rub harder and harder until she felt herself tearing up. No. She would not allow her fellow artists to see her break down, even if they WERE unworthy of her esteem. Most of all, she didn't want to let HERSELF see it happen, a strong-willed "control freak" getting soft. And just then, the clink of a long fingernail against Grammy gold and a familiar irritating laugh caused Christina to swipe her braided golden locks from her stinging eyes and look up. At the enemy.

"Awwww, did Chrissy pee herself AGAIN?" Britney saw nothing wrong with giving back a little of Christina's past grief. "Don't worry. I'm sure the janitor won't mind the smell when you're screwing him for cab fare."

"Britney, congratulations." Christina more or less managed to get that much out with an even voice and a straight face, but her aqua blue mascara was threatening to run down her cheek any second. "Now please get your chunky Grammy-winning ass out of my sight."

Britney scoffed and shifted the weight of that famous ass from one leg to another. Her even-more-famous breasts, however, remained mysteriously still in the cups of her gown/bikini. "Or what?"

"Or else...." and here Christina stretched one of her long legs out to pin Britney's big toe menacingly under one of her spiked violet high heels, "...I will kick you soooo hard, you might actually be able to hit a high note."

"Alright, bitch!" Britney shouted, slinging back the arm that held the hefty little award, "You want this Grammy? Here's your Gram..."

Suddenly, Britney felt the weight of the award leave her palm. Christina's manager Roger had walked over, like always, at just the right time. In fact, he broke his conversation off with Sting on the other side of the ballroom as soon as he saw the two darling songbirds begin to engage in their usual pleasantries. Britney's eyes darted over in confusion to Roger, who now stood beside his seated client. Christina was slow to come out of the fast ducking position she had assumed. Roger cocked his eye at Britney before smiling as sincerely as he could. He bowed his head forward and held out the Grammy he had saved from destruction.

"And the winner is....." he intoned, trying to convince Britney that she'd already won the war. Britney exhaled a gallon of hot air, shook her head, and repossessed her trophy with a smirk.

"Later, Genie," she shot back at Christina before beginning to storm away. Christina's angry retort was muffled by Roger's hand over her mouth.

"Mphwhatp pha bichhhh!"

"Save it, save it," Roger pleaded, finally moving his hand up to pat Christina's head when he felt her defenses give way. "Gwen wants to see you."

The news perked Christina up faster than a B-12 shot, then brought her back down just as quickly, as if she lost another award to Britney. STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT!!!

"I have no fucking idea why she'd want to see ME tonight," Christina said dejectedly. "I'm like the biggest loser on the face of the planet right now."

Roger had learned not to do two things during his time as Christina's right hand: never stoke her ego, and never bite when she goes fishing for sympathy.

"Yes," Roger said nodding, "you are. But she really DIGS losers."

Christina laughed for the first time in hours. "Alright. Where is she?"

"Room 2069."

"Oh shit! Roger! She's already in her room?"

"Well, she didn't really feel like standing around here at a....'circle jerk for musicians,' I think she called it." The description made Christina laugh and feel cheap at the same time.

"Alright. Call her room and let her know I'm on my way."

"Not necessary. She said she's ready for you anytime."

Christina smiled, sidled past Roger and walked nervously away from the celebration. A celebration of her defeat, she thought again. No, she thought a third time, nothing but a circle jerk. Nothing but a circle jerk. It was strangely reassuring to her, making her hop into the elevator and press the number "20" button a little faster. As soon as the doors closed, though, Christina's nerves took over again. She simply was not used to feeling this vulnerable, riding a drafty elevator in less clothes than an average Vegas showgirl, and a big stain covering what she DID have on.

It didn't help that she was about to meet Gwen Stefani for the first time. Christina could write just about any other female musician off as being "beneath her," but Gwen remained one of her idols. No Doubt hit it big just as Christina began shopping for a record deal of her own, and now that trying to be everything she thought Gwen was - independent, opinionated, stylish - had gotten her to the top of the industry, her favorite band No Doubt was no more. Gwen made the band's breakup official the previous summer and, rumor had it, went right to work on a solo album that was about to send the critics into a circle jerk of their own, a certain Album of the Year winner in 2003. Christina found it utterly strange that it had taken this long to meet Gwen, but they had only been in the same room twice before, both times at award shows, and their hectic paths never crossed. Now Roger the Amazing had managed to set up this meeting, a meeting she'd dreamed about for so long, yet didn't feel she had the strength to endure on this night. Right then, as the doors opened on 20, she wasn't the world famous Christina Aguilera. Britney was right, that cunt. She was still the Genie, trapped in a world that didn't understand her, and probably never would.

