I'll Never Fly Home Again

By Michael

Published on Dec 29, 2018



I would normally fly home for the holidays, but this year I made plans to drive. Louisiana to west Texas is a longer drive than some might think and though I could probably pull it off in one stint, in the past, I'd be apt to spend the a night around San Antonio. My folks weren't expecting me till Thursday and now being Monday provided ample time to casually make my way west.

I like bnb's, but one needs to be selective when choosing. I've found over the years the places that advertise "pets welcome" are almost always kind welcoming operations. I settled on a Mom and Pop joint about 100 miles outside of the city in a small town called of all things "Comfort". It did seem a little unusual in this day and age that they didn't have online booking, but after calling I completely understood why. Sheila and her husband Ron by the sound of things were at least 70yo. It all sounded perfect and I can't be sure, but I could have sworn the aroma of fresh baked cookies was present in the background during our conversation. They were expecting me around 4pm Tuesday afternoon.

Suppose I should tell you about myself, I'm 24yo., 5'7" and approximately 120lbs. I guess you could describe me as twinky or at least in my world that would be the word used. I'm gay and gays often pigeon hole one another with brief depictions, Jocks, Tops, Twinks, Bottoms and so on. I suppose the last two would sum me up best.

I exited the expressway at exactly 3:45pm and Sheila wasn't kidding about how easy her place would to find. 3 miles, right on Ash St.,take it to the end and there they were 2 small white homes side by side. Ron and Sheila were just as I had imagined, late 70's and could not have been anymore charming. This was unheard of but she wouldn't allow me to pay prior to check-out and if for any reason I wasn't totally satisfied I could leave at my leisure.

Sheila lived in one cute little house with her husband and rented out rooms in the other. She could have just pointed, but her southern sensibilities bound her to a full tour.

"You can choose any of the rooms you'd like Alex...You have the place to yourself this evening" Sheila said.

"Thank you so much Ma am" I replied.

Sheila directed a finger toward any points of interest, such as the bathroom, where I could find towels and every other little thing that may be of some use to me.

"Alex please make yourself at home and if you should need anything what so ever Ron and are I available till 8 pm" Sheila stated.

"I can't imagine what else I could possibly need this is a travelers dream...You folks have thought of everything" I responded.

"Like I said you can call till 8 pm., but if you should need later our grandson is staying on our property...He has a place down by the creek...Just follow the extension cord...I'm sure Sick would be only to happy to help you out..He's a nice boy" Sheila said as she left me to my own devices. "Night Darling" She added as she went out the front door.

Southern people are more often than not the kindest folk on the planet. I selected the larger of the 2 bedrooms at then far end of the hallway. It came equipped with what you may imagine, 2 twin sized beds, dresser with an old school television placed on top and a comfortable looking reading chair in the corner.

I did the usual quick bounce on the mattress to test it's cushiness and what felt like minutes later I awoke to darkness. I fumbled my way around the darkened room, located the lamp and sat for a moment to get my bearings. I needed a shower first and foremost. I stripped and patiently waited for the water to warm-up, sticking a hand under the stream for a quick test, but nada, Ice cold. 8pm had come and gone, so that wasn't an option, but perhaps their kind hearted grandson would offer some assistance.

I wrapped myself in a towel and found the yellow cord that disappeared in to the woods. It looked like more of a shed than any type of house I've seen, but at least there was a light on. I knocked softly on the tattered screen door.

"What!" Came from inside.

"Sorry to bother you, but I'm up at your grandparents place for the night and there's no hot water...They mentioned you'd be willing to help out in a pinch" I asked.

"Can't it wait till morning" Rick said in an unwilling tone.

I was unnerved by his arrogance and quickly answered "Yup...It sure can...Sorry to bother you Sir".

"Sir?...I answer to Rick...I'll be up in the morning" Rick barked.

I was halfway back when I heard the shack door bouncing closed. I froze and looked behind me, but was thankfully alone. Everything is perspective isn't it?. Where Sheila sees a "nice boy" my interactions suggest an angry douchebag. I'm not sure what I had picture when she briefly described him, but a "nice boy he is not. He sounded like maybe 30something and bitter.

