In the Groove

By C H

Published on May 3, 2000


At the Monaco show that night, Jasmine said to Britney "Meet me in your dressing room before the Jive party." Britney nodded and got on the rising platform. Tonight she'd decided to wear the video version of her "Baby" outfit. The fans reacted to this with roaring approval, their cameras going into overdrive as Britney went through her oldest routine. Her eyes widened when spotted her ex-boyfriend, Nick, in the press area.

"OMG!" she almost said into the microphone. He mouthed the words to the song, surrounded by swooning girls. Britney thought,'Hah! Those stupid girls. When they see him, they see Nick, godly BSB. All I see is just plain Nick, a man who's freaky,insincere,and self-enamored..but neverthelsess, very sexual.' Britney hated the way her body reacted around Nick. He seemed to have some kind of power over her, just like with his many fans. After their short relationship,they still had a sexual repertoire going on. With them Both being naturally sexy, they were usually drawn to one another.

But tonight was different. Britney didn't feel this way, but she could tell Nick did. She knew she was going to be tested. Nick was immune to the lusting girls surrounding him, unabashed in his attentions to Britney. "I must confess....that my loneliness..." 'Yah, he's all up in me, but it'll be someone else tomorrow night.'

Jasmine noticed the guy that was eyeballin' Brit, and became a little jealous. She realised it was Nick Carter, and whooped. Britney had told her about him. Yes, he was nice-looking, but a snake is a snake.

"Tonight, before we end, I thought I'd introduce my dancers," Britney said. She introduced them all, and paused before introducing Jasmine, looking right at Nick as she said, "And this is my girl, Jasmine!" He had a confused expression on his face. Jasmine smiled at him, and she and Britney laughed together. Nick all of a sudden looked relieved, and blew a kiss at them.

"Thank you! You all have been a great crowd!" Britney said into the mic, bowing. She finished her song, and it was over. She headed to her dressing room, being interceded by her manager, her mom, and others. She became impatient, anxious to be with Jasmine.

In the meantime, Jasmine was also being held up. By the other dancers. They stopped her as she tried to speed by. "Yo, Jas, come over here for a minute."

She went over. "Yes?"

"We were just wondering....are you and B like, together?"

"What do you, with each other?"

"Yes," they said, some of the guys looking angry.

"Yes, we are. We are."

"Oh, okay. We're cool with it. Some of us just wish you were into us!! But remember to kinda keep it on the downlow. Not too many overt PDA's. She's only 17, and has a lot to do with her career,"one said.

"Britney knows what she's doing. She knows where she is. And I'm fine with what I am, bi. Are you fine with what youall are?" Jasmine said calmly. She'd been expecting this. She continued, "Does it interfere with your dancing?"

"No. And yes, I AM." some of the dancers said, some of the guys snapping their fingers.

Jasmine walked away slowly, feeling a little lighter. She opened Brit's door. "B, you in here?" She wasn't yet. Her perfume was in the air, and Jasmine inhaled deeply, taking off her jacket. She turned on the lights, and gasped as someone came up behind her.It was a tall, thick man, pressing his body into hers...his erection..what??

"Jas, you are SO hot...." Jasmine spun around, disbelief on her face.

"Nick, what the hell are you doing in here?"

"I'm waiting for Brit... I could ask you the same thing."

"She asked you to wait for her?"

"Yes," Nick said, lying.

"No, she didn't. Cause we're supposed to...." Jasmine almost told him to spite him!!

"Do what? Ooooo, can I know???? Are you really her girl??" He stared at her. "I thought, she's turned queer, hunh?"

"It's none of your business, Nick...go find a fan!!" Jasmine said.

Britney came in the door, "Honey, I'm here now...." she stopped, and glared at Nick, a little scared. "What do you want?"

"Not you! I've just been feeling on "your girl". I'm off to the party. Hope to see you two "ladies" there....unless you decide to dine on one another," he sneered, unbelieving that neither britney nor jasmine didn't want him.

"Go fuck yourself for the 5th time today, Nick." Britney said.

Nick laughed. "There's plenty of straight girls that can do that for me." He walked out of the door.

TBC! Cinnamon

Next: Chapter 7

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