I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Nov 19, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole99@msn.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 18

by JT Poole

// New York - Seth Green's Hotel Room //

"Come on Will wake up, oh god, I am going to jail for killing the kid. This is just great, how is this going to look to the tabloids?" Seth stated as Will started to stir in his arms.

"Oh my, what happened?" Will asked as he grabbed the back of his head and tried to stand up.

"You came in here and you fainted." Seth stated. "Then you scared the hell out of me, I thought I had killed you or something."

"I am still alive, but I have a pounding headache." Will stated.

"Well how about this, why don't we stay in tonight, we can go out tomorrow night instead. We need to worry about that bump on your head." Seth stated.

"No no no, I am fine, we can still go out. Trust me I am okay." Will stated.

"No you are not okay, you have a bump on your head. Come on, let's just take it easy and rest." Seth said as he stood up and pulled Will up to his feet and started undressing him.

"Mr. Green what are you doing? Why are you taking off my clothes?" Will asked.

"I was getting you ready to rest and relax. Since you have a bump on your head, I figured that I can do what I can to try and make you feel better since we are not going out. I asked you here so that we can go out and have a good time, but since we are not going out, we can still have the good time." Seth stated.

"Mr. Green what kind of a good time can we have together nude?" Will asked.

"We can lie here in bed and keep each other company." Seth stated as he dropped his hand down to Will's pants and started unzipping them.

"Mr. Green, I am sorry, but I don't party that way. I don't know what you had in mind, but looks like you are headed for my cock and well to put it to you likely, I am not gay." Will stated as he slapped Seth's hand away and grabbed his shirt and headed to the door.

"Damn it, I was so fucking close. What am I going to do now. I must have read the signs all wrong. Oh god, what if he goes to the press about what just happened in here. Fuck, fuck fuck. I am screwed." Seth said aloud.

// O-Town's Mansion (Friday Morning) //

"Good morning Jacob, how did your fucking night go?" Erik asked.

"Look man, I don't need any shit right now, I am not in the mood." Jacob stated walking past Erik.

"Look guys don't start, it's too early in the morning." Dan stated.

"Man, I don't think anyone that lives in this fucking house is in the mood with anything the way you were blaring that fucking music last night, none of us got any fucking sleep!" Erik shouted.

"Screw you man! Wait until someone is down to kick them, go ahead kick me some more. What else do you want to say?" Jacob asked.

"I am not kicking you while you are down! You are keeping us from getting precious sleep, and for what, why are you doing that Jacob, can you tell us why?"

"Look I'm not in the mood for any of this, just start the meeting so I can go back to damn bed." Jacob stated.

"We can't start the meeting, Ashley isn't here, it's important that he be here for it." Dan stated.

"Great, just fucking great! Can someone call him and get his ass here, I don't want to be here all damn day!" Jacob stated.

"Man you need to chill, you act like you are going to die or something. Chill, before you pop a gut or something." Erik stated walking around the room.

// Joey's House //

"Oh Joey that feels so good, oh don't stop, keep going baby. Ummmmmm, I'm getting close baby, I can feel it, I am getting ready to cummmmmmmmm!" Justin screamed as he reached his climax as Joey was sucking his dick.

"Just returning the favor for my baby, hope you enjoyed your wake up call." Joey stated. "Because I enjoyed my bedtime nightcap."

"Oh baby I did enjoy it. I love you Joey. I am so glad that we are together, I am so happy, you just don't know how happy I am." Justin stated.

"Well you can show me how happy you are while we are taking a shower. It's 8:30 and we need to go ahead and get clean so we can take Ashley to his place and get over to the studio so I can rehearse." Joey stated, picking up his lover and carrying him into the bathroom.

"Honey put me down before you hurt yourself. I know you love me and all, but I don't want you doing something to break us up, if you know what I mean." Justin stated laughing.

"Ha ha ha, just get your cute tushy in the shower so we can get ready." Joey stated as he put Justin down and stepped out of his boxers.

