I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 16, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== I Want Your Love I Just Want To Be With You -- Chapter 7 by JT Poole

// Roxbury, VT -- The Restaurant //

"You are gay?" Chris asked, jumping off the floor quickly. "You must be kidding me."

"I am not kidding you Chris, I am gay." JC stated as he pushed his chair away from the table and walked away, tears falling from his eyes.

"Look what you have done." Ashley stated, slapping Chris on the shoulder. "You just had to push and push. He wasn't ready to tell the rest of you yet."

"Owww..." Chris stated. "Sorry, I didn't know what was going on."

"I tried to get you to drop the subject but you wouldn't. What are you sitting here for, get your ass up and go after him, he's your best friend." Ashley stated, pushing Chris. "Go talk to him and don't come back unless he 's with you."

"I'm going, I'm going." Chris stated, getting up from the table in a hurry.

// Two Blocks Away, A Gay Bar //

"One draft please." JC stated, walking up to the bar, laying a few bills on the counter.

"Evening." The bartender spoke.

"Evening." JC stated, as the bartender handing him the beer. "Thanks."

"Welcome man." The bartender stated, staring at JC as he walked away.

"What the hell am I going to do?" JC stated, speaking aloud.

"Well first you can start out by not talking to yourself, someone might think you were crazy." The man stated, standing in front of JC. "May I?"

"Yeah go ahead." JC stated as the guy sat down at the table in front of JC.

"Hi, don't I know you from somewhere?" The man asked.

"I don't think so." JC stated.

"Well you look familiar to me. Oh well, I'm Nathaniel, but you may call me Nate." The man stated.

"Hi Nate, I'm J...Josh." JC stated.

"Nice to meet you Josh." Nate stated. "So what is a cute guy like you doing here alone?"

"My friends just got married, and they are off doing their own thing." JC stated.

"And you are here having a beer and talking to yourself." Nate stated.

"Well that's not the reason why I am here." JC stated. "I was with my other friends, and I was just sorta outed to the rest of the group and I wasn't ready to be outed yet."

"Hmmm, let's see. Some of your friends got married and your other friends outed you." Nate stated. "Sounds like you weren't ready for all of this. You want to talk about it?"

"I don't know what to say about it all and I really don't know you." JC stated.

"Well what do you want to know about me Josh?" Nate asked.

"Are you gay?" JC asked.

"Josh we are sitting in a gay bar in the middle of Vermont." Nate stated.

"Okay, bad question." JC laughed. "Are you out? I mean do other people besides me know that you are gay?"

"Yes and no." Nate stated. "My family know, and a few friends, but as far as the rest of the world, no."

"Oh, okay. So you are not out to the rest of the public, you don't go flaunting it or anything?" JC asked.

"No I don't go flaunting it, I am not a flaming queen or anything, but I don 't hide it much either." Nate stated.

"Okay, that's understandable." JC stated. "My four friends that got married today don't flaunt it much in the open either, but get them alone with family and it's gayness everywhere. It's like they can't keep their hands off of each other."

"Okay, that's a vivid picture." Nate laughed.

"Well it's a picture that I sometimes wish I was in." JC stated, taking another sip of his beer.

"You want to join in with them?" Nate asked, looking at JC strangely.

"No no, nothing like that, I just wish I had someone to love me, like they love each other. I know if I had someone in my life, I can show them all the love I have to give." JC stated, as his tears started flowing.

"Josh are you okay?" Nate asked, scooting over to the seat next to JC and placing his arms around his shoulder. "Why are you crying?"

"Just too much going on." JC stated, wiping his eyes. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"Do about what Josh?" Nate asked.

"Me." JC stated. "I just don't know what to do. Lately, I just try to keep to myself because I fear I will say something to hurt someone's feelings or do something wrong."

"What are you afraid you will do?" Nate asked.

"Snap at people." JC stated.

"Why would you snap at people?" Nate asked.

"Because it has gotten to the point with me that I can't stand seeing other people together being happy." JC stated.

"Oh my, that doesn't sound good." Nate stated.

"I know that already." JC stated, placing his head on the table as Nate rubbed his back.

"It's going to be okay Josh." Nate stated.

