Ian and the Houseboy

By Bill Jonners

Published on Aug 3, 2019



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This story is completely fictional.

I'd love to hear from you if you enjoyed this story. Please send comments to colin4men@gmail.com and I will reply as soon as I can. Bill


Ian McPherson had come to the Straits Settlements, part of British Malaya, as an employee of the Colonial Office shortly after leaving university in 1921. Life in Penang was good then, with plenty of social life for the British administrators and their families. Single men outnumbered the available young women and nobody questioned why Ian didn't have a girlfriend until around the time he reached thirty years of age. Then his boss and many others suggested it was time he found a good woman and settled down.' Ian had no interest in woman, at least no sexual interest. He had been attracted to other males since his days at boarding school and he'd had the occasional fling' with other young men who had shared his lodgings in Penang. He couldn't face the thought of marriage.

After a few years of making excuses, Ian decided to leave the civil service and escape the gossip. He loved Malaya and there was always a demand for managers in the large number of rubber plantations so he decided that would be his future. He didn't mind the thought of living some distance from fellow Brits.

It was now 1934 and he had just been appointed to manage an estate after two years of learning the ropes on a rubber estate in Selangor. He had enjoyed that. Apart from the manager and his wife, Ian had been the only other white person for miles. There was a Chinese cook, an elderly male, but most of the employees on the estate were Indian and Ian had learned to speak Tamil fairly fluently. Occasional trips into Kuala Lumpur where he met up with like-minded European men had satisfied his sexual needs. He wondered if he'd find many `men who liked men' in Ipoh, the nearest big town to his new home. He had already learned of the clubs favoured by the British living in the area.

"We are almost there." The words of Fred Harrison brought Ian back to the present. Fred was the departing estate manager who had picked him up at the railway station in Sungai Siput. Ian sat up straighter and looked around as they drove towards a bungalow and some outbuildings. "Maeena, my housekeeper, wants to retire but she has agreed to stay on until you find a replacement," said Fred.

"That's kind of her," acknowledged Ian. "The manager at my last place had an elderly male cook and he was excellent. Being single, I am thinking of looking for someone similar to avoid the gossips in the club. You know - single man living alone with a local woman."

"Probably wise," Fred said as he pulled up outside the house. "It might not be easy to find a man locally but Maeena will help you. Hopefully it won't take too long. Maeena is good at taking care of household chores but she's not the greatest cook. My wife does most of the cooking."

"I'm sure I'll manage for a week or two," smiled Ian.

Ian was welcomed by Fred's wife and introduced to the Malay housekeeper. A pleasant evening followed dinner and the following day Ian was shown around the plantation. He impressed Fred by chatting in Tamil to the overseer in charge of the tappers. "There are a few Malays but as you will have seen most of the workers are Indian."

"I had heard there were a lot of Chinese in Ipoh. Are there many around here?" Ian asked.

"There are some Chinese families in town, shopkeepers and the like," replied Fred. "Not the large numbers you will have experienced when you lived in Penang."

Ian nodded. "I just wondered. I'm not a huge fan of curries."

"Oh dear. Curries are one of the few things that Maeena does well," said Fred. "If you don't like spicy food, you'd better ask her to use less chilli than normal when cooking for you."

"Thanks for the warning," said Ian.

"Let's hope my wife has cooked something special for our last night," said Fred. "We'll be setting off early in the morning and you will officially be in charge."

Maeena approved of Ian having a male housekeeper/cook but wasn't able to find anyone she considered suitable. After yet another curry, Ian insisted on going into the nearby small town with her to ask around. She agreed but on the journey she said that she had spoken to all the Malay families as well as to the few Indians living there. Ian instructed her to take him to the Chinese quarter and ask there. She agreed, despite saying it was pointless.

Ian was beginning to think his trip had been a waste of time when they were finally told of a family who needed work. The husband had been killed in a tin-mining accident a few weeks earlier. Ian wondered if he could cope with having a widow and a couple of children living with him. As he followed Maeena, he decided that one of the outbuildings could be converted into living quarters for them.

Unfortunately for Ian, the Chinese woman could only speak Cantonese and Malay so he had to conduct the conversation through Maeena. He soon discovered that the woman had now obtained a sewing job and she didn't want to swap that for a lonely life on the estate. Ian was about to leave when the woman said that her brother had just returned from working on a ship and he was looking for a job. He had assisted in the ship's kitchen as well as doing odd jobs and so might meet Ian's requirements. Ian wasn't sure that he wanted a sailor working for him but it was agreed that the brother should call at the bungalow the following morning. "Tell her that he should come about eleven. I should have finished my rounds by then," Ian said to Maeena.

"This is Jimmy Wang and he speaks English," Maeena said as she brought the young Chinese man into Ian's office.

"Thank you, Maeena." Ian looked Jimmy up and down as Maeena nodded and left the room. The woman he had spoken to the previous day must have been at least thirty and Ian had assumed her brother would be around the same age. However the young man standing in front of him looked no more than fifteen. He was 5ft 5in (165 cm) tall and was smartly dressed in dark blue trousers, a short-sleeved white shirt and well-polished black shoes.

"My sister said that you are looking for a houseboy, sir," Jimmy said.

"That is correct, Jimmy. Please sit down," responded Ian. "I understand that you have been working at sea. Why do you want a job here?"