The two men stepped into the shower and started the water running. Letting the water get warm, Justin pushed Joey under the water spray and started kissing him passionately, showing the older man how happy he was that they were together. Enjoying the pleasure Justin was giving him, Joey started to massage the shower gel into Justin's back as he continued to rub his hands up and down, foaming up Justin's back. After washing each other's hair and cleaning the body of the other, the two men stepped out and started to dry off.

"Baby, I will be back in a minute, I am going to wake up Chris and let him know where we are going." Justin stated as he left the room.

Entering the room occupied by Chris, Justin jumps on the bed and starts jumping up and down to wake up Chris. Not noticing that there is another body in the bed with Chris, Ashley starts screaming, thinking that there is an earthquake happening at that moment. Shocking both Justin and Chris, Ashley jumps out of the bed and runs over and stands in the doorway, as he turned on the bedroom light with tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry guys, I had no idea that you both were in here. I normally do something stupid to wake Chris up, I am so sorry Ashley." Justin stated as Ashley calmed down.

"It's okay Justin, you just scared me a little bit." Ashley stated walking back over to the bed.

"I think I will leave you two alone. Again, I am very sorry about this." Justin stated leaving the room and going back down to his and Joey's room starting to cry.

"Hey honey why the shocked look on your face? Did you wake up Chris?" Joey asked.

"Oh yeah, I wake up Chris and I almost killed his new boyfriend too." Justin stated.

"What? How?" Joey asked.

"Well I went into Chris' room and started jumping up and down on the bed. I didn't know Ashley was in the bed with him, and Ashley freaked. He thought there was an earthquake going on or something." Justin stated.

"Oh Justin, calm down. It was an innocent mistake. You didn't know Ashley was going to be in the bed with him. Calm down honey, everything is going to be okay. " Joey tried to soothe Justin in his unsettled state, while still putting his clothing on.

"You were not there Joeybear, you didn't see the look on Ashley's face. He was so scared and terrorfied." Justin stated as his tears stopped.

"You stay here and get dressed while I go then and check on the two of them." Joey stated as he kissed Justin, walked out of the room, walked down the hall and tapped on Chris' room door.

"Come on in Justin." Chris called from the room.

"It's not Justin, it's me Joey." Joey stated walking into the room. "Are you two okay? Justin told me what happened earlier. He's very upset, he thinks he hurt you two with his little prank this morning. I told him I would come down here and check on you guys."

"We are okay Joe. I didn't think he would get upset that bad, Ashley's fine. He was just startled a bit. He has never been awaken by Justin before." Chris stated as he and Joey started laughing.

"Ashley you sure you are okay? Justin is very sorry for what he did. He just didn't expect you to be in here with Chris." Joey stated as Ashley got up and hugged him.

"Tell Justin that I am okay and to calm down. I am fine. I was just startled is all." Ashley stated as he looked at his watch. "Oh my god, I am late. I was supposed to see the guys for a meeting this morning."

"Well hurry up, I will drop you off, let me go get Justin and I will be ready to go, meet me down stairs. Chris you coming with us or staying here?" Joey asked leaning in the doorway.

"I guess I will tag along with you and Justin if it's okay, I have nothing to do today." Chris stated getting out of bed.

"Well okay, I will see you guys downstairs." Joey stated leaving the room.

// New York - Lance's Hotel Room //

"Baby wake up, it's almost 9:00, what do you have planned today?" Devon asked.

"Nothing babe. I only came to New York to get away from everyone else. I was just taking a small vacation. I needed time to think." Lance stated.

"Oh so you mean we can fool around all day and do nothing?" Devon asked.

"Well, I had planned on going shopping, but we can fool around and do nothing. It feels good to be in your arms again." Lance stated rolling over to kiss Devon.

"Umm, I am starting to love this again. James please don't hurt me this time. I couldn't bear it if we broke up again." Devon spoke.

"Hon, I have no intentions of breaking up with you. Believe me, I am going to make some changes in my life and you are one of the changes." Lance stated.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole99@msn.com

AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 20

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