I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Apr 4, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 32 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL - Lake Hampton //

"So is this a good spot or what?" Lance asked as he, Devon, Justin, and Joey were walking down a trail towards the lake.

"No. Let's get closer to the water baby." Devon spoke.

"Why? Do you want me to push you in?" Lance asked.

"You wouldn't." Devon stated.

"Believe me. Scoop would." Justin stated, causing them all to laugh.

"Well if he pushes me in, I am grabbing him on my way down." Devon stated as they found a spot to lay the blanket and other things down.

"This place looks lovely. I like it. Wish I had a house out here. It looks so peaceful and calm." Justin stated.

"It does doesn't it. It would be a good place for a house." Joey stated.

"Sure does. Do you like it Devon?" Lance asked.

"It's alright, but I am still hooked on city living." Devon stated.

"Well me too, but this would be a good place for a vacation home." Lance stated as they all sat down and started passing stuff around.

"Let's eat, I'm hungry." Justin stated.

"I have noticed that since you two have been together, Justin is always hungry and Joey doesn't eat much. Do you think they switched stomachs or something?" Lance stated.

"No we didn't. I am just hungry." Justin stated, laughing at Lance as he picked up a pinecone and through it at him.

"Using weapons are you. Well I know how to fight back ya know." Lance stated as he picked up a pinecone and threw it at Justin and missed, nailing Joey in the face.

"Scoop!!!!! I am going to get you." Joey stated as he got up and started running behind Lance as Devon and Justin started laughing.

"Leave my man alone Joey. If you catch him, don't bruise his face." Devon stated laughing.

"What about the rest of me?" Lance asked running past Devon and Justin.

"Well I have to look at your face, he can damage the rest of you if he wants to." Devon stated, still laughing as Joey caught Lance, pulled him to the ground and started tickling him.

"Dog pile on Lance!" Joey shouted as Justin ran over and jumped in on the fun.

"Hey, let me help." Devon stated as he joined in too.

Lance was lying on the ground laughing hysterically as Joey, Justin and Devon continued to tickle him. With three sets of hands on him, he was unable to stop the barrage of torture he was getting.

"Please oh please stop! I am going to piss my pants if you don't!" Lance shouted as the guys continued to tickle him.

"You were begging for this Scoop, you shouldn't have hit me with that pinecone." Joey stated.

"Okay Joeybear let him go. I think he's had enough." Justin stated as Joey stopped.

"Oh Justin thank you thank you. You are my hero." Lance stated as he got up and hugged Justin.

"Don't thank me just yet." Justin stated as he started tickling Lance while they hugged each other.

"Justin. I thought you were on my side." Lance stated separating from Justin.

"No I was tickling your sides, not on your side." Justin stated laughing.

// O-Town Mansion's //

"I have the drinks, does anyone want anything besides that?" Dan asked standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Bring some chips and the French-onion dip." Jacob stated. "Is that cool with you Seth?"

"Sure. Fine with me." Seth stated.

"Alright. We have soda and chips and dip." Dan stated walking back into the kitchen and gathering the items.

"What do you want to watch first? The Fast and the Furious' or 8 Mile'?" Jacob asked.

"It doesn't really matter. I heard both movies were good." Seth stated as Dan came out with the drinks and chips.

"Are we ready to relax and watch the tube?" Dan asked.

"We sure are. Hit the lights." Jacob stated as Dan got up and turned off the lights.

As the room got dark and the movie started, Dan left the room and left Seth and Jacob sitting alone on the sofa. Noticing that Dan was nowhere around, Seth started searching the room for him with his eyes. Sorting out the information that Kevin had told him, he figured out that Jacob must be the guy that has the hots for him. Settling down on the sofa, Dan came back into the room 30 minutes later.

"Sorry about not being here guys, but I just got a phone call from someone in my family. I need to go handle some stuff. Will you two be okay here without me?" Dan asked walking over to Seth and Jacob.

"Yeah. Sure we will be fine. You act as if we are kids are something." Jacob stated.

"Alright. You two have fun. I will be back as soon as I can." Dan stated walking towards the door. "Don't you two do anything I wouldn't do."

"What did he mean by that?" Seth asked.

"Don't worry about that. Dan is just joking as always." Jacob stated blushing.

"Why are you blushing?" Seth asked as Jacob looked away quickly.

