I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Apr 23, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@nctv.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== I Want Your Love I Just Want To Be With You -- Chapter 10 by JT Poole

// Roxbury, VT -- Justin and Joey's Room //

"That was a beautiful song that Christina sang for us. We have to do something nice for her." Justin stated.

"Yeah we will thank her after we get back from our real honeymoon." Joey spoke, rolling over in the bed pulling Justin with him. "Right now I am not thinking about Christina, I am thinking about my husband Justin."

"Oh really baby, what are you thinking about?" Justin asked, as Joey placed a kiss on his lips.

"You, me and some strange positions in the shower." Joey stated.

"I don't think so baby. Haven't you had enough of strange sex positions?" Justin asked, getting out of bed and walking towards the bathroom.

"Baby I don't think the position I have in mind is going to make us sore like the sex on the dresser did." Joey stated, laughing, getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom behind Justin.

"Then what is it that you have in mind honey?" Justin asked, turning the water on and closing the stall door.

"Do you hear that baby, it's raining outside." Joey stated, wrapping his arms around Justin. "Why don't we just take a nice long bath together baby, would you like that?"

"Sure baby, anytime I am with you I would like." Justin spoke, kissing Joey on the lips and pulling away from him to turn the shower off.

"I'll fill the tub while you go get some candles and some music baby." Joey stated, turning the water on in the bathtub.

"Okay baby, I will be right back." Justin spoke, walking out of the bathroom.

// JC's Room //

"Hello again." Nate spoke as JC opened his eyes.

"Hello there." JC stated, reaching over, caressing Nate's cheek. "How long have you been awake?"

"Oh say about twenty good minutes." Nate spoke.

"What have you been doing?" JC asked.

"I was just lying here watching you. You know something, you are cute when you sleep." Nate stated, placing a gentle kiss on JC's lips. "You also make the most funniest noise I have ever heard when you snore."

"I don't snore." JC stated as Nate laughed at him.

"Baby you snore just like the world turns." Nate stated, still laughing as JC started pouting. "Come on baby don't mess up my beautiful portrait of you."

"Well take it back." JC stated.

"Take what back baby?" Nate asked, looking at JC intently.

"Take it back about me snoring. I don't snore." JC spoke, crossing his arms across his chest. "Well I'm waiting."

"Well I am not going to take back the truth baby. You snore and I am quite sure your other friends have told you." Nate stated. "I am not going to lie to you to make you happy. If that's what you want, I can't do that for you."

"Nate..." JC stated.

"No Josh, that's one thing I will never do to you or for you. Lying about something is one thing I try not to do." Nate stated as JC moved up, wrapped his arms around Nate and kissed him passionately.

"That was good." Nate stated.

"Yeah it was. Let's do it some more." JC stated, as he and Nate resumed their kissing.

// Orlando, FL -- O-Town's Mansion -- Dan's Room -- Later that Afternoon //

"Good morning baby." Dan spoke.

"Leave me alone, I want more sleep." Trevor spoke, pulling the covers over his head.

"Baby come on, we have to get up. We have to go to the Airport to pick up Ashley, Jacob and Seth." Dan spoke.

"I thought they were not coming back until tomorrow." Trevor groaned from under the covers.

"They left Vermont at nine this morning. Their plane lands at three." Dan stated.

"Well let someone else go get them." Trevor stated. "I want my sleep."

"Come on baby get up." Dan stated.

"Dan you know I love you, but I will hit you if you don't let me go back to sleep." Trevor stated.

"Okay baby, go back to sleep. I will go by myself." Dan stated, kissing Trevor on the cheek and getting out of bed.

// Down in the Kitchen //

"What's wrong Dan?" Erik asked. "You look like someone has hurt your feelings or something."

"Nothing's wrong." Dan stated, opening the refrigerator and pulling out a bottle of water.

"I know that look, something's wrong. Uh oh. You and Trev fighting?" Erik asked.

"No we are not fighting." Dan spoke.

"Then what's wrong man, you look like you are about to cry." Erik stated, walking over to Dan and hugging him. "Talk to me Dan, what's wrong buddy."

