I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 31, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole99@msn.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 15

by JT Poole

// New York - The Hilton //

"Good afternoon sir, we have your reservation and we can go ahead and get you checked in. Are there any special accommodations that you may need?" the receptionist asked.

"Is there an internet line in the room for my laptop?" Lance asked.

"Yes there is a internet and a network connection in the rooms. There is no extra charge for the internet line, but anything that you print to the network connection will get a charge." the receptionist spoke as Lance picked up his backpack and followed the bellboy into the elevator after getting his keycard from the receptionist.

// Joey's House //

"Hi guys, what's going on?" Ashley stated walking into the house with Chris.

"Hello Ashley, how's it going with you?" Justin asked.

"Cool, everything's cool." Ashley spoke as Chris led him to his seat.

"Can I get you something to drink or eat?" Chris asked.

"Sure whatever you are drinking would be fine, I am not hungry right now." Ashley stated as Chris walked towards the kitchen to get Ashley's drink.

"While in the kitchen fetching Ashley's drink, Justin and Joey walked into the kitchen to have a small moment of alone time. Not wanting to do something romantic in front of Ashley, that could be leaked to the media or the press, Justin and Joey stayed in the kitchen kissing, hoping that they could keep their hands off of each other long enough to get through the rest of the afternoon while the young man was there.

"What kept you two in the kitchen that long, were you two in there making out again?" JC asked looking at Justin and Joey as they sat down.

"Josh!" Justin screamed as JC winced, not realizing what he just said in front of the guest in the room.

"It's okay, not like I am going to tell anyone. Your secrets are safe with me. Just as long as you keep my secrets." Ashley stated as Justin, Joey, JC and Chris all stared at him with his comment.

"What secret do you have, if you don't mind me asking?" Justin asked looking at Ashley.

"Well, umm, well, I am gay too." Ashley spoke.

"Cool, someone in our world that we can talk to." Justin stated getting up from his seat and walking over to Ashley and giving him a hug.

// O-Town Mansion //

"Jacob what's wrong man? Why are you sitting in here in the dark with the music blaring?" Dan asked.

"Just got out! Get the fuck out!" Jacob shouted over the music.

"Jacob what's wrong man, turn down the music and talk to me. When you are listening to music like this, I know there's something wrong with you and I want you to tell me instead of trying to force it out of your mind." Dan said.

"Look, there's nothing to tell, just leave me alone." Jacob sat there and started crying.

"Now I know there is something wrong. I have only seen you cry twice in my life, one was at your best friend's funeral and the other was the other night when you thought Ashley was going to die." Dan stated.

"Dan, you know I like you and all, but right now isn't a good time to be around me. Just let me be!" Jacob stated as he stood up and directed Dan to leave his room.

"Fuck man, all I am trying to do is help you, just let me help you." Dan stated as Jacob slammed the door in his face.

// New York - The Hilton //

"Good Afternoon sir, here is the keycard to your room and here is the information you requested." the receptionist spoke as she handed the gentlemen the things he had requested.

"Thank you young lady, and I hope you have a lovely day, as it seems I am already having one." the young man stated as the bellboy walked over and picked up the young mans bags.

"Do you know who you are? You look just like Seth Green from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'." the bellboy stated as the two of them walked to the elevator, while the young man started laughing.

"Well I am Seth Green, but please don't tell anyone, I came here to escape from the fans and to take a break. I have been working non-stop for the last couple of months, and this is the first time I was able to get away for myself." Seth stated as they arrived on his floor.

As the elevator doors opened, to the surprise of both the bellboy and the young man, Gideon Yago of MTV News and Devon Sawa were standing there waiting to board the elevator. Star struck, the bellboy started jumping up and down in the elevator causing Devon and Gideon to stare at him strangely. After the bellboy had calmed down, Seth was already out of the elevator waiting for the bellboy to bring his bags, as Gideon signed a napkin for him and shook his hand Devon stepped into the elevator, awaiting Gideon's arrival.

"I am so sorry that I freaked out like that, I shouldn't have done that. It's not every day that I see major celebrities like you guys. I am so happy that I got a chance to meet you guys." the bellboy stated.

"What's your name dude?" Seth asked.

"My name is Will, Will Trenton." the bellboy stated.

