I Woke Up

By Mark Arsenault

Published on Nov 28, 2024


I Woke Up 346 by M.P. Arsent

Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the author's consent. This story contains male-on-male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now. I welcome all responses to my stories. Please ensure you list the story's name in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at mparsent@gmail.com and remember to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job.

No such luck. It started right when we got ready to do our laps.

"Dennis, I heard something."

"Let me guess Eddie, I was involved in a drug ring back in high school. It was the year before you moved up from middle school I think. Karl and I were both cleared of any involvement in that ring."

"That's all I needed to hear Den. Let's get this in gear."

We got our laps in and then Karl and I headed back to the apartment. Right after we finished eating, my phone rang. The caller ID said it was Kurt Houser.

"What's going on Kurt?"

"Dennis, I just heard something I don't like, and according to the house bylaws would get you expelled from the frat."

"Let me guess, that I was involved with a drug ring?"

"That is the rumor."

"Completely false and I have a redacted police file stating as much."

"Could I at least see a copy of that file?"

"Not a problem. When is easiest for you?"

"Can you bring it over this morning?"

"Let me clean up a bit and I'll see you in about an hour."

"Works for me, later."

"Let me guess, Kurt's heard the rumor and is concerned for the house's reputation?"

"More like it could get me expelled from the frat, but I'm sure the house's reputation is in there as well. I just hope the national board doesn't get involved. Now I need to get cleaned up and haul ass over there."

Which is just what I did. When I entered the house I got a few looks from some of the freshman brothers. Those who had been there knew the kind of garbage I had put up with the last 2 years.

Kurt was waiting for me and we went straight into his office. I just handed him a copy of the police file and he started reading.

"Your word was good enough for me Den, but I've heard from the governing board and they needed more. Can I keep this copy?"

"Yeah, I have another and I can always run off more. So, we good?"

"Yeah, we're good."

I went out and spent a bit of time with all of the brothers and reassured them all that the rumors were a bunch of bull.

After a bit, I headed back to the apartment.

"So the frat all straightened out?"

"Yeah, Kurt's happy. It seems the governing board was more concerned than Kurt himself was."

"So who do you figure will be next to get their panties in a wad?"

"Hopefully nobody, but I'm not that lucky."

We hit the books at that point. We did take time for a light lunch as we knew Mrs Castanza would have a filling supper for us.

Right at 6, I heard the gate open and I checked to make sure it was Cam and Paul.

"It's that time again."

"Think we'll miss this when we graduate?"

"Probably, but we can always hassle your mom."

We got ourselves downstairs and helped get the table set. We were halfway through the meal before anyone said anything.

"Dennis, You know that I hear things when I'm on campus and when I work for those that work on campus."

"I know and I can just guess what you've heard this week, that Karl and I were involved in a drug ring. I assure you that it is a complete fabrication. We were being set up and were only involved in getting it shut down. Do you by any chance remember whom you heard it from?"

"Sorry, no. I heard it through an open window, so I didn't see who said it."

"How could you even think that about Den dad?"

"I didn't want to believe it son, but I did have to ask."

"This is going to get out of hand. I've got a feeling I had better make more copies of that file and then get a little proactive."

"Just what does that mean?"

"Remember when I said that the press would finally get the message I wasn't going to talk to them and that when I did have something to say they probably wouldn't listen? Well, I think we are at that point."

"So, a press conference?"

"Probably, but not before I speak to Dean Evans. He may have his own investigation going and I wouldn't want to screw that up."

"I've also heard another rumor Dennis, and given what happened last year I think you need to hear it as well. That being that Mr Adams is being accused of some....irregularities in several of his business dealings. One might well assume that you might have started that rumor."

"I can see where it would be easy to think so. Something else I'm sure I'm going to have to address at some point."

"I think our quiet year has well been blown out of the water Den."

"I'm going to have to agree Karl."

We finished our meal and once the table was cleared Karl and I headed upstairs. I went and printed a few more copies of the redacted report. I had a feeling I would be needing them.

Monday morning and we were at it again. The guys didn't have much to say today while we ran our laps. When Karl and I got back to the apartment I checked my email while Karl was in the shower. There was one there from Dean Evan's office for me to stop by as soon as possible, which today would be after Logic. I had little doubt as to what he wanted to talk about.

I stuffed several copies of the report into my backpack.

"I'll probably be a bit late getting home lover."


"Dean Evans, at least for starters."

"And who else do you see jumping on the bandwagon?"

"Bob Watson for certain, and probably Coach Warren."

"How about the governing body for the gymnastics?"

"Yeah, probably them too. Crap! The ethics board may well come after my license as well."

"You my love are going to be very busy this week."

"Ya think? We better get it in gear."

We were soon out of the apartment and back on campus. English and Public Speaking out of the way, it was over to the student union for lunch.

It wasn't long before I saw Bob Watson heading in my direction. I reached into my backpack and got a copy of the report ready for him.

"Hey, Dennis. I guess it's no secret why I'm here today."

"Probably not but ask anyway so we're on the same page."

"Well, two different rumors today. First and foremost, that you and Karl were involved in a drug ring."

"Pure manure, and this time I have proof for you." I handed him the report.

"We were being set up and the police found out we had nothing whatsoever to do with it."

The fact that we did help get it shutdown, I had just realized, was still supposed to be a secret.

"What's the other one?"

"That Adams was involved in some irregularities in the stock market. My editor is convinced you started that one in retaliation for last year."

"I don't have anything to prove that to be true and I did not start that rumor. I'd have to be pretty damn stupid to antagonize him like that."

"Pretty much what I told my editor, but I was told to pursue it."

"What does your editor have against me anyway?"

"Hell if I know."

"Who is the editor anyway?"

"John Hasting. You think he has a grudge against you?"

"Not that I know of, but I'll run it through the home office. It could well be something from the family past like Adams."

"Pretty far-fetched Den."

"Maybe but you never know. Evidence enough of that given last year."

"True enough. Later."


So then it was off to Logic, which was gotten through without a problem. Now I just had to face the Dean.

I made my way over to the admin building.

"Mrs Humboldt."

"Mr Sawyer. I'll let him know you're here but it might be a few minutes."

"I understand."



Next: Chapter 346

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