In the Lonely Hour

By Ree

Published on Sep 30, 2014


WARNING: This story is an act of fiction as well as fragments of reality and is protected by copy right laws. If you wish to post this to any other site or write a spin off of this series then please ask my permission. This story will eventually involve sexual relations between males; if that bothers or offends you, please hit the escape button. Since this is partly fantasy there may be unprotected sex, this does not give anyone reason not to use condoms, be wise and always condomize. If you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal for you to view this material in your country then you do so at your own risk. If you are looking for a quick 'get off' story then this is not for you. Comments and criticisms are appreciated as this is my first attempt at writing.

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In The Lonely Hour: Chronicles of Ree Chapter 5

Last time:

Sam's stomach growling was an indication that he needed to go hunting for food in the cafeteria, I said he should get me something nice to which he stooped down and gave me a gentle kiss. At that moment the door opened and in walked my mother, "BOYS" she shrieked before storming out the door so fast it took us a second longer to realize what just happened. "Fuck" Sam and I said at the same time.


Dazed I sat staring at the white wall of my hospital bedroom; it had been at least a few hours since the incident where my mother had caught us kissing leaving me in a whirlwind of emotions and confusion. Sam had left for home in haste after that and I was alone with my thoughts, not that I was thinking much anyway. The scene kept playing in my mind like a bad looped sequel of The Days of Our Lives soapy drama on TV. "Yo bro, how you feeling?" shattered my daze as Rick entered and conceded to sitting in the much too small chair in my room, "I'm okay" was my reply which he obviously didn't buy since he gave me that look. "Uhm moms really upset, she called dad and I, there's a family meeting tonight... since she isn't waiting till you're sprung I had a feeling it had something to do with you?" he followed up. "Hmm yeah she walked in on Sammy and I kissing." I know they say that silence is golden but at that moment I didn't care how much gold silence was worth, I just wanted it to end, I was waiting for Rick to gather his wits and berate me again but that never came, all he did was sit there and stare at me. "What? Do you want me to say it? You were right okay, we should have been more careful but it happened so fast, one moment he leaned in to kiss me and at that exact moment mom walks in and sees. I was mortified and shocked and then Sam splits and leaves me here all alone; are you here to add to the humiliation and make me feel worse with an 'I TOLD YOU SO'? Well go ahead, I'm already physically in pain and at my lowest I might as well take all the crap now and be over and done with it"

Rick still just sat there and said nothing, did nothing but look at me. I could feel the damn slowly start to break, all the shock of the break in, being shot, surgery, recover and my mother was gradually breaking down any sense of sanity I had left. The silence between my brother and I was the catalyst, I could deal with my thoughts and the silence they brought but not with the silence between the closest person on earth to me. Once again time seemed to pass really slowly and then Rick spoke up; "I'm sorry you had to go through all those things, especially being shot and mom walking in. I should have had your back with the break in just like you had mine, then maybe you would not have been shot and we wouldn't be here or in this mess." Flabbergasted that Rick would think that any of this was his fault I said "none of this is your fault, I had your back and you had mine, either way chances are one of us would have been hurt in that altercation, I'm just glad it was me and not you. Your threshold for pain sucks, we all would have had to wait on you hand and foot like the time you sprained your wrist. You called my cell phone and woke me up to change the damn TV station because you were too lazy to get up and change it yourself."

That seemed to lighten the mood for a minute before Rick was serious once again; "no matter what, you're my brother and I have your back." He emphatically promised. "Thanks dude... I wonder what tonight's meeting has in store for you; you'll have to warn me as soon as it's done so I can prepare myself for the worst." Rick promised he would and then he did something completely out of character, he stood up and leaned over my bed then proceeded to give me a hug and kiss on the cheek before heading out the door.

That night I fell into a fitful sleep, passing through lucid and unconsciousness and the dreams that accompany nights like this, so when I woke up the next morning it felt like I had hardly slept at all. I had texted Sammy the previous night to find out if he would bail me out of this hell hole with no reply from him, this left my already sour mood even worse, at least the nurses left me alone picking up on my not so friendly demeanour or usual bantering self. At about 10am the doctor in charge of my case strolled in and proceeded to give me a check up, exclaiming that it was safe for me to go home and rest. Home, I wonder if I would still be welcome in that place or if I would even feel happy in that place anymore. Rick had texted this morning to say that he would be picking me up and explaining what the family meeting was about.

