I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 10, 2002


Boybands - I Want Your Love - Chapter 11 Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole99@msn.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 11

by JT Poole

// Chris' Hospital Room //

"So I see you finally calmed down. What did you and Joey talk about in here?" Lance asked.

"Hey, hey, that's none of your business Scoop." Joey stated as JC and Justin walked into the room carrying items for Chris.

"Here you go Chris, a giant fruit basket. Hope you like it." Justin stated putting the basket in Chris' lap.

"Wow, you got me a fruit basket. Joey and Lance didn't get me anything. At least those two were considerate of my situation, they bought something for me." Chris stated.

"Why I oughta slap you, if it wasn't for your little situation here, I would have been able to stop by a gift ship to get something for you, you big cry baby." Lance stated.

"Yeah, what he said." Joey agreed.

"Leave Chris alone, he has the right to throw temper tantrums once and a while." JC stated.

// Down the Hall //

"Okay Ashley spill, what were you thinking when you did what you did?" Erik asked.

"Look, I don't know what I was thinking, I thought I could do it. So sue me that I can't skate well." Ashley stated.

"You got that right, I should sue you. Do you know management is going to have a cow for us having to postpone concerts until your leg gets out of that cast." Trevor stated.

"Well, so what, not like we didn't need a break anyway." Ashley stated.

"You know management will find something for us to do until your leg is better. Might as well give that idea a rest, you know well as I, that we will probably have to do photo shoots are something.

"Well, I don't care, as long as I get to stay around here and do it." Ashley stated.

"Ash, why are you so deadset on staying in Orlando, is there something we should know?" Dan asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all, I just want a rest, that's all. Can't a guy rest without everyone thinking something is going on." Ashley stated.

Wishing that the guys would lay off of him and leave him alone about the matter, Ashley's mind begins to wonder. He thinks of what it would be like to be with Chris, to hold him, to have him, to love him. Not really noticing, but he feels that the guy that he likes is nearby. To calm his feeling, he asks the guys to get him out of the hospital and take him home. After seeing the doctor, the doctor okays everything for Ashley so that he may leave the hospital. On his way out of the hospital, he passes by a room where he recognizes the voice of the person he wished he was with.

"Guys stop, I need to check on something. You guys go ahead me and Jacob can handle what I need to check on." Ashley stated.

"What's going on Ashley, what are you upto?" Jacob asked.

"I don't know, but I think Chris is in that room. Knock on the door and see if he is, if so, tell me so we can go in and talk for a couple minutes before we leave." Ashley stated.

"No, I am not going to do that, that could be a total stranger's room. I don't feel like making a fool of myself today." Jacob stated.

"Come on, please, do it for me, I will owe you big." Ashley stated.

"Alright, alright, you owe me big." Jacob stated as he knocked on the door.

Jacob knocked at the door and waited for a few seconds and knocked again. After a couple of seconds had passed, the door opened and out stepped Justin and JC. The two men looked at the two men before them and wondered what they were doing.

"Yes, may I help you?" Justin asked.

"Hi, what's up guys." Jacob stated, rather not asking.

"Hi yourself, we are here with Chris, he was in a car accident." Justin stated.

"What! Is he okay?" Ashley asked, forgetting to be subtle.

"He's okay, he's right inside, hold on, let me check to see if he wants to see any visitors." Justin stated as he stepped back into the room.

"So what happened to you Ashley?" JC asked.

"Oh nothing, I was just ice skating and thought that I was able to do a jump and I kind of fell on my face in the process." Ashley stated as Jacob started laughing.

"Hey I don't think that is so funny, your friend could have been hurt worse than what he already is." JC stated as Justin stepped back out of Chris' room.

"Come on in fellows, just don't be too long, he's a little bit sleepy." Justin stated as Joey and Lance came walking out of the room as the two men were ready to enter.

"Cool, we won't be too long, we were on our way out." Ashley stated walking into the room.

//Outside the Hospital //

"Justin, honey, I am so happy. Let's go somewhere, just the two of us and spend the whole day together." Joey spoke.

"Cool, where do you want to go? " Justin asked.

"I don't know, but first let's go grab some lunch, I am starving." Joey stated.

"Oh no, I forgot. Me being in a relationship with you might fatten me up." Justin laughed.

"Oh shut up sweetie. Just hope I spend enough time eating you." Joey stated winking at Justin.

"Gross, I don't want to hear what guys do in bed." JC stated.

"Oh god Joey stop that, you are gonna get me all hot and bothered." Justin stated walking to the car with the two men making JC groan.

// Back in the Hospital //

"Well I am glad you are doing okay Chris, when you get out of here, let me know, maybe we can hang out or something." Ashley stated.

"Sure, I'll do that. Thanks for stopping by." Chris stated as the two men left his room.

"Ashley, what is it that you see in that old guy? I don't even believe he's gay as you think." Jacob stated.

"Well I am going to find out if he's gay or not, I am going to invite him to my place once he gets out of here and go from there. That will give me all the information I need about Mr. Kirkpatrick, my love." Ashley stated hopping down the hall on his crutches.

"You sound like an obsessed fan. Ashley don't take this the wrong way, but what if you get him alone and he isn't gay or he is gay and he doesn't like you?" Jacob asked.

"Then I would just have get over him, that would be the only thing I could do." Ashley stated.

The two men left the hospital to join up with their friends. While back in Chris' room, he was thinking about the odd meeting with Ashley and Jacob from O-Town. He didn't know why two members of O-Town would come to see him, he thought it was rather strange to have them visit, seeing that they were in competition in the music industry. Although, it was strange, he did find Ashley to be a cute little hotie and couldn't wait to hang out with him if the young meant what he was saying. Chris couldn't wait to get out of the hospital.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole99@msn.com

AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 13

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