Christina tried to shut her mind off as she approached the door to 2069, but as she knocked three times and smiled to be recognizable to Gwen through the peephole, she just couldn't shake her feeling of being a loser.

"Come in, it's open," a familiar voice from far inside the room shouted towards the closed door. That's nuts, Christina thought to herself. Doesn't she worry about psychos walking right into her room? Christina shook her head and plastered a smile back on her face before turning the knob and walking in.

The room was big, almost as big as Christina's, with a lot of open space and pink walls, in the middle of which sat a white leather couch and chairs. Further on in, there was a fully stocked bar with three comfortable-looking pink stools, and by the large bay view window sat the king-sized bed, upon which sat Gwen Stefani. She and Christina were both small in height, but the enormity of the room dwarfed Gwen even further in Christina's eyes. Gwen began to walk over to Christina, since the younger singer seemed to freeze in place once inside the door. Christina's senses were very alive, though, and she examined her idol more closely with every step she took. Gwen had already shucked her garish awards show outfit for a simple blue t-shirt and blue slacks. Her hair, which had been short and pink at the show, was now long, flowing and amazingly jet black. The detail made Christina curious enough to break out of her trance.

"No more pink?" she asked, moving ever so closer to the middle of the room.

"No more pink," Gwen laughed, finally standing inches away from Christina. "The record company wanted me to wear a wig tonight so the last video from the last album didn't seem, you know, like ancient history." Gwen just stood there for a few more moments, smiling, her eyes absolutely locked on Christina's. It was as if she was staring right into her soul, and Christina really couldn't take it. She broke the silence by laughing sheepishly and darting her eyes to the floor.

"Shit, I'm sorry," Gwen shouted sincerely. "I get lost sometimes." She stood back and shook her head. "Such a pretty girl. It's just great to finally meet you."

"Likewise," Christina whispered, her golden skin blushing red. Gwen appeared to extend her hand for a shake, but then suddenly gave Christina a bear hug. Christina laughed at first, but the giggles quickly turned to sobs. Gwen held her tighter. As Christina got a hold of herself she clearly felt Gwen's braless breasts press against her own sparsely covered boobs. The thought of Gwen's bare skin made her shudder, which Gwen only thought was another part of her crying.

"It's OK," Gwen said, giving Christina a final pat on the back before breaking the embrace. "Come on. Let's tie one on. What'll you have?"

A smile escaped Christina's lips. "White wine would be great," she said softly, her voice drenched with emotion.

"Comin' up," Gwen said, beginning to walk towards the bar.

As Gwen turned away, Christina looked to her left and caught a glimpse of both of them in a standing mirror. She was overwhelmed. Here she was, a "pretty" college-age girl dressed by the best stylists money can buy, but utterly empty inside. And here was this gorgeous woman just barely over 30, dressed just right for a night at Taco Bell, yet so sure of who she is that if she HAD worn this outfit at the awards, it would've been just perfect.

"Come. Sit," Gwen urged from behind the bar as she poured the wine and grabbed herself an Amstel Light. "Hope you don't mind. I'm more of a beechwood aged kinda gal."

"Fine." Christina walked slowly over to the bar. Her heels were killing her so badly she felt like running to the stool, but she was afraid her skirt would rip. It seemed to get tighter as the night wore on, until now it felt like plastic binding against her thighs. Gwen waited until Christina sat down in front of her to pass the glass of wine across the counter.

"So what's wrong?"

Christina picked up the glass and examined the sparkling wine, seeing Gwen's distorted face through the drink. "Tough night," she said shaking her head before finally taking a large gulp of the wine.

"I heard," Gwen said, popping the cap off the beer bottle before walking around to sit next to Christina. No kidding, Christina thought. Gwen was sitting there in that audience like everyone else to watch her lose again and again. "A little birdie told me you got into a pissing match with Britney downstairs."

"You heard about THAT, too?" Christina looked at Gwen, now sitting a foot away from her with a cruelly amused face, before burying her own face into one of her hands. "Who told you? Roger called?"

"No," Gwen assured her, taking a swill of beer before lowering the boom. "MTV did."

"WHAT?!? I didn't see any cameras around!"

"Well I'm sure there weren't, but people have eyes and ears, honey. They've gotta spill their guts to somebody. One of them picked Kurt Loder. Big deal. It'll all go down as a rumor. That's all."

