I Wish I Knew!

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 11, 2002




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Requesting to seek your forgiveness?" came the melodious voice as I got out of my car, briefcase in hand, and looking at my watch.

"What?" I said and looked at the guy.

Gorgeous! Absolutely perfectly gorgeous! I can't describe the man better than that. A model for swimsuits, shaving cream and condoms, all rolled into one. Beautifully tousled blond hair over a strong, uniformly regular face, broad shoulders that the muscles clung to rather than supported, from the cleft at his chin to the sparkle in his steel-gray eyes to his gentle sifting of hair on his chest and stomach showing through his unbuttoned plaid sleeveless shirt over faded blue denim jeans, the man looked perfect.

"What is it?" I said, a lot more respectful and eager for the conversation. Hell, I was already late for the office, and an attorney doesn't punch a clock like an office grunt, I showed up and did my job and stayed late if necessary.

"Urgently seeking your assistance in location analysis." he said.

"Say what?"

"Permission sought for aid in allocating geoposition." he clarified.

"Are you lost?" I said, puzzled.

"Yes." he agreed, smiling. "That is the quintessential synopsis of my query."

"Where are you trying to go?"

"Are you cognizant of the nomenclature of the thoroughfares and establishments in this vicinity?" he asked me.

"I know this area." I admitted.

"I pursue the bearing of the most proximate facility for disposal of bodily offal." he said. "Of utmost importance is the sanitary nature of the facility and its economy in access."

"Uh, each floor on this building has a bathroom." I said. His accent was odd, making me think he was a foreigner. But no foreigner has the vocabulary this guy did! I began to wonder if I was someone was putting me on!

"Might I impose upon you to escort this person to one of these estimable adjacent disposal facilities?" he asked me.

"Well...okay, but come on. I'm already later for work than usual."

"I shall accompany you with all facility." he said.

But he didn't, not come with me quickly, that is. He dawdled, moving annoyingly slow. I got over to the elevator and he was still some twenty feet away and it must have taken him a minute to cover that twenty feet. He swung his legs, but he didn't cover ground, it was very puzzling. I never saw anyone take so long to get to the elevator. I was holding the door open for him when he finally got in.

By now, cute stud or not, I didn't want him on our floor, so I pressed the button for second floor and when it opened, I said, "The bathroom is right around that corner."

"I am most grateful for your magnificent generosity in your temporal accommodation to an auslander of this metropolis." he said. "I aspire to the belief that our fortunes may intersect again in the recent future."

"Yeah, whatever." I said. "It's right around that corner." I said, pointed again.

"Might I be informed of your honorific?" He inquired.

"My name is Carter." I said, giving him only my last name. "And I am late for work." I said significantly.

"My moniker is Calaban." he said.

"Nice to meet you, Calaban." I said.

He put out his hand and of course I had to shake it. A mistake, for he clung to it and wouldn't let go, his massive paw had clamped on. "May this fortuitous congruency be the inauguration of a most genial association." he said with a smile that could melt your BVD's into a puddle in your socks.

"Maybe." I said. "But you'd better go now, people hate it when you tie up the elevator."

"I shall depart." he agreed and again managed that time-consuming non-shuffle that moved his body ponderously out the door.

As soon as he was clear of the elevator, I pressed "seven" savagely, only to find that somehow the first floor and all three basement levels had already been pressed, the elevator was headed back down. I got out on the first floor and waited for another elevator. I was nearly twenty minutes late when I got in to the office.

"Hello, Jean." I said.

"Good morning, sir." Jean said to me. "You just missed a call from Professor Cedric Smith. He wouldn't leave a number, but said he would call you later and it was most urgent for him to speak with you."

"All right." I said, annoyed but no worse. A good reason for an attorney to be on time for work despite the vaunted freedom of movement, was that some business came looking for you during office hours. But this guy would call again and I could apologize when he called. I went on to my office and began work on the In box that never seemed to empty.

I left for lunch at one-thirty, having dawdled as long as I could in case the guy would call me back, then went out, asking Jean to be sure to get some kind of call-back number on Professor Smith if he called, and that I would return within a half-hour as I was only going to the deli next door.

