In the Groove

By C H

Published on May 16, 2000


Several times throughout the evening, Jasmine rose to walk around her bed, looking down at it with arms tightly wrapped around her, imagining Britney was laying there. She didn't bother to turn the lights on while she paced. Jasmine loved the dark; it comforted her with its silence.

Britney was in the semi-dark as well, but it was manufactured. Below the clink of glasses and the roar of music and conversation, Britney chatted, thinking of nothing but Jasmine. Through the whole night, she stayed mostly with NSync,the people she was closest with inside the industry.Nick Carter continued to watch her, but now it wasn't just him. It was him and his bandmates. Britney wondered what they were talking about, and if it was about her.

A few times her agent walked her over to a few businesspeople so she could smile and play pretty with them. Everytime she shook hands that night to begin negotiations on a business idea, she thought to herself,'I can't wait till I turn 18. Noone can treat like a child. I'll be all woman.'

At the beginning of the networking, she gritted her teeth behind her smiles at the leering men, but after awhile, her smile became natural. As long as they didn't try anything beyond a handshake it was allright, her agent told her after one introduction "If they do, you come to me. Britney, you are an image, a product to sell to the imaginations of people everywhere. And that's all you should be to these men - a business venture, nothing more,nothing less. You keep your personal life to those you want to know about it."

"I know, Susan, I know," Britney responded, taking a deep breath.

"I know, honey I know. We'll just deal with them," Susan said, rubbing Britney's back. They walked into the lobby. Susan looked at her watch. "Well, I know we've done our time here, it's been successful. You gonna stick around???"

"Naw, Susan, I'm getting ready to go back to the hotel in a few," Britney said, looking at her watch.

"Alright, well, sleep tight Brit."

"Thanks." They hugged goodnight. Britney took her cellphone out of her purse and dialed the hotel. "Jasmine Hall's room please," she said, and felt someone brush against her. She spun around to find Nick next to her.

"Yes??" she asked coldly, backing away.

Nick just looked at her, his cold blue eyes searching hers........

"Yes???" she asked again. His eyes became warmer, and he began to speak.

"Brit, I'm...........I'm sorry for being such an ass. Tonight, and when we were together.Tell Jasmine sorry too. Forgive me?"

"I'll have to think about it, Nick. Oh, by the way, Jasmine and I did "dine" together, and it was delicious!!!"

Brit wished she had a camera for the expressions that crossed his face then. First, he looked stunned, then angry, then intrigued.

"Yes, Nick "Fuck and Chuck" Carter, I am a bisexual.. I am." she repeated for emphasis. Britney waited with a smile on her face for his reaction.

Britney had forgotten she was calling Jasmine, who had picked up and was listening to the conversation. Jasmine laughed in the darkness.

Nick looked at her intently. "Can I join you two?"

"No, Nick, we don't want you. Go find two bi fans to mess around with. But, I do forgive you. I understand you, Carter, and know where you're coming from."

"Alright, alright. Yo, Brian! Wait up for me!" Nick called over to his bandmate, wanting to end the conversation, but being held by Brtiney's intense, determined glare.

"Oh, and by the way, if you're spreading mess about what?? Nick, I don't care. Who really cares in Hollywood?? I'm being true to myself." Britney said, feeling free. So she got on tiptoe to plant one on Nick's cheek.

"Bye, Carter. See you around," said Britney.

"Alright," Nick responded, feeling a sense of loss. Damn.

Jasmine hung up the phone at that point, feeling soft, and went back to sleep.


Next: Chapter 11

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