Christina examined Gwen's face intensely now, trying to find the source of all her self-assurance from her milky white skin, shimmering brown eyes and lips glossed ruby red, but she couldn't. "Some rumor," Christina laughed. "Just what I need. 'Christina wanted to chew Britney's head off.'"

"Hey, we've all wanted to at some point or another," Gwen said.

"Yeah, well that point just stretches out into infinity for me," Christina said angrily before slamming her glass down. She had to stop doing that.

"She's not worth it," Gwen said.

"How can everyone keep saying that so easily? She just keeps STANDING there. In the spotlight, you know? One-upping me ALL the time."

"Why does the spotlight matter so much to you?"

"Because I EARNED it, Gwen." It was the first time she had called her by her name. Christina's fire was back in full force. "I don't think I'm better than everybody else. I don't think I'm prettier. I don't think I'm a better dancer. But when the shit hits the fan, my music blows her out of the water. When did they start giving out Grammies for something other than the MUSIC?"

"I don't know," Gwen said, drinking her beer and contemplating the issue as she looked past Christina to the bedside window and the busy city below. "You know, I've never won a Grammy."

"But you will."

"Don't jinx it!" Gwen shrieked, playfully shoving Christina's arm in a failed attempt to lighten the girl's mood. "But really, Christina, who the fuck cares? Really? Do you believe in your music?"


"Do your fans believe in your music?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Then let everyone else win every award out there. Let them build a trophy case the size of this room. They still won't have what WE'VE got."

"What's that?"

Gwen reached over to grab a tiny pretzel from a dish between the two girls. "The truth, kiddo." She popped the pretzel, savoring the taste of that truth. "True to ourselves. True to our fans. True to the music. Not true to false gods like awards. Because you know what you have to do to win awards?"


"You've gotta like people."

"I like people."

"Oh yeah? What about Britney's music?"


"It's great stuff. What about Destiny's Child?"

"C'mon! Overrated!"

"It's incredible to hear what those girls can do. I listen to it quite often. What about Tony Bennett?"

"What about him? Way too old for me."

"He's a living legend and it's amazing how much we can still learn from him today. You sense a pattern?"


"Yeah, technically," Gwen said with a vigorous nod. "But not really. More like, don't bitch about everybody else, cause they're not bitching about you. I've never heard Britney say a bad word about you. I've never heard ANY artist say a bad word about you."

"Fred Durst?"

"Alright, one. If you want to call him an artist."


"You're missing the point," Gwen said, laughing. "Let's just say ALMOST everybody, and let's just focus on who you're competing with, mainly the other women. They haven't said a thing about you."

"Then how did everybody come to think I'm a bitch?"

"Ah! See? Maybe they DID say something about you, but anonymously. Or maybe....."


"Maybe you just give off that impression."


"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Gwen held Christina's shoulders to keep her from storming away. "I don't find you that way now. Really. But I think this is the REAL you. And how often do you let the real you be seen by anybody?"

"Not too often," Christina said nodding. The woman had a point.

"I just think that maybe you're trying to be a little TOO proud of who you are to the world, and that maybe if you just go out there and do your thing, and try harder not to talk about everybody else as they do theirs, the critics and the fans will all stop screaming for a catfight and really LISTEN to you when you sing, you know? They'll listen when it really matters."

Gwen searched Christina's eyes for understanding and placed her cool hand over Christina's warm one. Christina had a strand of hair in her mouth, an old nervous habit that suddenly reappeared, but she knew Gwen wasn't there to intimidate, only to help. She spit out the hair, smiled and gave a quick nod before settling comfortably onto her stool and slipping her thumb over Gwen's.

"You get me, right Chris?" Christina usually hated being called Chris, but it sounded nice coming from Gwen's well-known soft voice with more than a hint of a valley girl accent. "I mean," Gwen continued just to make sure she had registered, "I hear the Beatles may actually do a reunion this year. Can you imagine? The Beatles! They'll take that Grammy right away from me! But if I think their album plays like three pathetic old geezers trying to shock a dead sound back to life, am I going to say that to anyone? Hell no. They're the fucking Beatles."

"I get you, I get you," Christina re-assured her advisor. "You're right, Gwen. Thanks."


"Just...." Christina was starting to feel very chummy, enough to reveal a little secret to Gwen. "...can I ask your opinion on one more thing?"

"Shoot." Gwen popped another pretzel and waited.

"OK. Well, I'm planning another album for the summer, and I wrote a song for it that I like and Roger loves, but I just don't know if the media might be stupid fucks again and say it sounds too much like.... like her stuff."