"Yes, sir. I worked on a British merchant vessel for nearly five years," replied Jimmy. "My sister was recently widowed and I need to find a job where I can send her cash at regular intervals. That would be impossible if I returned to sea."

"Five years, eh? How old are you, Jimmy?" Ian asked.

"I'm nineteen, sir. I learned to cook on the ship and I can clean, mend clothes and so on. I hope you will find me suitable," said Jimmy.

"Are you a good cook? What sort of things can I expect?" Ian smiled and quickly added. "My current housekeeper cooks lots of curries and I want something different."

"I cooked mainly for the ship's officers so I learned to cook dishes like roast beef, chicken chop, toad in the hole, steak and chips and rice pudding," replied Jimmy. "I can also cook a lot of Chinese dishes. I learned those from watching my late mother and my sister."

"My mouth is watering already," smiled Ian. "Do you think you could cook me something for lunch? If it pleases me, we will discuss your wage."

"Thank you, sir." Jimmy couldn't help smiling as he stood up. "I would be happy to cook for you."

Ian got to his feet and held out his hand. "I hope that Maeena has what you need in the kitchen."

"I will do my best with what is available," Jimmy said as he shook Ian's hand.

Returning to his office after leaving Jimmy with Maeena, Ian had a smile on his face. There was also some stiffening down below. He'd never seriously considered having an Asian sex partner before but there was something about Jimmy that he found attractive. "I doubt anything will happen between us," he said to himself. "Nice to have a handsome lad around though."

Jimmy was apologetic at not being able to produce something `British' for lunch but Ian was delighted by beef with ginger and spring onion, fried chicken with lemon sauce, stir-fried vegetables and rice. He offered the Chinese teenager a wage higher than he could have earned at sea and Jimmy readily accepted.

"I will get Maeena to show you her quarters," said Ian. "Until you move in there, you can use the guest bedroom. I'd like you to start work tomorrow."

"Thank you, sir. I'm very grateful," smiled Jimmy. "Shall I arrange for some foodstuffs to be delivered so that I can cook a variety of meals?"

"Yes, that's a good idea," said Ian. "I think Maeena will be moving out within a few days but you can take immediate charge in the kitchen."

"Thank you, sir. I will return in the morning." Jimmy bowed and left the room.

Ian's eyes were drawn to the teenager's small but beautifully shaped arse. "Bet he'd be a great fuck," he thought. Followed immediately by, "No, he's much too innocent."

Ian was up at the crack of dawn as usual the next morning and went out to check progress. When he returned for breakfast around 8am, he was surprised to learn that Jimmy was already in the kitchen. "He's cooking bacon. Cooking bacon in my kitchen!" complained Maeena. "It's not right."

"I love bacon," said Ian. "And it's no longer your kitchen, Maeena."

Maeena muttered something under her breath and then said, "I will be leaving today, Mr McPherson."

"Very good. Let me know when you're ready and I'll take you into town." Ian turned away and walked to the kitchen.

"Good morning, sir," smiled Jimmy. "I am cooking a proper English breakfast for you - bacon, sausage, eggs, mushrooms and baked beans. Plus tea and toast."

"Sounds wonderful! It has been a long time since I had such a treat," said Ian. "Do I have time for a wash?" His eyes moved from the cooker to the boy's legs, having just noticed that Jimmy was wearing a vest and shorts under his full-length apron.

"Yes, sir. It will be ready in ten minutes," replied Jimmy.

Ian nodded and smiled. "I see that you are wearing clothes more appropriate for this climate today."

Jimmy had forgotten about being dressed so casually in front of his new boss. "You don't mind me dressed like this? It's quite a long walk from town and I had some provisions to carry as well as my personal things."

"No, I don't mind," replied Ian. "Maeena will be leaving today and then it will be just us men in the house. Wear whatever you want when you're working." He patted the boy's shoulder and then went off to freshen up.

"He's very handsome, especially when he smiles," Jimmy thought as he watched Ian leave. "Not much taller than me but more muscular." Then he concentrated on cooking.

As he stripped off, Ian was thinking about Jimmy and his soft golden skin. "Not a hair on those shapely legs," he said to himself. "And he is so handsome...one could almost call him pretty. He reminds me of that half-Chinese boy at school...John. I wanted to get into his pants but he never showed any interest in me." Without realising it, Ian's cock had become fully erect. "No time to take care of this now," he told himself as he squeezed the thick 8 inch (20 cm) rod on his way into the bathroom.

Ian felt freer now that Maeena had gone. He was eating better meals and there was no drop in the standard of the laundry and other household chores. Like most servants, Jimmy worked almost unseen in the background but Ian enjoyed the moments he spent with him. He thought of the boy often when he masturbated in bed, never imagining that young Jimmy was dreaming of sex with him just a short distance away.

The end of the month arrived and Ian decided it was time for him to visit Ipoh and try to find a man willing to share a bed with him for the night. He went looking for Jimmy and was astonished to find his houseboy standing with his back to him in a tin bathtub in the middle of the kitchen, pouring water over his shoulder and down his back. Ian stood open-mouthed watching the water run down Jimmy's back and over the most delightful bum he'd seen in years. Slightly paler than his back and legs, small but well-rounded, the Chinese boy's arse was like two grapefruits sitting side by side. Ian licked his lips.

