Idle Pleasures

By Parlance

Published on Aug 9, 2000



Title: Idle Pleasures Author: Parlance, Copyright " 2000. Email Web site: Feedback appreciated. My first foray into *Nsync slash - be gentle. Flames will be used for S'mores. Pairings: Damn near everyone. Rating: R for sexual situations - male/male, some female/female and gawd knows what. Classification: AU/Fantasy. Mood piece. Some humor, some angst. Archive: Please ask fist.

Disclaimer: This story contains homosexual themes, gender play and lovely, hot men having lovely, hot sex. The series takes place amid the backdrop of an environment of enforced slavery, though the relations depicted in this particular story are consensual. If that offends you, you're not old enough to be reading it in your jurisdiction, or you cringe at the sight of high-falutin' medieval prose, flee.

This is fiction. I know nuthin' 'bout nobody. I especially don't presume to know nor care about the sexual preferences of *Nsync, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera or Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds.

Cast of characters/name changes:

Lansten - Lance Justin - same Joshua - JC Joseph - Joey Christopher - Chris Brittany - Britney Christina - same Kenneth I - Babyface

Author's Note: "Idle Pleasures" is set in the Lyris universe, an alternate universe fantasy world I created years ago. There've been many characters and lately I decided it's *Nsync's time to play. Set on Earth during the Middle Ages, but in a mythical land. Suspend your beliefs about race, color, gender and sexual preference because the only prejudices here are based on class. Slavery is legal and forms the socio-economic background for this society.

There are three genders - the third is a cross between the male and female gender known as transsexuals, or "transies" for short. They have the faces and voices of men, but the bodies of women and can reproduce. Lansten is one of them. "Mater" (pronounced MAH-ter) is the term I made up to refer to transsexuals who have borne children.

Inspired in part by the McDonald's commercial. We're just gonna pretend that "Spin the Bottle" is an ancient game.

A shout out to Brandi - it's all her fault. To Mary for her extensive knowledge of the Middle Ages. To Evelyn and Karen for beta'ing. And Jess, for beta'ing kicking and screaming. You guys rock.

Dedicated to Rosemary's Billy Goat. Just because.

It was raining in Lyris, as it had been for a week. Justin was spending the weekend, as always, in the company of the royal pleasure slaves, as per the agreement between Justin's master and King Kenneth's slavemaster. He had awoken in the sweet embrace of his beloved, Lansten. And still the rain made him melancholy.

It was far too wet in the gardens for the slaves' morning run, but Lansten awoke at dawn, as his body was accustomed. It was so warm that the shutters in the room had been left open. Lansten sat up and rubbed the back of his neck, looking around the small room he shared with four other slaves, its stone walls interrupted only by a few erotic paintings depicting masters with slaves in various forms of submission. Lansten rested his weight on his hand and observed the torrent of rain and the low rumble of thunder. The rain fell warm and created a sticky mist. The castle was still dim and it inhabitants would probably not enjoy sunlight that day.

Justin remained on his back, chagrined that Lansten was no longer curled at his side. Through the slits of his eyes he watched the blonde transsexual keep vigil on the rain. The sparse light created a glorious sculpture in Lansten, poised and tranquil. Justin contemplated the image before him: the heart-shaped face at once round and angular, slate green eyes that changed color in the sunlight, and impossibly arched eyebrows which lent him the appearance of possessing knowledge beyond his years and station. His neck was long and slender. His breasts were small, but full enough to provide a generous handful to a lover. Lansten's skin was so pale that at times it seemed to have a bluish hue, and it bore the bruises of the mildest paddling for days. His skin was silken perfection, and even the brand of a King's royal pleasure slave on his arm could not mar his beauty.

It seems a crime that a slave be so beautiful, Justin mused. Lansten should be a Lord in waiting, holding court beside the King, rather than being subject to his indefatigable predilections.

