Ian's Extra Credit

By kurtsilvers

Published on Aug 27, 2024


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Curious to see our boys? With the help of AI I've created PG images of Chris and Ian that exactly represent how I see them as I write. Email me if you would like to see them.

Ian's Extra Credit - Chapter 4

Through bleary eyes I squint at the clock on the stove. 5:20 am. I was awakened a little earlier by the rumbling vibrations of our snow removal guy clearing our walkways and driveway. If he is here that means our street is clear.

Turning on the radio I pour my second cup of steaming coffee. I wonder if our school will reopen today or tomorrow. I don't have to wait long as the 5:30 local news informs that as Xmas holidays are starting soon and our school has a large number of bus students, many still snowed in, we don't return until January. Great news to start the day.

My thoughts go to Ian, still sleeping contentedly. I still can't believe it actually happened. Something I've wanted for so long. Sure there are a lot of things I would like to do with Ian but gobbling cum was long on the top of my list. It was the most sensational feeling I've ever had. Having Ian in my mouth, knowing that the sounds he was making and his squirming and writhing was all because of me. My mouth and my tongue. And that load. I've tasted my own before but it is nothing like Ian's. He gave me something so intimate. So thick and sweet. There are so many more things we can do together and lots of time to do them.

Oh shit. But not tonight. Just noticing that the calendar from our local Chinese restaurant has a big R on today's date. Nine o'clock. My parents are returning this evening. Have to get Ian moved into the guest room. And I guess we should get some clothes on too.

My parents are very compassionate people, they give a ton to local charities. Both cash and time. I'm sure they'll have no problem with Ian living here but I'll have to encourage him to open up about his mom. Something he doesn't like to do. This will guarantee him a place to stay. I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable as I don't lie to my parents but for now I think it best to introduce him as a friend. I'll let them know the rest at the right time. But, if they ask I will tell them the truth.

Ian appears, unkempt as usual in the morning. "Morning baby," taking me into his embrace and kisses me passionately and deeply, his mouth tastes like morning but mine tastes like coffee so whatever. His morning wood is poking my tummy. Baby, he called me baby. "Gotta piss."

I set out breakfast. Crispy bacon, fresh fruit, homemade bread toasted and slathered in fresh butter from the dairy down the road, and porridge, prepared to a ridiculously thick consistency. My Scottish grandad on my dad's side used to say. "Porridge should be sturdy enough to dance the fling upon without leaving a dent."

Ian sits and tucks into breakfast. Looking up at me while taking a sip of coffee he says, "About last night Chris, thank you. I mean really thank you. I've wanted to feel that for so long. All of the guys talking about getting blowjobs and me just dangling in the wind." I had to stifle a giggle at that image.

"It felt like everything I expected but nothing I expected. The guys always complain that they have to beg for head. And the girls always pull off before the guys cum but still it sounded so fucking hot. You sucked me liked you loved it, loved me. You let me cum in your mouth and swallowed it all. You swallowed me. My god Chris...Chris, you swallowed me. Until now it's only ended up on my hand or an old towel. I really can't believe you did that for me."

"Well honestly Ian it wasn't just for you. I mean mostly but not only. It was kind of strange. I wasn't sure what to do but once I tasted you and put you in my mouth it just felt so natural, so right. I didn't have to think much. I just felt I knew what would make you feel good."

"But god Chris, you let me cum in your mouth." And your face. Your lips were all red and puffy, swollen looking. Your face was glowing red, sweaty, and you had this look on your face like nothing in the world meant anything, except for my cock." Ian looked so beautiful. He couldn't believe anyone would want him in that way.

"Actually Ian, I made you cum in my mouth. I didn't want to leave a single sperm without its mates." I give Ian a big grin. I am still having trouble believing how happy I am.

"Oh my god Chris." Ian leans in picks me up and sits me, naked, on the kitchen table. I don't think mom would approve of this. He kisses me alternating between gentle pecks and deep tongue. He nibbles my earlobes and licks down my neck. In just three seconds my cock is hard enough to cut glass. Ian continues to move down my body, gently licking my chest and nibbling lightly on my nipples. Not sure about that, feels weird. Then he is licking my abs, I'm actually in decent shape but my body still has a bit of baby fat. Ian's tongue is in my belly button. I can't help but squirm beneath him my entire body contorting.

I look up at Ian who is now staring deeply into my eyes. "I love you Chris." he quickly declares before taking me in his mouth.

My head fucking explodes. Never, ever did I believe anything could feel like this. Not just the absolutely mind blowing physical sensation but seeing Ian, his emerald eyes locked with mine, his ruby lips wrapped around my cock. His cheeks hollowed as he applies suction. He looks a bit unsure of himself, but that is momentary. I then see in him the same thing that happened when I sucked him. Suddenly for him everything just feels right. His discomfort and uncertainty quickly vanishes leading him to begin devouring me. I'm having trouble even focusing right now, my mind going in a thousand directions at once. While sucking me his tongue pokes its way inside my foreskin, licking around my head. This can't be real. He sucks gently one minute, licking me, quiet mewls coming from him. The next minute he is going ape-shit and almost growling as he tries to swallow more of me than there is. He pulls back my skin exposing my shiny head and I watch, transfixed, while his tongue explores it completely.

Like Ian did with me I lift my legs and wrap them around him, my small heels digging into his back. I, without meaning to, begin to thrust up into his mouth meeting his downward sucking strokes. I'm no longer in control. Ian is controlling my entire body with his mouth. Oh god this is what it felt like for him. I let out a small whimper, "God Ian, oh god. I'm gonna..."

Ian plunges down and then pulls back so just my still exposed head is in his mouth, his tongue continues to swirl like he is sucking a tootsie pop. Then...blam!!!

