I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Mar 17, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 30 by JT Poole

// Orlando -- MTV Studios -- Set of TRL //

"Hi guys, I am Seth Green, I will be introducing you guys new video today." Seth stated as he walked over to the guys and they all waved and shook his hand.

"Are you the same guy that appears on `Buffy The Vampire Slayer'?" Dan asked.

"Yep, I am one in the same." Seth stated.

"Cool, so you are going to be touring with us with your band and promoting some movies too. Glad to meet you, you guys rock." Erik stated.

"Thanks man, so what do you guys have planned for the rest of the day?" Kevin asked, joining the conversation.

"Well basically nothing. After this, we are all free." Dan stated as he caught a glimpse of Jacob staring at Seth.

"Would you guys like to get together after the show and go over the tour schedule?" Kevin asked, trying to make Seth mad.

"Well I am quite sure these guys have better things to do than go over a tour schedule. They are on break right now, I am sure they don't want to discuss work today." Seth stated trying to get out of what Kevin was pushing him into.

"Sure we wouldn't mind doing that. We are going to have to do it sooner or later." Dan stated, still watching Jacob.

"So it's a plan then. After the show we can go out for some food then go over that schedule." Kevin stated, writing everything down on his clipboard. "Alright guys, they want you all in your places for a run through then they will start taping."

"Oh great, I hope I don't make a fool of myself." Seth stated, as Dan walked over to Jacob and pulled him over to the side.

"So Jacob, I see you starting at Seth, do you like him?" Dan asked as the two of them moved away from the others.

"Well yeah, he's cute, I wish he was gay, I would like to go out with him sometime." Jacob stated as he and Dan continued to talk.

"What are you two over her whispering about?" Erik asked scaring the two men.

"We are just talking about stuff, what do you want?" Jacob asked.

"Just came to let you know that it's time for us to get in our places. Let's go." Erik stated.

"Great, I want to get this over with so I can go back home." Jacob stated.

"Wait man, don't you want to be able to get with Seth?" Dan asked as they were following Erik.

"Yeah, but he's not gay. He would only make matters worst with me." Jacob stated.

"What matters?" Dan asked as they kept walking.

"My love matters. Haven't I put you guys through enough over the last couple of days already? I don't need to fall for someone else and get rejected." Jacob stated.

"I don't think you will get rejected, I have heard some rumors about Seth and I don't know if they are true or not, but he maybe one of your field players, if you get my drift." Dan stated.

"I don't know Dan, I don't want to get hurt." Jacob stated as they continued talking backstage in their designated spot.

"We will see how he acts towards you during lunch. I will make sure that you two are seated close to each other. So stop worrying about this, let me handle this." Dan stated.

// JC and Justin's House //

"Chris where are you? Lance said he needs to talk to us and he wants you there too." JC stated, talking to Chris.

"I am at the MTV Studios with Ashley. He asked me to come with him to the video premiere of their new video on TRL." Chris stated.

"What, and you agreed? Are you going to be on TV with those guys?" JC asked.

"No. I am just here backstage watching. I am not going to be on stage with them." Chris stated, trying to calm JC down.

"Well, when is that going to be over, Lance really needs to talk to us." JC stated.

"Tell you what, I will go ahead and get over there with you guys and come back here when we are done there. Does that make you happy?" Chris asked, walking in Ashley's direction.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good enough plan, do that and I will see you when you get here." JC stated as he hung up the phone.

"So what about you Josh, do you want me to come along or just stay here until you get back?" the woman asked.

"The way Lance is talking, it sounds like band business so I will just go and come back, assuming you will be here when I get back right?" JC asked.

"If you want me to be here, I will be here." The woman stated.

"Ok, I will see you when I get back Christina." JC stated, leaning over to kiss the woman.

"You better or I will get bored and lonely." The woman stated, as JC walked out of the room.

// Lance's House //

"Uhhhh...don't stop, don't stop do it again." Devon begged as Lance was plowing him in the shower.

"You know I will baby, just keep workin' it for me baby, I like the way you work that ass for me." Lance stated, still thrusting in and out of Devon's ass.

"Oh god baby, I am getting close, oh harder harder!" Devon screamed as he started cumming on the shower wall.