"Nothing's wrong Erik, I am going to the airport to get the guys." Dan stated.

"Why isn't Trev with you?" Erik asked.

"He's still asleep." Dan spoke, taking a sip from his bottle of water. "So I left him up there so he can get his rest."

"Okay man. Do you want me to go with you?" Erik asked.

"If you want to you can, but it really doesn't matter either way to me." Dan spoke, throwing the bottle in the trash and walking towards the garage.

// At the Airport //

"Come on guys, where are you?" Dan asked, walking back in forth in the VIP Lounge. "Your plane was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago, what's going on with you guys?"

"Well could it be that their plane has landed already and you went to the wrong gate?" Ashley spoke, walking up to Dan and hugging him.

"What? Ashley." Dan spoke, turning around to hug Ashley. "How long have you guys been waiting?"

"For about thirty minutes. We sat around waiting for you. I called the house and Erik said you had already left a bit ago. So I figured you went to the wrong gate." Ashley stated.

"I'm sorry Ash. I didn't mean to keep you guys waiting." Dan spoke,

"Its not a problem Dan. Come on, let's call the others so we can get home and I can go to sleep." Ashley spoke as he pulled out his cell phone and called Jacob.

// Back in Roxbury, VT -- Back at the Hotel //

"Oh come on Chris, you will be with him soon enough." JC stated.

"Yeah I guess I will. I should have gone back with them." Chris stated.

"Well why didn't you?" JC asked.

"I wanted to be here to see Joey and Justin off. I want all my friends around when me and Ashley get married." Chris stated.

"Well I am quite sure we will be around when you two get hitched." JC stated, hugging Chris.

"What happened to your guy friend Josh?" Chris asked.

"He flew back to his place in Hawaii to handle some things." JC spoke, with tears in his eyes.

"Josh are you okay?" Chris asked, turning to look at JC crying.

"Yeah I am okay, just a little tired." JC spoke as Chris hugged him.

"You miss him don't you?" Chris asked.

"Yeah I do. I know I just met him, but I have fallen in love with him." JC spoke. "We said we were going to take things slow, but now I wish I would have gone further with him."

"Did you two have sex?" Chris asked.

"No we didn't have sex. We talked and kissed, but we didn't have sex." JC spoke.

"But you wished you had sex with him don't you?" Chris asked as he and JC sat down.

"Yeah I wish I had. If we had, I wouldn't feel like the connection I was wishing for doesn't exist." JC spoke, crying on Chris' shoulder.

"It doesn't always work that way Josh. Sometimes you can sleep with a person and the connection is never there." Chris spoke.

"Yeah I know, but now I will never know." JC stated, as he continued to cry. "He's gone and I will never see him again."

"Josh I don't think that's true." Chris spoke, looking over JC's shoulder to see Nate standing there.

"It is true Chris, I will never see him again. I fell in love with him and I will never have him in my life." JC stated.

"Why not Josh, don't you love me like I love you?" Nate asked, stepping closer to Chris and JC.

"Nate? You're here!" JC yelled, jumping up and hugging Nate.

"Yes I'm here. I couldn't leave you." Nate stated. "My feelings for you run way to deep for me to leave you. Come with me Josh, come with me to Hawaii for a few days."

"I...I don't know if I can." JC spoke.

"Girl go be with your man. Since everyone is married, we have nothing to do. Go have some fun." Chris spoke.

"What about you?" JC asked.

"I'm gonna tell the boys good bye and I am hoping on the plane back to Orlando so I can be with my own man." Chris stated. "Nate you take care of him. If you hurt him I will hunt you down and beat you with a stick."

"I won't hurt him, I promise." Nate spoke, kissing JC on his cheek.

"Good, now that that's settled, you two might need to go get his stuff and get a move on." Chris spoke hugging both of them.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@nctv.com mailto:jtpoole9@nctv.com Website: http://home.nctv.com/jtpoole9/hosted.htm Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: swainsboroguy2@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 52: I Just Want to Be with You 11

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