Suddenly Jimmy looked up and saw Ian. "Oh sorry, sir." He blushed and crouched down, then reached for the towel on the floor. "You are back early today," he said as he wrapped the towel around his waist and stood up again.

Ian had to clear his throat before he could speak. "Erm, yes. I have decided to take a trip into Ipoh and I will be staying overnight," he said, trying to keep his eyes on Jimmy's face while noting the prominent brown nipples. "I should be back around teatime tomorrow so you can have some time off. Maybe visit your sister. Here are your wages." He stepped forward and handed the money over to Jimmy.

Jimmy smiled. He couldn't miss the prominent bulge at the front of the man's trousers. "Thank you, sir," was all he said.

"Hmm, yes. Please finish your ablutions." Ian quickly looked Jimmy up and down and then left to pack his overnight things. "I hope I find somebody in the club," he said to himself. "I really need a fuck now."

Back in the kitchen, Jimmy was taking care of his own little erection.

Ian had a couple of stengahs and a meal on the verandah of the Station Hotel in Ipoh before heading for the club he had been told about. He was directed to a group of unmarried men by the knowledgeable and very discreet barman but Ian didn't find any of them sexually attractive. One man talked about shafting one of his Malay house-servants and was teased about `going native.' Ian said that was unfair because many white men took Malay and Chinese mistresses. As he spoke, he was thinking about Jimmy and how appealing he looked naked. At the end of the night he went back to his hotel alone and masturbated as he plotted how to get Jimmy into his bed.

After a late breakfast the next morning, Ian bought some clothes and then set off back to the plantation. He arrived earlier than originally planned and found Jimmy walking on the road from the town, carrying two large bags of groceries. "Climb in, Jimmy. I'll take you the rest of the way home."

"Thank you, sir." Jimmy blushed slightly as he got into the car. "I intended to be back before you arrived to prepare some food."

"That isn't a problem. You weren't to know that I would be early," responded Ian. "Anyway I am more interested in having a bath than food. This heat is killing me today. It must be over ninety."

"It is very hot and humid, sir," agreed Jimmy. Moments later the car pulled up outside the house. "I'll take these into the kitchen," Jimmy said as he picked up the bags, "and then I will prepare your bath."

"That's very kind of you," said Ian.

Jimmy walked away, thinking, "Kind? It's my job. Mr McPherson is most unusual."

Ian was wearing only a bathrobe and slippers when he entered the bathroom to find Jimmy bent over testing the temperature of the water. Once again his eyes were drawn to the shapely bum within his houseboy's baggy shorts.

Jimmy straightened up and turned to Ian. "Your bath is ready, sir."

"Thank you, Jimmy," said Ian. He stepped out of his slippers and dropped his bathrobe to stand naked in front of the Chinese teenager.

Jimmy's eyes opened wide in surprise at seeing his master naked. He gazed at the man's broad, hairy chest and then automatically looked lower to see the sizeable but flaccid cock. Blushing furiously, he started walking towards the door.

"Don't go, Jimmy," said Ian. "I'd like you to wash my back." He stepped into the bath and turned to see the teenager standing still and looking undecided. He wasn't sure but he thought there was some tenting at the front of Jimmy's shorts. "Please, Jimmy. I can't do it properly myself."

"Of course, sir." Jimmy moved closer, now recovered from the unexpected request.

"And take your shirt off. I don't want to splash it," said Ian.

That was another unusual request but Jimmy obeyed, peeling off his shirt and placing it on the wooden chair near the bath. He took the sponge and soap from Ian's hands, and began to wash the man's back.

"You have a very gentle touch, Jimmy. That feels really good," Ian said softly. Jimmy didn't know how to respond but he washed the man's back for a second time and then rinsed it off. "I'm feeling quite tense after the long drive. Could you use those magic fingers and give me a shoulder massage?"

"I've never given anyone a massage before but I will try, sir." Jimmy placed his hands on Ian's shoulders and began gently rubbing and squeezing.

"That feels good, Jimmy. Just what I need," Ian said after a few minutes. He started to imagine what those small fingers might feel like on other parts of his body and then felt himself beginning to get an erection. Not wanting to scare the boy, he said, "Thank you, Jimmy. That will be all for now."

"Very good, sir." Jimmy went over and picked up his shirt. "I will make some tea and toast for you and then prepare dinner."

"That would be nice," said Ian. "Oh, and please don't bother to put that shirt back on. It's much too warm for unnecessary clothes today."

Jimmy nodded and left the room, once again thinking his boss was most unusual.

Ian smiled to himself and finished having his bath. He didn't put a shirt on afterwards when he went to have his tea. Jimmy was surprised to see his boss only partly dressed but he said nothing as he poured the tea and gave Ian some buttered toast.

"You must be hot and sticky after the long walk from the village," Ian said to the houseboy. "Please go and have a bath."

"I'm okay, sir. I can have a wash later," said Jimmy.

"No, I insist. I want you to be clean and comfortable," responded Ian. "And I want you to have a proper bath, not a quick wash in the kitchen."

"But..." Jimmy felt certain that servants were not supposed to use the bathroom belonging to their employers.

Ian pointed towards the door. "Now. Go and have a real bath now!"

"Yes, sir." Jimmy gulped and left for the bathroom.