Lansten's only apparel was a skirt of the most diaphanous pink silk, making all of his secrets known, as was customary for all royal slaves. The male slaves were also clothed in the same pink cloth, which left none of their endowments to the imagination. Throughout the kingdom, common slaves roamed naked inside their homes. But in the palace, such constant exposure was thought to be rude by the King. He appreciated the meager ornamentation the slave silk allowed. While in the palace, Justin was required to wear a silk wrap, but one of a dark green color to indicate his common status.

This same silk covered the pallets on the floor where the royal slaves slept. It amused Justin that in spite of their statuses as slaves, they were provided luxuries Justin had never seen in his 19 years before meeting Lansten.

Now Lansten closed his long-lashed eyes and breathed deeply into the damp air. Even though he loathed being trapped inside the castle, he welcomed the smell of the earth that the rain brought. If he were permitted, Lansten imagined that he would divest himself of his silk and run outside to soak near the gardens. He would press his toes into the wet earth and take in the fragrance of blossoming flowers. Then he would come back to the castle, sopping wet and grubby, bearing a rose in his hand. Joseph, his slave-groom, would admonish him, but nevertheless would prepare a bath of hot water from the cauldron always warming in the hearth for just such occasions.

Lansten opened his eyes. His narrow lips widened into that slightly crooked smile which lit his countenance and made Justin thank the gods he was on this Earth to witness it. Justin tired of pretending to be asleep. He wanted Lansten in his arms. He yawned and stretched, careful not to disturb Joshua, the handsome slave still sleeping on the sensuous silk beside him. Joshua shared the bed with Lansten, and on weekends, the covers were open to welcome Justin as well.

"Darling," Justin whispered, his arms outstretched.

Lansten turned to his lover, still smiling serenely. He silently put his finger to his lips and indicated the still forms which laid on another ornately decorated slave pallet across the room.

It was of no use. "I am up," spoke Christina, one of two blonde female slaves in the room. "As am I," chimed the other, Brittany. The Twins were so called because they seemed almost of one mind. While slaves were forbidden to choose their sexual preferences, in private Christina and Brittany considered themselves lovers and demonstrated far more interest in each other than any other creature on Earth.

There was no answer from Joshua. Let him sleep. Soon enough Joseph would arrive to feed and bathe them as he did early every morning in case the King or other subjects of the Court should send for them.

Lansten stood, another luxury afforded only to a royal slave. Royal pleasure slaves do not crawl on their knees, as was standard among village slaves. No, they walk - the better to prevent permanent bruising on their delicate skin.

Justin also stood, taking advantage of his temporary role as a pleasure slave. He wiped sleep dust from his eyes and combed the curls on his head with his fingers. Lansten moved with grace towards one of the windows. Justin followed him and stood behind him and encircled the lithe beauty's slender hips in his arms. He came to rest with his head in the crook of Lansten's neck.

Lansten sighed. "It rains so much we will not even be able to sit in the courtyard. We shall be trapped within these dreary walls all day."

"I do hope it stops," said Christina looking worriedly out the window. "Any more of this and we shall get fat."

"You. Get fat," Justin remarked dryly.

Brittany finished her lover's thoughts, as if Justin had not spoken. "And a fat pleasure slave is as good as a dead slave."

"Speak for yourself," a sleepy voice interrupted Brittany and Christina from their misery. Joshua roused from his sleep. Justin turned to Joshua and admired the tanned slave's chiseled features. His was a careless, roguish beauty, and he had more than one admirer among the harem of pleasure slaves in the King's stead. Many a night Justin himself had bedded down with Joshua, to the approval of Lansten, who claimed no ownership of his beloved, in accordance with the credo of every slave.

"And Lansten, I shall try not to take offense at the thought of my dreary company." Joshua's cobalt blue eyes met Lansten's own.

"You know you are excepted, Joshua." A smile passed between them.

There were faint murmurs from other rooms on the same floor as their own. They were not the only pleasure slaves in the palace, but just one collection among many who served the numerous knights, tributes, lords and ladies. There were other slaves in the palace as well - these were the grooms, jesters and scullery slaves, who also served as pleasure slaves to the staff in the palace, from the head cook to the lowliest page.

