I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Jan 22, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 25 by JT Poole

// New York -- Lance's Hotel Room //

"So Scoop, when are you coming back home?" JC asked.

"We are leaving today. We should be at my place around 11 tonight." Lance stated as Devon walked into the room and wrapped his arms around Lance.

"Hey baby, did I tell you how beautiful you were today?" Devon asked.

"No you didn't, but go ahead and tell me, I just love hearing it." Lance stated as JC made a gagging face at him. "You are just mad that no one tells you stuff like that."

"I am glad, I would die from diabetes or something. You two are just toooooo sweet for me, suicidal even." JC stated as he started laughing.

"Oh just get over yourself Chasez, leave my James alone. If we want to be sweet to each other we can." Devon stated.

"So I guess I will leave you two alone. I am going back to my hotel and call to book me a flight to leave to get back home. I will see you guys later." JC stated. "I am happy for you Lance."

"Thanks Josh, hopefully we will see you later on tonight at my place, right?" Lance asked.

"I will be there. Do you want me to get everyone together or something?" JC asked.

"No, I will call the others when we get into town." Lance stated. "Thanks for the offer Josh."

"No prob, see you guys later..." JC stated as he gave both of them a hug and left the room.

"So what do you want to do until its time for us to go baby?" Devon asked.

"Why don't we just chill out, just relaxing baby, I don't feel like doing anything." Lance stated.

"Do you feel like doing something..." Devon stated wiggling his eyebrows and smirking.

"Oh Mr. Sawa, what do you have in mind or shall I asked Little Sawa downstairs what he has in mind." Lance stated.

"He's not little, he's big enough to do the job. You like him." Devon stated.

"Yes I do like him, but I think James, Jr. wants some action right now." Lance stated, as he let his pants fall to the floor, surprising Devon that neither of them were wearing underwear.

"Oh Lance." Devon stated, as he dropped to his knees and started sucking Lance's dick.

Lance was surprised to feel Devon's mouth on his cock that he fell back against the wall as Devon continued to suck on his dick. Moaning his approval of what Devon was doing, Lance grabbed Devon and pulled him up to his face to kiss him. They continued to kiss each other as they walked to the bedroom. In the bedroom, Lance pushed Devon down on the bed and straddled his chest and fed his dick to him again. Sucking on Lance's dick, Devon started massaging Lance's ass, teasing his asscrack in the process, causing Lance to buck his hopes in pleasure.

// Orlando Hills Hotel -- Justin and Joey's Room //

"Ahhhhhhh, that feels good Joeybear, harder, harder do it again, do it again!" Justin screamed as he and Joey were having sex.

"Oh baby, if you keep doing that I am going to cum! Oh shit, Oh Justin, I love you!" Joey screamed, as he pulled out of Justin and his cum splattered across Justin's chest.

"Oh oh, here it comes! Oh god, thank you baby! I love you too Joeybear." Justin stated as his cum splattered across his own chest too.

"Oh that was so amazing baby. I am glad we decided to watch that video." Joey stated.

"Me too baby, I didn't know that this could be so much fun." Justin stated.

"Justin baby. I really do love you. I would never ever do anything to hurt you. I want you to know that I will do anything to make sure that we are both happy together." Joey stated.

"I love you too Joeybear, I feel the exact same way. I have waited it seems a lifetime to find you, I am glad we are together." Justin stated, as he leaned over and started kiss Joey passionately.

"We have been here locked in this room for the last four hours. I hope we didn't disturb anyone with our fun." Joey laughed.

"Well you were the one that brought a 4-hour video tape for us to watch and re-enact." Justin stated. "If someone heard us, that means they don't have a life of their own."

"Well you know how perverts are, they will listen to anything." Joey stated, as he got out of bed and turned off the television. "Why don't we go take a shower and go down and lounge around for a bit?"

"Okay, that sounds good. Let's go have fun." Justin stated as he got out of bed and walked over to Joey as the both of them walked into the bathroom to shower.

// O-Town's Mansion //

"Damn it Jacob, I can't take this shit anymore. Either you get over this shit or you find someplace else to live." Trevor stated beating on Jacob's door.

"Leave me the fuck alone, go away!" Jacob shouted through the door over the music.

"Look Dan, this is getting out of hand. He's been doing this all day, all day! Is there something that we can do?" Trevor asked.

"No! He's just acting childish because he can't get what he wants!" Erik stated.

"Well what he wants he can't have. Ashley is dating Chris, and the way Ashley acted around Chris, he's in love, I saw it all over his face." Trevor stated.

"Well I guess we need to do something to get Ashley and Jacob together so we can have some peace in this damn house." Erik stated.

"Erik be reasonable. You can't change who you fall in love with. If Ashley is happy with Chris, don't you dare do anything to break them up! Jacob just needs to fucking get over this shit and move on." Dan stated.

"Well we need to do something. I can't continue to put up with the way Jacob is acting over all of this." Erik stated.

"He's acting like a jilted lover or something. Did he and Ashley have something going on?" Trevor asked.

"Not that I know of. I don't believe that Ashley would have been involved with Jacob, he just recently told me he was gay." Dan stated.

"What, I thought you just found out when we did." Erik stated.

"I've known for months. I have even known that he had a crush on Chris." Dan stated.

"So you have been keeping secrets! What else do you know, that we don't?" Erik asked.

"Look man, I am not going to go spouting out everyone's secrets. So don't ask me too." Dan stated.

"Look Dan, all I want is for our lives to return to normal. Ever since Jacob saw Ashley and Chris together, he's gotten worse and noisier. He's been crying uncontrollably all day, I don't even think he's eaten anything since yesterday." Trevor stated, "I want to be able to go to sleep tonight. I don't want to have to leave and go stay with other people because he can't control his emotions. I know what it's like to be in love with someone and they not love you back."

"I believe we all have experienced that, but in Jacob's case, I think he has experienced it too many times. I just hope he's going to be okay to make an appearance tomorrow on TRL." Dan stated, as the music suddenly stopped and Jacob appeared at the door.

"Guys I am gay, I love Ashley and I want to die!" Jacob stated as he turned and ran out of the house.

"Shit! Jacob where are you going!?" Dan yelled, running behind him.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 27

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