I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 22, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@pineland.net". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 23 by JT Poole

// New York - A Secluded Restaurant //

"Are you enjoying the meal? You haven't said much since we've been here, is everything okay?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, I am okay, I was just doing a little thinking." Devon stated. "I am okay, don't worry so much Lance, you seem to think there is something always wrong when someone is quiet for a long period of time."

"Well silence sometimes worry me, when I am around someone that always talkative." Lance explained. "It's odd that you have been quiet for so long."

"Well I have a lot on my mind. I was thinking about how things will get better when we get back to Orlando." Devon stated.

"Yeah, well we will find out tomorrow won't we? I just hope the guys don't go ballistic about this." Lance stated.

"Go ballistic about what James? What should we go ballistic for?" JC asked walking over to Lance and Devon's table.

"Josh, what are you doing here?" Lance asked with a scared look on his face.

"I have been looking for you all over the place. Are you crazy? Why did you take off like that and not tell anyone where you were going? I have been worried about you." JC stated.

"Josh, I am so sorry. I just needed to get away from everything that was going on in Orlando. I couldn't handle everything, so I decided to go for a small vacation." Lance spoke.

"A small vacation that had me looking for you for the last couple of days. I thought something bad had happened to you. I had no idea you had come to New York until your travel agent told me that she had book you a ticket to here." JC stated.

"JC would you like to sit down?" Devon asked. "Take a load off."

"Thank you, who are you? Why are you here with Lance anyway?" JC asked.

"Josh, this is Devon, Devon Sawa. We are having lunch, that's what he is doing here with me." Lance spoke.

"Okay you are having lunch, but..." JC trailed off, as Lance reached over and grabbed Devon's hand.

"Devon is my..." Lance spoke, as he winked an eye at JC. "We dated for a while, but we broke up, and we are now getting back together.

"What, I don't believe this. Are you telling me that I am the only one in N Sync that likes girls?" JC asked. "Oh great, there goes are careers."

"No it isn't the fans will still like us." Lance spoke.

"I can see the tabloid spread now, 'N Sync takes a break from performing because all of its singers are gay.' Johnny's going to freak when he hears all that has been happening since we went on break." JC stated.

"All but you Josh. I guess they can all scream for you now." Lance spoke.

"First Justin and Joey, then Chris and Ashley, now Lance and you, is there anything else I need to know about gay people that are going to be hanging around?" JC asked as he put his head down on the table.

// Orlando Hills Hotel - Joey and Justin's Hotel Room //

"Justin baby talk to me, tell me what's wrong, what did I do?" Joey asked.

"Joey just stay away from me. Don't come near me!" Justin screamed once more, as there was a knock at the door.

"Hello. Hello, is everything okay in there? We heard screaming, is everything all right?" Someone spoke outside of the room in the hallway.

Joey walked over to the door and greeted the people that were standing there. He explained to them that he had the television volume up high while he was in the bathroom so that he could hear it and that he was sorry for the inconvenience he caused. The people took that as an excuse and left the situation as it was. Now Joey had to find out what was wrong with Justin, to cause him to act so strangely.

"Justin, whatever I have done I am sorry. Please forgive me. I am going downstairs to the restaurant." Joey stated, as he gathered the stuff he needed and opened the room door and left.

Justin opened the bathroom door and looked around the hotel room to see that Joey actually did leave. He didn't want Joey to leave, but he couldn't control his fear of what was about to happen. He didn't want to be handcuffed again and be left alone like last time; he didn't want to be in that position again. Justin grabbed his stuff and went down to the restaurant to talk to Joey.

// Orlando - Chris' House //

"What do you want to drink? I have Coke, Sprite, Pepsi and some Dew, what do you choose?" Chris asked, as Ashley sat down on the leather sofa.

"Do you have anything heavier than that?" Ashley asked.

"Well I have beer and wine, and some heavy stuff over in the bar over there." Chris stated. "Do you want to get drunk?"

"No I don't want to get drunk, it's takes a lot for me to get drunk, besides I want to just chill out here with you. I have nothing else to do but be here with you." Ashley stated patting the seat next to him, for Chris to come sit down besides him.

"How about I pour us some wine, we can drink that while we are watching the movie." Chris stated, walking over to the bar and grabbing a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Sure babe, just as long as you are over here with me." Ashley stated, pulling Chris into his lap. "I think this is a comfortable position for us."

"Oh, really, why? Are you trying to baby me or something?" Chris asked.

"Maybe, maybe not, but I am going to hold on to you." Ashley stated as he pulled Chris into a kiss. "Ummmmmm I can still taste the ice cream on your lips."

"I can still taste the brownies on yours. We are two sweet tasting guys." Chris stated as they continued kissing each other, ignoring the movie playing on the television.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@pineland.net AIM: swainsboroGABoi ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 25

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