Ian hurriedly had his tea and toast, and then went off to look among the clothes he'd bought earlier. He found what he was looking for and then walked as quietly as he could towards the bathroom.

The door was partly open and Ian looked in to find the Chinese teenager lying back in the tub, enjoying a soak in the refreshing water. He smiled to himself and then walked into the room.

Jimmy was startled and quickly sat up, his hands moving to cover his private parts.

"Relax, Jimmy. Enjoy the bath," said Ian. "I bought myself a few things at the outfitters this morning and then decided you needed a few things. Houseboys don't require a uniform but I think you would look better in something other than those baggy shorts you wear."

"Sir?" Jimmy was puzzled.

"I bought you some new shorts," Ian said. He then pulled two pairs of shorts from the bag - one black pair and one pair in pale green. Being intended for boys much younger than Jimmy, they were much smaller than Jimmy's existing shorts but - with Jimmy having such a slim figure - Ian knew they would fit him. "I bought you some new underwear too." Ian pulled two pairs of white briefs from the bag and showed them to Jimmy.

"Thank you, sir," Jimmy said meekly.

"You can come with me on my next trip to Ipoh and we'll buy you some more things," smiled Ian. "I want my houseboy to be well-dressed." Jimmy nodded, too stunned to speak. Ian sat down on the wooden chair. "I'm looking forward to seeing you in your new shorts. Which pair would you like to wear first?"

"Erm, the light coloured ones," replied Jimmy.

Ian suddenly stood up and held a towel out to Jimmy. "Come on. Get dried and then you can try on your new clothes."

Jimmy realised that the man was going to watch him get dressed and felt his heart beat faster. "He wasn't shy about being naked in front of me and he will think it strange if I act differently," he said to himself. He gulped and forced himself to stand up and take the proffered towel.

Ian didn't hide the fact that he was looking at Jimmy's body. His eyes slowly wandered down from the boy's chest to his slim legs before concentrating on the flaccid two inch cock, the grape-sized balls and the tiny patch of black pubic hair. "You look good, Jimmy. Very good," Ian said when the teenager had finished drying himself. "Here you go," he added as he held out a pair of briefs.

"Erm, thank you." The embarrassed teen turned slightly to give Ian a glimpse of his perfect butt as he pulled the briefs on.

"Yes, you're a very handsome young man," said Ian.

Jimmy had noticed men looking at him in a similar way onboard his ship but he was the captain's boy so they didn't make any advances. He knew things were different at sea and he hadn't expected a white man to be interested in him sexually back in his own country. Certainly not a man as young and good-looking as Mr McPherson.

He looked up at Ian and saw him licking his lips. "He does like me `that way.' This could be an even better job than I imagined," he said to himself.

Ian held out the pale green shorts. "They are a 26 inch waist so I think they will fit."

Jimmy stepped into the shorts and fastened the waist. They were a comfortable fit but they were much shorter than anything he'd worn before. "I think they are too short, sir," he said, looking up at Ian.

Ian stepped back to look at Jimmy. "Nonsense. They are perfect," said Ian. "No need to cover any more of those lovely legs."

Jimmy looked down at his legs. "You really think these shorts are okay?"

Ian nodded. "I think you look great like that and I don't want to see you wear anything more when it's just the two of us. You can wear a shirt when you're working outside to protect yourself from the sun but you don't need a shirt indoors."

"But when I go to the village people will stare," said Jimmy.

"Wear your old baggy shorts to the village if that will make you feel more comfortable," responded Ian as he walked back to the living room. "Here, when you're serving me, just the new shorts. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir." Jimmy felt slightly embarrassed but also thrilled at the knowledge he was dressing to please his boss. "Can I pour you a drink before I start making dinner?"

"Yes, I'd love one," replied Ian. "You know how to make a stengah?"

"That is half whisky and half soda water, I think," replied Jimmy. "Normally poured over ice."

Ian sighed. "It's a pity we live too far from an ice supply. Anyway I can have it without." Ian picked up the latest edition of the Straits Times and sat down. Jimmy hurried off to get his master's drink.

Ian returned to his normal routine the next day but then surprised Jimmy by asking him to wash his back and give him a shoulder massage when it was time for his pre-dinner bath. The Chinese teenager was happy to oblige, and Ian closed his eyes and enjoyed it. This time he didn't worry about getting an erection. "Do you like working here, Jimmy?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. It's very different from being on a ship but I enjoy looking after you and this lovely house," Jimmy replied.

"You don't find it too lonely?" Ian asked.

"No, sir. I speak to the estate workers when I'm working in the vegetable garden and I see my sister and others when I go into town," said Jimmy. Ian nodded. "Do you feel lonely, sir?" Jimmy asked a few moments later.

"Hmm, sometimes," answered Ian. Then he turned his head, smiled at Jimmy and added, "I like having you around though."

Jimmy smiled and stood up from his kneeling position and said, "I hope the massage helped." Suddenly he caught a glimpse of the erect cock in the soapy water and his eyes opened wide.

Ian noticed where the youngster was looking and said, "Sorry. I hope I haven't embarrassed you. Your magic fingers have that effect on me."

"Nn..nn..no," stammered Jimmy. "It's okay. I'll leave you to enjoy your bath in peace." He almost stumbled when he turned and hurried out of the bathroom.

