I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Sep 20, 2002


Boybands - I Want Your Love - Chapter Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole99@msn.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 6

by JT Poole

//Lance's House//

"Lance I don't expect you to understand what Mark and I share. We help each other out when we need someone to be with." Justin stated.

"How did you and him get together? How did you get him in bed or did he get you in bed?" Lance asked.

*** Flashback ***

// MTV Video Music Awards //

"In the winner for best video of the year is N Sync." Mark Wahlberg stated as everyone clapped for the group walking on stage to accept their award.

"Thanks Mark for spoiling the party for later." Lance spoke.

"Thank you, thank you, we would like to thank our producers, our managers and lastly out fans. Without the fans, there would be no N Sync." Justin said as the audience went wild.

"Thanks everyone for your support." Joey spoke.

"Thanks mom, dad and everyone that helped us along the way." Chris stated.

"Wow, don't know what to say, everyone stole all my lines. Again thanks everybody." JC spoke.


"Hey congratulations on you guys awards. I really enjoyed the video too." Mark spoke.

"Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. So what else is going on at this place tonight?" Justin asked.

"Nothing. After everyone has settled for the last event which will be Jamie Foxx's skit, then the show will be over." Mark spoke.

"This place is getting boring and I am tired of sitting around here, I have been here for almost ten hours." Justin stated.

"Well why don't you go somewhere and cool off. Go out let your hair blow in the wind or something." Mark said as he picked up a drink for himself and Justin and ushered him to the door.

"I don't know my way around this place, I think I will just go back up to the hotel and just chill there, since I have nothing better to do and I don't feel like clubbing." Justin said as he handed Mark his glass and walked off.

"You sure are boring Justin Timberlake. I heard that you were a party animal like myself, but you don't display it well." Mark said as Justin snapped around.

"I am not in the party animal mood, I just need to go back to my room and just be me, I don't want to do anything, I just don't feel up to that anymore, I have too many things on my mind." Justin said as he turned away from Mark and started walking.

"Homesick? Lovesick? Or is it that you are just wanting to be with someone, but don't have anyone to be alone with?" Mark stated as he grabbed Justin's hand and kissed it.

"Well since you put it that way, I am all three. Why did you kiss my hand? Aren't you supposed to be this big time rap star and actor with a tough guy exterior?" Justin said.

"I am supposed to be that, but I am not. I am just a regular guy that needs affection, the same kind of affection you want. How about it Mr. Timberlake, would you like some affection? I have a lot affection right now, would you like me to share it with you?" Mark asked as he looked around then pulled Justin close and kissed him.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy!" Justin stated as he pushed Mark backwards to the ground.

"Justin, I am so sorry, I guess I read the signs wrong, I thought you wanted this. I am so sorry, could you please, please keep this between just the two of us." Mark stated as he gave Justin one last look then walked back into the backstage party area.

// Mark's Hotel - Later That Night //

"Can you tell me what room Mark Wahlberg is in? I am a friend of his and he was expecting me, but I forgot what room he was staying in." Justin stated to the desk clerk.

"I am not allowed to give out that information sir, but I could call him and see if he's available to come down and get you." The clerk stated.

"No, No, I wanted to surprise him, could you please just tell me the room. He hasn't seen me for a long time and I was supposed to arrive tomorrow, but I came in early so I can surprise him and catch him off guard. I am one of his closest friends, I am Justin Timberlake." Justin stated.

"Oh My God!!!! You are Justin Timberlake! Alright, since you are Justin Timberlake he's in room 1231 on the 12th floor." the desk clark stated.

"Thank you, is there something I can sign for you? Give you something to remember me by." Justin said as the young lady pulled out a notepad and handed it to him.

"Thank you, oh thank you." the desk clark said as Justin walked towards the elevator.

<Knock, Knock, Knock>

"What is it!" Mark spoke through the door.

"Room Service." Justin spoke back.

"I didn't order any room service, you have the wrong room!" Mark spoke again.

"I think you would want this room service Mr. Wahlberg." Justin spoke as Mark opened the door.

"Justin why are you here?" Mark asked.

"Mark, I am so sorry for earlier, I was shocked at the way that you approached me and scared. Now that I feel a little bit more confident and not scared, I think I can listen to my feelings." Justin said as Mark grabbed his hand in pulled him into the room and shut the door.

The two men stood in the main room of the hotel room staring at each other like they could eat each other for dessert. It didn't take long before the two men wrapped their arms around each other and started kissing. This kissing lasted for a while which led to heavy petting and touching that made it's way to the bedroom where the two men found each other.

*** End Flashback ***

"So that's where you were that night. I remember that night, you left and we couldn't find you for anything in the world. You were with him." Lance stated.

"Yeah that was the first night we were together. Everything with him felt so right and the things we did made me feel good and then I started thinking about Joey and how much I wanted him to be with me and how much I wanted to do those things with him." Justin said as he started crying.

"Justin, it's going to be alright. I think you just might need to talk to Joey. If you keep acting like you are mad with him, how are you two ever going to be able to be together. You must go ahead and get past the problem you have encountered and talk to him. I know you felt ashamed for kissing him, but he has mad the effort to talk to you and you have ignored him. Maybe there is something there that he sees or maybe he didn't get mad about what you did. Talk to him." Lance said as he got up and walked out of the room.

// Joey's House //

"Well I am waiting...What does Justin have to do with this Joey?" Chris asked with a stern look on his face.

"He's the person I am in love with. He's the person I have feelings for." Joey said as he put his head down and started to cry.

"What! Justin is the guy you have feelings for! Damn it! Why him, why couldn't you just love me!" Chris stated as he got up and ran out Joey's front door, slamming it as he went.

//Josh and Justin's House//

"Josh, I need to talk with you. I need to talk and you need to listen and just be my friend." Justin stated as he walked in the house past JC.

"Talk to me Curly, what's wrong?" JC spoke.

"JC I am gay and I am in love with Joey." Justin spoke as JC fainted.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole99@msn.com

AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 8

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