I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 2, 2002


Boybands - I Want Your Love - Chapter Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole99@msn.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 8

by JT Poole

// Lance's House //

"Lance I love him, I will do anything to get him. You just don't know how I feel when I see him, or how my heart jumps when ever we touch." Chris stated.

"Chris, listen to me very clearly, if Joey says he have feelings for Justin and not you, I suggest you let him explore his feelings, or else you run the risk of making him hate you.: Lance stated already knowing that Justin has feelings for Joey too.

"Fuck you Lance, you don't know anything!" Chris yelled as he got up and ran out of Lance's house.

// JC and Justin's House //

"What are you two doing? Did I miss something?" JC asked as he walked back into the room.

"Josh, Josh, can you believe it, me and Joey are a couple!" Justin jumped up and down.

"I can believe it, I can see the 100 watt smile on your face. I am happy for the both of you." JC said as Justin hugged him.

"Well I was about to leave, I didn't know if I was making a fool of myself or not. I have been waiting for this moment for so long." Joey stated as JC walked over and hugged him also.

"I think we should go out and celebrate. I feel like dancing." Justin stated.

"Curly you do realize it's after midnight don't you?" JC asked.

"I don't care, there must be a club somewhere open. I am just so happy." Justin stated.

"Save all that energy for something else, it's almost 'Last Call' at most clubs and bars." Joey stated.

"Well you two go do whatever, I am going back to bed." JC stated as he finished his glass of water and headed back upstairs to his room.

"I guess we can go out some other time. Joey, would you like to go up to my room? I have some movies up there we can watch." Justin stated.

"Sure, I have nothing better to do and I would love to spend all the time I can with you." Joey stated.

Miles away at the hospital, Chris Kirkpatrick is being rushed into the emergency room for injuries he sustained in a car accident. After leaving his friend Lance's house, Chris was very upset about all the information Lance had tried to give him. Not paying attention to where he was going, Chris ran a stop light and collided with another vehicle head-on. Being able to get out of the other vehicle, the other person calls for help. Once emergency teams arrive, they get Chris out of his car and rush him to the nearest hospital to save his life.

// Hospital - 3:00 AM //

"Doctor, Doctor, his pressure is dropping again, something is wrong. Maybe there is something we missed, everything we try to keep his heart beating isn't working." The nurse stated.

"Okay, let's get to work on him again, we can't loose this young man. Check him up and down, we must find out why his heart is trying to stop." the doctor stated.

"I have the respirator ready sir, and the heart monitor is ready as well." the nurse stated as the doctor began compressions on Chris' chest.

The emergency team worked for 2 full hours trying to keep Chris from dying. The harder they tried to keep his heart beating, the harder they had to work. It seemed Chris' heart didn't want to function. Finally when the doctors were about to call the time of his death, Chris' heart started beating and the beat got stronger. A miracle had happened, but no one in the emergency room knew why.

//Lance's House //

"Hello, Hello, who is this, somebody better be in the morgue calling me this late, and if you are not, you will be." Lance stated answering the telephone.

"Hello Mr. Bass, this is Dr. Anderson at the hospital, we have a friend of yours here by the name of Christopher Kirkpatrick, we found your number in his wallet to call in case of emergencies. Earlier this morning, Mr. Kirkpatrick was involved in a car accident and was brought into the hospital. He's in critical condition right now and we needed someone here to sign some papers and give us other information about Mr. Kirkpatrick. Is it possible for you to come down to the hospital?" the doctor asked.

"Oh my god, oh my god! I will be right down, just give me a couple of minutes, I will be there as soon as I can." Lance stated hanging up the phone and jumping out of bed.

// JC and Justin's House - Justin's Room //

"Oh yeah Joey that feels real good. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah Joey you better stop before you make me shot.." Justin trailed off as Joey went back down on his dick again.

"Justin, Joey, we have an emergency! Chris was in an accident, we need to get to the hospital." JC said outside of Justin's room.

"What! Oh No!" Justin said as he jumped pushing Joey off of him.

"Shit, let's get up and go." Joey said as he searched the floor for his pants.

// JC and Justin's House - Downstairs //

"What happened Josh, what's going on?" Justin asked coming down the stairs with Joey behind him.

"Chris was in a car accident. He's in critical condition at the hospital. Lance called me about 20 minutes ago to let us know that he was there and that the hospital doctor said that it was touch and go for Chris for the next couple of hours." JC stated with tears in his eyes.

"Let's go, we need to get there to make sure he's going to be alright." Justin stated, grabbing his keys and dragging Joey and JC out the front door with him.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole99@msn.com

AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 10

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