Ian smiled to himself and thought, "He couldn't take his eyes off it once he saw it. I think he's interested. I do hope so. Having a live-in lover would make life here almost perfect."

Through in the kitchen, Jimmy squeezed his very stiff boner and knew he would be thinking about what he'd seen again later.

The erection wasn't commented on when Jimmy served dinner but the next day Jimmy was the one to suggest another shoulder massage. "That would be good," Ian said.

Jimmy used a lot less soap when washing Ian's back as he wanted the water to be as clear as possible. Then, when he started massaging, he often glanced around Ian's body for any sign of the cock he desperately wanted to see fully erect. "Is this helping you to relax, sir?" he asked after a few minutes.

Ian had noticed the teenager looking around a few times and had placed a hand over his stiffening cock to keep it hidden. Now he let it go and the cockhead poked above the surface of the water. "Yes, Jimmy. Your fingers are working their magic again."

"I'm glad, sir," Jimmy said. Then he looked over Ian's shoulder, saw the big cock and let out a loud gasp.

"I haven't shocked or embarrassed you, have I?" Ian said.

"Oh no," Jimmy replied quickly. "I was just surprised at the size of your...um, endowment."

"Have you not seen a white man's cock before?" asked Ian.

"Only the captain's and it wasn't as big as yours," replied Jimmy.

Ian wondered how familiar Jimmy had become with the captain's cock. "How big was his when it was stiff?" he asked.

"About five inches (13 cm)," Jimmy said, still looking at Ian's cock.

"You saw it stiff many times, I guess." Ian smiled at Jimmy.

Jimmy blushed slightly as he looked back at Ian and nodded. "It was my duty to look after him."

"Now you are looking after me," said Ian.

Jimmy licked his lips. "Yes, sir."

"I'd like to see the rest of your sexy body," Ian said. "Come round here and remove your shorts."

Jimmy gulped, moved to the side of the tub and unfastened his shorts. He was aware of the small tent at the front when he looked back at Ian. Ian nodded at him and Jimmy let the shorts fall to the floor. His erection was more obvious now.

"Take your briefs off too," Ian said softly.

Jimmy obeyed and then stood with his hands by his side and his stiff 3.5 inch (9 cm) cock pointing to the ceiling.

Ian was very pleased at the way Jimmy had reacted. The handsome teenager had not only stripped off when requested he was displaying the fact that he was turned on. "That's a very nice little cock," he said, admiring the rock-hard erection and the small, hairless balls. Apart from a tiny patch of wiry black hair, Jimmy's body was entirely smooth. "Turn around and let me see your bum."

Once again Jimmy obeyed without question. Now Ian was the one to lick his lips as he looked at the small but perfect buttocks. "Beautiful," he said. "Turn to face me again."

Ian couldn't help noticing the bead of pre-cum on Jimmy's cockhead when he had turned back round. "You really are a sexy young man, Jimmy. Are you willing to serve all my needs?"

"Yes, sir," Jimmy replied in little more than a whisper.

"Wonderful!" Ian stood up and reached for the towel. "You will share my bed tonight."

"Thank you, sir," Jimmy responded with a big smile on his face. "May I leave now and finish cooking dinner?"

Ian nodded. "Go ahead." He watched as the teenager picked up his clothes from the floor and left the room. Then he smiled and thought of what lay ahead. He'd like to have jerked off but decided to save his load for Jimmy.

"Chicken chop with potatoes, peas and carrots," Jimmy announced as he brought Ian's dinner into the dining room.

"It looks good," Ian responded as the plate was placed in front of him. Then he noticed that Jimmy was wearing nothing underneath his apron. "You look good too, Jimmy," he said as he reached out to caress the small, nicely-rounded buttocks.

"Thank you." Jimmy smiled and went on. "You didn't instruct me to dress again so I thought I should remain naked...except for the apron needed when working in the kitchen."

"An excellent decision, Jimmy. You have a beautiful rear and I like it being on display," said Ian.

Jimmy nodded. "Enjoy your dinner, sir." He bowed slightly and returned to the kitchen.

While Ian was contemplating the pleasures which lay ahead, Jimmy ate his own meal and wondered if he should be completely naked when he took dessert to his boss. "No, he won't be interested in my dick. I'll keep the apron on," he decided.

"Would you like another beer or a cup of tea with your dessert this evening?" Jimmy asked when he was removing the empty plate and the cutlery from the table. "I have made jam roll-poly and custard."

"Hmm, tea please. I do love your roly-poly," smiled Ian.

Jimmy couldn't help smiling back.

After dinner, Ian sighed as he picked up a book. He had heard that a radio station had recently been set up in Penang and he hoped it wouldn't be too many years before a similar service was available in Perak.

Around 9pm, Jimmy knocked on the door and entered the living room. "You normally go to bed at this time, sir. I am ready for you." The Chinese teenager had bathed and was standing naked close to Ian with a semi-erect cock.

"You look wonderful, Jimmy," Ian said as he stood up. "I trust the ship's captain trained you well."

"He was pleased with my services." Jimmy was unable to look Ian in the eye as he spoke but his cock was now fully erect.

"It seems that you are as eager for this as I am." Ian smiled and gave Jimmy's cock a squeeze.

"You are a very handsome man, sir. And you're younger than the captain," said Jimmy.

