In the Lonely Hour

By Ree

Published on Aug 25, 2014


WARNING: This story is an act of fiction as well as fragments of reality and is protected by copy right laws. If you wish to post this to any other site or write a spin off of this series then please ask my permission. This story will eventually involve sexual relations between males; if that bothers or offends you, please hit the escape button. Since this is partly fantasy there may be unprotected sex, this does not give anyone reason not to use condoms, be wise and always condomize. If you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal for you to view this material in your country then you do so at your own risk. If you are looking for a quick 'get off' story then this is not for you. Comments and criticisms are appreciated as this is my first attempt at writing. Please feel free to email me as it is encouraging to know people do read your work. You can contact me at I hope you do enjoy.

In The Lonely Hour: Chronicles of Ree Chapter 4

Stirring early Sunday morning I felt the heat of the morning sun shine on my face, I always forget to close the blinds at night which usually results in the sun acting as my alarm. I also felt Sam's body next to mine; people can say whatever they want but when you're used to sleeping alone it is difficult as hell to cuddle with someone else through the night. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to dislodge myself from Sam's suffocating grip, in typical Sam fashion he didn't even stir; his folks always tease that he could sleep through a war raging right outside his window. I was staring at his face; the sunlight had slowly crept over to his side of the bed and illuminated his face. I could see the sleep in the corner of his eyes, the fact that he had drooled at some point was very evident in the dry crusts leading from his lips down to his chin. His hair was tussled in that bed head way. Fact of the matter was that in that moment even though he looked less than perfect, it didn't matter because this was Sammy. Scanning down his body I noticed the fine unsightly hair on his pecks and treasure trail disappearing into my boxers he was wearing, I also noticed the sizably large, hard lump tenting the boxers, morning glory, the blessing and curse of every waking man.

Trying not to be too forward but failing miserably I brushed my hand lightly over the bulge to cop a feel of the adonis in my bed. Not noticing the change in Sam's breathing or his eyes fluttering open I continued to be transfixed with the protruding object in his boxers totally oblivious to being caught in the act. I felt rather than saw that I was being observed in my lustful state, peaking through half closed eyes I saw Sam's cocky smirk flash across his face before I buried my head in the pillow while laughing and blushing simultaneously. Feeling a slap on my boxer clad ass and the weight on the bed lifting I decided to follow him into the bathroom to do my morning ritual of pissing and brushing my teeth then hopping back onto my bed and lounging in the sun. Soon I was joined by a naked Sam who proceeded to pick me up, strip my boxers off and carry me into the shower, make no mistake as hot as it may sound, this was not a sexy thing. For one my ass was up in the air as Sam continued to carry me over his shoulders and would slap my ass if I tried to wiggle my way down, I was not finding this funny or sexy at all. "I said last night that if you asked me any more questions about the night I planned then I would punish you, consider this punishment" Sam stated.

Turning on the shower and stepping into it I first felt the ice cold blast of water pelt my feet and legs then spread up to my ass, back and finally head as I was dragged under the spray. I felt like a cat that had unceremoniously been dumped in cold water, too shocked to respond I just stood their shivering till Sam took pity on me and turned up the heat. Vowing to get even with him at some point I stood their and let him wash me from head to toe, I reached for the shower gel so I could reciprocate and lathered him up; I knew what would be next and I was correct. He said "if you keep that up you're gonna make me hard again and I won't be responsible for what happens," I just laughed and turned off the shower so we could get dressed.

Going down to the kitchen we could smell breakfast cooking, no doubt it would be Rick since our folks would most likely have left for work, its funny how busy our parents are; always helping or saving the lives of others yet they've always been absent or very distant from Ricks or my life. They aren't bad parents, they have always been able to provide for our materialistic needs and our dad often would talk to us about events happening in our lives or our future plans, but it was an accepted fact that their careers demanded 90 percent of their time and effort. On the counter their were three plates, two were already loaded with toast, jam, scrambled eggs, bacon and cheese with the third being devoid of any food. "Good morning you two love birds" Rick stated, I was about to step over the threshold into the kitchen but misjudged myself and once gain landed on the floor; "uhm what do ya mean by that dude?" I asked Rick as I picked myself up off the floor. He responded by smiling and said "I came to wake you up this morning but heard you two frolicking in the shower, damn you guys are noisy. I figured you two could use a greasy breakfast from the heavy smell of alcohol hanging in your room," up until that point I hadn't noticed that my hangover was none existent. Feeling ravenous I plopped myself down on the counter in front of the plate and dug into the food, Sammy followed suit and so did Rick; by the end of breakfast we were very content and thanked Rick.