But waiting for me outside the front door to the building was the same guy again. He was dressed much nicer now, a proper Italian-silk business suit, hair neatly combed and face sparkling clean. Before, he had been attractive as a man's man, now he was just as appealing as a competent man of business.

"My hopes for our re-association have been realized." he said. "I was distraught that my earlier state of dishabille may have been the reason for your desire to dissociate from my company, so might I have this opportunity to refine your estimation of myself, and to request your presence as my guest at an elegant emporium for the partaking of physical nourishment which is awaiting our arrival?" How he managed all that without pausing for breath was a wonder!

"I don't know." I said.

"But I must make amends for my imposition upon you of this morning." he said to me. "My distress delayed you upon your appointed tasks. Please permit my insistence upon your accepting my solicitation." He laid a strong hand upon me and I found myself propelled. I was ushered to a waiting taxi and when I was inside, Calaban said to the driver. "L'Orangerie West, please, Mr. Public Chauffeur."

"You got it, bud." the driver took us off.

Ye, Gods! I was torn between two understandable desires. The first was to return to the office when I had said I would. The second...L'Orangerie West! You had to get reservations days in advance. If this guy could set up a table for two in three hours' time, he had to pull some heavy power of his own, and was worth cultivating for the work he could bring the firm. Professor Smith was more of a certainty, but less attractive; I hadn't heard of the guy, he couldn't represent any major business. But this guy, properly played and cultivated, might turn me from an associate into a rain-maker, with a partnership, mid-six-figure salary and all that goes with it.

So I caved, deciding to call Jean when I arrived (I had no cell phone in those days) and tell her I was delayed. But I never got the chance. Calaban kept me utterly monopolized every second. For the next two hours, I was too busy trying to turn this power-broker into my client (subtly, of course) to break away for a call.

I got back to the office at nearly four o'clock, and Jean was looking somewhat exasperated. "Professor Smith called you three times." she said.

"Did you get a number?"

"He wouldn't leave one." she said. "But while I still don't have any details on why he's calling, I did get enough from him that I gave him your home telephone number. He will call you at nine o'clock tonight exactly, he said, and that he had to reach you then, or it would be too late."

"Good." I said, despite her transgression in giving out my home number to an unknown. Jean had been a law firm receptionist for thirty years, her instinct for business was as sharp as it could be. If she decided this man deserved my home phone number, I'd better haul my ass home by nine o'clock and take that call! It happens that way sometimes in the law. A job comes when it comes, and if you're not there, it goes somewhere else.

"Where were you?" she said.

I smiled. "Drumming up some more business. I hope."

She hmphed, but didn't say any more, and I wondered about that myself. Calaban had been sophisticated, cultured, speaking with authority on several subjects...but none of them added up to any business for me or the firm. I hadn't even found out what he did...Hell, I realized at that moment that I didn't even have a last name! Was I that attracted to this guy, ready to throw away a chance at some work to look at his smile?

I went back to my desk, to find a major project from the partners had been placed there. I plowed into it, keeping a careful eye on the clock. Traffic was light at night between my office and home, if I left by eight fifteen, I could be back home by nine with no problem. I called home and left a message telling my roommate that I was expecting a very important call at nine o'clock and if it came in earlier, to tell him I would be home by nine and he was to be nice to the guy and keep the phone clear, damn it, it was important. Jeremy is a good guy and a longtime friend, but one of these guys who partied through college and was still trying to do now that he was out of college. Not that he'd be rude to the guy, but he might get on the phone with some friend and Professor Smith would get a busy signal. But I could count on him to avoid the phone for the next few hours.

I left the office at eight-twenty, having to wait for the building's sole operational elevator for nearly five minutes. I got to the parking garage and was tearing out to my car, going to head straight home and be waiting at nine o'clock for the Professor's call.

Calaban was waiting at my car! How did he know which car was mine? True, this entire lowest level of the garage was reserved for my office's use and my car was the only one still there, but still...I didn't know, but I had to smile when I saw him, dressed now in sneakers, neon green shorts and neon orange t-shirt, hair tousled. Now he looked like a surfer waiting for his friend, which was...me.

"So very good to reacquaint myself with you." he said.

