I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Jul 27, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== I Want Your Love -- Chapter 38 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Joey's House //

"Is everything okay baby?" Chris asked as Ashley entered the room, after hanging up with Dan.

"Everything's fine." Ashley stated.

"Are you leaving?" Chris asked.

"No, I can stay as long as I want." Ashley stated. "The dinner party is tomorrow night."

"Oh cool." Chris stated. "Get over here and stop wasting our quality


"Aye Aye Captain." Ashley stated as he walked over and sat in Chris' lap. "I hope this spot was reserved for me."

"Yes it was baby, all for you." Chris stated.

"You are so sweet." Ashley stated as he leaned in and kissed Chris on the lips passionately. "Your lips taste like wine."

"So does yours." Chris stated.

"Well duh, both of you have been drinking wine." Justin stated as he tapped both Chris and Ashley in the back of the head. "Ashley I already wonder if Chris missed a couple of grades in school, don't make me wonder about you too."

"Hey!" Chris shouted.

"Baby that wasn't nice to Chris. Regardless if he didn't do well in

school." Joey stated, laughing at Chris.

"Alright Joey lay off my man." Ashley stated.

"Why, they are telling the truth about him Ashley." Lance stated as he and Devon walked into the room.

"Oh come on guys. Is this gang up on Chris night or something?" Chris asked.

"Or something." Lance stated laughing.

"Are we going to t he club or what?" Chris asked.

"Yeah we are. Are we all going the way we are?" Justin asked.

"Why not? We all look okay for the club." Ashley stated.

"You don't know Justin." Chris stated. "Going to the club for him is like a fashion show."

"So he's like Jacob then, must be trying to be the model of the club." Ashley stated laughing.

"Hey, I am not trying to be a model, I have what it takes to show off the goods." Justin stated as he put his hands on his hips and pranced around the table. "Sashay, Shantay"

"You go girl." Lance stated, snapping his fingers.

"Yeah yeah, come on let's party." Justin stated, opening the door. "Are we going in your SUV Lance?"

"We can, it can carry everyone." Lance stated.

"I call shotgun." Devon stated, running to the passenger side door.

"Let's Rock and Roll." Joey stated as he opened the back door for Justin to hop in. "Come on you two, we are waiting for you guys to get in."

"Sorry." Chris stated.

"You two break it up." Justin stated. "If me and Joey can't do it, you can 't either."

"Alright we won't do nothing." Ashley stated.

"Don't say that." Chris stated. "Lance and those two will hold you to that until we are no longer with them."

"Baby we can hold out on touching each other in public." Ashley stated.

"Good. I just hope Justin and Joey can hold out." Devon stated laughing. "They can't seem to go ten minutes without touching, kissing or holding each other. See, look."

"Oh come on, we are still in private, we are not at the club yet." Justin stated.

"Yeah. Let us have our fun before we have to separate." Joey stated as he wrapped his arms around Justin and kissed him passionately as a cell phone started ringing.

"It's mine." Ashley stated. "Hello?"

"Hey Ash, what are you and Chris doing right now?" Dan asked.

"We are with the others and we are heading to a club." Ashley stated.

"Where?" Dan asked.

"Guys where are we going?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah where are we going?" Justin asked.

"Club Aqua." Lance stated.

"We are going to Club Aqua." Ashley stated into the phone.

"Cool, me, Jacob and his boyfriend Seth will meet you there." Dan stated as he hung up the phone.

"Dan, Jacob and his boyfriend Seth are going to meet us there." Ashley stated.

"Cool, more fun we will have." Justin stated. "Is that a new club Scoop?"

"Yeah, it's sort of a gay club, but it's for everyone." Lance stated.

"What?" Chris asked. "You are taking us to a gay place?"

"Well it's for everyone. I have been here before and it caters to gays, lesbians and heterosexuals too." Lance stated.

"Are we going to get in trouble going to a club like this?" Justin asked.

"We shouldn't, we are just going to have fun with our friends." Lance stated as they pulled up in front of the club.

// Club Aqua -- 30 Minutes Later //

"Hi guys, I didn't expect to see you guys here." JC stated as he bumped into Joey and Justin on the dance floor.

"We didn't expect to see you here either." Justin stated. "Are you aware what kind of club this is?"

"Yes I am aware of that." JC stated.

"Oh my god, Josh are you gay too?" Justin asked.

"NO!" JC screamed, drawing attention to himself. "This is a gay club?"

"Ah yeah." Joey stated laughing.

"That probably explains why guys keep coming up to dance with me." JC stated. "Let me grab Pink and get the hell out of here."

"You are here with Pink?" Justin asked, eyes bugging out. "Isn't she out of your league?"

"No she isn't." JC stated.

"Hey Joshieboy, get back over here and shake that thang!" Pink shouted as she started grooving around the floor.

"I bet he won't last the rest of the night." Justin stated.

"You're on." Joey stated. "You might win."

"I know Josh, Pink is out of his league. She will have him tired, upset and crying before we leave." Justin stated.

"You make him sound like a wimp." Joey laughed.

"Not trying to make him sound like a wimp, but the truth is the truth and you know this man." Justin laughed.

"Hey guys." Ashley stated, walking up to the two of them with Chris, Dan, Jacob, and Seth following him. "I would like to introduce you guys to Dan, Jacob, and Seth."

"Hi guys." Justin stated, shaking each of their hands.

"Hi Justin, Joey." Dan stated.

"Hello." Joey stated, shaking the guys hands as well.

"So I here you guys are here celebrating?" Dan asked. "What's the occasion?"

"We are getting married." Joey stated.

"Oh?" Dan asked, looking at both of them.

"Yeah, he proposed to me tonight." Justin stated, smiling wide.

"Congratulations." Dan stated, showing a frown for just a moment. "I am happy for the two of you. Excuse me."

"Congrats you two. I had no idea that you two were gay, I would have suspected Lance and JC, but not you two." Jacob stated.

"Well Lance is over there and JC is over there." Justin stated.

"What?" Jacob asked. "Are they gay too?"

"All of us are except JC." Joey laughed. "He had to be the odd one out."

"Well again congratulations. I am happy for you two." Jacob stated as he grabbed Seth and they headed over to a table.

"Did you see the look on Dan's face when you two announced that you were getting married?" Ashley asked.

"No, not really." Joey stated.

"Was it a mean look?" Justin asked.

"No, it was his sad look." Ashley stated. "I wonder what he's sad about."

"Who know baby. Why don't you go talk to him and see. He's sitting over at the bar alone." Chris stated.

"I guess I will do that." Ashley stated. "I will be back in a bit."

"Alright." Chris stated. "I will be over here with these two dancing."

// At the Bar //

"Hey Dan. What's wrong man?" Ashley asked.

"Hey Ash." Dan spoke. "There's nothing wrong with me."

"Yes there is." Ashley stated. "I saw your sad face."

"What sad face?" Dan asked.

"The one you had when Joey and Justin announced that they were getting married." Ashley stated. "Tell me Dan, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong Ash, just drop it." Dan stated as he picked up his beer and started chugging.

"Dan don't lie to me, I know something is wrong." Ashley stated. "You are chugging that beer like it was your life saver. What's going on?"

"Alright I will tell you if it will make you shut up!" Dan screamed, dropped his beer on the counter, grabbed Ashley by the hand and dragged him to the bathroom, closed the door and locked it. "I am gay and I am in love with Justin Timberlake."

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!" Ashley screamed.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com mailto:jtpoole9@cybersouth.com Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SwainsboroGuy2 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 41

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