Joshua turned his attention to the Twins. "Morning, ladies." He greeted them with an infectious grin.

"Morning, Joshua," Christina responded, and Brittany muttered what might have been the same. She now rested her head in the lap of her lover, who caressed her face and hair. Clearly the day would be a languid one. Perhaps even Christopher, the King's favorite slave, might be allowed to visit with them today.

No sooner did Christina entertain thoughts of spending time with Christopher that Joseph, their slave-groom, bustled in with their breakfast. The loyal, diligent Joseph was a burly man with a hearty laugh and easy manner. He wore the blue silk wrap appropriate to his station. As their groom, he was the pleasure slaves' caretaker. Above all, he was considered an invaluable friend and confidante.

Joseph did not enjoy the same privileges as the pleasure slaves, however, and he had never taken his friendship further with them. Lansten gladly would have welcomed Joseph to his bed, for he suspected that the groom harbored more than a friendly affection towards him. But the gossip such an affair would have incited among other harem slaves was not worth the trouble.

"Morning, ducks," Joseph cheerfully greeted the other slaves. They were unable to contain their smiles when Joseph entered the room, even on a dreary day.

"Morning, Da," Lansten returned the greeting with the affectionate name Joseph's charges had bestowed on him. He approached Joseph with a kiss, and Joseph's stubble gently scratched his cheek.

After an exchange of pleasantries, the slaves gathered in a circle, waiting to be fed. Joseph promptly gathered plates and bowls from a wooden cart and laid them on the floor. They were but slaves (however pampered) and as such slept and fed on the floor. The groom went back to the cart and returned with a platter. He proceeded to fill their plates with bread, cheese and porridge sweetened with honey. On top of the porridge, Joseph had placed slices of starfruit.

"There were a few left after last night's banquet, so I managed to smuggle them in for you."

"O, how lovely," declared Brittany. "We are favored with the most thoughtful groom and friend in the castle." The others voiced their agreement.

Justin prepared to attack his bowl of porridge when a sharp "Ahem!" stopped him. He turned in the direction of the voice and met with Joseph's disapproving frown. His face turned flush and he dutifully bowed his head as Joseph led the group in thankful prayer to Aurora, the Great Mater of all living things.

There was no further discussion as the slaves ate their morning meal with their fingers - there was only the din of chewing and slurping and smacking. Justin sopped his porridge with bread. Joseph had also poured bowls of fresh water from the nearest spring, and Justin watched out of the corner of his eye as Lansten knelt and lapped at his bowl like a kitten. The beautiful transie's soft, round ass was poised invitingly above him. His silk skirt slid down, revealing pale pink skin in a slow tease.

Meanwhile, Joseph prepared the slaves' baths, filling two great wooden tubs with steaming water from the cauldron. He was not allowed to eat until he finished tending to his ducks. The other slaves would pity him and ply him with their food, which he would refuse and remind them soon enough that he would be fed. "You need not fear that I shall starve," he would say with a laugh, amused by their charity.

The slaves finished their meal, and Joseph wiped their faces and proceeded to bathe and oil them one by one. Two slaves would share a tub and soak while Joseph washed the hair and bodies of the other pair. Justin sat on a window sill and observed Joseph perform his duties with stoic efficiency, seemingly unaware of the charms of the pretty slaves surrounding him. After the baths, Joseph laid down each slave on a mat and towel and massaged oil into their skin. Justin enjoyed the mere pleasure of watching Joseph rub down the exquisite Lansten, as the transie mewed under Joseph's relaxing touch.

Lansten caught Justin's eye and made a show of his massage, rocking his hips and letting barely perceptible moans escape from his lips. When Joseph finished massaging him, he stood before Justin, arms akimbo, with a triumphant grin, taunting Justin with the magnificent sight of his gleaming body as he waited for Joseph to cover him again with a fresh silk and attach a snake-like bracelet to his arm. His blonde hair was now arranged in alluring disarray. He appeared at once unattainable and accessible. Justin's love was as much the devil's temptress as he was a sweet angel.