"Will are there any places to hang out around this town that would be enjoyable by guys of our stature?" Seth asked.

"Well there is this new place around the corner called The Zone, it's a new dance club that just opened up." Will stated as Seth opened the door to his room and invited Will in.

"Sounds cool, would you like to accompany me to this dance club? I promise, I won't be that boring." Seth stated looking at the guy with hope in his eyes.

"Sure I would enjoy going, I have never been in there." Will stated.

"What time do you get off from work Will?" Seth asked.

"I should be done around midnight." Will stated.

"How about you meet me here then and we can both check the place at together for the first time." Seth stated as Will just had a look of amazement on his face.

Standing there talking to the bellboy, Seth thought to himself about how good the bellboy looked and how bad he wanted a piece of ass. Thinking back to the last time he had had sex, Seth put his best plan into motion to get the guy into his bed tonight. Knowing that this guy was starcrazy, he would probably do anything I asked him to do.

// Joey's House //

"Guys I am getting tired, I think I am going to go home and rest up a bit. Call me tomorrow if you guys want to get together and do something." JC stated as he got up walking towards the door.

"Oh Josh, are you okay? We have two more movies that we wanted to watch." Justin stated checking to see if his best friend was okay.

"I am okay Curly, just tired. I am going to go back to our place and get some sleep. Later guys, it was nice meeting you Ashley, hope to see you again." JC stated as he walked out the door.

"It's only 7:30 and he's headed home for sleep already, I just don't understand why he sleeps so much." Justin stated.

"Maybe he's an alien baby, have you ever thought of that." Joey joked as Justin playfully punched him in the shoulder then leaned over to kiss him passionately.

"Come on you guys, don't you see we have a guest, don't gross him out by all of your kissing." Chris stated.

"It's all right, they are not bothering me at all. I just wish I had someone to curl up with and do that with too." Ashley stated as Justin and Joey looked at him and Chris.

"Chris, can I speak to you for a moment in the kitchen? It's very important." Joey stated as he got up and walked into the kitchen with Chris dragging behind him seconds later.

"What's up Joe? What's so important that you have to pull me from the movie for?" Chris asked.

"Chris just listen to me and don't say a word until I am finished. Ashley has a thing for you. I have noticed him giving you these strange glances ever since he's been here. I have also noticed the strange love hints he keeps dropping in hopes that 'someone' picks up on them." Joey stated.

"Yeah I know, I don't know why..."Chris stated as Joey cut him off.

"Let me finish! Chris, Ashley likes you, do you like him?" Joey asked.

"I don't know, this is the first time that we have actually been around each other this long. He's cute and all, but I don't know." Chris stated.

"Chris, this might be what you need right now, this well help you and Lance." Joey stated as Chris gave him a strange look.

"What does Lance have to do with this?" Chris asked.

"Lance talked to me today before he left. He told me that I shouldn't hang around you because you were still in love with me and that being around me would only cause you pain." Joey stated as Chris started to blush.

"Well he's right, I am still kind of in love with you, but I am getting over it. I see now that you and Justin are getting really deep and I know that I don't stand a chance at the moment to have you so I know I must move on." Chris stated with a frown.

"Chris perk up, you know if I didn't have feelings for Justin I would be with you. I am sorry the way things turned at, but I feeling in love with Justin before I knew about your feelings. If I would have known the way you felt about me before Justin came into the picture with me, then we could have had something." Joey stated.

"I know, I know, it was my fault, I should have told you back then when I first realized I had feelings for you, but I was too scared to do it. Ashley is cute, and I do see some things that we have in common, but he's younger than me. Are you sure he likes me, I think I am too old for him, what does he see in an old guy like me?" Chris asked.

"I see you, I see a guy that I have waited a long time to try to have a relationship with. Age is nothing but a number to me, and I hope that is all it is to you." Ashley stated as he came walking into the Kitchen with Justin.

"What are you two doing in here?" Joey asked.

"Well you two were taking so long and here. While waiting on your goofs to come back, me and Ashley were talking and he kinda spilled the beans that he likes you Chris and he wants to date you, so what do you say Chris?" Justin asked.

"Chris would you be my boyfriend?" Ashley asked as he got down on one knee as though he was proposing.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole99@msn.com

AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 17

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