"Calaban, nice to see you again." I was much kinder to him after a wonderful lunch at L'Orangerie West, but still.... "I have to get going, I'm needed at home. But I'd like to see you again soon."

"Do I associate with you too precipitously?" He asked me.

"Huh? No, no, it's not that, it's just that...."

"I am reassured." he said. "For I wish to consummate this association." he said. "As I understand the dating parameters of this culture, we are now ready at our third meeting for physical relations."

"Physical relations?" I said.

"He smiled and touched my face. "It is a part of your cultural mores to conjoin with those you find acceptable, having pleasant encounters in the hopes of finding a permanent bond with a lifelong mate, is this not so?"

"I guess so." I admitted.

His hand came down over my shoulder and then the other came up and he was pulling me to him. "Then let us initiate sexual congress." he said.


"Assuredly." He purred into my ear (Asssurrrredleee!), his arms were clutching me to his amply muscled breast, his crotch was burning against my own...and I was lost. Hell, the parking garage was empty; the building locked down for the night at seven o'clock. I was being stupid, taking a risk by having sex in the parking garage, but can you really blame me? Handsome, intelligent, strong, well-heeled (he'd pulled out a Platinum card to pay for our dinner). And I'd been attracted to him all along, if occasionally exasperated at his timing.

Well, I didn't have to hold my hands off from him any longer. This was turning into the oddest damned encounter in my life, but you know, I didn't much care at that moment!

So I relaxed into his grip, let his strong arms hold me to his body, and when his lips reached for mine, I damned near creamed just from the taste of his lips, warm, softly velvet, creamily satin, they pressed against my own and they locked us together. My lips parted and welcomed his tongue into my mouth like a conquering hero entering a liberated city, he slid it into my mouth and my own tongue was a red carpet for his, and when he had extended it completely into mine, I closed my mouth and sucked on it blissfully, nursing it like a kid sucks on a stick of hard candy, and this was just as sweet to me.

His mouth released mine and he smiled into my eyes, my own grin feeling like it was pasted on my face, and with a permanent glue, it wouldn't move at all. His fingers raked through the hair on my head, and in furrows of possession my body awoke to his touch. I felt helpless in his arms...no, that's the wrong word. It was a possession I needed and craved, I wanted everything he wanted as he wanted it, no more and no less, so when he reached back to kiss me again, this time seeking my cheek and neck, I only laid my head to the side and let him kiss his way down it, grateful for him anticipating my own desires so adeptly.

His fingers danced like magical fairies over the daffodils of my shirt buttons, and they blossomed in response to this touch by breaking out of the buttonhole and flying apart. My tie's loop slid down my chest to the tug of one lazy finger, to become two separate strands of silk, useless and forgotten when it twirled off me and onto the oil-stained concrete below. I didn't care, my suit could be cleaned or discarded if need be, nothing would prevent me from doing whatever this man wanted.

As my suit jacket and shirt together joined my tie on the concrete, I dared to reach for this man myself, grasping the bottom of the T-shirt and exposed for the first time that magnificently chiseled stomach. Damn, even in repose his abs were six discrete bulges of muscle, his navel was lost in those rippling hills of distended power. The hair on his chest which was so abundant by comparison, here was only the most timid line of hairs visible mostly because of that six-pack of abs which laid them inwards across each other.

Above this chiseled stomach was a magnificent range of mountainous bulges of pecs and deltoids that seemed almost draped over his body, so smoothly did they curve and loop about his form, and when he moved, the flutter of moving muscles rising and falling beneath his creamy, unblemished skin was the gently even and methodical movement of waves upon the ocean, or the waving movement of a field of ripening golden wheat moved by the wind.

I saw that body, that perfect body which words were so inadequate to describe with any power, and I groaned and my face fell towards it helplessly, landing as if on sun-drenched pillows of supple masculine power, and I walked on my lips over those powerful surging breasts to clamber to the nub of nipple and suckle there as if from the very source of life itself, and he let me, he let me! I felt powered, energized, and I dropped, his hands skinning the T-shirt from my upper body as I did so, to find the glowing green shorts there, and they fell away between his hands and mine, and his manhood projected itself at me as if a missile launched from the brushy camouflage, and I closed my eyes as it aimed for my mouth and my universe was that warm, beefy invader as it drilled into me, hot, steamy, clean and sleek, I was impaled upon ten inches of powerful dong and I cannot image a greater blessing than to be so impaled for all eternity.