"Oh reallllly? What's it called?"

Christina blushed again and looked away. "'I Wanna Lick It.'"

"Hah!" Gwen almost had Amstel flying out her nose. "Christ, THAT sounds like trouble! Well, would you mind singing me some of it? Sing me the chorus?"

Christina giggled at the request. "OK," she whispered, feeling like her face was on fire. She cleared her throat and began, belting it so loud that Gwen was taken aback and several other rooms probably got the free preview:

"I wanna lick it Let you go for good I wanna lick it But I don't think I could I wanna lick it Your love splits me like a knife I wanna lick it For the rest of my life"

Christina took a deep breath and smiled shyly before inhaling what was left of the wine. Gwen drank it all in, including the rest of her beer, then waited for Christina to look her in the eyes again.

"It would be the first single and the album title," Christina finally said.

"Uhhhhh huh," Gwen nodded. "So you'd have a single called 'I Wanna Lick It,' and an album called 'I Wanna Lick It.'"

"Uh huh."

"Uhhhhh huh." Gwen wished she had one more sip of beer left. "It's not a bad song," she said. "Not bad at all. It's catchy. But it's not for you. Send it to Britney with best wishes."

"Really?" Christina wasn't as angry as she'd been before, but she really didn't see the problem with the song. "It's the title, isn't it?"

"Duh!" Gwen laughed again and placed her hand back on Christina's. "You can't put out an album called 'I Wanna Lick It.'"

"Why not?" Christina had been convincing herself for days that this was a serious love song. "What about 'Shake Ya Ass'? What about "I Touch Myself'?"

"Those were songs by a rapper and a disgustingly horny older woman," Gwen reminded her. "You're young with young fans, and your voice can, like, run circles around this song. So sing some stuff that challenges you, you know? A song only YOU can do justice to."

Christina had never felt better about herself. She smiled and Gwen smiled back.

"And yeah," Gwen said. She just had to say it. "there's the title. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but there isn't gonna be one guy, and maybe not even one girl alive who doesn't think you're talking about licking cock."


Christina had no idea where her own childish scream came from, but Gwen knew she spoken the brutal truth again. Or at least she thought she did.

"Actually, Gwen, and God, why am I telling you this?? That's not what I'm talking about."

"Fine, fine, fine, you're talking about looooove. Almighty looooove. Whatever. Stick to your story."

"No, not that either."

The realization hit Gwen like a rock. She looked stunned for the first time all night.

Christina simply grinned and nodded. "It IS sexual."

"Pussy? You're thinking about pussy?"

"I don't know," Christina said, feeling her nerves come back to her as soon as Gwen used the P word. "I guess so. Sometimes these urges just hit me and one night they were strong enough for me to write this." She reached out to clasp both of Gwen's hands now. "Do you know where I'm coming from?"

"Being with girls? Are you kidding? I was raised a typical, good little Catholic girl. Of COURSE I've been." Both girls laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.....why couldn't they stop, Christina thought as her stomach began to hurt. Because what they were talking about wasn't talked about every day, she answered herself. This was nervous laughter.

"Really? Oh gosh, when Gwen? I thought you were into guys!"

"Well I am. So are you, right? But you know, sometimes you just want something...softer. I had a couple of girlfriends in college. It was never anything serious, but the sex was........ohhh, really special. When another woman touches you," Gwen said as she ran her fingers slowly across Christina's moist palm, "there's nothing like it."

"Wow," Christina said, dumbfounded and glad she was a little tipsy. "Sounds great." Gwen reached up and brushed the hair out of Christina's face, lingering to caress her velvety cheek.

"You know you're prettier than you say, right? You're incredible."

"You're no slouch yourself," Christina said through a shiver that raced from her cheek through her entire breathtaking body. Cautiously, she went to place a finger on Gwen's chin, moving it up across her glossy lips. The ruby red shine had Christina in a trance.

Gwen chuckled through her closed lips and moved in to kiss Christina, an innocent peck at first, then melting into an open-mouthed exploration of their deepest desires. Gwen got knocked for a loop by the overpowering length of Christina's tongue exploring her burning hot mouth. She grabbed a quick hold of Christina's shoulders to keep from falling and keep the kiss from breaking. The strong grip against the shoulder pads of her dress made Christina feel more safe, more physical. She grabbed Gwen around her toned waist and slipped her hands underneath the small blue tee, tracing her fingers across Gwen's warm ribs and pierced navel. Her high heels clinked against the metal bottom of the stool as Christina finally slipped them to the ground. She was more than ready to kick up her heels and stay awhile.