Ian's eyes go wide with surprise. Is that a sparkle in them? He continues to suck, continues to treat my head to a tongue bath. I unload every ounce of liquid I carry and he keeps trying to encourage more. There is no more. Empty and exhausted I look up at Ian, he shows me the cum in his mouth and then swallows. "Fuck Chris I get it now. I have never tasted anything better than that. You're a great cook and all but that was the best thing you've fed me." breaking into a broad smile.

"God Ian, thank you." my breath coming in shallow pants. "Now I know why guys are always after head. And you really liked doing it to me? You're not just saying that?"

"If you can go again I'll drain you right now. It is exactly like you said. I didn't know what to do and then I did. I just did what felt right. I guess I did okay?"

I had my answer. "Better than okay. Ian thank you but I'd better start tidying up. My parents come home today. We have to move you into the guest room and I think we should probably get dressed."

"What are we going to tell them, about us I mean?" asks Ian as he begins to collect some detritus, tossing it into a trash can.

"For now just friends. I never lie to them Ian and if they ask me I'll tell them but let's start out the way we started out."

"And you really think they will be okay with me staying here? They don't even know me and I do have a bit of a reputation."

"No they don't but they know me. They trust my judgement, I'm usually right. I think through things more than most people. It's why I tend to zone out at times. And if by reputation you mean the weed, my mom will be one of your best customers. My dad would but he can't because of his job. They were `flower children' as my mom puts it. My mom jokes that she is pretty sure my dad is my dad but she can't be 100% certain. Something about a VW van. She is a bit twisted."

No doubt my dad is my dad. I look like a mini version of him. Same eyes, same hair and we are both "stout laddies" as my seanmhair would say. That's my Scottish grandma. My dad though is six feet tall and wears size 13 shoes. I've always wondered if...well...a certain part of him looks like mine. Maybe that's a bit gross to think about but I'm just curious.

Dishes in the dishwasher I continue cleaning up. Ian's now disgustingly smelly and musty clothes from our walk home are still on the floor in the laundry room. I toss them in the washer with a scoop of detergent and on to the next task. The rec room is a mess with our bed still open. The place smells like a Rastafarian picnic and there are empty beer bottles and ashtrays about. Then I hear the sound of a car door slam. What the fuck?

I run to the kitchen and look at the calendar. Shit, my dad's writing not my mom's. It's not 9:00 it is 0900. They usually fly in at night. I find the bathrobes, toss one to Ian and put mine on. The door opens. The blinding white light of winter pours in.

"Mom, dad!" I yell running to give them each a big hug, "you're home."

"Hi sweetie," as my mom kisses my cheek, "Hey buddy," as my dad squeezes me tight and does the same.

"How was your trip?"

"Oh it was fantastic Chris. We have some exciting news but it can wait. Introduce us to your friend."

"Oh yeah sorry. Mom, dad this is my friend Ian. Ian this is my mom and dad."

"Hi Ian, it's nice to meet you, I'm Liz."

"And I'm Craige," as my dad takes Ian's hand in his firm grip."

"Ian, nice to meet you both." Ian says awkwardly his gaze diverting from my parents.

"So you boys playing dress up?" my mom enquires with a grin.

Puzzled I look down and then at Ian realizing I'm wearing dad's bathrobe and Ian is wearing mine. Dear god if it were an inch shorter.

"No mom, just trying to tidy up and must have gotten them mixed up."

"Okay then. Your dad and I are going to get settled in and then we'd like to tell you our surprise."

They head off to their room. Ian and I look at each other with a sigh of relief. First contact had taken place. Giggling quietly we exchange robes. I give his cock a playful squeeze. We quickly finish cleaning up our mess and fold the sofa bed back.

My parents return and we sit in the kitchen downing a freshly made pot of coffee. The morning sun is refracting through some vases my mom has in the window beaming rainbows across the walls.

"So how did you boys meet? Chris doesn't usually bring boys home, he doesn't have a lot of friends." my mom asks while taking a bite of leftover toast, a bit of jelly falling onto the plate.

"For fuck sake mom, Ian already knows I'm weird. And it is not that I don't have a lot of friends, I don't have any friends, well I didn't." So I continue to tell them the whole story. Well most of it, I think you get what I mean. Need to know. The theatre, the storm, the fire.

My mom turns, surprised, to look at Ian. "You're Ian Dempsey?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Oh Ian, your dad banks with us. I know all about your mom. I'm so sorry."

Ian looks down at his hands, picking at his fingers. I think he is relieved he doesn't have to tell the story.

"My whole life is completely fucked up." Ian pleads. "Oh shit, sorry about my language."

"Oh don't worry about your language Ian. For fuck sake, where do you think Chris gets it. He's got a mouth like a sailor don't you think?" Oh god.

"I wouldn't know Liz, I've never met a sailor." humour, good job Ian.

"I have." pronounces my mom with a huge smile, her eyes gazing at the ceiling.

"She has." nods dad. Sipping slowly while wiggling his eyebrows.

I love my parents so much but just a few minutes of normal would be so welcome.

"So where are you going to live now Ian, do you have relatives here?" My dad queries.

"I thought he could stay here dad. We have the room." smiling, knowing they would easily say yes.

Mom and dad glance at each other then back at us.

"Any other time Chris of course we would say..."

I really stop hearing after the words `any other time.'

My stomach begins to churn.

"What do you mean?" I ask plaintively.

"Chris, that is our surprise. We are moving to Spain."

My heart, slowly, beginning at the top begins to split in two. I look towards Ian my jaw agape. My life, the one I've finally found, the one that eluded me for so long, the one that is at long last bringing me joy, is over.

Next: Chapter 5

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