In the Lonely Hour

By Ree

Published on Jun 19, 2014


WARNING: This story is an act of fiction as well as fragments of reality and is protected by copy right laws. If you wish to post this to any other site or write a spin off of this series then please ask my permission. This story will eventually involve sexual relations between males; if that bothers or offends you, please hit the escape button. Since this is partly fantasy there may be unprotected sex, this does not give anyone reason not to use condoms, be wise and always condomize. If you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal for you to view this material in your country then you do so at your own risk. If you are looking for a quick 'get off' story then this is not for you. Comments and criticisms are appreciated as this is my first attempt at writing.

Please feel free to email me as it is encouraging to know people do read your work. You can contact me at

I hope you do enjoy.

In The Lonely Hour: Chronicles of Ree Chapter 1 *******************************************************************

Growing up in Cape Town, South Africa post-apartheid has never been an easy thing. Being born in the era of the great leader Nelson Mandela we all grew up knowing the stories of the struggle yet never experienced the struggle for freedom ourselves, our struggle instead was that of reintegration of a multicultural and multiracial nation. So there I was, smack in the middle of the struggle attending what previously was a 'white' private school. To say that my friends and I coasted through primary school would be a huge joke as we were almost always in constant trouble; high school was much the same

I guess this is the point where I attempt to describe myself and my family without being bias... My name is Ree Le Vaux. Being 1.73 meters tall I was thankfully no where near the shortest of people, with short, cropped black hair and deep brown chocolate eyes. My mother, Rachael, being of Germanic descent had very fair skin and my dad, Michael, being of African descent had a dark complexion. Between these two was where I fit in, oh and of course my identical twin brother who obviously looked exactly like I do. My brother, Rick, and I being mixed race added to the 'colourfulness' of our family.

My mother and father had us at a very young age, once they found out they had conceived it was decided that they would be wedded. At this time my father was doing his doctorate in psychology and my mother was a medical student. Sadly she had to drop out to have us, going back later on in life to complete her studies and becoming a medical doctor. After years of hard work my father finally opened an organization that was designated to assist troubled teens with issues associated with rehab related to substance abuse, sexual abuses and various other issues; while my mother continued to practice at a local hospital.

Sadly puberty had hit me and hit me hard, no flawless skin here; it would be years later that I'd recover from the acne that had plagued me throughout my teen years. I had a slight muscular build due to the athletics and swimming that I had participated in during the summer and rugby during the winter season at school. On the looks department I guess I'd say I'm average, good enough to be admired by girls and some guys. As for my dick, I guess you'll have to keep reading to find that out ha-ha.

It always sounds so clich‚ when saying you knew you were different from all the other boys growing up but genuinely this was my case. It started when I was about 11, noticing that I preferred the company of boys over girls, not just the company but to be physically touching through sports, wrestling games or just a pat on the back. Thankfully it was viewed as totally normal for us guys to show affection to one another to the point where we had sleep over's and would all cuddle in one big bed, watching movies or just chilling and talking. Growing up gay was simple; you kept it to yourself while being allowed to participate in 'man-cuddles', jack off circles and sleeping in the same bed as your male relatives and friends, but you NEVER spoke about what happened.

Here's where my story begins, at the age of 18, fresh out of high school on my first year at a local varsity.

"WAKE UP REE", screamed the voice of my best friend Sam as I bolted out of bed. Seems the lil' shit had thought it funny to record a voice clip as my alarm tone without my knowledge. That was our thing, constantly pulling pranks on one another much to the chagrin of our families who would often be a casualty of a prank or two. In truth we were more like family than best friends, we met in kindergarten at the age of 4 and were inseparable from that first day. He stood at 1.8 meters tall with an olive complexion, brown eyes much like mine, long black hair and built like a brick house. To me he was the whole package, sporty, popular, super good looking and very well endowed, but he never seemed to be able to stay out of trouble. Me, being the amazing friend always ended up either bailing him out or getting into it with him. Some would say he was trouble or bad news however they never saw the side of him that I saw, the caring, deep and vulnerable side that needed approval, acceptance and love.

So the day had finally arrived, varsity life would begin and I was nervous as hell, running around like a headless chicken trying to get done in time for my first day of classes. Rushing to the bathroom to do my morning absolutions was the first order of the day, the shower felt amazing as a soaped up my body. Smiling to myself as images of a sexy fantasy popped into my head resulting in a raging boner, "no time for you this morning big boi" I told my dick as I rushed out of the shower to my closet. While picking an outfit to wear, a vivid memory surfaced to my consciousness, something that had happened the previous week after a gruelling day of orientation, team sport try outs and looking into different varsity clubs.

