I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 23, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== I Want Your Love I Just Want To Be With You -- Chapter 3 by JT Poole

// Memphis, TN -- Lynn Harless' House -- Downstairs //

"Honey its Joey, is everything okay with you two?" Lynn asked.

"Everything's going to be okay, I hope." Justin stated, grabbing the phone. "Hello."

"Baby are you okay, what's going on?" Joey asked, speaking into the phone. "Why did you leave me?"

"I'm sorry baby." Justin stated. "I just didn't know what to do."

"Do about what baby?" Joey asked. "What did I do wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong baby." Justin stated. "I did something wrong."

"I don't care what you did Justin, just come back to me." Joey stated. "I love you."

"I love you to Joeybear." Justin spoke, as the tears stated to flow from his eyes. "I love you so much, I just couldn't deal with what happened."

"What happened baby?" Joey asked.

"I can't talk about it like this." Justin stated. "Baby can you come here? '

"You know I can. I will be on the next plane there." Joey stated.

"Okay baby." Justin stated.

"Justin, I love you." Joey stated.

"I love you." Justin stated, as his mother came back into the room and gave him a hug.

"I will call you back with my flight information." Joey stated. "Baby I will see you soon."

"See you soon." Justin stated.

"Is everything okay now son?" Lynn asked as Justin hung up the phone.

"Not yet." Justin stated. "I just hope he will be able to forgive me for what I have done."

"Justin what did you do?" Lynn asked.

"I allowed another man to kiss me." Justin stated, as the tears came back full force.

"That's all?' Lynn asked. "Another man besides Joey kissed you?'

"Yeah he kissed me and all I did was slap him for it." Justin stated.

"You slapped Joey?" Lynn asked.

"No I slapped the guy." Justin stated.

"Are you telling me that you are here upset, got Joey upset because another man kissed you?" Lynn asked.

"Yeah." Justin stated. "That was enough."

"This other man didn't do anything else?" Lynn asked.

"No, he just kissed me and well he groped my behind, but that was it." Justin stated.

"And you slapped him right?" Lynn asked.

"Yeah I slapped him good." Justin stated.

"Baby you have blown this way out of proportion." Lynn stated. "That was nothing for you to run away for."

"Yes it was." Justin stated. "That guy kissed me, and I didn't stop him. He actually kissed me and I let him do it."

"Oh Justin, hopefully you will see that this isn't a big deal." Lynn stated. "If it helps, plenty of guys have kissed me besides your dad."

"While you were married?" Justin asked.

"Actually yes, I had two guys trying to get my attention, but they didn't have game." Lynn stated.

"Ma what do you know about game?" Justin asked, laughing a little bit.

"You are here, so I at least know a little something." Lynn stated. "You have blown this out of proportion. You and Joey need to sit down and you tell him everything you told me or anything else you might have left out and I assure you, he will say the same thing."

"I don't know ma." Justin stated. "That's the ultimate betrayal."

"Well I have told you what I thought." Lynn stated. "I am going out back to relax, let me know when you leave to go pick up Joey."

"Okay ma." Justin stated as Lynn walked out of the room.

// Orlando, FL -- Airport -- 1 Hour Later //

"Do what ever you need to do, just go to him." Lance stated.

"Yeah man, go get him and bring him back home." Devon spoke.

"I am going to do what I can, I just wish he would just tell me what happened." Joey stated.

"Well he talked to you so that's a good sign." Lance stated. "Just don't jump to conclusions, I know you Joe, just listen to what he has to say."

"I don't care what he says, I just want him back." Joey stated.

"Well listen anyway." Lance stated, hugging Joe, as he was getting ready to board the plane. "Have a safe trip."

"Thanks Scoop." Joey stated. "Scoop, could you tell Josh I am sorry?"

"I don't need to tell him, he's sitting right over there." Lance stated as Joey turned around to see JC setting in a chair a few feet away.

"I'm sorry Josh." Joey stated. "I shouldn't have been mean to you, it's not your fault."

"It's okay Joe, you were just upset. Forget about it." JC stated. "Now get on that plane and bring him back."

"Will do." Joey stated. "Thanks guys."

"You're welcome." Lance and Devin spoke in unison.

"Okay guys, what should we do now?' JC asked.

"Let's go catch a movie." Devon suggested.

"Oh wait, we were invited to go to the O-Town party today." Lance stated.

"Do you think we should go due to recent events?" JC asked.

"Well Joey and Justin aren't here so I don't see anything wrong with just the three of us going." Lance stated.

"You mean four, Chris is going too you know." JC stated. "His boyfriend was the one that invited us."

"Well I suggest we hurry up and go change, we can't appear like this." Lance stated.

"I will meet you guys there." JC stated as he walked in the direction of his car.

"Come on handsome, let's go home." Lance stated.

"I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing that." Devon stated. "You wait until we get back to the truck, I am going to plant a kiss on you that will knock your socks off."

"Oh really?" Lance asked. "Well come on."

// O-Town's Mansion //

"Is he ready yet?" Ashley asked. "I got people waiting downstairs looking for him."

"I don't give a damn, they can all kiss my ass for all I care." Dan stated.

"Dan look, I know you are hurting right now, but we have to do this and you know this." Ashley stated.

"I don't care anymore. I don't care about anything anymore." Dan stated. "Just leave me alone."

"This is going well." Seth stated as he and Jacob walked up behind Ashley. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know, but we better do it quick." Ashley stated. "Has Chris gotten here yet?"

"No not yet." Jacob stated. "But he called, he's on his way here."

"Damn this just isn't going great, why did this have to happen now?" Ashley asked, throwing his hands up and walking down the stairs.