Ian took Jimmy in his arms. "I want to make love to you so please call me Ian, not sir." Then he bent down and kissed the teen's soft lips.

Jimmy smiled up at Ian when they parted. "I've not had a man kiss me before. I liked it, sir...I mean, Ian."

Ian grinned and said, "I have wanted to kiss you for such a long time." Then he kissed Jimmy again with even more passion. This time Jimmy gasped for breath when they parted. Ian took his hand. "Let's go to bed."

Ian lifted the mosquito net and Jimmy climbed into the large bed. Jimmy had never been in a bed as big before and he knelt on the edge waiting for guidance. "Come here, you sexy thing," Ian said as he pulled the teen closer. This time Ian's hands wandered all over Jimmy's body as they kissed. Jimmy wasn't sure how to respond so he simply submitted to the touching, letting out a muffled squeak when a probing middle finger touched his tight rosebud.

Ian pulled back and looked into Jimmy's face. "Do you mind me touching you there? Maybe the captain only used your mouth."

Jimmy gave a weak smile and said, "I liked it. It was just a surprise." He paused for a moment and added, "The captain...used me like a woman."

"You mean he fucked you?" Ian asked. Jimmy looked down and then nodded. Ian used a finger under Jimmy's chin to raise his head. "Don't say `like a woman.' You are a young man, with the body parts of a young man. I want to make love to you and not a woman."

Jimmy smiled. "Yes, sir...Ian."

Ian returned the smile before kissing Jimmy again. Jimmy grew bolder and ran his right hand over the man's chest. "I think you are very sexy, s...Ian," he said. "May I suck your...?" He looked down at Ian's erection.

"Yes...and I want to suck yours," replied Ian.

Jimmy's eyes opened wide. "You want to suck mine? The captain never..."

Ian put a finger on Jimmy's lips. "I am not the captain. I want to enjoy your body and I want you to enjoy sex with me."

Jimmy smiled and reached out to take hold of Ian's cock. "Yours is much bigger than mine."

"Yours is big enough for me." Ian suddenly pushed Jimmy onto his back and then dived down to take the stiff little cock in his mouth.

Jimmy gasped and looked on as the man sucked and used his tongue on his small cock, while also fondling his hairless balls. Soon he was squirming and moaning a little. He tried to sit up as he said, "Sir, I'm going to..."

Ian pushed Jimmy down and sucked even harder than before. Whimpers proceeded Jimmy's cries and then he started spunking off in his master's mouth. "I'm sorry...."

Ian swallowed every drop of the sweet boy-cream, licked his lips and then smiled. "Thank you, Jimmy. I enjoyed that."

"You did?" Jimmy was surprised.

"I shall want more later but you can suck mine now, if you wish." Ian smiled again and lay down next to Jimmy.

"Oh, I want to. I really do." Jimmy smiled at Ian as he sat up. Then he looked at the man's erect cock and said, "It is very big though. I don't think I can take it all in my mouth."

Ian nodded. "Just take what you can. Perhaps you will take more with practice."

Jimmy moved onto his hands and knees to examine the big, uncut cock. He licked at the clear liquid on the shiny cockhead and toyed with the large hairy balls. "These will be filled with lots of seed," he said to himself. Then pulling the foreskin fully back, Jimmy began to lick and tease the cockhead. He flicked all around the glans and poked at the leaking piss-slit with the tip of his tongue, encouraged by the appreciative moans from Ian. Then he opened his mouth and let the cock sink in. With about 3 inches (7.5 cm) inside, Jimmy started sucking. He rubbed the shaft with his tongue as he sucked and continued to play with the hairy balls. Soon he began to take more but gagged when he had just over 5 inches (13 cm) in his mouth.

"Don't force it," said Ian. "You are doing a great job."

Jimmy didn't take the cock from his mouth but he smiled at Ian with his eyes. He then bobbed up and down on the cock, sucking and licking to bring maximum pleasure to Ian."

Ian started moaning louder, and drawing air in through his teeth. "That's wonderful, Jimmy. I really would like to fuck you though. Will you permit me?"

Jimmy sat up and wiped the saliva from his lips. "I do like being fucked but..." He ran his fingers up and down the length of the huge cock.

"I know it's big but I will do my best not to hurt you," said Ian.

Jimmy looked at Ian as he considered the matter. Then he smiled and said, "Yes."

A huge smiled spread across Ian's face. "Thank you, Jimmy. I'll just be a moment." Ian climbed out of the bed, went over to a cupboard and returned with a jar of Vaseline. "This will make the entry easier," he told Jimmy.

The Chinese teenager moved onto his hands and knees, which had been the position favoured by the captain. "You really are sexy," Ian said as he caressed the small but perfectly shaped buttocks. "Hold your bum cheeks apart and I will rub some of the Vaseline on your hole." Jimmy reached behind and used both hands to spread his arsecheeks. "Very nice," Ian said as he gazed at the hairless crack and the small pink pucker. Then he opened the jar of, took a large dollop with two fingers and rubbed the greasy jelly over and into the entrance of Jimmy's arsehole.

Jimmy moaned softly when the two fingers entered his hole but then pushed back against them. "That feels good. Use my pussy for your pleasure," he said.

"I want both of us to get pleasure," Ian said as he started to slowly finger-fuck Jimmy. "You are very tight," he added. "Please tell me if it hurts." When he pushed a third finger in, Jimmy moaned again. "Are you okay?" Ian asked.

