I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Jun 21, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== I Want Your Love -- Chapter 36 He Proposed (Nothing to do with Kelly Price) by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Joey's House //

"I know this is quite sudden, but Justin I have something to ask you." Joey stated.

"What is it baby?" Justin asked.

"Lance, can you and Devon come over here? I need you guys to witness something." Joey stated as Lance and Devon came into the living room.

"What's up Joe?" Lance asked.

"Justin, you know I love you, and you know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Joey stated.

"Oh Joeybear you know I know that." Justin stated. "Baby what are you trying to say?"

"Baby, uh Justin...uh Justin, baby...Justin will you marry me?" Joey asked.

"Arggggggghhhhhhh!!!!" Justin screamed and then fainted.

"Baby! Baby are you alright?" Joey asked as he jumped over to Justin's side and started shaking him lightly trying to wake him up.

"Damn, he fainted." Devon stated as he and Lance walked over to Justin and Joey.

"Where am I?" Justin asked.

"You are at Joey's house. He just asked you to marry him." Lance stated.

"He did. I don't believe you Scoop." Justin stated.

"Justin baby, will you marry me?" Joey asked again, this time with tears in his eyes.

"Yes I will marry you baby." Justin stated.

"Oh my god oh god, I am so happy, I am so happy. I am the happiest man in the world." Joey stated as he wrapped his arms around Justin and picked him up and started twirling him around the room kissing him. "This is the happiest day of my life."

"Congratulations guys." Lance stated.

"Yeah congrats you two." Devon stated as Justin and Joey finally sat down.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked, looking at the look on Justin's face.

"Yeah I am fine. I guess I wasn't expecting to be proposed to today." Justin stated.

"We weren't expecting it either, but I am happy for you two." Lance stated.

"Do you guys have a date in mind?" Devon asked.

"No not at the moment, but we will think of one soon. I can't wait for us to be together forever." Joey stated.

// Chris' House //

"You know it's still early, why don't we call Joey and Justin and see what they are doing?" Chris stated.

"Cool. Why not, I have nothing better to do and I know the guys are just resting up." Ashley stated.

"Cool then, hold on, let me see what they are up to." Chris stated as he picked up the phone and called Joey's house. "Yo' Joe, what are you and the princess doing?"

"Watch it man, that's my fiancé you are talking about like that, you can't call him a princess." Joey stated.

"Your fiancé?" Chris asked.

"Yeah. I just proposed to him. He said yes." Joey said happily.

"Man that's so cool." Chris stated. "I am happy for the both of you man."

"What's going on baby?" Ashley asked.

"Joey and Justin are getting married." Chris stated.

"Oh so cool. Tell them I said congratulations." Ashley stated, wrapping his arms around Chris' waist. "So did you see what they were up to?"

"Yo' Joe, what are you and the fiancé doing for the rest of the evening?" Chris asked. "Me and Ashley aren't doing anything and we wanted to know if you guys wanted to hang out?"

"Sure come on over. We can all celebrate. You and Ashley, Me and Justin and Lance and Devon." Joey stated.

"Lance and Devon? Who's Devon?" Chris asked.

"Devon is Lance's boyfriend." Joey stated.

"Devon who?" Chris asked again.

"Devon Sawa." Joey stated. "As in the actor guy. You know the guy that was in Idle Hands' and Wild America'."

"Oh yeah. I know who that guy is, he's a hottie." Chris stated.

"Who's a hottie?" Ashley asked.

"Lance's boyfriend Devon Sawa." Chris stated.

"Damn Lance has a boyfriend too. So that mean all the guys in N Sync are gay." Ashley stated.

"All of us but JC, he's still dealing with those silly girls." Chris laughed.

"He doesn't know what he's missing." Ashley stated as he and Chris laughed.

"We will be over in just a bit." Chris stated.

"Cool hurry up. We are all so excited." Joey stated.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com mailto:jtpoole9@cybersouth.com Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SwainsboroGuy2 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 39

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