"What time do you have to be at the V. D. Merwe's?" I asked Sam, I think he forgot about the lunch meeting. "Jessie said she would text me this morning to let me know" he dryly stated, while checking his phone; "nope no text" then continued stuffing his face while making appreciative sounds. "Well what are we gonna do today brother dearest" I shot at Rick who shrugged his shoulders and said "duffo, waa-efa" with his mouth jam-packed with scrambled egg. Giving him a disgusted look I sarcastically thanked him for breakfast and retreated to the lounge and popped a movie in the player, "what ya watchin' dude?" Sam asked and squeezed himself behind me on the couch. "Ride Along, Kevin Heart and Ice Cube. Heard it's a brilliant movie, did you bring snacks?" I asked to which he hollered at Rick to bring snacks. I felt the Pringles hit my head first followed by a pack of sweets; Sam snagged two bottles of soda out of the air as it was hurled towards us. "Thaaaaanks" came from Sam to Rick who flipped us the birdie and went upstairs. Half way through the movie I felt Sam's phone vibrate against my side, flipping it out and reading the text he said it was Jessie, lunch was at 2pm and he was instructed by Mr Van De Merwe to bring me along.

We rocked up at 1:45pm at the Van Der Merwe's house which happened to be a couple of minutes away from my and Sam's houses. Ringing the doorbell a distinguished gentleman invited us in, being shown to the dining room we were offered drinks and snacks. Mr. and Mrs. Van Der Merwe soon joined us; "I asked Sam to bring you with as a witness to the proceedings of today, this here is Mr. Van Tonder our legal advisor, he is here on our behalf. We have a few things to discuss regarding this mess you kids have found yourselves in. I will make it very clear now that we will not accept this child in the family; no Van Der Merwe will have a bastard as a son or family member." Mr. Van Der Merwe stated. Mr. Van Tonder followed by saying "I have been asked to draw up a contract stating the intentions and added addendums for future plans regarding the off spring of Mr. Sam Lopez and Ms. Jessie Van Der Merwe. Placing documents in front of Sam and I which we skimmed over, Sam asked "Where's Jessie? Shouldn't she be here for this too as she is at the centre of everything?" Mr. Van Tonder answered by saying that the Van der Merwe's had decided to excuse Jessie from any and all meeting as they would act as her proxy, I figured that since I had been invited that I should speak up; " Mr. Van der Merwe, since you're acting as Jessie's proxy even though she is already 18, I think it might be wise to have legal representation of ourselves to make sure all documents and contracts are above board and so that if we may have any queries we can have someone we trust to explain in full detail what we're getting into, no offense to you Mr. Van Tonder but you're their legal advisor so we don't really trust you." As expected, Mr. Van der Merwe nodded his head in consent while Mrs. Van der Merwe attempted to plaster a fake smile on her face. I continued speaking purposefully not including her; "gentleman, we will take the documents and seek legal council then get back to you. Now if you'll excuse us we have other important matters to attend to." With that I abruptly stood and motioned for Sam to walk ahead of me. We bid the V. D Merwe's and Mr Van Tonder a good day and hopped in the car.

Driving away I kept my focus on the road as Sam stared ahead, knowing him he would need some time to process what just happened. If theirs one thing neither of us like is being ambushed and today we had been completely blindsided hence our hasty retreat. "Thanks" he finally said, to which I nodded my head in the positive as I turned into the driveway of my house. "Sammy, you gotta talk to your folks about suitable legal advice and representation in this situation, the sooner you do it the better" to which he agreed and said he would call me later to let me know what's up.

Heading into the house I called out; "anybody home?" to which the reply was silence, checking my phone saw Rick had left a text that he would be at the gym which I thought was a good idea. Changing into my gym kit, grabbing my ipod and out the door I went, after this whole ambush by the Van der Merwe's I figured a good workout would be a brilliant idea. As I entered the gym I spotted my brother talking up some chick, signalling him that I was here I started up my routine. After about 30 minutes I was so deep into my workout that I didn't notice the guy on my side trying to gain my attention. "Yes Rick?" I said when I finally came out of my day dreaming, "You look kinda intense there, everything okay?" he asked, "yeah I'm good, spot me?" to which he smiled as we moved over to the bench press. I did my sets and spotted him while he did his, all the while not speaking a word to one another. I can't really explain what was going on but I had a deep sense of foreboding and it was bothering me deeply. "Ree, you and Sam need to be careful" snapped me out of yet another deep retreat into my mind; "huh?" I grunted, "You need to be careful, both you and Sam if you continue whatever you are doing. What if mom or dad had seen you two in the shower instead of me, THINK BEFORE YOU DO SHIT OR AT LEAST LOCK YOUR DOOR" which was the end of that conversation. I know he meant well but still, he has no tack when it comes to these things. But he's right; our folks have never been friendly or accepting of anyone different to the society we live in. I highly doubt they'll accept a gay son in the family, much like the Van Der Merwe's wouldn't accept a child out of wedlock.

