I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Aug 5, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

"I just wanna be with you, girl that's all I wanna do..." by N Sync

I Just Want To Be With You Chapter -- 12 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- O-Town's Mansion -- Trevor's Room //

"Yo' Dan bring yo' azz to the door!" Erik shouted, beating on the door.

"He's not in there, he's down in Trev's room." Ashley spoke, walking out of his room, passing Erik on his way out.

"Where are you going?" Erik asked.

"I'm going to pick up my baby from the airport." Ashley spoke. "He's going to be staying here a few days, so don't give him any shit."

"Okay okay, I will be on my best fucking behavior." Erik spoke, turning his attention to Trevor's door, beating on it like he was beating on Dan's door. "Yo' Dan get yo' azz to the door."

"What do you want?" Trevor asked, opening the door.

"I want Dan, where is he?" Erik asked.

"He went out." Trevor spoke.

"Without you?" Erik asked, looking confused. "Where did he go?"

"I don't know and I don't care where he went." Trevor spoke, closing the door back and then turning the music on, full blast.

"Oh hell, here we go again." Erik spoke, covering his ears, walking down the stairs.

// Someplace in Hawaii //

"Josh, Josh honey wake up." Nate spoke softly, trying to wake JC up.

"Wha...where are we?" JC asked.

"We are here. Come on baby, time to get off." Nate spoke, then laughing when he realized what he had said.

"What are you laughing about Mr. Marston?" JC asked, unfastening his seatbelt and standing up.

"Oh nothing, just a thought for later." Nate stated, laughing again as JC looked at him strangely.

"Well lead the way kind sir." JC spoke, grabbing his things from the overhead compartment.

"Welcome to Maui." Nate spoke, throwing up his hands like he was showing something new to someone.

"This is beautiful. Why didn't you tell me we were coming here?" JC asked.

"Well I wanted it to be a surprise." Nate stated.

"I thought you were going some place else in Hawaii." JC stated.

"I did, but we can drive there later on in the week. Right now is our

time." Nate spoke as he and JC walked to the baggage claim.

// Paris, France -- US/Paris Customs //

"Okay guys this is it. We are officially on our honeymoon." Lance spoke as Devon, Justin and Joey walked through the corridors of the Customs Building. "We are here for the next few weeks, so if you have any business to talk about, do it after the honeymoon."

"Oh my God, I don't believe this." Justin spoke, holding Joey's hand. "I don't think he can survive without talking about work. I give him a week before he brings up something work wise."

"I'm in on that bet." Devon spoke, laughing at the expression on Lance's face.

"You too, that's just low." Lance spoke, shaking his finger at Devon.

"Well baby you do tend to concentrate more on work than anything else." Devon spoke, still laughing at Lance.

"Oh yeah, just wait until we get to where we are going, I will show you." Lance spoke.

"Oh really? What'cha gon' show me baby?" Devon asked, playing into character now.

"I don't know if I should show you or not now. You think I concentrate on work too much." Lance spoke, turning around and walking further down the hall.

"Oh baby stop that." Devon spoke, sprinting, trying to catch up to Lance. "You know we are only joking with you baby."

"Yeah sure you are." Lance spoke, still walking.

"Come on baby, you know we are only playing." Devon said, kissing Lance on the cheek.

"Damn that boy is ass-whipped." Joey spoke, laughing as Justin poked him in the side.

"Excuse me, what did you just say Joseph?" Justin asked, glaring at Joey.

"I didn't say anything." Joey said, still walking alongside Justin, stopping when Justin grabbed him by the hand and stopping him from moving any further.

"Don't lie Joseph." Justin stated, standing tall, tapping his feet, and glaring at Joey.

"Joseph? When did you start calling me Joseph?" Joey asked, looking at Justin intently.

"When you started acting like a jerk mister." Justin spoke as Lance and Devon stopped walking and turned to look at what was going on with Justin and Joey.

"I am not acting like a jerk Justin." Joey spoke, getting a little bit miffed.

"You are too acting like a jerk. You are sleeping alone tonight." Justin said, picking up his bag and walking away from Joey. "Come on Lance, lets leave those two alone to think about their actions."

"Ah...okay, I guess." Lance spoke, walking along with Justin as Joey and Devon just stood there watching the two men walk away.

"What crawled up into their asses?" Joey asked.

"Well apparently we won't be." Devon answered, picking up his bag as he and Joey walked in the direction that Justin and Lance just had.

"This is going to be a long evening." Joey stated, shaking his head as he and Devon continued walking.

// Back in Orlando -- O-Town's Mansion -- Ashley's Room //

"Ahhhhhh! Harder! Harder! Do it again, do it again!" Ashley screamed as Chris slammed into him again.

"Ah yeah baby, your ass is just what I needed." Chris moaned out, collapsing on top of Ashley.

"Mmmm yeah baby you were good." Ashley said as someone started pounding on the door.

"What the hell?" Chris asked, pulling out of Ashley and pulling the covers over the both of them.

"Who's there?" Ashley asked.

"It's Trev. Could you two please keep it down? My room is next door and I have heard nothing but your fucking bed banging up against the fucking wall. Be fucking considerate for once!" Trevor screamed as Ashley laid his head on Chris' chest.

"We were not that loud." Ashley said just as he heard a door slam.

"You know what? I have had just about enough of what I am going to take from these guys. I can't deal with this crap. I am going back to my place baby, you are welcome to come and stay there with me." Chris stated, hopping up out of bed and searching the floor first his clothes.