Christina broke away from Gwen's supple lips and ran her tongue across her own lips to suck up some stray saliva. Gwen gave an anxious giggle, waiting to see what the energized young babe in front of her would do next. She didn't have to wait long. Christina leaned in and began to tug on the bottom of Gwen's shirt.

"OK, yeah," Gwen encouraged the tit-hungry teen, throwing her arms straight up. Christina shucked the shirt behind the bar and gave Gwen's small knockers a good once-over. She had thick pale pink nipples surrounded by small areolas. There were also a couple of dot-sized black birth marks under her breasts. Christina smiled when she saw them. She thought they were distinctive, just like the rest of Gwen. She leaned over and, after getting an approving nod from her idol, slaked her wet tongue across Gwen's taut nips. "That's right, go at them. Nice and slow."

"Mmmmmmmmm..." Christina couldn't stop looking up at Gwen's happy eyes while tasting her nipples, slapping each one back and forth with her pretty licker again and again until she felt them get hard as stone, which is when she'd clasp her lips over the whole thing, sucking down hard until she made Gwen moan from the sensation. Then she'd move over to the other nip while tweaking the one she left behind with her fingers. Her other hand often found its way up to Gwen's lips. The raven-haired ska queen had some pretty mean sucking skills of her own. She ran Christina's fingers up, over and around her tongue repeatedly, getting them nice and wet, before bobbing back and forth on them.

"Those college BOYS must've loved you," Christina gasped as she came up for air.

"I wasn't as good for them," Gwen remembered as she licked Christina's pinky. "Your fingers taste a lot better than what they had to offer."

"Hope the rest of me tastes that good."

"We'll find out, won't we?"

"Mmm hmm. Mmmmmm..." Christina smothered Gwen's breasts with more kisses. She was soooo glad she found someone as horny as her, and of all people! She grinned as she slowly trailed her tongue down to Gwen's navel, flicking the small belly ring back and forth. She remembered seeing this inviting bare torso in picture after picture, and now she had her mouth on it. Unreal. And it was only the sweet beginning. Gwen ran her hands through the girl's long blonde locks, making Christina beam again. Gwen loved the little crinkle Christina's nose would get when she smiled. She patted Christina's head and moaned as the naughty young vixen tugged on the tiny ring with her sparkling white teeth. Gwen couldn't wait for those teeth to get covered in her juices. She pulled Christina up for a lingering breathless kiss before hopping up from the stool. Christina did the same.

"Let's get cozy on the bed," the topless temptress said with an exaggerated cackle. Christina giggled girlishly but gently held Gwen in place.

"Wait a minute. Let me go over and close the curtains first."

Gwen found it funny that anyone would be nervous enough to think they could be seen from 20 floors down, not to mention 5 feet inside the window. Then again, this WAS Southern California. If something hasn't happened before, it would find a way to happen there. She sighed impatiently as she watched Christina win a minor struggle to swooooosh the giant curtains shut. At least it gave her a chance to admire the girl's lovely behind, her black panties peeking out from beneath her trashed skirt. Gwen loved a nice tight ass. They usually belonged to girls with even tighter pussies.

Christina turned around with a dramatic dancing spin. Her eyes had this incredible depth, and they were pointed squarely at Gwen. "Did you see anything you like?"

"Yeah," Gwen nodded. "I think I'm gonna steal this bedspread."

Christina laughed and walked over to kneel on the edge of the bed. She called to Gwen with a wagging finger. "You might as well, cause there's NO WAY the maid'll be able to get it clean after I get through with you."

"Ooooooh." Gwen crawled across the bed to her playmate, her wet breasts bouncing happily. She put her face an inch away from Christina's. "Did anyone ever tell you," she whispered, "that you are one kinky little sex kitten?"

"Nah," Christina said through bursts of hot breath that threatened to melt Gwen's lipstick. "But they just don't know the real me."

"Lucky me." Gwen smiled before devouring Christina's mouth again. It was Gwen who started acting like a kitten, running her tongue and lips over Christina's neck, cheeks and nose. Christina fought the instinct to pull away from the tickling sensation and instead dove right into it, extending her own tongue to lick Gwen wherever she could. She got frisky with her hands again, trying to stick them inside the waistband of Gwen's tight slacks. Gwen looked up and smiled when she felt the girl's tiny fingers going lower and lower on her hips. She mouthed "Yeah" and Christina replied with an utterly impatient noise, sort of a half-laugh, half-grunt. She wanted Gwen NOW, and Gwen was more than ready to be had.

