I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Feb 5, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 26 by JT Poole

// O-Town's Mansion //

"Jacob, Jacob come back here man, don't do anything drastic!" Erik stated running behind him.

"Just leave me alone guys, I don't want to live anymore!" Jacob stated, continuing to run away from the guys, as they chased behind him.

Reaching the main gate to the estate, Jacob turned around and saw the guys approaching him. He didn't know what else to do, he just stopped and dropped to his knees. He didn't want to go on living if he couldn't have Ashley, the love of his life. Lying there on the ground crying, Dan approached Jacob and knelt down besides him to hug him.

"Jacob, oh sweet Jacob, please calm down, this isn't the worst thing in the world. I know you are in love with Ashley, but I don't believe Ashley has the same feelings for you, as you have for him." Dan stated, rubbing Jacob's hair trying to comfort him.

"Oh Dan, I don't know what I am going to do, I love him so much." Jacob stated, still crying.

"I know you love him, but you can't do this, you can't hurt yourself because you can't have him." Dan stated, as the other guys finally arrived and sat in front of them on the ground.

"Jacob we love you, we don't want to see you hurtin' man, but Ashley isn't in love with you, from the things we saw today, he's in love with Chris." Trevor stated.

"That's not love, he's just obsessed with Chris. He's been in love with Chris it seems since N Sync started." Jacob stated.

"Well regardless how long it's been, those are Ashley's feelings, he doesn't have those feelings for you." Dan stated.

"I know, but I wish it was me that he loved, I wish that it was me that he wanted to hold and run to, me that he was kissing and..." Jacob trailed off as he still cried.

// Seth Green's Hotel Room //

"I don't want to go through with this. Is it too late for me to back out of this? I mean look, it's not until tomorrow, I don't want to be there." Seth stated, talking to his personal assistant.

"Sorry sir, but it's too late to back out. The show wouldn't have anyone to replace you. It seems your manager already tried to have you replaced, and the production manager of the show, stated that they didn't have anyone to replace you with. Basically you are stuck doing the show." Kevin stated.

"Look Kevin, you are my personal assistant while I am here, you must do something to get me out of this. I have my reason's why I don't want to do this." Seth stated.

"What are those reasons?" Kevin asked.

"I don't need to tell you those reasons, they are personal." Seth stated.

"Personal reasons aren't going to get you out of this. Just bear it and live through it." Kevin stated as he hung up the phone.

"That jerk hung up the phone on me. How dare he talk to me like that." Seth stated, walking to the bathroom.

// New York – Airport – VIP Lounge //

"Lance, are you okay? You haven't said anything since we got here." Devon stated.

"I'm okay sweetheart, I was just thinking about some things." Lance stated.

"Thinking about what? Are you having second thoughts about us again?" Devon asked.

"No I am not having second thoughts, what do you mean again?" Lance asked.

"Well you have been quiet all day almost. The only time you said anything or acted as if you were alive was when we were having sex this afternoon, otherwise you have been quiet." Devon stated.

"No honey, it's nothing like that. I have just been thinking about all the mistakes I made in the past, and how things are going to be better know." Lance stated as he grabbed Devon's hand and kissed it.

"Lance. We are in public. Aren't you afraid someone would see you doing something like that?" Devon asked.

"No, screw `em. This is my life now; I am only concerned with me. Everyone else is living happy, I am going to start doing that too." Lance stated.

"Oh baby, you are truly something." Devon stated as he hugged Lance.

"It's time, that's our flight. I can't wait to get home." Lance stated.

"Wonder has JC made it there yet, didn't he leave already?" Devon asked.

"I don't know. He could be in Orlando, I thought he would have called me when he left but he didn't." Lance stated as they walked down the corridor to board their plane.

// US Airlines Flight 1450 – Someplace close to Florida //

"Yeah and basically I am the only one in the band that is straight and single." JC said talking on his phone.

"Honey, what's wrong with that? I thought you would be happy for the guys. I am glad that Joey and Justin finally found each other and I am quite sure that Chris is happy with whomever he is with. I was kind of shocked when you told me that Lance was gay, considering his religious background, but I am quite sure he is happy with that Devon guy." JC's mother stated.

"But mom, they are all with someone, I am all alone." JC whined.

"Oh stop whining honey, you will find someone eventually. You are the only one of my children that is single, love will find you, don't worry about it." JC's mother stated.

"What! Does Tyler have someone in his life?" JC asked, as the flight attendant approached him, due to his outburst.

"Excuse me sir, is everything okay?" The young lady asked.

"Yes, everything is fine." JC stated, still listening to the things his mother was telling him about the person in Tyler's life.

"Well sir, I heard you shout, I just wanted to make sure everything was satisfactory." The young lady spoke.

The young lady walked away and the captain of the plane announced that they would soon be landing, so JC said his goodbyes and hung up the phone and fastened his seatbelt for landing.

// Orlando Hills Hotel //

"Joeybear, what else do you have planned for us to do tonight?" Justin asked.

"Nothing at all, once we leave here, it's back to my place or yours, you choose." Joey stated.

"Why don't we go back to my place? I haven't seen Josh, let's check on him and then we can head to bed. How about that?" Justin said.

"Sure, why not. We have been gone for a whole day and a half, with no interruptions from no one, that's pretty odd don't you think?" Joey stated.

"Well kind of hard to disturb me, I turned my cell phone off. I recorded a voice mail message for anyone that called me telling them that I was gone away and that I shall not be disturbed, I would call them when I got back." Justin explained.

"Well my cell phone is still on, and it seems no one was worried at all." Joey stated.

"Well it's after 9, let's go get our stuff and head home baby, I just can't wait to get my hands on you again." Justin stated.

"We still have time on the room, why don't we just go back up to it and see what we can get into." Joey stated.

"I would rather be in my bed at home. Besides, I am quite sure no one on that floor would enjoy hearing our lovemaking again." Justin laughed.

"Okay, I guess you have a point there, I will go get our stuff, you stay here and enjoy the pleasant breeze. When I am done putting everything in the car, I will come get you." Joey stated.

"Okay baby, I will be waiting for you." Justin stated winking his eye at Joey, as he walked away heading towards the elevators.

// Orlando – JC and Justin's House //

"Oh I am so happy to be home. Justin, Joey...anyone here?" JC called out as he walked into the house, "Guess I am the only one here, let me call Joey's house to see if they are there."

As JC took off his jacket and picked up the phone, there was a knock at the door. Walking over to the door and opening it, JC was shocked when he saw who was at the door.

"What do you want?" JC asked.

"I need to see Justin, is he here?" the guy asked.

"No Justin isn't here, I am quite sure he is gone someplace with his `boyfriend'." JC stated, causing the guy to frown.

"His boyfriend, he doesn't have a boyfriend." The guy spoke.

"Well he does, I guess he didn't get around to telling you then." JC stated.

"I guess he didn't, do you know where he is? I need to talk to him, it's important." The guy spoke.

"Nope, and I suggest you just leave him alone. He's happy now, he don't need your services anymore Mark!" JC stated, pushing the guy out of the house.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 28

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