For in this prick was the answer to life, the questions and mysteries of eternity revealed, nothing mattered to me anymore now that I had this steely cock ensconced within my body, I was whole and complete and my life up until then was as nothing, mere waiting and preparation for this day.

My mouth and lips moved of their own accord, I was grateful for my prior encounters only in that they prepared me for this, I was able to love this luscious pud and feel the raw power within it as I slicked its sides with my saliva and danced my tongue upon its spongy glans dotted with a salty pearl of clear fluid that I sipped like the orb of a drop of dew from the tip of a flower bud, and it tasted, God, it tasted so sweet!

And he let me love his manhood, he sat back upon the hood of my red Corolla and he contented himself with my worship of his body, me kneeling before him, heedless of the dirty floor beneath me and the way his groans echoed off the walls around us like ghosts trying to warn me or send me into a state of fear with their inarticulate panic, but instead my ears converted the echoes into the music of the spheres that reverbrates throughout all life.

Long, long I sucked on his prick and I could have done it forever, only that his body began to quiver, his moans took on an added intensity and I looked up to see his perfect body in the state of perfect bliss, eyes half-closed but regarding me, his lips parted to let his breaths flow more easily, his chest waxing and waning like some behemoth lurked beneath, and the name of that beast was pleasure and it wracked his beautiful body and he groaned then, a long, low, nearly desperate groan that rose in a steady progression of notes a full octave, and at the height of that range, it stopped, and in the pause of that sudden silence, I felt his cock, hot steel in my mouth, burst into flames as he spewed his load of life into me.

There was no question of my drinking down his jism, I was grateful for this gift of his body into my own, taking him into me and making him a part of myself, I quaffed this heady brew of the champagne of virility, bubbling and surging it paved its own path of salty passion over my tongue and into my gullet, sending me into a state of intoxication.

Done, he was panting and sweating above me and I felt a strange sense of triumph at how our lovemaking had breached so slightly his armor of perfect manhood this much, that now he was the perfect man in the lassitude of post-ejaculation languor, and I ran my hands upon his sweat-slicked thighs and felt the power like a sleeping tiger, dangerous, but not at the moment, and I suddenly had the overpowering feel of how these legs would feel as they drove this long dong into my body, and it was what I wanted, right now, even though I had just drained him.

So I didn't let go of his cock, I sucked on it even as it shrunk into satiated softness, willing it to return, to surge back into tumescent power.

"We have accomplished the primary objective of sexual completion." my word-heavy Ubermensch said. "Now with all appreciation and willingness do I assume the submissive role and endeavor to convey you to the same fruition."

"What?" I said. His hands took mine and bade me to rise, and as I did, he sank to his knees and his hands reached for my fly.

God, I was so horny and I hadn't realized it, I had been so involved in nursing his hard dick that I had ignored my own needs! Somehow I hadn't realized this when doing it, but when his hands reached into my fly and first touched my cock through the sheath of my brief's cotton fabric, I groaned and my cock turned rock-hard at once.

He seemed pleased at this, his face took on an angelic quality as he fished my dick free of my briefs and brought it out into the open, only to swallow it up again in the heat of his mouth.

Sheer liquid pleasure, that was his lips and mouth. It was like I was having my dick dipped into a bubbling maelstrom of warm viscuous liquid, like molasses, like mud, like pudding, softly yielding and form-fitting, but solid enough to cling to my cock on all sides and hold it tightly, forcing the skin to slide and in sliding to evoke my body into shocks of passion that ran like icy shafts through my desire-heated body.

His lips were as perfectly trained in oral love as the rest of his body had in its other tasks, he was perfectly sensual and every move of his lips and his tongue brought a charge of sexual urgency with it that surged into my body, until my groin was a pool of coalescing turgid energy that swirled about itself and formed into the center like the eye of a hurricane, only this eye was not calm, it was as rampantly active as all the tendrils that looped around it, reaching out to claim my body for its own.

