I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Sep 2, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== I Want Your Love I Just Want To Be With You – Chapter 1 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL – Joey's House //

"Everything's going to be okay Joey. He still loves you." Lance stated as he, Devon, Chris and Ashley escorted him home.

"No it isn't going to be okay. You guys didn't hear the way he talked or see the way he looked at me." Joey stated, as the tears still fell from his eyes.

"He's just a little bit upset Joey. Just let him calm down. Talk with him in the morning and I assure you things will be okay." Lance stated.

"This is all his friend's fault!" Joey screamed. "What was his problem again, I didn't catch it the first time."

"I am sorry Joey." Ashley stated.

"Yeah right. You are sorry for your friend ruining my life." Joey stated.

"Joey stop that. This is not Ashley's fault. He had nothing to do with Dan acting like that." Chris stated.

"I guess I better just go." Ashley stated. "Good night baby. I will see you later."

"Ashley wait." Chris stated, following behind Ashley as he walked towards the door.

"No Chris, stay here with him, help them calm him down." Ashley stated. "I am going to go home and talk with Dan, make sure he's okay. He didn't look so good when we left."

"Alright baby. You call me in the morning." Chris stated.

"I will baby. You have a good night." Ashley stated as he and Chris kissed each other passionately on the lips.

"They are still together, you two are still together. Why is it that I am the one that has to suffer?" Joey asked.

"Joey just stop. Did Justin say he didn't want to be with you anymore?" Lance asked.

"No he didn't say that, but you should have heard his voice. It was like a different person was talking to me." Joey stated.

"Different in what way?" Lance asked.

"It sounded ice cold, like he was the meanest person around." Joey stated.

"Doesn't sound like Justin." Lance stated.

"Well that's what it sounded like." Joey stated.

"Joey just go upstairs and get into bed and get some sleep. I promise you, everything will be okay tomorrow.

"Fine, but if something bed happens, his friend Dan is dead meat." Joey stated as he stomped up the stairs to his bedroom.

"What are we going to do Chris?" Lance asked.

"I don't know but we better fine Justin and quick." Chris stated as they all walked out of the house.

// Justin and JC's House //

"What do you mean you are leaving? Where are you going?" JC asked, talking to Justin.

"I need to get away for a couple of days." Justin stated as he threw some things into a bag.

"Justin talk to me. What's going on in that head of yours? What's wrong? Why can't you just stop for a minute and tell me what happened outside before we got there?"

"There's nothing to tell Josh, I just need to leave for a couple of days to clear my head." Justin stated.

"Then why not call Joe and tell him that instead of leaving him in the dark. Don't you love him?" JC asked.

"Yes I love him very much, I just...I just need to do this. I need to leave." Justin stated as he started crying again.

"Justin I am not gonna let you leave like this. You are too upset to leave. Why can't you talk to me? I thought I was your best friend, you can talk to me about anything and you know it." JC stated.

"I can't talk about this right now. I just need to leave Josh now move!" Justin stated as he pushed JC out of the way and walked out of the room, down the stairs and outside to his car.

// O-Town's Mansion – Dan's Room //

"What actually happened tonight Dan?" Jacob asked, sitting down on Dan's bed.

"I fucked up tonight. I should have just kept my mouth closed." Dan stated.

"How did you fuck up?" Jacob asked.

"I let my emotions run wild tonight and I hit Joey, then I hit Justin." Dan stated

"Who are Joey and Justin?" Jacob asked.

"The two guys in N Sync Joey Fatone and Justin Timberlake." Dan stated.

"Oh? What did you hit them for?" Jacob asked.

"I was mad that the two of them are getting married." Dan stated. "So I pushed Joey up against the Bathroom door and threw him down on the floor."

"Why would you do something like that?" Jacob asked.

"Because I am in love with Justin. I have had a crush on him for a very long time now." Dan stated.

"What!" Jacob screamed. "Are you gay?"

"Yes I'm gay." Dan stated. "That's why I understood how you felt when you were in love with Ashley."

"Why didn't you tell us about this?" Jacob asked.

"Because I didn't want the others to think differently of me." Dan stated.

"You are still the same Dan to me." Jacob stated.

"Yeah the same Dan that's in love with Justin Timberlake that has caused more trouble than needed." Dan stated.

"Why do you say that?" Jacob asked.

"If I had any chance of being with Justin, I screwed that up when I hit Joey, then pushed Justin." Dan stated. "He confronted me in the parking lot right before we got ready to go and I kissed him and he pushed me away, and then I kissed him again, which he slapped me than I pushed him down to the ground which he kicked me and ran off."

"Oh my, Dan, why did you subject yourself to that kind of punishment. You were acting like I used to act about Ashley." Jacob stated.

"I know that now." Dan stated. "I just don't know if I can move on."

"Well you better. Don't be in love with someone that doesn't love you." Jacob stated. "There's nothing to be done now that he's getting married."

"Yeah you are right Jacob. I just don't know what to do. I really fucked up tonight. I hit them both and I forced myself on him. I was a total jerk." Dan stated as Ashley entered the room.

"You did what?" Ashley asked.

"Of fuck." Dan stated. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear that you forced yourself on Justin!" Ashley stated. "That's why Justin and Joey are not together at the moment. How could you do that Dan?"

"They are not together?" Dan asked. "Do broke up?"

"We don't know yet. All I know is Justin is not talking to Joey and Joey is very upset." Ashley stated.

"Damn." Dan stated. "Maybe there's a chance after all."

"No there isn't a chance at all for you and Justin, you better leave Justin alone. He's not for you. He and Joey love each other very much." Ashley stated.

"I love him too." Dan stated.

"You hardly know Justin and he doesn't know you." Ashley stated.

"If he just gave me a chance he could get to know me." Dan stated.

"No Dan, he's Joey's boyfriend. You leave him alone." Ashley stated. "Don 't cause anymore problems for them."

"He's right Dan, just forget about Justin and move on." Jacob stated.

"I can't move on. I love Justin." Dan stated.

"There's someone out there for you, like there was someone out there for

me." Jacob stated.

"Well I am not like you. I am not going to give up my love for Justin, like you gave up your life for him." Dan stated as Jacob started blushing.

"You were in love with me?" Ashley asked, looking at Jacob.

"Well uh...uh yeah I was, but after you and Chris got together, I moved on." Jacob stated.

"Yeah right, you kept us all on edge for days." Dan stated. "We thought you were going to do something stupid besides playing the music at high volumes daily."

"Well I didn't do anything stupid now did I?" Jacob stated. "I have Seth now and things are okay with me."

"Why didn't you ever tell me you were in love with me?" Ashley asked.

"Because I knew you had a crush on someone else, I just didn't know who it was, I just knew it wasn't me." Jacob stated.

"Oh." Ashley stated. "If Jacob can move on, so can you."

"Whatever." Dan stated as he got up and walked out of the room.

"Just great. What are we going to do about him?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know." Jacob stated. "I just hope he doesn't do anything else stupid."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com mailto:jtpoole9@cybersouth.com Website: http://home.cybersouth.com/jtpoole9/hosted.html Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SeekinWhtGuy4ltr@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 43: I Just Want to Be with You 2

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