"Yes, yes. It feels good," replied Jimmy. "You may put your thing in me now."

Ian chuckled. "You mean my cock? If you call your bum-hole your pussy, then you must use the word cock for what goes inside it."

"Very good, sir...Ian." He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Please put your cock in my pussy and fuck me."

"Not like this," said Ian. "I want to see your cute face when I enter you for the first time. Please lie on your back."

Jimmy did as he was asked and Ian smiled when saw that the boy's cock was fully erect once more. "Now lift your legs back and raise your bum a little so that I can slide a pillow underneath. That's perfect." Ian smiled as he rubbed a generous amount of Vaseline over his stiff 8 inch (20 cm) cock. Then he inched forward and placed his cockhead against the pink pucker. "Try to relax but do tell me if it's too painful."

Although worried about taking a cock so much longer and thicker than the captain's, Jimmy wanted to be fucked by his new boss. He remembered to push back when Ian applied pressure and soon the cockhead entered him. He gasped and Ian immediately paused. "I'm okay," said Jimmy. "Just give me a moment." After about a minute Jimmy nodded and Ian pushed deeper. There was a cry from Jimmy when the cock burst through his sphincter.

Ian froze. "Is it too much? I don't want to hurt you," he said to the teen.

There were tears in Jimmy's eyes but he said, "Don't take it out. Please. I want to take it all and I just need a few minutes to get used to the size."

Ian noticed that Jimmy had lost his erection but he didn't comment. Instead he bent down and kissed the teenager. When he straightened up again, Jimmy blinked away the tears and smiled. "I'm ready for more now, Ian."

Ian slowly but firmly pushed deeper, pausing whenever Jimmy let out a whimper. Eventually it was all inside. "You are so brave. You've taken it all," Ian said.

"It's so thick...but it's beginning to feel better now," smiled Jimmy.

Ian nodded. "Good! I want you to enjoy it." He waited a few moments and then began to move with short slow thrusts. Gradually the length and speed of his thrusts increased and then he saw Jimmy's cock stiffen. "Is this okay?"

"Oh yes. It feels good," replied Jimmy.

Ian smiled. "I don't want you to remain silent. Tell me when I do something you like."

"Please kiss me again," Jimmy said, blushing slightly.

Ian bent down and gave Jimmy a long kiss. Jimmy kissed back and wrapped his arms and legs around the older man's body. "Fuck me. Fill me up with your lovely big cock," Jimmy said in little more than a whisper. Ian resumed fucking and was soon moving faster than before. "Yes, harder. Fuck me harder!" cried Jimmy.

Ian's thrusts became faster and harder. He was soon slamming hard into the small Chinese teen. Suddenly Jimmy cried out and began spunking off hands-free. Jet after jet of white cum flew from his cock and splattered over his smooth body.

Ian had never seen this happen before and the sight took him over the edge. He groaned and blasted masses of cum deep inside the teenager's tight arse. Then he collapsed and hugged Jimmy tight.

When Ian recovered, he rolled off Jimmy and smiled at him. "That was amazing. Probably the best sex I've ever had."

Jimmy smiled shyly. "I have never cum while being fucked before. It was definitely the best sex I've ever had. Can we do it again?"

"You mean now? This evening?" Ian asked.

Jimmy nodded. "Yes, please. And then again tomorrow and the next night."

Ian laughed. "Okay but I'll need some time to recharge," he said before moving to lick the cum from Jimmy's body. He finished by taking Jimmy's cock into his mouth and sucking it until the teenager was stiff again.

"Ian, may I...?" Jimmy bit his lip.

"Go on," smiled Ian.

"May I look more closely at your lovely big cock?" Jimmy asked.

"Of course," replied Ian.

Jimmy crawled down the bed and took the semi-hard cock in his small hand. "It's still bigger and thicker than the captain's. It's beautiful," he said. Then he kissed the cockhead and looked up at Ian.

"Not too big for you?" Ian asked.

"It hurt going in but then it felt wonderful. I will get used to its size," Jimmy replied. Then he licked at the slimy shaft, bringing a moan from Ian. Jimmy licked again...and then again before taking the cock into his mouth and sucking it. Soon the cock was fully erect once more.

"You are so sexy. You make me horny like nobody else," Ian said.

"So you can fuck me again now," smiled Jimmy.

Ian laughed. "Let me check your pussy first. I hope I haven't damaged you." Jimmy moved onto his hands and knees with his legs spread wide. "It's a little puffy but it looks okay," Ian said as he gently fingered the teen's puckered hole. "Are you sure you want me to fuck you again now?"

"I'm very sure," replied Jimmy.

Ian applied more Vaseline and finger-fucked Jimmy's hole before greasing his own cock again. Then he knelt behind Jimmy, rubbed his cockhead up and down the crack, and then sought entry.

Jimmy groaned as he was penetrated but said, "Don't stop!" when Ian paused. "Push it all inside. Fill my pussy!"

With one hand on Jimmy's hip and the other squeezing the stiff boy-cock, Ian pushed slowly until the full length of his cock was inside the tight hole. Jimmy threw his head back and said, "Yes. Feels so good. Fuck me, Ian. Fuck me hard!"