"I am not blushing." Jacob stated.

"Yes you are. Did Dan say something out of the ordinary for you?" Seth asked.

"No." Jacob stated, "I am not blushing."

"Yes you are blushing. Your face is so red, you look like a little cherry." Seth stated as he grabbed Jacob's hand.

"What are you doing?" Jacob asked.

"This." Seth stated as he leaned over and kissed Jacob on the lips.

Not expecting Seth to kiss him, he was not ready to kiss him. Loosing his fear of what might happen, Jacob flows into the kiss and wraps his arms around Seth's neck as they continued to kiss. The two of them ignored the movie that was playing on the television and just sat there kissing and touching each other.

"Oh my god. I have waited a long time for someone to do that." Jacob stated.

"Oh yeah. I have been looking for someone that I can do that too." Seth stated as he leaned in and kissed Jacob again.

// Orlando, FL -- Chris' House //

"Oh baby that was so wonderful. I didn't know something that sounds so disgusting could feel so good." Ashley stated as Chris crawled up on top of him and started kissing him.

"Oh yeah, I bet you are loosened up and ready for me now." Chris stated as he grabbed a condom from the night stand, tore it open and rolled the condom down on his dick.

"Oh Chris baby, please be gentle." Ashley stated as Chris grabbed his legs and placed both of them on his shoulders.

"Are you ready baby?" Chris asked.

"I guess so. Just go slow." Ashley stated as Chris inserted himself into Ashley's tight puckered hole. "Ohhh...stop Chris, it hurts."

"Okay baby. I don't want to hurt you." Chris stated as he started pulling out as Ashley grabbed him by the waist.

"Wait! Don't pull out just wait a minute. Just give me a moment to adjust to something that big being in there." Ashley stated.

"Are you sure baby?" Chris asked.

"Yes I am sure. I wanted us to do this remember. Just give me a moment, okay baby?" Ashley stated pulling Chris down to kiss him.

As the two of them were kissing, Chris was starting to have second thoughts about this. Already he was hurting the guy he had fallen in love with, he didn't want to do that. As Chris' mind was reeling through his thoughts, Ashley grabbed him by the waist and pulled him all the way down until his dick was buried deep in his ass.

"Ashley?!?" Chris asked in shock.

"I am okay baby. Just give me a minute, then go slow." Ashley stated as he started to kiss Chris again.

"Baby you are so tight. You feel so good." Chris stated as Ashley broke the kiss.

"Well I sure it is. You are my first Chris." Ashley stated as he pulled Chris down to kiss again, as he started moving his hips, signaling Chris to go ahead.

// Orlando, FL - Lake Hampton //

"Baby this place is so beautiful. I wish we could stay out here forever." Justin stated as he and Joey were walking hand-to-hand along the lake.

"I know baby, I wish we could stay here forever too. It's so peaceful and romantic here." Joey stated as he turned and kissed Justin passionately on the lips.

"Don't tease me like that. Give me some more." Justin stated as he grabbed Joey by the shirt and started kissing him again.

"Oh Joeybear. I can't wait any longer. Let's get naked and do it right here." Justin stated.

"You got to be kidding me. We are out in the open." Joey stated.

"No we are not. Look over there. There is a secluded area over there under those trees. Come on." Justin stated as he grabbed Joey's arm and pulled them in the direction of the area he was pointing to.

As the two of them walked over to the secluded area, Lance and Devon were not too far away laying in the grass cuddling and kissing like long last lovers.

"I have missed all the things we use to do. Remember how we would go to the park and just be together. I have missed all of that." Devon stated.

"I know. I am sorry I screwed things up for us." Lance stated.

"No need to be sorry. We are back together again." Devon stated as he kissed Lance passionately as the two of them continued to lie on the blanket just holding each other.

"Wonder where Justin and Joey are?" Lance asked.

"Who cares...knowing them, they are probably off somewhere trying to have fun like we are." Devon stated.

"What kind of fun are they trying to have?" Lance asked.

"The kind of fun I hope we have when we got back to your place." Devon stated.

"My place...don't you mean our place?" Lance asked.

"Well it's not our place. It's your place. I didn't buy it." Devon stated.

"Oh come on baby. That doesn't matter. As long as we are together, that's our place." Lance stated wrapping his arms around Devon's waist.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 35

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