I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Mar 26, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 31 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- MTV Studios -- Set of TRL -- 1 Hour Later //

"So you guys are ready for lunch?" Kevin asked, walking over to the guys after show, the noise of the fans still being heard.

"Sure, I'm ready to leave this place, I can't take all of this." Seth stated following behind Kevin.

"Where are you going? You have a lunch meeting with the boys of O-Town. You are not going to postpone this, you might as well get it out of the way." Kevin spoke.

"Look Kevin, you got me into this. You might as well get me out of it. I don't think I can stand or last long sitting with those guys close by. I almost screwed up out there on the set because I was too busy stealing glances at each of them. Well I might as well forget about Ashley, seems he already has a man. But that Jacob guy is cute to me." Seth stated walking past Kevin and out of the building.

"Well then talk to him, get to know him, maybe you two can hit it off." Kevin stated.

"Look, I don't think he's gay. Because Ashley has a relationship with Chris Kirkpatrick, doesn't mean the rest of the are gay too you know." Seth stated as Erik, Jacob and Dan walked over to him.

"Are you ready for Lunch man? We were making plans for Pizza Hut or some place like that, but since you are joining us, you choose." Dan stated.

"Pizza Hut is okay with me, I am ready to eat." Seth stated as he and Kevin followed the guys to their cars.

"To make things easier, why don't me, Erik and Ashley take one car, while Jacob, Trevor, Seth and Kevin ride in the other." Dan stated.

"Well you guys go along, I am going to go meet Chris, and then we will catch up with you guys." Ashley stated walking in the opposite direction.

"So Kevin, do you want to ride with us?" Dan asked.

"Well...sure, why not." Kevin stated walking over to Dan's car.

"So you guys follow us to Pizza Hut and we can get things rolling." Dan stated, getting in the car and started it up.

// Lance's House //

"So I think I have killed enough time here with you guys, Christina is at the house waiting on me." JC stated, gathering his things to leave.

"You didn't tell me Chrissie was at our place." Justin stated.

"You were not there to see her. She's taking a break and we decided to spend the rest of the weekend together." JC stated.

"Oh really? So what do you guys have planned for the rest of the day?" Justin asked.

"Oh nothing so far, but I would rather spend my time with her, instead of being around you guys, ya'll might rub off on me." JC laughed.

"Oh yeah." Justin stated, jumping up to kiss JC on the lips.

"Ewww, that was gross. Now I am going to gay have cooties." JC stated.

"Oh shut up. You know you liked it." Justin stated.

"He better not liked it, you are my man." Joey stated, walking up behind Justin and wrapping his arms around him, kissing him on the cheek.

"And you are my man Joeybear. I love you so much." Justin stated.

"I love you more." Joey stated, as the two of them kissed each other passionately.

"What do you two have planned for later?" Lance asked.

"So far nothing. I was thinking about taking Justin to the mall later so I could kiss him in public." Joey stated laughing.

"Hardy har har." Justin stated. "You had your chance for that mister and you blew it."

"What are you two talking about?" Lance asked.

"We went out to a club last night and Justin got mad with me because I wouldn't kiss and hold him in public." Joey stated.

"Whoa...Justin are you crazy? Why would you want him to kiss you in public? That could be damaging to your career and..." Lance trailed off as he thought about what he was about to say.

"Well the place we were in, no one had noticed us all night. We were just like any other person in that club, but no, Joey didn't take advantage of the moment." Justin stated.

"If I would have taken advantage of the moment and someone had saw us or taken a picture of us, what have you done then?" Joey asked.

"We could have dealt with that when it happened." Justin stated. "As I told you last night, you mean more to me than my career."

"Wow, you really feel that way Curly?" Lance asked.

"Yes I do. I love Joey more than anything. I will give up my career just to have him." Justin stated.

"Lance? Do you love me that much?" Devon asked.

"You know I do. If I didn't do you think you would be here right now?" Lance asked.

"Well...I could have been a one night stand or something." Devon stated laughing.

"Oh so you are one of those boys, well I guess you can leave now since you have had your shower and coffee." Lance stated, with a straight face. "Well get your stuff and leave."

"What?" Devon asked as Joey and Justin stared at Lance.

"Lance are you kidding?" Justin asked.

"He said he was a one night stand or something, so he got what he came for, he can leave now." Lance stated, still holding the straight face he had.

"But baby, I was only kidding. I wasn't saying I was that kind of person. Please don't make me leave." Devon stated, staring at Lance in disbelief.

"I was only joking." Lance stated, "I know what to do now to get to you."

"Lance you just scared us all to hell with that." Justin stated.

"Scared you, hell I am the one about to breakdown here." Devon stated.

"Oh baby, I am sorry. I was only teasing you. I know you are not a one-night stand or something like that. Will you forgive me?" Lance asked.

"Yes I will forgive you." Devon stated as he and Lance kissed.

"Well what did you have in mind for today Scoop?" Joey asked.

"I was thinking that the four of us could go on a picnic or something, someplace secluded." Lance stated.

"That sounds nice. Joeybear, let's do it. It would be nice just to spend some time with our friends and have a good time." Justin stated.

// Pizza Hut -- 20 minutes later //

"So what else do we have to go over?" Seth asked, speaking with Kevin.

"Basically that was it, you can either go home or do whatever since you got the scheduling stuff out of the way." Kevin spoke.

"Alright guys, I guess that's it then." Seth stated, "I had a wonderful time, but I guess I will be running."

"So soon. Do you have any other plans for today?" Dan asked.

"No, I was just gonna go back to the hotel and sleep." Seth stated.

"Why don't you come back to our place and hang out with us?" Dan asked.

"I don't know. I don't want to intrude." Seth stated.

"No intrusion. How about you Kevin, do you want to come?" Dan asked.

"No, sorry I have plans." Kevin stated.

"Come with us Seth, I am quite sure that me and Jacob can keep you busy this afternoon." Dan stated as Jacob turned to look at him.

"Just you two?" Seth asked.

"Well the others would be around too, but everyone but us have plans." Dan stated.

"Oh, I guess I can hang with you two." Seth stated.

"Cool, then you can come back to the place with us and we can just chill out until you get ready to leave." Dan stated.

"Alright. I guess that's a plan." Seth stated, as he glared at Kevin, that was smirking at him. "Just let me speak to Kevin for a moment."

"Okay, when you are ready, we will be right here." Dan stated.

"Okay out with it. You act like you know something that I don't know, what is it?" Seth asked.

"Just put it this way. You like guys and I can honestly say that one of those guys has the hots for you, but I am not going to say which one, I will let you figure that out for yourself." Kevin spoke.

"What!!!" Seth stated, drawing attention to himself and Kevin.

"Go with them and have a good time. Everything will come out in the open in due time. For now, I am going to leave you with them. Have fun for once and stop worrying about everything, it will be okay boss." Kevin stated.

"It better or you and me or going to have a big fight." Seth stated.

"Believe me, it will all be okay. Go have fun." Kevin stated walking off.

"Okay guys, where to?" Seth stated walking back over to the table.

"Cool, lets blow this joint." Dan stated putting his arms around Seth and Jacob's shoulders. " We are going to have a good time today."

"I hope so." Jacob stated as he started blushing.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 34

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