I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 4, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole99@msn.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 20

by JT Poole

// O-Town's Mansion //

Ashley and Chris step out of Joey's car, say their goodbyes and send the two men on their way to start the day. Entering the house, Ashley leads Chris into the entertainment room, gives him the remote control for the television and shows him the direction to the bathroom and the room where he will be. With that done, Ashley kisses Chris on the lips and walks out of the room.

"Wow that was some kiss." Chris stated as Ashley turned around and blew a kiss at him as he continued down the hall to the room the meeting was located in. "I am starting to like him more and more. Wonder what's on television."

"Good morning guys. I hope everyone is having a beautiful day." Ashley stated walking into the room full of O-Town.

"Finally, you are here, let's get this over with. First of all, we need to talk about the new album release party and then we need to go over the next video shoot and make plans to get into the studio to do that." Dan stated.

"Wait a minute, I thought we had decided all of that stuff last week. What was the meeting and paperwork on Tuesday for?" Ashley asked.

"Well we did do that, but Trey said that we need to change some of the dates around to get everything in order." Dan stated.

"Great, why don't we have the party Friday night. Since we are going to be on TRL Friday afternoon, we can do that promotion then, and then follow up with the release party that night. A whole lot of publicity in one day." Ashley stated.

"We could do that, but what about the video shoot. We need to get the video finished before we have the release party. The only thing TRL is going to do is have us perform one of the new tracks, but at the release party we need to have the video done so some people in the industry can see it." Dan stated.

"Wouldn't TRL want to show the video too?" Jacob asked.

"Why show the video and then have us perform the same song. When the video is finished, I am quite sure it would get plenty of airplay on MTV. The performance we are going to do is going to serve as the premiere video for the song." Dan stated.

"Excuse me, I have to run to the bathroom, I will be back in a sec." Jacob stated as he got up.

As Dan continued to talk about the things that needed to be done, Ashley zoned out thinking about Chris. He was finally happy to have the man that he had a crush on for so long, the man that had been a major star of his fantasies every night. Expecting his memory to continue, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Jacob screaming at the top of his lungs.

"What the hell is going on!" Erik stated as he got up and walked out of the room followed by Ashley, Dan and Trevor.

"Sorry, I didn't know he was in the bathroom. It was an honest mistake." Chris stated backing away from the door.

"Who is this guy? Why is he here, walking in on people using the bathroom?" Jacob asked.

"Everyone this is Chris, Chris this is O-Town. That's Jacob in there, here is Dan, Erik and Trevor." Ashley stated as he pointed to each member of O-Town.

"Nice to meet you guys." Chris stated as he stepped beside Ashley.

"Is everything okay baby? Are you okay?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, he just startled me a little, I am okay." Chris stated as the guys looked at him and Ashley strange as they talked.

"Ashley, are you forgetting to tell us something?" Dan asked. "Why did you just call him baby?"

Being caught off guard, Ashley stopped what he was doing as the blood rushed to his face. He hadn't realized it, but he had called Chris baby, and hugged him when he walked over to him. Seeing all of this, Jacob shut the door to the bathroom and started to cry, as the others waited for Ashley to speak.

"Well...uh...well Chris and I are dating each other. Chris is my boyfriend." Ashley stated as all of the guys spoke at once.

"He's your what?!!!"

"He's my boyfriend. Is there a problem?" Ashley asked looking around at the six pairs of eyes on him.

"No, no problem, we just didn't think you would be dating the competition." Trevor stated pointing at Chris. "I knew I recognized him, he's Chris from N Sync."

"Yeah and...? What does that matter?" Ashley stated, walking over to Trevor and getting in his face.

"Ashley, don't it's okay, don't start any trouble over me." Chris stated, walking over to Ashley and placing his hands on Ashley's shoulders.

"Not going to start any trouble, I want to make sure that they are okay with the person I choose to be with." Ashley stated walking away from Trevor.

"Look man, we don't care who you are dating just as long as you are careful and it doesn't interfere with the group." Dan stated.

"Good then, we are on the same page with things. Now if there is nothing more out here, should we get back to the meeting, me and Chris have plans for later on today." Ashley stated.

// Artisan Studio //

"Joeybear, I can't wait until you are done, I am ready for your surprise." Justin stated as he walked over to the side of the stage.

"I can't wait either baby, but we have four more scenes to rehearse. Seeing you sit down there cheering me on makes want to come down there with you and do naughty things to you." Joey stated, leaning down to kiss Justin.

"Ummmmm, you better stop now before we end up getting carried away." Justin stated, pushing Joey back on the stage.

"You're right, if I don't stay focused, Ken will keep us here and make us do the scenes over. I will do my best though, so I can get to you." Joey stated as Ken, the director walked over to call everyone to attention.

Finishing up with Justin, Joey followed the others back to the part of the stage where the director had called them too. Justin sat there relishing in the view of seeing his lover moving on stage, what would he do if something happened to the two of them. Sitting there watching the rest of rehearsals, Justin noticed one of the other actors paying close attention to Joey, so much attention, it got Justin thinking.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole99@msn.com

AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 22

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