"Baby wait, don't leave." Ashley spoke, jumping up, trying to stop Chris.

"I am not going to stay in this place. This is just like dealing with homophobic people, I don't need this crap. As I said, I am going home." Chris spoke, grabbing Ashley by the waist and kissing him passionately. "I love you baby, please come with me. We don't have to stay here and you don't either."

"You have a point." Ashley said, walking away from Chris and opening the closet door. "Why don't I pack a bag and stay with you for a few days until it's time to leave. We can call it a going away vacation."

"That sounds cool to me baby, I just don't want you here with these guys. It seems they are all going crazy or something." Chris said, walking over to where Ashley stood, placing clothes into a suitcase.

"They are not going crazy, some of them are just in the dumps." Ashley said, stopping what he was doing. "Baby stay here, don't leave. I have to go talk to some guys."

"What? Baby no, leave them alone." Chris pleaded as Ashley walked out of the room.

// Back in Hawaii -- Nate's Private Condo //

"This place is wonderful. I think I will move into a condo back home in Orlando." JC said, looking around the room.

"I am glad you like it handsome." Nate spoke, wrapping his arms around JC and placing a kiss to his lips.

"I have wanted to do that for the longest time." JC spoke, smiling at Nate, then hugging him. "What about that agenda you had for us?"

"Are you up for going out?" Nate asked.

"Sure I am. There's sunlight and we are in Hawaii. No place better to be. Let's go out and enjoy ourselves." JC spoke, grabbing Nate's hand, stopping and then turning around to look. "Baby where's the bathroom?"

"It's right through there." Nate spoke, pointing down a hall.

"First I go to the bathroom, then we go off and have fun." JC stated, running towards the bathroom.

"Oh yeah this is going to be really fun." Nate stated, smirking, forming an idea in his head.

// Back in Paris -- At the Four Seasons St. George V Hotel //

"Morning gentlemen. May I assist you?" The desk clerk asked.

"Yes you can. Hi, I'm James Bass and you should have a suite reserved for me." Lance spoke to the man, pulling out a notebook with a lot of papers in it.

"Yes yes, I have a suite reserved for you and your guest." The clerk answered, typing something in the computer. "And you sirs?"

"You should have a reservation for Justin Fatone." Justin spoke.

"Justin Fatone?" Devon whispered to Lance.

"Hmmm, I guess he's changing his name to Joey's." Lance spoke at the same level as Devon.

"Yes I have a suite for you also." The desk clerk answered.

"Excuse me." Lance spoke, interrupting the man. "These are my friends. "Could you cancel their reservation and put them in the suite with me?"

"Sure sir I can do that." The clerk answered winking at Lance, causing Lance to step back from the desk a little bit.

"Thank you. That's settled, we are in the same spot." Lance spoke, picking up his bag.

"No no no, someone will take your bags up. Here are your keycards, room service is available all day and night, and there's a night club connected to the hotel and it's right through those doors." The clerk said, pointing to the doors that lead to the nightclub. "I hope you gentlemen enjoy your stay here at the Four Seasons."

"I am quite sure we will." Lance spoke, as the bell hop came around and grabbed their bags.

"Okay guys, I know it's morning and all, but I am tired, I am going to take a nap and try to adjust to the time change." Justin spoke as they walked towards the elevator.

"I think I am going to take a nap too." Devon spoke, stepping into the elevator with the guys following him. "Where's he going?"

"He's going to the service elevator." Lance spoke.

"Are you sure?" Justin asked.

"Yes Justin I'm sure." Lance answered as they rode up to their floor, the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

"We are here, and there he is with our stuff. Happy Curly?" Lance asked.

"Well yeah I am happy." Justin spoke as they walked into the suite.

"Okay we will take that room, and you guys take that one." Lance directed.

"Okay with me, I am still going to take my nap." Justin spoke, walking in the direction that Lance had pointed in. "Yo' Mr. Fatone are you coming?"

"Yeah I guess so." Joey spoke, walking into the room behind Justin and then closing the door.

"Baby are you okay?" Justin asked, sitting down on the bed in the room.

"I'm fine, I'm just..." Joey spoke, but was cut off by the kiss that Justin has placed on his lips.

"I'm sorry baby. I know you were only kidding with Lance and Devon. I shouldn't have acted that way." Justin spoke, wrapping his arms around Joey 's neck. "Would you please forgive me baby?"

"Of course I forgive you cutie, just don't scare me like that." Joey answered, kissing Justin long and hard. "Now that that's settled, why don't we take that nap, so we can be rested up for tonight."

"Oh? What do you have in mind baby?" Justin asked, removing his shirt and throwing it on the bed.

"You, me and the nightclub downstairs." Joey answered, grabbing Justin's hips and moving them back and forth. "We are going to dance up a storm."

"Ah cool. We can show these people around here how to move." Justin stated, giggling as he and Joey kissed again. "Let's get into bed, I am really really tired, and I want to get you next to me. You know I need you to sleep."

"Yeah I know. You want your Joeybear." Joey laughed.

"Damn right I want my Joeybear, you are my cuddly teddy bear." Justin spoke, sliding into bed, holding his hand out, and waiting for Joey to finish taking off his clothes. "I love you Joeybear."

"I love you too Curly." Joey stated, as the two of them shared a passionate kiss, lying their heads back on the pillow, closing their eyes.


Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@nctv.com Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: swainsboroguy2 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 54: I Just Want to Be with You 13

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