"How do you know that Nate?" JC asked sniffling.

"Because I just do, trust me." Nate stated, getting up from the table. "Do you want another beer?"

"Actually I don't. I think I am just going to go back to my hotel and just go to bed." JC stated.

"Oh okay...I guess I will see you around then." Nate stated as he had a sad look on his face.

"Yeah maybe." JC stated.

"Well I hope you have a good night and things will look up for you Josh." Nate stated as he gave JC a hug and walked away.

"Thanks Nate." JC stated as he turned and started to walk away.

Thinking about the things he had just said and the feelings he had just felt sitting with Nate, JC could have sworn he felt something else, so he did what he thought his heart was telling him to do, he turned around...

"Nate?" JC called out.

"Yeah?" Nate stated, as he turned around on his stool at the bar.

"I just wanted to..." JC stated as he grabbed Nate by the waist and pulled him close and kissed him on the lips passionately.

"That was nice Josh." Nate stated, looking strangely at Josh.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." JC stated.

"Yes you should have." Nate stated. "I have been wanting to do that since I saw you walk in here."

"You have?" JC asked.

"Yes I have. You are a very handsome man Josh, I just feel that I know you from somewhere." Nate stated.

"Well I don't know, maybe you do." JC stated. "It's not too late, would you like to get something to eat?"

"Sure I would. I know a nice little restaurant right down the street." Nate stated. "We can go there and possibly get to know each other."

"Sounds cool to me." JC stated. "May I?"

"Sure." Nate stated, taking JC's hand as the two of them walked out of the bar hand and hand.

// Back at the Restaurant -- 30 Minutes Previously //

"What do you mean you couldn't find him?" Ashley asked, as Chris sat back down at the table.

"I looked all over out there and I couldn't find him." Chris stated.

"You were not looking hard enough." Ashley stated. "Chris you have really done it now."

"I said I was sorry, I didn't know that was what he was hiding." Chris stated.

"Ash calm down." Jacob stated.

"I am not going to calm down. Because of him Josh can be out there anywhere alone, he's upset, and someone could have hurt him or something. Did you check his hotel room?"

"Yes I checked his hotel room and he wasn't in there, I have even tried calling his cell and I keep getting his voice mail. He maybe just needs time to think by himself." Chris stated.

"Chris he wouldn't be like this if you would have only dropped it when I asked you to drop it." Ashley stated.

"Baby please." Chris stated, holding Ashley's hand.

"Don't baby please me. I should leave you right here for the way you

acted." Ashley stated.

"The way I acted?" Chris asked.

"Yes the way you have been acting. You are acting like a jealous person, you have been acting as though me and Josh were sleeping together or something." Ashley stated as he got up from his chair. "Know what, I am going for a walk."

"Baby don't leave, at least let me come with you." Chris stated.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now." Ashley stated as he walked away from the table.

"Man you have done it now, I have never seen him that mad before." Jacob stated. "Because he said `no' doesn't mean you can't go."

"I don't want him to be more angry with me." Chris stated as he got up from the table to follow Ashley.

// Back in Orlando -- O-Town's Mansion -- Trevor's Room //

"You kissed me." Trevor stated. "Why?"

"Because I do have feelings for you." Dan stated. "I have always had feelings for you, that's why we were so close in the beginning."

"But what about Justin?" Trevor asked. "Aren't you in love with him?"

"He has Joey, they are in love, why be in love with someone that isn't going to love me back?" Dan asked.

"Well you can't always control who you fall in love with." Trevor stated.

"I know that, but you can control who you want to love." Dan stated, kissing Trevor again on the lips. "Please give me a chance, I'm sorry."

"But I don't want to be second best." Trevor stated, tears still in his eyes.

"You are not second best." Dan stated. "You are very special to me, you are not Justin, you are Trevor. You have your special qualities that I love about you."

"But..." Trevor stated as Dan kissed him again.

"But nothing Trev, just be quiet and come over here." Dan stated, pulling Trevor back over to the bed.

"Dan I..." Trevor stated.

"You what?" Dan asked. "We have already done this."

"Yeah we have, but you...you didn't remember it." Trevor stated, starting to cry again.