Exactly 12pm to the second Rick strolled into my room with a wheel chair, "your release documents have been signed and your chariot awaits my liege" he dead panned. This of course had me laughing since Rick had never been one to serve others, he much rather preferred being served. Wasting no time I discarded the horrible hospital gown and donned a casual pair of sneakers, track paints and tee, Rick proceeded to wheel me out to the waiting car. Instead of going home Rick sped past our area while giving me a toothy grin, "you've had that hospital food for days I figured I would treat you to something more to your liking before we head home" was all he said. I was of course excited to be out of the hospital and to eat something other than the food it produced.

Ocean basket was the venue he chose to take me to, knowing that their sushi was one of my favourite dishes. "Okay so spill, what happened in last nights meeting? I need to know cause its been driving me insane" I stated. "Lets order and eat first, always time for chit chat later kiddo" which I reluctantly acquiesced to since my stomach had been protesting on the drive home, I ordered a sushi platter while he ordered some seafood as usual. Eating in relative silence which was intermittingly broken by the sounds of approval Rick usually makes, "So we have a party to attend this weekend, are you up for it? A sort of gathering of all our high school friends" Rick stated. Not really feeling up to the multitude of stupid people acting out while drinking but wanting to get out of the house I agreed that I would go with; Rick just smiled in continued eating. After we finished our meal Rick paid and said we would go to the beach and just chill for a while, knowing it was the only place I felt calm or could calm me made me realize the gravity concerning what we were to speak about. Once we reached the beach I took the lead and went down to the waters edge and persisted with walking, "So tell me what you need to say bro." In usual Rick fashion he just kept walking and staring at the scenery, "mom told us she walked in on you and Sam kissing, she and dad had an argument and I just sat there, they finally agreed that we would have a meeting next week where everything would be openly discussed. Dad convinced her to let you recover at home for a while before opening a witch hunt, needles to say I told them that I knew and that I'm on your side; you should be allowed to see or date whoever you want to and its none of their business. Mom didn't take it so well... uhm theirs more, Sam and his family will also be called into the meeting, I don't think mom plans on warning his parents before the time though so you may wanna let Sammy know to get his affairs in order"

I knew it was going to be bad, just wasn't expecting my mom to go onto this scale of craziness, I thought maybe she would just talk to me and we could discuss it but I have a feeling this is something she wont let go or allow to continue. "Thanks for always being there for me Rick, means a lot to me... as for this whole situation, you said it yourself, mom and dad wont condone or accept a son who's with another man, worst case is I end up being kicked out and disowned, best case is I'm allowed to live at home provided I start dating women and cut all ties with Sammy and I just cant do that... I don't want you to get into trouble or have mom and dad angry at you too so I will keep you out of this and deal with it on my own. As for Sam, he's gonna have to do whatever he needs to do, he still hasn't spoken to me since yesterday and I left him a text, please if you do see him then check how he's coping, I have a feeling he wont want to speak to me right now." All the while it was breaking me inside to admit this to my brother but we both knew Sammy, he would rush into battle and be a knight in shining armour for me but he wouldn't defy his parents or want to deal with the emotional consequences this outfall would produce. "Is there anything else I need to know? I asked Rick, for the second time in my life he took me into his arms and just held me as the tears slowly trickled down my cheeks. "Nah bro, anything else doesn't matter, just focus on getting better and we'll deal with the outfall of this together," we stood there for a few minutes just hugging and holding one another while people passing were staring. I knew that no matter what, Rick would always have my back and I would always have his. "I think its time we get you home now, I got some DVD's, your favourite snacks and I a lot of brotherly bonding time lined up for you, oh and don't worry about your varsity work cause I already spoke to your professors and the head of department; they'll give you grace period to catch up any tests or assignments." Nodding my head in his shoulder I realized that weight had been lifted off my chest, "Thanks bro lets go home."