The topless hottie laid back on the bed, giving Christina a chance to crawl further to the middle and make her bottomless in no time. Christina was in no rush to take off her own clothes, and Gwen didn't mind at all. In fact, the dress was so small and so wrecked that it made Christina look very down and dirty, which was exactly what she was as she tugged on Gwen's pants like the jaws of life. Gwen laughed at the virgin's anxiety and slowly reached down to do the obvious: unbutton the front. Christina shook her head as the fabric finally became limp in her hands. She tore at it until the pants were a crumpled heap on the floor three feet away. Christina smiled at Gwen's pink lace panties, so old fashioned, with a slick slit underneath turning the pink into lavender. Everything about Gwen was genuinely adorable. Christina looked up at Gwen as she ran a single finger over the wet panties. Gwen squirmed and moaned through short, excited breaths. Christina grinned at her power over her idol. She rubbed harder, brining Gwen to the brink of insanity.

"AHHHHH!" she squealed. "C'mon and lick it already! I want you to do me sooo bad."

Gwen's begging made Christina wetter than ever. She took a quick second to reach under her skirt and massage her own trembling twat before tearing away Gwen's undies. She lifted them slowly off Gwen's creamy thighs and toned calves, licking down her leg as she went. Finally, the panties dropped from Gwen's right foot, and Christina gave a quick suck on her big toe and lick down the sole. Gwen's eyes rolled from the sweet tingling sensation, but Christina was too busy looking at her bare puss to notice. Gwen had trimmed her light pubes down to a minimum, which left her large labia lips and big clit naked to the eye. Gwen reached down and spread herself for Christina, who actually drooled when she saw the hot neon pink passage, open and anxious for her mouth.

"C'mon," Gwen urged. "Eat it, sweetie."

All of a sudden, Christina swooped down and drove her tongue right into the open snatch, clamping her upper lip over Gwen's clit. She slammed her tongue inside over and over, Gwen still holding it wide open as she moaned again and again. Christina loved the tangy taste of Gwen's juice, almost like hot sauce, but sugary. She flashed her baby blues up at Gwen as she gave one glancing lick down the length of her lover's quivering mound before poking inside again.

"Ohhhhhhhhh son of a bitch! Fuck! Yeahhhhh, eat me, you bad girl!" Gwen wrapped her legs around Christina's back and held on for dear life. The hungry blonde was using enough saliva to fill a Dixie cup. Her suction on Gwen's pleasure bud was overwhelming and constant. She smacked her lips repeatedly over the throbbing clit, sticking two, sometimes three fingers into Gwen's needy cooch. Gwen's pussy had never been worked over this well by anybody, not even herself. All the stimulation was too much for her, and she exploded with a string of screams and yipes, bucking off the bed to glue her crotch against Christina's mouth and nose. Her juice flowed against Christina's tireless tongue and down her thighs. Christina moved her fingers down near Gwen's backdoor to catch whatever she couldn't suck up. She licked her fingers clean as Gwen collapsed back onto the pillow, laughing and tingly all over.

"Was I good?" Christina asked as if she didn't know the answer.

"Huh!" was all Gwen could manage. "Mmmmmmmmm....."

Christina smiled. Her mouth WAS covered in Gwen's special tang, but she went back for more, licking Gwen's clit as a warning before darting her tongue inside again.

"No no no no no wait," Gwen blurted out before squealing in delight. "Swing that beautiful caboose up here. It's time you got yours, honey."

Christina caught on fast. She laughed naughtily before turning herself around so she was on top of Gwen in a 69 position. She couldn't wait to feel another woman's lips on her pussy. Gwen couldn't wait to SEE that pussy, but ohhh, she did love the way Christina's ass wagged in front of her face in that slutty little skirt. She smacked Christina's hot buns three times, each time grabbing handfuls of those tight cheeks. Christina loved it and instantly put her lips back down on Gwen's snatch. Gwen shouted "YES!" when she felt Christina's magical tongue back where it belonged. She pulled down on the horny teen's skirt until it was bunched above her knees across Gwen's quaking tits.

Gwen gave a quick tongue bath to Christina's cunt while it was still inside her black panties. Gwen couldn't believe how drenched the panties were, and how hot they looked bunched up in Christina's small crack. Peeling away each layer on this girl was like unwrapping present after present. But it was truly Christmas morning once Gwen shucked the last flimsy barrier between her lips and Christina's gorgeous pussy. The dark labes glistened with teenage excitement. Christina groaned right into Gwen's pussy as she felt her idol's gentle fingers pry open her own snatch. Christina's tiny clit took Gwen's breath away. It was like a hidden treasure, and she wasted no time in trying to suck off the gold finish, lapping her tongue against the precious little nub while burying her pinky inside Christina's tightness. Christina screamed from the pleasure, pressing her pussy down hard on Gwen's face while slapping Gwen's angry clit and tonguing her poon mercilessly.

