In Another Life

By Jezebel

Published on Jul 8, 2007


Title: In Another Life. Author: Jezebel the Temptress Feedback:

Disclaimers: This story is fiction and it is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. If you are underage for your area, if it is illegal for you to view such material or if you are opposed to two men in a loving situation then this story is not for you either.

*** Part 7 ***

Kyle woke early the next morning to a dull ache in his ribs. He knew that the painkillers he had taken the night before must have worn off and he was about to call the nurse to ask for some more when he realised that he was not in hospital anymore. Kyle reached for the pills on his bedside table before realising that there was no way he would be able to undo the childproof seal with only one good hand. He would have to wait for Kevin to wake and then ask him to do it.

Kyle knew that they were due in court at eleven, and were meeting with their lawyer before hand so he decided to take a shower and dress instead. At least that way he would be ready to leave on time.

Kyle took a few faltering steps from the bed, pausing at the packages that they had bought the night before, and then made a slow path to the ensuite bathroom for a shower. It was the first time that he had tried to wash since leaving the hospital and was tricky at first, but once he got the hang of doing it all one handed he was soon finished.

Grabbing the towel Kyle dried himself off and pulled on the clean boxers that he had brought with him, wrapping the towel around his shoulders before manoeuvring the door open.

He was only a few inches into the room when he hit a human wall. Kyle groaned as his already painful ribs collided with a solid chest.

"Shit, sorry..." Alex said when he realised that he had walked into Kyle. He took a quick step back and winced again when he saw the yellow and brown bruises that ran across Kyle's firm torso. The bruises were fading a little too slowly and AJ was pretty sure that this latest incident wasn't going to help them heal any sooner. "I was just coming to see if you were okay."

"I'm fine." Kyle replied, frowning slightly as he looked at AJ and the now empty pile of bags on his couch. AJ followed his gaze and smiled.

"Sorry, I put the stuff in your closet while I was waiting." Alex said. "Clothes deserve to be treated with respect."

Kyle smiled through his pain at Alex's comments. AJ was a self-confessed slave to fashion even when Kyle had first met him. Despite years of being told what to wear Alex was still a clothes horse.

"Thanks." Kyle said. "Did you leave my suit on the bed?"

"Yeah." Alex replied. "Do you need a hand?"

Kyle blushed slightly when he realised that he was just wearing a towel and boxers, but he guessed that Alex had seen him in a worse state at the hospital. Alex eyed him slowly up and down and Kyle's blush deepened.

"Could you maybe do something with my hair?" Kyle asked softly. He was not above asking for help and he doubted that he would be able to do much more than run a comb through his damp locks. He hoped that Alex might be able to do something better than that.

As he waited for a response, Kyle headed over to the bed where he had laid out his suit and shirt and started to dress. Alex turned his back to give Kyle a little privacy and went into the bathroom to find a comb, he was surprised to find a fresh pot of hair gel as well. It was obvious that Kevin and Kyle had been shopping the day before and Alex kicked himself for not having thought of more immediate things like that when he promised to get things ready for Kyle.

"Alex..." Kyle called, pulling AJ from his thoughts. "Can you give me a hand?"

Alex turned and saw Kyle ready dressed, his shirt half tucked into his pants and jacket on over the shirt. There was also a neck tie slung over one shoulder. Kyle looked like a 5 year old that was just learning to dress himself and AJ couldn't help but smile.

"Sure." He said, throwing the comb and Gel onto the bed. "Come here."

Alex pulled Kyle close and reached around him, easily tucking the shirt into Kyle's pants and straightening it out slightly before reaching for the tie. Kyle's blush had returned at having to be dressed and he couldn't help but smell the smoky scent that clung to Alex as he brushed past him. It reminded Kyle of a dozen men that had hung out at the bar he had worked in but there was something else to the scent too, a fragrance that was distinctly Alex.

"Thanks." Kyle said as Alex stepped back to admire his work. AJ's eyes continued to work their way over his clothed body and Kyle began to felt self- conscious under the gaze. "What?"

