I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 30, 2002


Boybands - I Want Your Love - Chapter 14 Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole99@msn.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 14

by JT Poole

// Joey's House //

"Where's Joey and Justin?" JC asked walking into the room with Chris and Lance.

"They are upstairs JC. Come on Lance, tell me what you and Justin were arguing about? I want to know?" Christ stated angrily.

"It was nothing Chris, just forget about it." Lance spoke. "It would only make matters worse."

"The pizza is here, we can get started if everyone is ready to start the movie." JC stated.

"I don't want to watch a movie, I want to go home now. I don't want to be here if people are keeping secrets from me!" Chris stated starting at Lance.

"What? What are you talking about Chris? What do you mean by that? Who's keeping secrets from you?" JC asked.

"Lance is! When I came into the kitchen he and Justin were arguing, it had something to do with Joey and me, but when I asked about it, Justin ran upstairs and Lance, well Lance, he just clammed up and told me to drop it." Chris stated with a frown on his face.

"Okay Lance spill it." JC stated staring at Lance.

"Damnit, I am leaving!" Lance yelled as he left the kitchen and walked out the front door, getting into his vehicle and leaving.

// Joey's Bedroom //

"I don't know what Lance said to you, but I am sure he didn't mean it baby." Justin spoke to Joey with tears in his eyes.

"Justin honey, just don't worry about that, it's alright, it's nothing to be concerned about. Come on don't cry baby." Joey said as Justin let his tears fall and wrapped his arms around Joey's waist.

"I don't want to see you sad or upset baby, I am not going to let Lance or anyone hurt what we have." Justin said as he rubbed his fingers through Joey's hair and kissed his lips passionately.

"Honey, no one is going to mess us up, no one. Lance was just trying to help, he was just going about it the wrong way. Just don't worry about it, me and you are okay." Joey spoke as he kissed Justin and they headed downstairs to the others.

Driving down the street towards his house, Lance pulls off the road and stops his vehicle. Sitting there looking out the window, Lance starts to cry. For years now, Lance has concentrated all of his time and energy into the group and working, never did he ever try to focus any of that time or energy into finding someone to love and be happy with. Now that Joey and Justin was dating, and it seemed that everyone else in the group had their mind set on someone, Lance was the only one that didn't have someone to love.

// O-Town's Mansion //

"Ashley what's up guy, you have been sulking in here all day." Dan said walking into the living room.

"I am just chillin', there's nothing wrong. Trust me, I am okay." Ashley spoke as Jacob came into the room.

"Yo, Ash man, what's up?" Jacob asked sitting down next to Ashley and messing up his hair.

"Hey man, watch the do, it took me a while to get this just right." Ashley spoke as Dan and Jacob started laughing.

"Yeah right, it took you hours to develop that do of bedhead, come on man, we can give you a better do rolling you through the grass in the backyard." Dan teased.

"Alright, alright lay off my friend here, looks like he has something on his mind." Jacob stated as Ashley gave him a strange look.

"I am going to leave you two alone, sometimes I think you guys are sleeping together or something." Dan stated leaving the room.

"Oh shut up." Ashley stated throwing a pillow at Dan as he was heading out the door. "Jacob, I want to see Chris, I want to see him now. I have been thinking about him all day and all night, I just don't know what to do." Ashley stated.

"Well the best advice I can offer you is to go ahead and call him already. You have been sitting on his number for days. You said you were going to give him a call to hang out once he got out of the hospital, guess what..." Jacob spoke as he waited for an answer from Ashley.

"What? Tell me, just go ahead and tell me." Ashley spoke.

"Chris got out of the hospital today and Lance took him home." Jacob stated causing Ashley to jump up and start pacing around the room.

"Stop being a wimp and call him already!" Jacob stated getting up off the sofa and walking out of the room.

"Oh what do I have to loose, if he doesn't like me, he doesn't like me, I would just have to move on." Ashley stated walking over to the telephone. "Jacob, you can calm down now, I am going to call him." Ashley shouted in Jacob's direction.

Ashley pulled a small pda out of his pocket and turned it on. He started pushing the buttons, doing what he needed to do to retrieve Chris' phone number. While in the other room, Jacob sits and listen to Ashley singing while looking up Chris' phone number. He knows that Ashley is in love with Chris, but he wished Ashley was in love with him instead. He will just have to wait to see what happens between Ashley and Chris, hopping that Chris will not like him and turn him down.

// Joey's House //

<Chris Cell Phone rings with the tone of 'Bye Bye Bye' playing>

"Hello, yes this is Chris...Hi Ashley, what's up?" Chris spoke into his phone.

"I heard you got out of the hospital and wanted to see if you wanted to get together and hang out?" Ashley stated pacing around the room holding the phone.

"Well sure I would love to, but right now I am with the guys watching a movie. Hold on a minute, will ya." Chris stated, covering the mouth piece of the phone. "Hey guys, would you mind if Ashley came over and hung out with us?" Chris asked as Joey, Justin and JC looked back and forth at each other.

"Are you talking about that guy that came to visit you at the hospital?" Justin asked.

"Yeah Just, that's the guy he's talking about." JC stated.

"Sure no problem with me as long as it's all right with everyone else here." Joey stated.

"Cool" Justin and JC spoke at the same time.

"Would you like to come over and hung out with us Ashley? I just checked with the other guys and they don't mind if you would like to come over." Chris stated as he started rubbing his forehead.

"Well, if you would like me to I will, if not, I can wait until you have time to yourself, I don't want to pull your away from your friends." Ashley stated.

"You wouldn't be doing that, you can join us over here and hang out with us. I am at Joey's house, if you want to, I will give you directions and you can come over here and have fun with us." Chris stated.

"Cool, I would like that, besides I was bored here at the house, all my friends are either gone on dates or not available." Ashley stated as he and Chris laughed at the same time, causing Ashley to smile and Jacob to frown.

"Well come on over..." Chris stated as he told Ashley how to get to Joey's house.

// Lance's House //

"Mom, just listen to me, I will be alright, I just need to take a small vacation, I just need to get away from it all and rest." Lance stated as his mother did what she could to comfort him over the phone. "I am just going to spend a couple of days in New York by myself, just me and my thoughts." Lance stated as his mother gave up on trying to help him and just let him vent his anger.

"Son, I wish you would come here instead, be with your family. When you are upset the way you sound, you shouldn't be by yourself." Diane Bass stated as Lance finally got upset and just hung up the phone on his mother.

"I bet she's going to be mad with me, but I am just going to leave for a while and clear my head." Lance stated turning his cell phone off, heading out the door to get into a tazi that was there to take him to the airport.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole99@msn.com

AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 16

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