Ian was pleased to have found himself such a willing partner. He smiled as he began to fuck Jimmy for the second time, relishing his hot, tight hole. Soon Jimmy was pushing back to meet his thrusts. "Yes, Ian. That feels so good. You like my pussy?"

"I love your pussy," Ian said with a smile.

"My pussy needs to be fucked every day. I have missed having sex," said Jimmy.

"Your pussy will be fucked every day, sometimes twice a day, from now on," responded Ian. He was now fucking the boy hard and fast, and wanking his little cock at the same time.

Once again young Jimmy was the first to cum. He moaned and cried, "Oh yes, oh yes!" before shooting off. It wasn't as big a load as the first one but it made a mess of the bedsheet. Then Ian put both hands around the teen's narrow waist and pounded him hard and fast until he sent another mass of thick, creamy cum into the hot arse.

When Ian withdrew his cock, Jimmy turned round and fell on his back. Ian fell on top of him and they kissed passionately. "Thank you, dear boy," Ian said as they cuddled together afterwards.

"Thank you. That was the best sex ever," smiled Jimmy.

"We are going to have lots of fun together," responded Ian.

A short time later Jimmy got out of bed, saying, "I must get you a clean sheet."

"Me? I want you to sleep with me tonight and every night in future," said Ian.

Jimmy was up before Ian awoke the next morning. They smiled at each other and went about their daily business as normal. At the end of his working day, Ian returned to the house to find Jimmy preparing his bath. "Would you like a shoulder massage again, sir?" asked Ian.

"Yes, please but call me Ian whenever we're alone," replied Ian.

"Okay, Ian." Jimmy smiled and stripped off.

"No sex until later," Ian said. Jimmy pouted but carried out his duties in a professional manner.

"What's for dinner?" Ian asked as he put on a pair of shorts after his bath.

"Roast chicken," replied Jimmy. "Is that okay?"

"That is fine but I no longer want to eat alone," said Ian. "From now on - unless I have guests - you will eat dinner with me."

"That is unusual. Are you sure?" Jimmy asked.

"We have to be careful in front of other people but we are friends and lovers," replied Ian. "I am sure."

Jimmy smiled and then hugged Ian. "Thank you. You make me feel very special."

"You are very special," Ian said before giving the boy a kiss.

Later, after Jimmy had his bath and had joined him in bed, Ian said, "I want to try something different this evening."

"I am happy to try new things. I want to make you happy," said Jimmy.

"And I want to give you pleasure," responded Ian. "Let me see your pussy."

Jimmy lay on his front and spread his legs, allowing Ian easy access. "You have the most beautiful pussy I have ever seen. I want to do something I've never done before."

Jimmy trusted Ian completely and said, "You can do whatever you wish." He closed his eyes and smiled as he felt Ian caress his buttocks and then spread them. He was surprised when Ian put his face between his arse crack and started licking. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm making love to your pussy," Ian replied before licking the pink pucker again.

Jimmy moaned softly. "That feels good," he said. He let out a little squeak when Ian's tongue began probing inside his hole. He shivered when the tongue moved in and out in a fucking motion. "Oh, that feels wonderful, Ian," he said.

Ian continued to tongue-fuck the youngster for a few minutes and then he sat up. "I liked that. I hope your pussy is more able to take my cock now."

Jimmy twisted onto his back and smiled at Ian. "That really turned me on. Can't you see?" He nodded to towards his stiff cock which was leaking pre-cum. I really want your lovely big cock in me now...after I suck it." He moved to take hold of Ian's thick cock and then began to suck it.

Ian was already turned by playing with Jimmy's body but the delicate fingers and eager mouth made him even more aroused. "I need to fuck you now," he said after only a few minutes.

"I am yours. Take me," said Jimmy.

It wasn't long before Ian's well-greased cock was sliding into the Chinese teenager. Jimmy couldn't help moaning as the thick tool entered him. "I'm okay. Don't stop," he said when Ian paused.

Ian bent down to kiss Jimmy and then pushed the rest of his cock deep into the tight hole. Soon the pair moved in unison, one taking and the other giving until finally they both erupted at almost the same. For the more experienced Ian, it was the best sex he'd ever had. Jimmy too couldn't believe how good sex was with someone who cared for him. They kissed and cuddled until they finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

Over the next few weeks the pair grew closer. The sex was great but they also enjoyed chatting together about all kinds of subjects. Ian never returned to Ipoh, preferring to spend all his free time with Jimmy. On Jimmy's next birthday, Ian finally said, "I love you, Jimmy. I've never said that to anyone else. In fact, if it was possible for two men to marry I would want to marry you. Please say that you will never leave me."

There were tears in Jimmy's eyes when he replied. "I love you, Ian. I will never leave you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Japan invaded northern Malaya on 8th December 1941 and in less than three weeks the Japanese controlled as far south as Ipoh. Ian was taken into an internment camp with other European civilians while Jimmy escaped into the jungle and joined other young Chinese men to fight a guerrilla war against the Japanese occupiers.

After the end of the war in September 1945 Ian made his way back to the small town where Jimmy's sister lived and she helped him recover from the years of malnourishment. A message finally reached Jimmy and the pair were re-united. Hugs and tears were followed by words of love as soon as they were alone.

Ian was able to obtain passage on a ship for himself and Jimmy, and they ended up in Ian's native Scotland where they lived happily ever after.

The End

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