"Nothing." Alex said, looking away guiltily. He shouldn't be thinking lustful thoughts about Kyle when he was so vulnerable and AJ chided himself for it. He had not remembered how cute Kyle was and it didn't help that now the younger man was on the right side of legal. Five years ago Kyle had been out of bounds not only because of his age but because of his status as Kevin's future son, while he was old enough now there was still the protective streak in Kevin and Alex knew better than to mess with the eldest Backstreet Boy. "Let's see if we can do something with your hair." Alex said, wanting to change the subject.

Kyle nodded, sitting on the couch when Alex beckoned and allowing himself to be groomed so that he would look presentable.

AJ ran a comb through Kyle's shortened hair and then switched to using his hands, drawing the strands into small spikes that made Kyle look slightly older. Alex had to get close in to make sure that the spikes were even, so close that Kyle could feel his soft breath on his cheek, at one point Kyle even thought that Alex might lean in for a kiss. Alex pulled back quickly to check his work and nodded that he was done. Kyle wondered if he was projecting his own feelings onto Alex but both appeared flustered.

A knock on the door broke the moment and Kevin entered a moment later, his eyes widening when he saw AJ.

"I wasn't expecting you this morning, Bone." Kevin said. "I was just coming to bring Kyle his pills. I hope that you didn't disturb his sleep..."

AJ bit his lip to stop himself from smiling at Kevin's obvious fatherly tone. It was the same tone that was usually directed at Alex or Nick and now he supposed that Kyle had been added to the group of people that Kevin had paternal feelings for. Unfortunately Alex didn't have particularly brotherly feelings toward Kyle, in fact the feelings he had would be considered illegal if they were real brothers.

"No, Alex was just helping me get ready." Kyle answered with a smile. "Thanks." He added when Kevin held a tray out to him that held a glass of water, two pills from the bottle and a plate with toast.

"We're supposed to be leaving in twenty minutes." Kevin reminded.

Kyle nodded, not realising that the morning had gone so quickly.

"I'll finish this up and then be out." Kyle responded between swallowing one of the pills.

"I'll leave you two to it." Kevin replied, walking out and shutting the door after him. Alex moved to sit on the bed with Kyle and stole a triangle of toast as Kyle slowly took his other pill and then bit into the toast.

"He's a little on edge about our court appearance today." Kyle said, feeling that he should explain Kevin's curtness to Alex. AJ smiled, he knew Kevin better than Kyle probably and knew that Kevin was nervous.

"He's like that all the time." Alex said. "You get used to it. Seeing Jonny again will just heighten that."

Kyle frowned, as he took a bite of toast, washing it down with water before speaking. "He's never met Jon before." Kyle said.

"Oh, you mean he doesn't know?" Alex asked.

"Know what?" Kyle replied.

"That you came out to see us at the record signing a few weeks ago. I assumed that you had caught up with him afterwards or something. I mean, I know that Brian had you thrown out but...he doesn't know you came does he?" Alex asked as it dawned on him. "And Brian didn't tell him." This was not a question but a statement.

"I guess it never came up..." Kyle said softly. He hadn't thought to tell Kevin before but now he wondered if it would have made a difference. If only Kyle could have seen Kevin that day and persuaded him to take Jonny then maybe things would have been different.

"You have to tell him." Alex said. "Brian didn't have a right to deny him that chance..."

"I will tell him." Kyle responded. "But not today, he has too much else to think about right now with the family court and everything. But I'll tell him soon."

Alex realised that Kevin wasn't the only one under stress today and that Kyle too probably felt a little pressured. He nodded, not arguing anymore.

"You'd better get out there, you don't want to know what Kevin is like when you're late." Alex said with a small smile. "Believe me, I have a lot of experience of that." Kyle nodded, standing and heading for the door. After a few steps he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Alex right behind him.

AJ pulled Kyle into a loose hug, remembering not to squeeze too tight because of his bad ribs, and tried to convey his support in the casual embrace.