"Oh yeah baby shoot that cum, make pound you harder. That's what I like! Work that ass bitch!" Lance shouted as he began to cum too.

"Oh baby, that was so good. That was the best work out of the day so far, I don't think I will ever need an gym trainer again." Devon stated as he grabbed the washcloth and started rubbing soap into.

"I know what you mean baby. I think I lost 10 pounds in here, I feel so light." Lance stated.

"Yeah, you dumped 10 pounds of cum in my ass. That's why you so light." Devon stated causing he and Lance to laugh as they heard the doorbell ring.

"Oh shit, we have been in here that long? The guys are already here." Lance stated as he jumped out of the shower and grabbed a towel.

Drying off, Lance runs down the hall to his room and grabs his clothing and starts pulling everything on in a hurry. Running downstairs, almost falling on the way, he finally gets to the door to see JC standing there holding a box of donuts.

"Morning Scoop, what took you so long to get to the door?" JC asked standing in the opened doorway.

"I was uh...I was taking a shower and didn't know the time had flew by so fast." Lance stated as Justin and Joey showed up.

"Morning Lance, what's the big news you wanted to talk about?" Justin asked.

"Where's Chris, I am not going to start until Chris gets here. Is he coming?" Lance asked.

"Yeah he's on his way. He had to go change some plans with Ashley, he said he would be right over." JC stated.

"Oh, I didn't know he was out with Ashley. I could have told him later." Lance stated.

"Well it's too late now, I am already here." Chris stated walking into the house behind Justin and Joey.

"Well why don't we all go into the kitchen and have some coffee, since JC brought donuts over, might as well enjoy them while I am talking." Lance stated as everyone headed to the kitchen. "You guys go ahead, I need to check on something upstairs and I will be right in."

"Cool, hurry up JC, I am hungry. Bring on the donuts." Justin stated.

"You are always hungry. Joey did you give him his cereal this morning?" JC asked.

"No, but what I gave him should have filled him up." Joey stated as Justin started blushing and everyone else started laughing.

"So what do you guys think he wants to talk about?" JC asked.

"I don't know, but he sounded perky and upset about it, like it was life threatening or something." Joey stated as Lance came back into the kitchen.

"Okay guys, sorry for keeping you waiting, but I would like to introduce you all to someone." Lance stated, as Devon walked into the kitchen. "Everyone this is Devon Sawa."

"Cool, I remember him, he's an actor. He played in a movie called `Idle Hands', cool movie dude." Chris stated.

"Thanks man." Devon stated.

"So what's the news Lance? You just wanted to introduce him to us. Is he moving from movies to music or something, is he one of your new clients? Are you two good friends that go way back or something? What?" JC asked.

"Well...Devon is my...Devon is my...uh...he's my...uh well, he's my boyfriend." Lance stated, as he started sweating, "There I finally said it to you guys, he's my boyfriend and we have been together for a long time."

"What, I don't believe this. All this time you have had a boyfriend and you didn't tell us." Justin stated.

"Well I didn't know how you guys would take it. After I saw how things started unfolding with you and Joey and then Chris, I decided to just let me feelings out and be happy." Lance stated.

"What do you mean by that Lance?" Justin asked.

"Well when you and Joey got together, no one objected to it and then when Chris told me how he felt well I decided to stop letting the decisions and attitudes of other people control what I did, so I went to take a break from it all, and while I was away, me and Devon bumped into each other again." Lance explained.

"So you have been gay for the last couple of days? Are you sure of this Lance?" Justin asked.

"I haven't been gay for the last couple of days, I have been gay for a long time. Devon and me were dating a long time ago, I broke up with him for a while because I was scared how everyone would react, but so far there is nothing to worry about. I love Devon and he loves me and we plan on staying together."

"Well Lance I am happy for you, I just wish you would have told us earlier." Justin stated.

"Well now that I look at it, I should have told you guys. You are all my friends, I should have trusted that you guys would have still accepted me." Lance stated as he leaned over and kissed "I guess I still wanted to be accepted that I didn't care about maintaining my love life."

"We will always love you Lance, you are one of our brothers, you are family. We will never stop loving you." Joey stated getting up to hug Lance. "Welcome to the family dude."

"Thanks dude." Devon stated as all of the guys got up and walk over to him and started hugging him.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 33

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