I could do without a shower till morning, so I dug out some boxers and tee-shirt to sleep in. I just about to doze of when I heard shuffling about in the kitchen. It was nearly midnight so I knew who it wasn't, it had to be Rick. A light shined down the hall and a shadow was cast by an intruder. The noise was that of typical late night kitchen muddling, the fridge opened and closed and the unmistakable sound on a freshly opened beer.

"You awake in there?...I think you'll find the water hot now" Rick said in same irritated as earlier.

"I'm good...Thank you though...I'm going to shower in the morning...Goodnight Rick" I replied.

"Wouldn't exactly call that gratitude...Would you?" Rick asked me.

"I said thank you...What more could I possibly do...Goodnight" I replied sounding a little annoyed.

"Well...Since you asked...Your gay aren't you?" He inquired.

"I'll tell you what I am...I'm tired and going to sleep now...Thanks again for taking care of the water heater" I answered.

"Yeah...Yeah...what ever...I just thought maybe you'd like to..." Rick said as he clicked on and off the kitchen light repeatedly.

I didn't know what do or say for that matter. I laid silent and watched the door that led to my room. I could hear Rick slurping down beer.

"I just asked you if you were gay and I didn't hear any denial...That could only mean one thing" Rick said as he tossed a boot down the hall bouncing it off the wall.

"Fine...If you must know...Yes I am gay...Can I go to sleep now?" I asked him.

"Doesn't it feel good to get that off your chest" Rick said as a second boot rebounded off the wall.

"I wasn't trying to hide anything if that's what your getting at Rick" I said in return.

"You won't be able to hide anything with a lisp like the one you have...I knew it the second you opened your mouth" Rick stated as a dingy tank-top was added to the growing pile. "Why don't you come out here and do it again?" He said.

"Do what again...I haven't done anything" I said.

"Come out here and open up that mouth again...You know?" Rick snarled.

"Why?...I can hear you just fine...Can you not hear me?" I asked him.

"Ohh...I hear you just great, but I don't know how your going to suck my cock from 2 rooms away" Rick answered while his pants slid across the hardwood in to my view.

"Yes seems impossible...Goodnight" I replied coldly.

"I guess maybe I had you wrong...I thought queers lived for big dick?" He stated as his underwear miraculously spun around on the door knob.

I have to admit Rick peaked my interest for a second, but only for a second. Big cock or not he's still an asshole.

"Well now you know differently...Don't you Rick" I replied.

"Yes...I guess I have somehow been mislead and everything I've heard was fiction at best, but let me ask you this...I'm straight, hung, naked and your telling me your not even a little intrigued?" Rick responded while snapped open another can.

"Nope...Not in the slightest...I've seen it all before" I answered quickly.

"Really?...What if I said 9 inches?" Rick said as the illumination leaking from the kitchen ceased.

The house was in total darkness and the next time I heard Rick's voice he was clearly in closer proximity.

"Well I guess since you've seen it all before I'll be going" He said as I heard him gathering his clothing.

I replied half heartily "Thank God...Goodnight".

I heard his gear land in the chair and he asked "You mind if we talk a little while I get dressed".

"I guess there's no harm in a little talk...Sure" I replied.

I could barely see his outline as he sat on the vacant bed, but what I could make out was not what I expected. Rick had wide shoulders and a small waistline.

"Can I ask you a few personal questions?" He asked first

"Sure...Why not" I replied to Rick.

"You ever suck 9 inches of cock before?" He asked almost shocking me.

"Rick that's little to personal...Don't you think?" I responded.

"Allright...I hear you, but you are the cocksucking sort..Aren't you" He asked only rewording his prior question a smidgen.

"Well...I've told you I am gay...So what do you think" I asked in return.

"Okay...That's a fair query...Here's what I'm thinking...Not only do I think you suck, but I'd bet your great" Rick answered.

"What would give you that indication?" I inquired.

"It's the way you speak...Your words are very deliberate and chosen and with great precision, You say exactly what you mean to say...You know?" He answered me.

"I guess I don't see your point...Elaborate please" I requested.

"Okay...Here's what I'm trying to say...Since you speak properly I can only assume you suck cock in the same manner...Is that a stretch?" He replied.

"Yes that is quite a stretch....I had a proper education and I feel it's unfair to make such a correlation" I replied.