"I might not have remembered us doing this, but I remember the feeling I had when I woke up." Dan stated, holding Trevor's hand in his own. "That was a wonderful feeling. I felt happy, I want to continue to feel that with you, and I hope you felt the same when we did that."

"I felt...I felt happy too. I felt..." Trevor trailed off, tears coming fast now.

"Love?" Dan asked.

"You don't love me Dan, don't tease me like that." Trevor stated.

"Trevor stop that, if I didn't have feelings for you, would I be here right now?" Dan asked, placing his finger under Trevor's chin and lifting his head to look him in the eye. "Please Trev, please give me another chance."

"I...I..." Trevor trailed off as he leaned in and kissed Dan as the two of them laid back on the bed wrapping their arms around each other relishing the moment.

// Back in Roxbury Vermont -- At the Restaurant //

"Josh are you okay?" Ashley asked, walking past a table where JC was seated with another man.

"Hi Ashley." JC stated, turning around to see Ashley standing there. "I am fine. Are you okay? You look like you have just blown up or something."

"Well now that I see that you are okay I am a little bit better, but I am still pissed about your friend Chris." Ashley stated.

"Oh excuse my manners. Ashley this is Nate, Nate this is one of my friends Ashley." JC stated introducing the two men.

"Is this one of the friends that got married?" Nate asked.

"No, not yet, maybe in the future." JC stated.

"Maybe." Ashley stated, looking at Nate strangely. "You look familiar to me."

"You look familiar to me too." Nate stated.

"Where were you going Ashley?" JC asked.

"I was going for a walk to get away from Chris." Ashley stated. "Speaking of..."

"There you are." Chris stated, walking over to the table. "Oh hi JC."

"Hello Chris." JC spoke.

"JC?" Nate asked. "Now I know who you are. You are JC Chasez that singer from the famous boy band N Sync or something like that."

"Yeah I am." JC stated. "I'm sorry for not telling you off hand, but we try to keep our cover at times like this."

"Understandable, I know the feeling." Nate stated.

"You do?" JC asked.

"Yeah he does." Ashley stated. "Look over there."

As they all turned around to look in the direction that Ashley was pointing, they caught a glimpse of the television where the weekend marathon of the weekly recap of `One Life to Live' was on the SoapNet channel.

"That's you." JC stated, looking at the television.

"Yes that's me." Nate stated.

"You are an actor." JC stated.

"Yes I am." Nate stated. "Is that going to be a problem Josh?"

"No, I guess not." JC stated.

"Are you dating him JC?" Chris asked. "You just came out today."

"Well I hope he wants to date me." Nate stated. "Do you want to date


""Excuse us for a moment." Ashley stated, grabbing JC by the arm and pulling him from the table.

"What are you doing Ashley?" JC asked as he and Ashley stood in the corner.

"He's hot Josh, go for it. Don't chicken out, go for it." Ashley stated.

"You're right he is cute, but I am scared. I don't know what to do, how to act." JC stated.

"You are in show business, he's in show business. You both know about what it takes to keep your lives private." Ashley stated. "Just give him a chance and see what's up. I bet you two would be great together."

"Okay, I guess we can see what's up." JC stated. "He is a good kisser."

"You have kissed already?" Ashley asked.

"Yep and it was hot as hell." JC stated.

"Girl you better give me details later." Ashley stated, pushing JC back towards the table.

"Okay okay, I will tell you all about it." JC stated as he took his seat back at the table.

"Come on Chris, let's go." Ashley stated, grabbing Chris by the arm, dragging him away.

"So Nate what does your week look like?" JC asked.

"As in?" Nate asked.

"Free time?" JC asked.

"I am free for a long while." Nate stated. "Why?"

"I might want to go out." JC stated.

"You might?" Nate asked.

"Okay I want to go out and be with you." JC stated.

"Yes!" Nate stated, getting up and hugging JC. "This is going to be fun."

"What is?" JC asked.

"Us being together. When I am done, you will forget about all that sadness you talked about earlier tonight." Nate stated, kissing JC on the cheek.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com mailto:jtpoole9@cybersouth.com Website: http://home.cybersouth.com/jtpoole9/hosted.html Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: blk4whtnga@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 49: I Just Want to Be with You 8

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