When we walked in the house was quiet as usual, no doubt mom and dad would do everything in their power to stay away till the meeting and I for once was glad that they had hectic careers that kept them busy, "I need a shower first then we can do whatever you have planned." I stripped off my clothes and then turned up the water as hot as it could go, feeling the need to wash off the hospital smell that clung to my body. My back ached where the bullet had entered as well as from the surgery, having the hot water cascading over it seemed to sooth a little bit but I would have to take my medication just in case it got any worse. Methodically washing myself then exiting the shower and changing in to clean clothes was a mission in itself but I managed fine, when I reached the bottom of the stares I hear voices in the kitchen so that the direction I headed in. "Dude he's been worried sick about you, why haven't you contacted him yet? Get your ass over here now" I heard my brother say, incidentally he had left his phone on loud speaker so I could hear both ends of the conversation. "I can't man, I'm freaking out, your mom saw us kissing and who knows what she'll do now. Tell him I say I'm sorry but I'm staying away till this whole thing blows over" came the reply on the other end. "Don't be a dick Sam, no ones here except the two of us, come over and tell him yourself, I'm not playing messenger cause you're too scared to face up to the shit you did. Ree has always been there for you, through everything including this pregnancy so the least you could do is give him an explanation." I stood rooted at the kitchen entry way listening as my brother and Sam continued their conversation, totally oblivious to my presence. "Okay fine I'll give you a day together your courage then you better talk to him or I'm kicking your lousy ass dude" Rick said then promptly disconnected the call, "what an asshole" Rick whispered. "Yeah he is an asshole, he could at least have replied to my text or whatever but clearly Sam only thinks about one thing, himself" I verbalised. "Hmm so you hear everything Bro?" I guess I had heard enough to know how this was going down to which I responded "yeah whatever lets just watch movies."

Throughout the movies Rick stole glances, think he's worried even more than usual about me, "bro I'm okay, watch the movie, we can talk after it." I guess that did the trick cause he went back to watching while I stared blankly at the screen, a sense of dread once again filling me as I thought about the consequences of Sam and I. I mean I really don't get it, why should society place such restrictions on who one should love and who one shouldn't. What's wrong with two guys being together if they're truly happy, this world needs more love not hate but it seems that wherever love is, hate will always follow. At that moment I felt so alone, even with Rick right next to me, I was alone; I guess that the disposition of every individual. To be alone, with false images painted to us by society saying we're never alone. We have all this technology that connects us making the world a smaller place. We surround ourselves with family and friends, with religion and tradition and whatever else to make us feel better yet we cannot escape the fact that we're alone, we came alone into this world and we'll leave this world alone. Forgive me for being so dreary but I realized that sometimes you just have to ride out these emotions, give them the expression they seek; facing those robbers and being shot didn't scare me yet the inevitable loneliness seemed to swallow me into its void. I wont go on to explain the rest of the day but needless to say Rick and I spoke and he helped me realize that even though I may feel alone, I'm loved, as trivial as it may seem to anyone else I guess love, acceptance, a purpose in life and the feeling of belonging seemed to be the road to happiness for me. That night I slept in peace for the first time since the shooting, no dreams or insomnia, it could have been the medication mixed with the feeling of being in your own bed but I awoke feeling better. I know I am loved by my brother and hopefully my parents, I know Rick accepts me for me, but I didn't know what my purpose in life was or if I even belong yet pushing aside those thoughts I found comfort in the love and acceptance I received from Rick.