This gave me a lot to think about, feeling a little overwhelmed I decided to call it a day and head home, Rick decided he'd had enough too. Grabbing supper at a local Nando's we head back to the house.

I think I expected it, but was still shocked when Rick and I entered the house to see strange men dressed in all black scrimmaging around the living room, I had the feeling they however weren't expecting to see anyone else there so soon. As predicted my brother quickly made a start for the nearest guy and without hesitation clubbed him with his gym bag which sent the guy sprawling into the dining room table. A second after his head hit the table I had made my way over to the next guy and proceeded to slam my fist making contact with his nose, continuing to rain punches down on him till he lay motionless on the floor. Looking around there were three more guys standing; I simply gave Rick a nod to which we both went charging at the closest two taking them down just as easily however in my haste to check how my brother was doing I turned my back on the third assailant which was all the advantage he needed. I first felt a sharp pain in my back which didn't concern me much until I saw the look on Ricks face. He stood rooted in the spot staring at me while I stared on in confusion back at him, only then did the actual pain start to register in my mind, a blistering white, hot burning sensation which felt like it would cripple me wracked my body. At that point I think Rick had snapped out of his stupor and attacked the last man. I fell to the floor in what seemed to be slow motion when the front door caved under the pressure of being rammed by Sammies body; "good gawd he's strong" I thought. Assessing the danger he quickly and efficiently checked the five guys to make sure that they were out then kneeling down next to my head he took off the t-shirt he was wearing and pressed it tightly against my back, when he removed his hand to reach for his cell phone I saw it was covered in a thick, red substance which finally registered to my as my blood. Here's where it goes a little hazy as I must have passed out. ****************************************************************** "beep beep beep beep beep" were the next sounds that penetrated through the thick fog that enveloped my mind, "hmmmm hmm where am I?" I mutered slowly, "why is it so dark?" to which the only reply was scuffling around in the room then darkness once again took over my mind. I found myself dreaming again, how I knew it was a dream I don't know but I was sitting in a beautiful park watching a boy and girl chasing each other around. The feelings it provoked were so strong it almost made me choke with sobs, then strong arms enveloped me from behind and a familiar voice whispered in my ear "they look so happy, I wouldn't trade this moment with you and them for anything. I love you." The amount of emotion I was feeling in that moment was overwhelming; then I felt myself fading once more, this time fading from the dream to consciousness. The steady beeping of a machine was the first sound I once again heard, having practically grown up in a hospital I recognized the sound immediately but it made me question what exactly the reason was for me being here in the first place.

The second thing I noticed was Sams scent, "he must be close" I thought because of the strength of it, twitching my nose as it was tickled by something elicted a boyish giggle which I also would recognize in a heart beat. Slowly I opened my eyes and stared straight into the face of a handsome young man that I had come to cherish dearly. Sam had a cute, playful look but the thing that caught my attention was the light shining in his eyes, I attempted to speak which he negated by placing a very passionate kiss which drove my highly simulated senses even more wild. Feeling a little bit greedy I forced my lips even harder against his; BIG mistake as the pain which shot through my body had returned with a vengeance. Crying out in agony I think I shocked Sam to which he responded by yelling for help, which came rather quickly and once again I faded...

A couple of days later I was sitting in my hospital bed trying to catch up on readings for classes and waiting for Sam to be done with his classes so he could keep me company, idly I thought of what the doctor had said. Apparently I had been shot in my back with a 9mm but fortunately the attackers aim was off and missed my spine by mere millimetres with the bullet lodging itself in my rib cage. It had not pierced any vital organs and surgery had been quick, the attackers had all been apprehended by the police force. They had been targeting various families in the area but were never caught till now, seems we were all lucky, I was recovering well and could be out of the hospital as early as the following day. "Babe" started me from my day dreaming, I really do loose focus on reality when I day dream, Sam stood at the door smiling then sweeping in cheerfully and planting a wet kiss on my lips. He sat down at the chair by my bed having a one sided conversation about how a certain professor would be the death of him as the work load was crazy but even more than that his lecturing was erratic causing many students to loose focus for the lack of understanding him. His classes, which were full when they started, had dwindled down to a hand few of students attending as they made an effort to understand him.

Sam's stomach growling was an indication that he needed to go hunting for food in the cafeteria, I said he should get me something nice to which he stooped down and gave me a gentle kiss. At that moment the door opened and in walked my mother, "BOYS" she shrieked before storming out the door so fast it took us a second longer to realize what just happened. "Fuck" Sam and I said at the same time.

End of Chapter 4 *********************************************************************

Greatest apologies to all my readers, I was going through a bad breakup and needed some time away, however I am back and will do my best to not let this happen again. Thanks to everyone for the comments and criticisms as well as the encouragements. They have been a great help in getting me back behind the keyboard and writing. Till next time keep well everyone.

Next: Chapter 5

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