"Ummmm guys, is everything okay?" Trevor asked, walking up to the men. "MTV just got here, and some other big time people from Jive. Where is he?"

"He's still up in his room." Ashley stated.

"I don't believe this." Trevor stated. "I thought you guys were going to kick in the door and help him?"

"Well we were, but we didn't, we thought he would have came out on his own, but he hasn't." Jacob stated.

"No offense, but I am not going to let him ruin this. I know it's just a dinner party and mingle session, but he's not going to ruin this and get his way, he's going to get his ass ready like we are or he can get his ass kicked by me."

"Trevor I don't think..." Ashley stated as Trevor cut him off.

"I don't care what you think right now. You guys have been browbeating and I have had enough." Trevor stated, walking up the stairs and banging on Dan 's door.

"What!" Dan screamed.

"Keep it down, we don't want the current guest to hear any of this." Ashley stated, joining Trevor at Dan's door.

"Dan open this door." Trevor stated. "You are not going to jeopardize our careers because you are in a funk."

"Leave me alone, just leave me the fuck alone." Dan stated, with a strained voice.

"I will leave you alone when you handle your commitments." Trevor stated, as he was able to pick the lock on the door. "Get your ass up now."

"Get out of here, leave me alone." Dan stated.

"What in hell are you doing in here?" Trevor asked. "What is all this stuff?"

"Get out! Get out now!" Dan screamed.

"Guys get in here, we need to get him into the shower. He looks like he's wasted." Trevor stated.

"Oh my god, are those drugs?" Ashley asked, walking into the room.

"Duh, we need to get him into the shower." Trevor stated, grabbing Dan and dragging him to his bathroom. "Dan listen to me, this is for your own


Giving Dan fair warning, Trevor turned on the cold water in the shower and pushed Dan under the flow of the water. Not knowing what to expect, Dan started screaming.

"Dan calm down, calm down, its just water." Trevor spoke. "Ashley go downstairs and stall everyone, make up something if you have to, if anyone asks any questions about what's going on, just tell them something."

"On it." Ashley stated running out of the room.

"Yo Jake, give me a hand." Trevor called out.

"What do you need?" Jacob asked.

"Get his clothes ready. I am going to do everything I can to sober him up. When I get him out of here, he's going to be ready for downstairs." Trevor stated.

"Are you sure?" Jacob asked. "He doesn't look so good."

"Looks worse than it is, but it isn't. He's not too far gone, I know the signs of X." Trevor stated.

"He took X?" Jacob asked.

"That's what it looks like." Trevor stated, slapping Dan in the face. "Help me get him back in there so we can get him ready."

"I don't want to get ready, I just want to be left alone." Dan stated, slurring his words.

"Well after the party we will leave you alone." Trevor stated. "You get through this and we will leave you alone all you want."

"I am talking about now, not later." Dan stated. "I just want to die, let me just lay here and die."

"You won't be doing that, I won't let you." Trevor stated.

"Trevor just leave me here." Dan stated.

"I said no." Trevor stated. "I have waited for you for too long and I am not going to let you go."

"What are you talking about man?" Dan asked.

"This." Trevor stated, leaning down and kissing Dan on the lips.

"You kissed me. Why?" Dan asked.

"Because I am in love with you." Trevor stated.

"You are in love with me?" Dan asked.

"Yeah I am." Trevor stated. "I am not going to sit here and let you do this to yourself. I don't know what happened to make you act this way, but I am going to stop you every chance I get."

"I don't want to be stopped, I just want to die." Dan stated.

"Listen to me Dan, I am not going to let that happen as long as I am

around." Trevor stated.

"Why, I am just a fool, why are you in love with me?" Dan asked.

"Let's just say you have some qualities I like." Trevor stated. "Now if you don't mind, we need to get you dressed so that the people downstairs don 't get the wrong idea."

"Okay, I will do it now, but when this is all over, I just want to be left alone." Dan stated.

"Okay." Trevor stated with a defeated look on his face. "Let's get you ready."

// Downstairs //

"I hope they are ready, people are starting to ask questions." Ashley stated, spotting Chris walking through the door.

"There's your man, go talk with him and calm down a bit." Jacob stated, patting Ashley on the back.

"Hey baby, is everything okay?" Chris asked, walking over to Ashley.

"No it isn't, we are still having problems with Dan." Ashley stated.

"What was wrong with him anyway? What happened between him and Justin?" Chris asked.

"I don't really know." Ashley stated. "Are Justin and Joey okay?"

"No, Justin left him." Chris stated.

"Justin left him?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah." Chris stated. "Whatever happened between those two got Justin so upset that he left town, without Joey."

"Oh my god, I don't believe this." Ashley stated. "Chris honey, excuse me for just a moment."

"Where are you going?" Chris asked.

"I am going to ask Dan what all he did to Justin." Ashley stated.

"Baby don't worry about that now, you guys have a party to host." Chris stated. "You can worry about that later, right now you have obligations and responsibilities to handle."

"Chris..." Ashley stated.

"You know I am right." Chris stated. "You can deal with that stuff later, your career comes first." Chris stated.

"Alright you have a point, but as soon as this is over, me and him are going to have a long talk." Ashley stated.

"Don't look now, there he is." Chris stated.

"Wow, what did Trevor do to him, he looks somewhat normal." Ashley stated.

"What do you mean?" Chris asked.

"Let's just say that Dan wasn't looking like Dan." Ashley stated. "I guess we can get this show on the road, considering we are starting it an hour and a half late."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com mailto:jtpoole9@cybersouth.com Website: http://home.cybersouth.com/jtpoole9/hosted.html Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SeekinWhtGuy4ltr@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 45: I Just Want to Be with You 4

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