Feeling my phone vibrate I checked my messages; 'Can we talk?" was all it said, seems Sam finally got his head out of his ass. "Yeah bout to head downstairs and have breakfast, come over" I replied then shucked my boxers and tee and donned sweats and another tee. When I got downstairs Sam was sitting at the kitchen isle with some muffins and my favourite tea, someone's feeling guilty I thought to myself and right that he should for ditching me. Without a word I headed to the fridge and poured a glass of milk and prepared some scones to eat along with the tea and muffins, "look I know you're pissed and I'm sooo sorry but I just couldn't face another thing. This whole pregnancy and now your mom, I freaked and ran and I'm sorry." You want to know what I did next ? Nothing! I just sat down and ate my breakfast, he can stew in his own juices for a while just like I was forced to, I know it was cruel but I wanted him to feel a small portion of what he made me feel. After a while the silence was so bad he kept fidgeting till he fell off the bar stool, I pretty much tried to keep a straight face yet that was impossible and finally broke down laughing. When it finally died down he said "okay you're gonna punish me but I'll take whatever you dish out and I'm not running away anymore" this made me feel better but I had to tell him; "my folks had a meeting while I was in the hospital about what my mother saw. We're having another meeting next week with the whole family to discuss it... they're including your family in the meeting as well..." I saw the resignation on Sam's face and realized that he already knew something like this would happen, I guess I was the only one who thought we may be able to handle it internally and that everything would be okay in the end. "yeah I figured as much, your mom wont let it go so we'll see how things go then, for now can we just spend some time together... but not here, definitely not here at your house" Sam stated. "Okay so where to then?" I asked, "how about we take a drive up to my family's cabin in Hermanus, just for a few days. Its not like you have varsity and we have nothing going on for the next couple of days so lets go. Just you and I." Contemplating this plan I wondered if it would be our last time away together or if there may be many more, I came to the conclusion that he was right, getting out of the house for a few days would do me good and so would time alone with Sammy so of course I agreed that we would go. He seemed more excited than I have seen him in a while, "GREAT!!! Go upstairs and pack, tell Rick we're leaving and leave your folks a message too. This will almost be like old times going away with the family, minus the family of course and adding the things I'm gonna do to you once we get there" Sam stated. Oooh shit this was it, we're finally gonna do IT!! I thought to myself... shit I don't have condoms or lube, will have to run to the store of that then and then hit actually hit me. I, Ree was gonna have SEX with a MAN! But not just any man, the one man I really would... which led me to other thoughts such as who would be the urhm receiver? I know he's physically bigger than I am but I'm still a man and I don't want him to think any less of me if I do assume that role. I guess naturally it would be me who assumes the role, not because I'm effeminate but because emotionally and physically he is all man and I tend to need the emotional aspects more than he does. I would have to talk to him about this before we do anything, way to kill he romance and passion by planning it all out but I can't go in blind into this. I need to know. "Okay I'll go pack, see you in half an hour?" I said, that seemed to do the trick since he was out of the door before he finished saying "okay."

All thought of being alone were banished from my mind as I attempted to race up to my room and pack, while grabbing items left and right and stuffing them into my bag Rick popped his head through the door. "What's the hurry? Where you off to?" he asked, uhm Sam and I are gonna get out of town for a few days. Nothing major just need to get away.... Is that okay with you bro?" I asked Rick, he seemed a little bit disappointed but nodded his head and told me to have fun. Wonder what that was about, ah well I can ask him when I get back. It took me exactly 19 minutes and 14 seconds to pack all relevant items into my bags including some groceries and snacks, I figured this would tie us over for a day or two then we could go out shopping when we needed more. I then sent my folks a SMS saying I'd be gone for a few days, need to get away, the turned my phone off; I'll deal with the consequences when I get back. Rick was down in the kitchen making breakfast for himself when an idea popped into my head, "hey bro I'm off with Sammy now, I was thinking, why don't you come down in a day or two and spend the rest of the time with us? Maybe bring a girl with so you don't feel too left out." I think this made Rick happy cause he was smiling a mile a minute and agreed to come down in two days time. I also told him my phone would be off so he could either contact me through Sam or send me an email. We decided to take my baby since I had never taken her that far out, Sam drove while I reclined in the passenger seat. All the way through we made jokes and retold stories of our childhood and the drama that we caused, feeling high spirited and happy we raced forth towards out destination, not once thinking about the consequences of our little escapade. I guess you could say we had a fork in the road and we had chosen a direction which would ultimately change both of our destinies, whether that would be for the better or for worse only time would tell.

Taking the national road we sped past many communities, most were small and rural but every now and then a town could be seen, forgoing the sight seeing we drove straight to Sam's family cabin out in Hermanus, it took us about three hours since we decided, well I decided Sam couldn't drive faster than 100 km/ph with my baby. Its not that I don't trust Sam's driving, its just that I don't trust his ability to accurately judge how others drive; needless to say it has caused him at least three accidents in the last two years and I for one would like my precious to make this trip in one piece. When we arrived at the cabin we swiftly unloaded and packed everything in the master bedroom, thankfully we had an ocean view facing the west which meant no sunlight in the morning so I could sleep late without worrying about that little problem. Once we had settled in I went down to the fridge and took out a beer for Sam and some white wine for myself, as I bent down to pull some ice out of the freezer I felt a pair of strong arms circle around my waist pulling me up, I also felt a very hard, excited Sam pressing into my ass as he held me close. "Okay tiger lemme first finish pouring my glass of wine then we can get frisky" I said under the protest of Sam's mumbles, reluctantly he let me go so I could pour myself a glass and add some ice. "I turned my phone off, wont turn it back on for the rest of this trip, oh and Rick was feeling a bit down so I invited him and he's bringing someone but that will only be over the weekend. They'll spend the night here and we'll all go back on Sunday" I told Sam who seemed okay with it.