"Okay...Should I presume your awful than?...If there is such a thing" He asked.

"No I wouldn't say that" I answered.

"Finally...Now we're getting somewhere" Rick quipped.

"Once again I'm not following you Rick" I asked.

"Well...I think we established two previously unknowns...You suck cock and your not terrible at it" Rick said laughing.

"Fine...I'll give you that, but that doesn't imply that I or any other gay simply just live for it...As you said earlier...Your assuming since I am gay that I'd be unable to control myself in the presence of dick" I replied.

"Fair enough...I only know what I've heard and what I've heard is every little queer on the planet is cock hungry...So it's starting to sound like a blowjob is off the table...How about a handjob?" Rick asked laughing some more.

"Another largely exaggerated falsity...It is quite achievable to be gay and respectable...I think most of us are mislabeled...Let me ask you a question...Is it possible you yourself want to believe that to be true?" I asked.

"Okay Doctor you've made your point...But to at least partially answer your question...In this moment I wish it to be true" Rick replied fiddling with his pole in the dark.

"Saying your relentless would undoubtedly be an understatement" I replied laughing for the first time tonight.

"I know...I've been taught if I want something bad enough persistence will always pay off in the end...Sorry" Rick stated.

"I think the Stones put it best "You get what you need" I said to him.

"I couldn't agree more and right now I really need a handy?" Rick said still tugging on his junk.

I have admit he was wearing me down, but I needed to stick to my guns. I have just spent an entire half hour defending the actions or non actions, as it were of gays world wide and how would it look if I caved confirming what Rick thinks to be credible information.

"I can't say with any certainty, but I'm pretty sure you have 2 hands...I'll hold that beer for you if have the need for both" I stated.

"I guess I could do that, but I was swinging an axe most of the morning and my hands are blistered beyond belief...If there was only another way...I wonder" Rick said softly.

He had me not only did my dislike toward him begin to fade, but he had managed to make me pity his situation. How tragic a rugged hard working guy can't jerk-off because his hands are sore from a rigorous day spent chopping wood. I sat up and pulled my knees in to my chin.

"I need to go to the restroom...Want me to grab some lotion for you?" I asked as I got to my feet.

Rick grabbed my hand and said "Damn...Your little mitts are soft...What's your name anyway?" He asked.

"Thought you were never going ask...I'm Alex" I said as I escaped his grip and attended to my bladder.

"Nice to formally make your aquaintance Alex" Rick said.

I rummaged through the bathroom for something at least slippery, but nothing was to be found. I left the bathroom light on when I exited and returned to the room. I was gone all of 5 minutes and that was all it took for Rick to pass out. I did for the first time tonight set eyes on the guy I've had such an interesting chat with, He was stunning. I couldn't see his face, but everything else was spectacular. He was on his back, arms folded over face and the length of his frame exceeded the bed dimensions, from mid calf down he hanged off. Ricks manhood was every inch of the 9 he claimed to be sporting. He looked so peaceful and innocent. He was snoring away, I quietly climbed back in to bed. I couldn't take my eyes off the naked hard stud just feet way. It was proving to be more than I could handle.

"Rick?...You awake?" I asked being fairly loud.

He was out, but I needed to be sure "Rick I'll give you that handjob...If you want...Rick!" I said almost yelling.

Rick must have been in fantasy land mentally. His long thick piece was dancing around his groin, flopping from side to side.

"Rick?...Buddy?...Hello anybody home?" I asked aloud.

I wanted to touch it and him more than anything, but what would that make me. He was completely right with his earlier allegations I did have a hunger and is it increasingly becoming more unavoidable. I did get some enjoyment listening to his snores intermittently mixed with a soft moan. What was he dreaming about I wondered, Was it me or some girl. Just as I had the thought his right leg slipped of the edge of the mattress and his huge foot came to rest on the floor. I now had an even better vantage point. Rick for sure has the single biggest cock I've ever had the pleasure of glaring at.

"Rick!!...Your Grandma is here!!" I yelled, but he didn't budge and kept on sawing timbers.