Gwen spit a wad of saliva up into Christina to get her tight, tense twat loosened up. She got two fingers inside, then three, then decided to drive her tongue inside, running a sneaky finger up to Christina's virgin asshole as she tasted the girl's creamy juice. Christina nearly passed out when she felt Gwen's finger inside her ass. Whenever she masturbated, Christina loved to play with her ultra-tight behind. When she stuck a finger or two of her own up there, it was the most amazing feeling, like a pin about to pop a pretty pink balloon.

"You like that, don't you?" Gwen asked before impaling her tastebuds inside Christina again.

"Oh fuck!!! Fuck I love it!!! Mmmmmhmmmmhhhh" Christina was close to boiling over in more ways than one. She could feel bead after bead of sweat, some pouring down her forehead, others slowly rolling down her back to her crack and the top of Gwen's pumping finger. She reached back to undo her useless blouse and confining bra and tossed them over by Gwen's pants before doing a little more intense licking and sucking action on Gwen's clit. Gwen wanted the girl to cum hard. She pinched Christina's little nub over and over, worked her tongue inside her pussy slow, then hard, then slow again, and carefully slipped a second finger inside her happy rear. She could feel Christina's newly bare boobs pressing against her stomach, the long, erect nipples surprisingly cold against Gwen's warmth.

"Gwen, I'm close baby," Christina moaned, her words muffled by Gwen's clit and a whole bunch of bodily fluid. "SHIT! Keep it up! I'm there!! I'm there!!! Oh Godddddddd!!!!!"

"Cum for me," Gwen tried to say, but unless Christina had ears in her pussy, there was no way the words could be understood. Gwen slammed her tongue in all the way and waited, rocking it from side to side and keeping Christina's clit and ass spinning with her busy fingers. Christina let out one final monstrous groan before pounding her buns down on Gwen's face and unloading a river of femininity in her lover's mouth. She jammed three fingers into Gwen's cunt with every hot flash, six, seven, eight times, until Gwen climaxed for a second time against her hand. Both girls were woozy for at least ten minutes afterwards. There was nothing like enjoying the afterglow of a great orgasm. Christina used her last ounce of energy to turn around and lay down next to Gwen. The two spent beauties kissed and caressed for a good half hour. Christina enjoyed exploring Gwen's mouth. Gwen was fascinated by Christina's firm knockers and abs, cracking the girl up about a dozen times by tickling her famous navel.

"You were right," Christina said after recuperating. "That was really special."

"We're not done yet."


Gwen laughed. She hadn't had this much fun since....well, never, but it definitely made her feel like a kid again. She leaned over to reach under the bed, and came up with something to make Christina's eyes pop out.

It was a two-headed dildo, one of those flexible, sorta-see-through kinds with a raspberry color. Christina never took her eyes off of Gwen's as she licked her dildo at both ends, getting the heads good and wet. She sat down on the end of the bed facing Christina and began to insert one end into her own pussy.

"I've...uhhhh...had to use this alone for, like, forever." She shook the unoccupied end at Christina, who slid forward and spread her legs. "No more lonely nights." Christina sat up and licked her fingers, which she brought down to her crotch to slick down her drying passage. Slowly, excitedly, she wedged the large dildo head into her puss, careful not to pull the other end out of Gwen. Gwen lightly tugged on Christina's silky legs as Christina pushed forward, eventually getting about three inches of the dildo inside of her. Gwen pushed another two inches into herself, and the twat tug-o-war was on, each girl pushing and pulling to get their fill of shaft, feeling each other's movements deep inside. Christina was determined to surprise Gwen with how much she could take. She grabbed hold of her side and pushed with all her might. Gwen gave a helpful pull again, thoroughly enjoying the show. Christina managed to sit on six inches, matching Gwen almost perfectly.

"I think we found something you're better at than singing," Gwen cooed before pulling out her last surprise. She flipped a very tiny switch on the exposed middle of the toy, and both ends began to vibrate deep within their cunts. Christina screamed, Gwen laughed, and both of them began to move like crazy, twisting up and down on the pleasure stick, their legs wrapped around each other, their arms pushing off the bed so they could pump forward and feel more. More!