Sam was sprawled out on the long couch watching me, so I sauntered over slowly while sipping on my glass, the twinkle in his eye let me know that he knew what I was doing and told me that he would catch me if I attempted to run or sit elsewhere so I did the safest thing. I walked over to the couch and proceeded to straddle his hips, put down my glass on the coffee table and leaned in for a kiss. I'm not sure how long we were making out on the couch but my lips were puffy and my jaw felt sore when we finally came up for a breather, "wow don't think I've ever kissed like THAT before" Sam exclaimed, of course I had to tease him. "hmm I dunno, I think I've had better, feels like you swallow my face when you kiss me" I stated with a cocky smile, Sam didn't think me so funny as I was quickly pinned underneath his hulk like frame, "swallow your face huh? I'll show you what its like when I swallow your face" he stated, which obviously led to another round of making out and some heavy petting. My gawd it surely cant get better than this, I thought to myself, strangely I had a feeling that tonight it would be much much better. When our stomachs finally forced us to untangle our lips and limbs from one another Sam figured we could fire up the grill and do a good old fashioned braai. For those of you who aren't South African a braai is the equivalent of a barbeque only ten times better, in my opinion at least, we had chops, steak and some worse as braai vlies. Once again for the non-South Africans, worse is sausage and vlies is the Afrikaans word for meat. With my superior culinary expertise I whipped up a green salad, potato salad and put out garlic bread for Sammy to gently roast later. Once we had finished cooking up supper we sat down, Sam did something that surprised me greatly then, he took my hand and told me to close my eyes then said "dear heavenly father, I know I don't talk a lot to you but I just want to thank you for Ree, thank you that he's well and thank you that we can be together this weekend. Will you please help with the situation we're facing at home and also bless the food and the next couple of days we have planned here, in Jesus name, Amen" to which I responded "Amen." "Thanks for that babe" I said, then realized I called Sam babe which made me turn ten shades of red, he had a blazing toothy grin on his face but said nothing yet I knew I would never hear the end of this again. Supper was delicious and between Sam and I there were no left overs, "man if I eat like that all the time I'll be gaining weight like crazy" he stated. I said "We can go for a run in the morning, I always enjoy running on the beach. For now lets go laze outside under the stars, it's a beautiful night, oh and turn off most of the lights while I get a blanket" that plan sounded pretty good so we went ahead and did it. Sam pulled me into his body while I spread the blanket so it would cover us both, "Sam we've never spoken about this but what's going on between us? I mean like what are we? Friends with benefits or are we seeing one another... I just feel that we should clarify everything or at least talk so we're on the same page... I'm really enjoying this whole experience with you but I need to know if it's going anywhere or is this all we'll have" I know it might have been a long shot but I needed to know, especially for when we go back home, I had to know if he would stick by me or run again. Sam clearly wasn't expecting this just yet but I think he did his best to answer my questions; "honestly I don't know if we're going anywhere or what all this is, I mean I totally enjoy this with you and I guess in a way I want more but right now I don't know if we can. Jess is having my baby and our folks are gonna know soon about us, I just don't know how we'll make it work so maybe for now lets play it by ear." In a way I was expecting this type of response from him, I just didn't realize it would hurt this much hearing him say it. I just nodded my head and continued to lay there in his arms; somehow I guess we fell asleep so it was cold and dark when we stirred. I woke up first and prodded Sam to wake up and carry the glasses and bottles into the house, we did our nightly absolutions and I crawled into bed while Sammy locked up the house. When he came back into the bedroom he stripped naked and drew me into his large frame, being the little spoon made me happy, then again just being in Sam's arms made me happy, content to snuggle into him and drift off into dream land. But just before I did Sam said "Babe, I've been thinking about what you said earlier, can you give me some time? I want to be with you and only you but I'm not ready yet..." For now I was okay with that arrangement and made it known that it was okay, for now but eventually we would have to be more. Sam proceeded to kiss me while his hands roamed all over