"If you need to talk give me a call, I've left my number next to the phone." Alex said. "Good Luck for later, I'm sure that you'll do fine."

Kyle nodded, swallowing the lump that was forming in his throat and not trusting his voice to reply. He turned and left without saying goodbye and AJ let him go.

When Kyle had left the room Alex let out a sigh and hoped that Kyle would do fine. If they didn't get to bring Jonathan home that day then there would be two very unhappy men that afternoon who would need there support.

Kevin was waiting for Kyle in the family room.

"You ready to go?" Kevin asked. Kevin had changed into a dark navy suit that made Kyle notice the blue streaks in Kevin's long hair for the first time. The blue silk shirt and sombre Navy tie added to the dark sultry look that Kevin usually portrayed and made him look very serious and responsible. Kyle hoped that this would work in their favour.

"Yeah." Kyle said nervously. "As ready as I'll ever be."

The meeting with Kevin's attorney Peter Walker had gone well. Kyle was feeling a little more confident afterward that they may actually be able to get Jonathan back. He had been upset that they would not see Jonny that day, he would not be in the court when his future was decided because he was too young to understand it all but there was a court appointed representative that had apparently spoken with Jon and would put his point across. Kyle hoped that they would also do what was in his brother's best interest.

As they drove towards the family court Kyle took one last chance to practice what he was supposed to say in his head and to prepare himself for any questions that he may face. The judge would not be trying to catch him out, Peter had said, but may ask some difficult questions about why Kevin would be suitable as a father given his career and lifestyle and also whether it would be a safe place for Jonathan to grow up.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Kevin asked as they pulled up outside the characterless building which housed the courtrooms. "You don't have to do it if you're not feeling up to it."

Kyle knew that Kevin wanted to make sure that he was comfortable with this but whether he was or not was irrelevant, it was what he needed to do.

"I'm sure." Kyle replied. "We'd better get inside before they start without us." He had meant it as a joke but Kevin barely smiled. Kyle realised that Kevin was as nervous as he was about what the judge could say.

They entered the courthouse and went through the security barriers before having their names taken and being told that they were to wait outside court room 4. There were wooden chairs lining the corridor and Kyle and Kevin took a seat outside their allocated room.

Kevin sat awkwardly with his forearms resting on his knees and his head resting in his hands. He was obviously thinking deeply about things and Kyle didn't want to disturb him so he tried to get as comfortable as he could and waited.

After what seemed like forever the door to the room finally opened and a sobbing woman came out being held by her partner. Kevin looked over to Kyle and they shared a look which spoke of how they hoped their fate was not the same. Then a larger man came out and called their names.

"Case #45453 - Richardson vs. The state of Florida." A Bailiff called.

Kevin and Kyle stood, as if co-ordinated in their movements, and followed the man into the court room. Their attorney Peter Walker entered through a separate entrance and sat down at a table in the front, pulling out a chair for Kevin to join him. Kyle sat to Kevin's left and closest to the door.

A few moments later another door opened and the Bailiff re-entered.

"All Rise for the honourable Judge Simpkins." He said authoritatively. Everyone stood as a short lady walked in carrying a set of files and took her seat. "Be seated." The Bailiff said in the same tone. Everyone sat.

Kyle could hear his heart beating in his chest as he heard the judge take a deep breath and begin and he wondered how long it would be before she asked him to speak. He hoped it was not early on because as soon as she had entered he had forgotten everything that he was supposed to say.

"Mr. Walker, I believe that you had petitioned for a closed court due to your client's profession." The judge began. "I would like to remind you that all cases in this court are sealed to protect the child and in this case I feel it would be detrimental for him to be exposed to the media so I agree with your petition. Gentleman, please do not discuss this case outside of this room."

There were nods of agreement from everyone, none of them wanting to get on the bad side of the judge this early on in proceedings.

"May I also remind you that this is not a criminal court, there is no one on trial here, so if you could keep any other requests informal I would appreciate it." She added. "Now, I believe that the child has been in state custody for four weeks now?"

"It's closer to five weeks your honour." The representative from Child Protection noted.