Once Joseph finished with the royal slaves, he indicated to Justin that he should climb into the tub, and Justin readily complied. So unaccustomed was he to such an indulgence, it mattered not that he must bathe in water already used to clean his palace cohorts. The first time Justin was groomed by Joseph, the groom's dispassionate manner unnerved him, particularly as his fingers probed gently but thoroughly into the places most likely to be of interest to his masters. After Joseph left Justin sitting on the floor, his body shining in the soft light of daybreak, Justin told Lansten that he felt more violated than if the groom had simply taken him after so much arousal. Lansten smiled and assured Justin that he would grow accustomed to Joseph's attentions. Lansten was correct. Now Justin looked forward to having those masterful fingers coax and prime his most intimate secrets.

It was now Lansten's turn to observe the sweet-faced Justin as he closed his eyes and surrendered to the spell of Joseph's expert hands. Joseph warmed a handful of lavender oil and vigorously rubbed it into Justin's muscular back and shoulders. Justin's lips closed to an endearing pout as he rested. He was still young, just 19. He had the slender, well-defined body and sweet, round face of a man-child. His golden locks only emphasized the cherubic qualities of his face.

Lansten perceived in Justin a pureness, a rare commodity in the world of a palace slave, that had drawn him to him over a year ago. Lansten had spent his childhood in the palace understanding that he would one day serve in the capacity of a pleasure slave as had his mater and grandmater before him, and was trained and deflowered accordingly. He was jaded by what once seemed an enviable life when he was a child. Now he envied only the simplicity of Justin's life as a saddler's apprentice and slave.

When Lansten and Justin fell in love, Justin's master arranged with the King's slavemaster for Justin to visit the palace on weekends when he would be least needed at the shop. Such an arrangement was unheard of, and in earlier reigns the proposal would have been soundly rejected. But Justin's master was the royal saddler and a favored subject of the King, well-born and successful in his business. The King admired his artistry such that even his lowliest slave was treated with kindness. Before the reign of Kenneth I, slaves of different castes were separated from their lovers once discovered. The practice met with tragic results; the halls of the castle of Lyris were said to be haunted by the souls of slaves who had gone mad with grief.

King Kenneth decided he could hardly concern himself with the affairs of his slaves so long as they were on hand when he called for them. The only slave forbidden relations with those outside of the castle was Christopher, Kenneth's most cherished slave, who seemed to mind not one whit.

Lansten was lost in these thoughts just as Joseph patted Justin lightly on the rump to indicate that his massage was finished. Joseph took a silver hairbrush and untangled Justin's thick tufts of hair. After his grooming, Justin knelt before Lansten as the latter appreciated Joseph's work. Joseph was already up, pouring soiled water out of a window, emptying the chamber pots (certainly no one envied him for this duty), tidying the room, gathering towels and oils.

"Will you not stay and visit with us today, Da?" Brittany implored, as Joseph prepared to leave.

"Mayhap. I must attend to the rest of my chores this morning. If the King does not require you today, I may have some leisure time." And Joseph departed.

Shortly after, Master Jonathan, the slavemaster who was charged with the care, supervision and discipline of all the pleasure slaves, entered the room to take inventory of his charges. He collected Joshua, who had been called away that morning to entertain a guest of the King from another land.

With nothing planned for the day, Brittany and Christina spent the morning practicing new songs to sing for the King and his Court. Christina's voice filled the hallways as Brittany accompanied her on a lute. Lansten and Justin sat cross-legged on their silk padding and listened. At times Lansten joined Christina, his deep, soothing voice providing bass counterpoint to her lilting soprano. Justin looked forward to the all too short respites in the castle, not only because it was the only time he could be with Lansten, but because the other pleasure slaves in the harem considered he, a common slave, a friend. They joked and sported with him and did not question his presence in their lives.