I sat on the edge of my bed, I needed desperately, if nothing else, a closer look at what he had going on. My eyes traveled from chest to feet pausing each pass to admire his machinery. Without a thought I squatted on the floor, taking great care to not wake him by smashing his foot. I was less than 2 feet way and I could feel the heat emitted by his body. The fragrance of sweaty man parts jitterbugged in my nose.

"Rick!!!...The house is on fire!!!....Help!!!" I roared.

Nothing, Rick was asleep, but his huge rod had a different itinerary. Rick was at full mast with all sheets unfurled. I had to touch him, slowly raised a hand to within just an inch and cautiously ran a finger down the backside of his shaft. This caused him to stand at attention and as my index passed over his crown it gathered up any discharge and promptly delivered it to my tongue. Ricks tangy taste partied on my taste buds. I couldn't hold out a second longer, I had to have it. I pulled his leg away from the bed to allow myself better access, wrapped both hands around him and provided the proper angle to get my mouth on it. I opened wide for my descent taking in 4 solid inches before my lips finally came in contact with skin. I slowly came off whilst making a detailed mental image of every contour, paying special attention to the first 1.5 inches of thick sticky cock head. I was in complete amazement, Ricks snake was most impressive. I felt a smirk flourish across my face as I examined the exquisite specimen before me.

"Rick!!!...You like that asshole!!!" I said felling a bit giddy before heading back in for more.

Rick kept snorting, snoring and seamlessly weaving in an occasional groan derived from pleasure, I hope. I have never had the chance to have a go on such a sizable member and therefore it took longer than normal to get it all down, but I did. I was having a field day and...

"There you go" Rick said as he swung his other foot to the floor, spinning himself perpendicular the the longer line of the bed and tucking a pillow behind his head.

He was below average looking and his face wasn't on the same playing field as everything else, but none of that mattered. I am a fan!

"Sure took you long enough...I was beginning to give up hope...Now show me that fucking gratitude queer" Rick ordered.

"I thought you were sleeping...I tried waking you" I said before drowning myself with cock.

"Sure...You really thought I'd drift away to dream land and simply forget about the self admitted cocksucker in the room...Right" He said while enjoying my efforts.

I switched it up as I like to do, fast with hands, to slow without. Rick was approvingly nodding.

"You were playing hard to get, which I like...I had bust out every angle I had, aggressive, gentle and than the one that would typically seal the deal, Sympathy. Still you weren't biting, so to speak....Suck that cock queer...Suck it all" Rick said sternly and got real quiet for a minute.

I continued doing what I do, bobbing and weaving. Giving my throat a break here and there with with a trick I liked to call the melting popsicle.

"Yeah...Usually get them with the sympathy card, but not this timid little cocksucker, no. You forced me to extremes...Another thing I was taught, if you want to catch a certain type of fish you need to have the right bait...Lick that fucker queer boy" Rick said.

I did just as he ordered with great pleasure, tonguing every scant nook and cranny. There's nothing quite like a big pipe that still has some flexibility when erect. I took it upon myself to slap me around with it since he hadn't already done so.

"I don't know about you queer, but from where I sit you sure look cock hungry to me...Any chance the rumors are right?" Rick asked.

I ceased my actions to answer "There all true...Everyone of them...True" I replied and sent him back in to my windpipe.

"Sure looks like I had the proper bait for the situation...There's one sure fire way to hook a cocksucker and I think we both know what that is...wouldn't you agree queer?" Rick asked pulling himself from my mouth.

"Yup...I'm a sucker for big worm...Gets me every time" I replied leaving my inlet wide open.

"I've been working on this batch of candy for 4 days queer...you ready for some sweets?" He said as he pushed me down on himself.

It didn't take long from this point, although I could have spent days blowing Rick. The tell tale sign is a hand to the back of the head and there it was, the first volley was huge and appetizing, but the several that followed weren't quite as sweet. I ate them up just the same. Straight guys seemed to enjoy rubbing their cocks all over a cocksuckers face afterwards and Rick was no different.

"Clean that cock of queer" He ordered as he allowed my mouth back on him.

I again did just as he asked and when he was satisfied, without a word grabbed his belongings and was gone. I slept as well as I can ever remember and woke early eager to pay Sheila for an epic evening. I didn't see Rick before leaving , but did make reservations for my return trip. I'll never fly home again.

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