"And it was only a fortnight ago that the father came forward?" She asked.

"My client only recently became aware of his responsibility to the child." Walker pointed out. "The mother had made no move to include my client in the boy's life up to that point."

"And was there any reason for this that we are aware?" The judge asked. "Does..." She shuffled her papers as if looking for something and then looked up. "Does Mr. Richardson have any criminal convictions or prior history that I should know about?"

"Your honour..." Kyle started, his attorney looked at him and shook his head. It was not yet his turn to speak.

"What is it?" She asked. When Peter moved to quiet Kyle she intervened. "Let the boy speak, Mr...?"

"Maddox. Kyle Maddox." Kyle responded. "Jonathan is my brother."

"Well, Mr. Maddox, do you feel that you can shed any light on why the mother did not tell Mr. Richardson of your brother's existence."

"Julia, that is my Mom, was angry that Kevin and she had broken up. When she realised that she wasn't going to get any of the money she wanted from marrying him she thought that Jonny would be her way to get it but she was biding her time before she made any claim. I think that she wanted to see how famous he would get before coming forward."

"And if Mr. Richardson had been aware of his existence do you think that he would have been a father to him then?" She asked.

"Objection." Walker called out. "Mr. Maddox has only known my client a matter of weeks..."

Kyle talked over the attorney because he thought that his words were more important.

"I think that Kevin would have done anything in his power to be with Jonny, and I know that from more than the last few weeks...Kevin is the closest thing to a father that I have had in the last few years and since the accident he's been like that again." Kyle said. He didn't care that he wasn't supposed to show any emotion, the tears were brimming on their own and he was not going to stop them. "I wish that Jonathan had that."

"Thank you Mr. Maddox." The judge said softly, her stern exterior slipping for a moment before returning to her notes.

"And do the social services have any question about Mr. Richardson's right as the father?"

"We are slightly concerned that the boy does not know him." The spokeswoman said. "But investigation has shown that other than Mr. Maddox there is no other family."

"Your honour, if I may..." Peter Walker interrupted.

"Go ahead, Mr. Walker." The judge said with a sigh.

"My client is aware that things are going to be difficult while Jonathan adjusts and has already taken steps to deal with that by moving Mr. Maddox to his home, he is also willing to allow a social services visit to his home to inspect the property and has looked into family counselling for them both if his son is allowed to live with him."

"Mr. Maddox, have you not thought about petitioning for custody of your brother?" The judge asked Kyle directly.

Kyle shook his head.

"I'm nineteen years old, your honour, currently unemployed and without Kevin I would be homeless as well. I'm in no state either physically, or mentally to raise a child, let alone financially but I think that Kevin can manage to do all of those and given the chance I would like to help him to do so." Kyle said. "I have spent the last few years watching my brother grow up but I am not a parent, your honour, with the right support I know that Kevin could be an excellent one."

The judge did not hide her smile this time.

"I wish that more young people were as responsible and grown up as you seem to be, Mr. Maddox." She said.

Kyle blushed.

"I have taken into consideration the social services concerns at the child's lack of knowledge of his father, however I feel that is something that can only be rectified with contact. With that in mind I will grant Mr. Richardson temporary custody of his son on the condition that he undergoes a set of inspections of both his home and his lifestyle." The judge said. "Mr. Richardson, please do not let me down..." With those parting words she stood, allowing everyone else to stand and then left.

After she was gone Kevin turned to his attorney and the Bailiff who were having a quiet discussion.

"When can I see my son?" Kevin asked, fighting to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

"He's waiting in the family room to see you." The Bailiff said. "Social Services will want to take him back tonight but you can pick him up here in the morning, in the meantime I think a visit may be acceptable."

Kevin nodded before turning to Kyle whose tears were already freely falling. The pair of them shared a hug and Kevin too gave into the tears. They had crossed this one obstacle and now they would have to begin the long and hard struggle back to normality but Kevin and Kyle both knew now that whatever happened that they would be doing it as a family.


Next: Chapter 8

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