After a few songs, Lansten took Justin by the hand and led him around those parts of the castle where slaves were allowed to roam freely, their bare feet making the slightest echo down the stone passageways.

"I could sit still no more. I must walk about. Tell me stories of the village, Justin."

Justin relayed humorous tales of the villagers to Lansten as the two walked hand in hand. He spoke of the mangy dog that seemed to belong to no one and had been adopted by the patrons of the local tavern.

"One day, he managed to steal links of sausage and the butcher ran after him with a great carving knife. Fortunately, he never caught the mongrel."

Lansten laughed delightedly. Even these mundane details fascinated him, and he hungered for more.

The couple passed by other quarters for pleasure slaves and lowlier slaves such as grooms and scullery maids. The fellow pleasure slaves greeted them amicably unless they were otherwise occupied. Some slaves were playing chess or cards or Shanghai on mah-jongg boards - gifts from the Orient from courtiers of the King.

A few slaves sought comfort in the arms of their fellow slaves. Men, women and transies made love to each other on the open floor of their quarters, while others observed or nonchalantly continued to play their board games in other corners of the rooms. When one is a slave, privacy is a laughable luxury.

"Before I met you," Justin mused to his consort, "and became privy to the secrets of the royal palace, I held the impression that this," he pointed as they passed by a room of pleasure slaves, "was the way a palace slave spent his days. Idling about -"

"And wallowing in our decadence?" Lansten finished, laughing. "Such lack of focused activity in the castle is atypical. We are usually accompanying our masters on errands in the village or for rides in the country. It is strange and very rare that we are at least not called upon to serve our masters. Well, Joshua is occupied. And Christopher no doubt is warming the King's bed."

"Not I, not today," a voice answered. From out of the shadows emerged Christopher, a tall, muscular slave with warm brown eyes, an easy smile and an energetic nature. He, too, walked barefoot in a brief silk wrap and bore the brand of a royal slave on his upper right arm like the other pleasure slaves. But as the King's favorite, his silk was adorned with small gems. His earlobes and nose were pierced with tiny hoops of gold.

Christopher embraced and kissed Lansten and Justin on the lips in greeting. "The King is meeting with his advisors and I am told not to bother him today. He may call for me after supper." There was a mischievous gleam in his eye. "So I am free until then."

Lansten returned his friend's smile. "I am sure we can think of some trouble with which to occupy ourselves now that you have joined us, Christopher."

"Trouble?" Justin echoed with apprehension.

Lansten laughed. "Do not take me so seriously. It is never more trouble than we can handle." Lansten and Christopher laughed and Justin shifted uneasily as he was not included in their private joke.

"Come, Christopher." Lansten linked arms with his friend and his lover.

Christopher's presence was met with cries of joy and warm embraces. Joshua had returned from his visit with the visiting dignitary. Joseph was also in the room when the trio arrived, much to their delight. It was rare that Joseph was given the opportunity to play.

"We are bored," Brittany told the others. "We have practiced our songs and dances for the King. We have tired of all the old games. Our masters have busied themselves with affairs which do not concern us. We cannot even go outside to enjoy the gardens. What are we to do?"

"I am sure Justin will have ideas to cure our boredom," Christina suggested, quieting her better half. "For he is much more worldly than we. Perhaps he has a story to share or gossip from the town-"

"Or a new game," Lansten finished as he shot Justin a playful glance. "There is that new one we learned from the Pfeiffer sisters." The Pfeiffer "sisters" were four slave girls, not at all related, who belonged to the town seamstress. Joshua smiled. He had seen this game played once when he had accompanied Lansten to the village.

Justin raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps that game is too common for present company."

"Nonsense. It is innocent fun." Lansten winked as he said this. He turned to their groom. "Joseph, could you by chance procure a flask from the kitchen?"

Now it was Joseph's turn to raise an eyebrow. "So long as you do not intend to damage it. Master Henry would surely have my hide."

"We promise, Joseph. Thank you."