"Ree, we gotta talk man" said Sam as he plopped himself on my bed, he had that sexy brooding face that meant he was thinking really hard about something. "Oki doki, what's up Sammy? You've been gloomy all week" I replied, trying not to look nervous or worried as I sat down at my desk opposite my bed. "Shit, he found out I'm gay... or worse, that I have a crush on him. I knew I shouldn't have been spacing out while staring at him. SHIT, SHIT, SHIT" were the thoughts running through my mind. "I dunno what to do, something happened and I'm freaking dude. I fucked up badly." At that moment I breathed a sigh of relief as my secret was safe for now, full well knowing that one day that would change.

"Remember that chick I hooked up with about two months ago? The one with the blond hair and killer body, Jessie, she called me on Sunday and said she needed to talk. At first I wanted to blow her off 'cause we had our fun and things ran its course but something about the way she sounded made me want to at least hear her out." By this point Sam's eyes started turning red as tears were slowly trickling down his face, in all the years that we had been besties I had only ever seen him cry thrice. The first being when his dog Duchess was found lying motionless in the road as a car sped off, the second being the day he saw me crying after a bully had attacked me and the third being the day his dad passed away of cancer.

I slowly stood up from the chair and sat down on the bed next to him. All he did was sit there, staring at the wooden floor as more tears ran down his cheeks. I had never wanted to comfort anyone as badly as I wanted to comfort him then, so I did the only thing I could do, putting my arms around him and holding him as he sobbed uncontrollably. My heart was breaking for my best friend. 15 minutes later he calmed down enough so I released him from my vice grip. "I met up with her at DulcŠ, she had already claimed the corner booth when I arrived, we ordered drinks and had some small talk but things were pretty tense. You should have seen her; she looked like she hadn't slept in days." By this point I was concerned that she had dragged him into whatever trouble she had going on but held my tongue as I didn't want to upset him any further, so nodding my head I cued him to continue. "She's pregnant... its mine... her parents want to meet me... they think we're dating..." he said as he dissolved into a ball of tears, snot and hiccups. "She wants to keep it... I can't... be... a dad yet.... I dunno what to do... what do I do Ree??? You gotta help me man, I can't tell my momma I got some chick I wasn't even dating pregnant."

Then I started crying, I cried not for Jessie who most certainly is going through a tough time, not for the baby who would be born into this mess, not even for Sam who was completely lost and confused but for me. I always had this notion that one day Sam would realize he loved me and desired to be with me, stupid I know, its rule number one about being gay, 'DON'T FALL FOR YOUR STRAIGHT BEST FRIEND' and here I'd gone and broken it.

"She said she was on the pill, she said it was okay if I didn't have any condoms on me, and we were drinking. It's the first and only time I've ever had unprotected sex. How could this have happened? My plans to go to college, travel the world, date several chicks and just enjoying life is over. You know my mom, she's gonna force me to marry Jessie and from what I gather, her parents will be pushing for the same thing." I think at that point the realization hit me, that his nightmare had become reality and crushed my dream of being with him, spawning my personal nightmare.

I wish I could have taken him into my arms again and told him that everything would be okay, that he would get through this and that I'd help in any way I could. I wish I could have been there for him the way he needed me to be, I wish this had never happened and I could go back to my little fantasy of Sam and I ending up together but this isn't Disney where you can wish upon a star and shit comes true. Almost leaning my face closer to Sam's, as I stared into his eyes, we were mere centimetres apart. Call me selfish if you want but all I could think was that I needed him to kiss me so I could feel better. Sam saw something in my eyes, I can't exactly say what, but it spooked him enough that he bolted out of my room so fast that his left Nike shoe slipped off.

I turned my head from the mirror on my closet door to the corner of my room where that shoe still lay and stared at it half expecting Sam to bust through my door and claim it at any moment before hassling me, but I hadn't seen or heard from Sam in 6 days. Snapping myself out of the memory I realized I had wasted 20 minutes day dreaming, ah well their goes my breakfast time. Rushing downstairs and out the door with my laptop, I looked at the top left window of the house directly opposite mine, the blinds were still closed, Sam almost always had them open but they hadn't been open since that night, I checked every day. I hopped into my baby; a 2014 Evoque and flung my laptop case onto the back seat, in the consol I found a banana and protein shake along with a note from my brother Rick taped to the steering wheel calling me an asshole and a bunch of other colourful names for not fuelling my body and promising to give me hell at gym later for skipping breakfast.

Smiling at the note and what would sure be a painful gym session I sped out of the driveway towards The University of the Western Cape and the first day of what I anticipate would be filled with numerous new experiences.

End of Chapter 1 *********************************************************************

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