As I began to heat up, as my body clenched in need, he slowed his actions, and I groaned in disappointment as much as in pleasure, and he calmed down my body, so that it quivered from the lack of sexual stimulation, and only when it began to quiet back again like a pouting child going to bed, then he began again to bring me back to life once more.

This second arousal was more intense than the first, it built upon the ruins of my first excitation and used it for the foundation of the new structure, and this one was stronger, more primal and more sturdy than the first, like the inhabitants of some village that had been plundered, built again, but this time built a fortress in which to live.

And in the increasing power of that, I felt an arrogance seize my brain and take control, and I grabbed his head and I began to hunch at his face, lost now to the more esoteric appreciation of his perfection, now I just wanted to fuck his mouth and get off, now, damn it, right now!

At first this worked, my actions brought me higher and I groaned again in the rise of orgasmic bliss...and again he managed to short out that pleasure, like removing one brick from the bottom could cause the entire building to collapse, so was my fortress of bliss sabotaged and breached, and again I fell into the sobbing need of frustrated passion.

"God, man!" I groaned to him. "God, please, finish me off, damn!"

He gave a throaty chuckle around my cock in his mouth, and again he began to bring me back to life.

This time, there was raw joy in his ministrations, every move of his mouth was a sort of mini-orgasm of its own, I was near to the brink in a matter of seconds and I groaned, trying to muffle my groans for fear he'd once again slow down, but this time he kept it up, and it was like soaring on the wings of an eagle, I was in the very stratosphere of joy, the rarefied heights buzzed out my brain and left me only a cock in his mouth, nothing else of me mattered at all, not as long as he continued to ply his lips over my dong and awaken every nerve in my body as he did so.

And I rode that eagle up into infinity, this time there was no cessation, I reached the height and I jumped into the free-fall of climax, I pumped my jizz into his wonderful lips and down his magnificent throat and all of my self, my very soul, was in those packets of sperm boiling into his body, and when he drank them down, he drank me down and I was left as a hollow shell, my body abandoned and to be discarded like an empty milk carton.

When my orgasm finished, I almost fainted, I weakened at the knees, and only his strong hands catching me by my buttocks and hanging on kept me from sprawling before him, a deflated balloon lying limp upon the grey cement floor.

"Duly grateful and impressed am I." he said to me. "Your aptitude in conjugal joining is most expert and convivial."

"You, too." I said feebly. "This is downright great, I don't know when...oh, shit!" I looked at my watch. Eight forty-five. "I have got to go, right now." I said, pulling up my pants as well as I could, snatching up my shirt, tie and jacket without bothering to sort them out. He stood there, shorts at his feet and nude body before me, watching me without helping. "Look, I'm sorry I have to run off like this, but can I see you again, soon?" I said.

"Most certainly, Daniel Carter." he said to me.

"My name's not Daniel." I said to him. "It's James, James Carter."

"James?" He was puzzled. "No, this cannot be, you are Daniel Carter."

"No, I'm James Carter." I said to him. "Remember, this morning, I said...maybe I didn't. I'm sorry, I thought I had told you my entire name."

"But if you are James Carter...this is the year 2010, is it not?"

"No." I admitted. "It's 2001."

"But then...." He pulled from his shorts pocket a small metal box and punched at it with his huge fingers, peered at the result, appalled. "You are to meet a Professor Cedric Smith on this date."

"Well, I was supposed to." I said. "But I kept running into you and...."

"Catastrophe!" He shouted at me. "Paradox! Temporal disruption!" He shoved at me. "You must repair to your domicile instantly! Disobey all regulations upon your conveyance, speed is the only chance!"

"But I...." I was about to say to hell with Professor Smith, but he shoved me again.

"Exit this place!" He shouted at me and I saw raw terror on his face. "Exit with immediate urgency!"

I caught some of his panic and I did, I jumped into my car and I roared off, sped home as quickly as I could, raced upstairs, still bare-chested.

Jeremy was watching television when I dashed open the door. "Hey, Jim." He said to me.

"Has Professor Smith called?"

"You just missed him, dude." Jeremy said. "He called you, really disappointed you weren't here. Something about no more time and he couldn't call any more. What was all that about, dude?" he asked me.

I sat down wearily. "I wish I knew." I said to him. "I wish to hell I knew."

And I still do.


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