When Joseph returned, bearing a flask, Lansten bade all the slaves come forth to form a circle on the floor. They obeyed, curious, as he placed the flask in the center and explained:

"One by one, each of us must spin the flask like so. Once the flask stops, one end will point to someone else in the circle. Whoever spun must kiss the person it points to. No matter whom, regardless of the person's sex." Christina regarded Brittany, who shook her head to quiet her.

"That is it?" Christopher smirked.

"Essentially, yes. But we can make this game interesting. As the game continues, the flask will most likely rest at a person you have kissed before. This is fine. However, the intensity of your kisses must grow with each time. First, a peck on the cheek. Second, a kiss on the lips."

"And third?" Joshua prompted.

Lansten smiled. "That is when the game becomes most interesting."

"What is the object?" Christina asked.

"To be the first who has kissed everyone in the circle at least twice... or perhaps three times."

"What good sport!" Brittany clapped her hands. "Let us try Lansten's new game. Oh, do no look so glum, Christopher. Perhaps you will be favored with a kiss from Joshua."

"Who shall spin first?" Christopher asked, thoroughly vexed that his affection for Joshua had been revealed, especially since the man in question now sat beside him, regarding him with interest.

"Justin is our guest," Lansten replied. "He should spin." Justin had begun to warm to the idea of playing the game with his friends, but protested at being the first to play. "All right, I shall spin first," Lansten said as he rolled his eyes at his lover's modesty.

The flask rested in Justin's direction anyway. Lansten sat across Justin in the circle. He reached across and gave Justin a quick peck on the cheek, which was met with a chorus of mocking, "Ahhhs" from the other men and women.

Now Justin spun and was made to give a kiss to Brittany, who tittered. She belonged to Christina, but she was not immune to Justin's charms.

Brittany spun and kissed Christina. Christina then spun and was relieved when the flask slowed to Brittany. As she kissed her lips, she pressed her hand to Brittany's breast.

"I believe that is cheating." Joshua commented with amusement.

"I do not remember rules established against touching," was the tart reply.

Brittany now spun again and kissed Joseph on the cheek. Joseph spun and the flask pointed to Joshua. As Joseph reached over to kiss the handsome slave, the two men were barely able to contain their laughter.

Minutes passed, and Christopher was still the only one who had not been kissed.

"Yea, verily, this sucks," Christopher grumbled.

"Patience," Brittany teased.

It was Lansten's turn, and he crawled across the circle to kiss Justin, who followed Christina's lead and cupped Lansten's breasts in his hands and squeezed. Lansten took his lover's face in his hand and kissed him sweetly. Justin opened his mouth and Lansten pushed the tip of his tongue along his inner sensitive flesh, and chewed gently on his bottom lip. He lowered his hands to Justin's chest, mirroring his lover's movements, alternating between caressing and squeezing his pink nipples, which grew erect at Lansten's touch.

As they kissed, Christopher smiled. Joseph licked his lips and Joshua could feel his own breathing grow more rapid. Brittany grasped her own lover's thigh and rubbed. Christina put her hand over Brittany's and guided her closer beneath her silk skirt towards her warm wetness.

Lansten and Justin kissed for what seemed to be an eternity before Joshua finally interrupted with a low cough. "You realize we would like to play the game too."

"Save a bit for the rest of us," Christopher groaned.

Lansten and Justin finally disengaged, and the former crawled backwards to his spot in the circle, biting his bottom lip as he smiled.

"Are you flush, Lansten?" Christina asked, her eyes wide.

Lansten put his hands to his cheeks. "I suppose that I am." The others laughed at Lansten until Brittany said, "By the Lady, a slave could use a bit of courtship now and then. I think it is sweet, Lansten." She smiled at Lansten and Justin as she said this.

Justin returned her smile and spun. Christopher yelped with glee when the flask slowed to him. Not waiting for Justin to come to him, he reached over and grabbed the surprised slave's face, planting a firm buss upon his lips. The other slaves applauded.