"I'm cumming," Gwen shouted. "Push it into me, baby! Oooooooooh yeaaaaaaa!!!"

Christina slammed her hips forward and Gwen pushed into every thrust, getting eight inches inside as she climaxed, the vibrations from so far inside sending her into sexual nirvana. Christina leaned forward and kissed Gwen deeply, feeling the heat of her shuddering skin and hearing the satisfied squishes of her sopping wet pussy against the relentless dildo. She leaned back again and satisfied herself as Gwen recovered, her own greedy gash reclaiming inch after inch of the buzzing toy.

Gwen pulled off the toy with a sloppy pop and, without saying a word, lifted Christina's legs into the air. Christina fell onto her back, her legs and ass hanging above her, the toy still dangling from her pussy.

"You want it in both ends?" Gwen asked with a wicked grin.

"Oooooh YEAH!" Christina grunted, not really caring that she'd never taken anything this big in her behind before. Gwen took the dangling end, still dripping with her own juice, and brought it right down to Christina's small pink pucker. She put two fingers inside, just like before, to make sure Christina was still at least that loose. Gingerly, Gwen pressed the vibrating head against Christina's small hole and pushed, moving it to the left and right just a bit to get her ring to make room. A grimace flashed across Christina's face, but her ass closed around the head with very little pain. Gwen smiled and knew it was paradise from there. She sank an inch of shaft into the pretty asshole, then another. Christina reached up to satisfy her clit. She had never felt so good. The entire lower half of her body was twitching with each vibration. To Gwen, the dildo looked like a big red snake, coiling itself into the two hottest holes on the planet.

"More," Christina creaked. "I can take more."

Gwen had to finger herself when she heard that. The horniness of this girl! Gwen only had about four inches left to work with, so she decided to give each orifice its fair share, popping two more into Christina's packed poon and easing another two into her tush. If she bent the dildo any further, flexible or not, that sucker was gonna break in two, and Gwen certainly wanted to keep her trusty raspberry friend in one piece. It had a great future ahead of it.

Gwen kept a hand pressed against the dildo, but Christina wasn't making any big movements anyway. She was too paralyzed with ecstasy. She kept frigging her clit, her fragile hands a blur of animalistic action. Gwen managed to push the girl's hands away and put her mouth on the hot spot, creeping her tongue in between the top of the dildo and Christina's pleasure pea.

She kissed and sucked her young partner's clit with all the passion she had, until she saw Christina's eyes roll back. The girl tried to moan one last time, but nothing came out. Gwen pumped the dildo in and out of Christina's ravaged pussy as the ultimate orgasm rocked the teen queen's insides. Christina looked up and managed a faint smile that spoke a thousand words. Gwen ran her hand over the girl's brow and licked away the tasty tang that trickled out below the dildo. She left the dildo inside both holes for another minute, letting the sensations completely blow Christina's mind, leaving behind nothing but happy thoughts and incredible new desires. Then, the mentor removed the toy from her protege's body, turned off the vibrators and tossed it over by the bar, next to Christina's shoes, because from now on, everything that was Gwen's would also belong to Christina's, including her heart. And this wrecked bedspread.

Post-Grammy party, 2003

It turned out the Beatles DID take Album of the Year away from Gwen, despite their questionable choice of material: "Hello Again: A Reunion Salute to Neil Diamond." But Gwen couldn't have cared less. Her romance with Christina was never "announced" to the public, but they never hid it, either. The couple danced with each other all night at the Beverly Hilton, remembering how all their happiness started just 20 floors above them. Christina decided against bringing out an album of her own that year, but both women still took home a trophy that night, for Best Pop Collaboration, an intriguing duet remake of Phil Collins' "Easy Lover" that appeared on Gwen's album:

Christina: "She's an easy lover" Gwen: "I'll take your heart but you won't feel it" Christina: "She's like no other" Gwen: "Before you know it you'll be on your knees"

Gwen took both trophies back to her office and used them as bookends for one single sheet of paper. You can still see them there today, but you'll have to do a little snooping. They're on the shelf behind the office's always-open door. Quite a puzzling setup, you might say, to use such prestigious bookends for one never-recorded song:

I WANNA LICK IT Words and music by Christina Aguilera......


If you enjoyed this story, or if you didn't, please send any feedback, comments, suggestions, etc. to xxxidolatry@hotmail.com Also, you can re-read this story and find and all of my other stories at my website: http://internetdump.com/users/xxxidolatry Thanks for reading!

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