Christopher spun and kissed Joseph. Joseph twirled the flask, which pointed to Lansten. Joseph kissed Lansten cheek. Lansten smiled and returned the groom's chaste affection with a full deep kiss on the mouth. Joseph was at first taken aback, but then he relaxed into Lansten's arms. This kiss was also met with applause.

As Joseph recovered, Lansten spun and rewarded Christopher with a kiss. Now Christopher spun. The flask halted at Christina's feet. Christopher reached across the circle and planted a peck on her cheek.

Christina spun and the bottle slowed to Christopher. Lansten sucked in his breath before he could stop himself. Christina swallowed and crawled toward Christopher. They faced each other, hesitant. Then Christopher placed his hand respectfully on Christina's knee and kissed her so lightly on the lips, it was as if he had kissed the air. Christina exhaled, unaware she had been holding her breath. She crawled backward to her place and looked down, shielding her face with her long blonde hair. She licked her lips as if to wash the taste of Christopher with her tongue. Brittany gently caressed her lover's hand. Christopher concentrated on a spot on the floor.

The mood in the circle had turned somber, and Justin did not know why. Only the sound of the rain cut through the silence.

"Christina," Christopher began.

Joseph turned to look outside. "The sun will soon set. I must get back to the kitchen to help Cook with supper."

"And I desire a nap beforehand," added Joshua. Christopher nodded. "We can finish another time." Brittany was relieved by her friends' tactfulness.

Joseph kissed Lansten on the forehead and stood. "An amusing diversion for a rainy day." And he left for the kitchen, carrying the flask.

"We can teach this game to some of the other girls. I think they would like that," Brittany told Christina, who smiled in mute agreement. Brittany stood and reached out her hand to her lover, who allowed her to lead her to their bed.

"Are you staying, Christopher?" Joshua asked his friend. He drew closer to the King's slave and placed his hands on his hips and whispered in his ear, "One does not need a game as an excuse to be kissed." Christopher shivered at his voice. He followed the younger man to his bed of silk, grinning.

Lansten and Justin were left facing each other. Justin indicated to Lansten with his eyes that he wished to consult with him privately. He left the room. Lansten waited a few moments before following him.

"I am confused," Justin told Lansten when they were certain they could not be heard. "I know that Christina is in love with Brittany, but does that mean she must dislike Christopher?"

Lansten shook his head firmly. "No, Justin. It has nothing to do with Christopher or any of us." His face became grave. "As you know, Christina is not originally from Lyris. She was a royal slave in the palace of Chelsea. During the trade wars, she was taken prisoner. Because she belonged to royalty, the King thought she might prove useful here and she was spared death. Her masters did not fare as well. She does not speak of what happened to her during her imprisonment, and we do not press. But her experiences have scarred her and left her with an eternal hatred for free men. It seems she has difficulty hiding her feelings even when the slave men she considers her friends display affection towards her."

"But must she not bed down with the men who visit the King?"

"Yes, of course. We are not allowed to refuse anyone. But I suppose the men she entertains do not notice her revulsion. Or they do not care."

Justin considered the weight of these revelations. "I am sorry. I wish I could comfort her."

"Best not to speak of it. She has Brittany for comfort. Brittany has her heart."

When Lansten and Justin returned to their room, they were greeted by the sight of the couple in question locked in sweet embrace, with Christina's head resting on Brittany's chest. Only a few feet from the girls, Christopher and Joshua were engaged in vigorous lovemaking. Joshua looked down Christopher as he moved inside him, his chest pressed against the other, his open mouth hovering above as the other man growled. A fine sheen of sweat covered their bodies.

Justin and Lansten glanced at each other. Then Justin knelt on the stone floor and pulled Lansten to him.

"What are you doing?" Lansten asked.

"We are going to finish what was begun."

"On the floor?" Lansten's eyes widened.

"There is no more room on the bed with the other two there."

"But I-"

"You palace get are all the same. Afraid to get a little dirty," Justin teased.

"I beg your pardon. That sounds like a challenge." And with this, Lansten pulled Justin towards him for a passionate kiss.


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