my body, I followed suit and let my hands explore him, he yanked my boxers down which freed my dick from its confines. Kissing him really was like nothing I'd ever experienced, every fibre in my being was ignited and all the sensations felt like they would slowly drive me crazy with excruciating pleasure. I kissed my way down from his mouth to his neck where I placed some wet kisses, gently sucking on the tender flesh between his collar bone and neck; I smoothly ran my hands up from his groin to his nipples as I tweaked them lightly. Pushing him I gently threw my right leg over his body and sat upright on hip pelvic bone, lowering my head I continued kissing from his neck down to his nipples, travelling further down south till his navel. Sam's dick had been leaking copious amounts of precum into his navel so I dipped my tongue gingerly and lapped at his six pack till I finally had cleared it of all his essence. I wouldn't say the taste was sweet, but it wasn't sour either, it tasted of Sam and I guess that's all that really mattered/. Feeling his dick strain against my hand as I glided it up and down his pulsing flesh I heard Sam's breathing increase exponentially, once again I stuck my tongue out and licked the head of his dick, drinking his precum straight from the source. After my ministrations I popped the head into my mouth and gently swirled my tongue around the base of his head while applying pressure with my mouth, this had him gripping the sheets with both hands and attempting not to shove his dick down my throat with one thrust. Teasing him like this was exquisite but I knew if I didn't want to end up having my mouth impaled on his dick I had better work more of it in. slowly but surely I kept sucking him deeper and deeper into my mouth till the head touched the back of my throat. I stole a glance upward to look at his face, he was staring at me, seeing his face etched in pleasure and his eyes burning into mine invigorated my senses even more cause me to redouble my efforts on sucking him off. Bobbing my head faster and faster my only aim was to bring Sammy to climax so I could taste his seed, grabbing my head with his massive hand o felt the pressure and succumbed to his will, taking his dick head down my throat. I should probably explain that Sam isn't small at all, like every other part of him his dick was, at least on my estimate about 21 centimetres and almost beer can thick so how the hell I managed to fit it in my mouth much less my throat without choking was a mystery to me, all I felt was that I needed to do this for him and for myself. Taking his balls into my free hand I attempted to awkwardly roll them around in my hand, by now I had him panting so hard it seemed he may hyperventilate at any time. Mt own dick was dripping precum like crazy into the sheets but I didn't care, I felt so powerful for being able to make Sam feel that good but I knew it had to end soon or he would give me hell for prolonging his pleasurable torture. Slowing down my bobbing I focused all my efforts on making his dick feel every motion my mouth made, "Urrrrrg I'm so close, almost there!" he stated. That's when I sped up, almost impaling his dick as far as it would go down my throat and working on massaging it with my throat. That seemed to send him over the edge as he screamed "AAAAAH FUCK I'm CUMMING!!! YEAH TAKE MY CUM" while I continued sucking, if I didn't gag earlier because of his dick in my throat I did now with torrents of his cum shooting with such a force down my throat into my belly. When he finally stopped cumming I released his dick from my mouth, rushing to the bathroom to grab a towel and clean him up from the messy blowjob I had just given, when I got back to the room Sam had already drifted to dreamland, what an ass I thought to myself while smiling, at least I know I sucked out the last bit of energy he had hehe. Making quick work of cleaning him up I disposed of the towel and crawled into bed and fell asleep, he can finish me off in the morning.

I woke up the next morning to a strange sensation, it felt like my body was on fire yet it was completely pleasurable. My dick felt like it was being encased in warm, wet silk that kept rubbing, the friction sending sparks of ecstasy through my body to my brain. I lay there revelling in the pleasure as Sam kept bobbing his head up and down my ridged shaft all the while thinking it couldn't get better than this. Apparently I was wrong as a low hum from Sam's vocal chords sent me even deeper into the state of bliss, naturally I couldn't stand much longer than a few minutes and ended up coating his oral cavity with my cum which he greedily swallowed. It took me a while to come down from the high; "morning" I finally said, Sam had not moved from his position so I tilted my head downward to look at him. He had a blazing bright smile directed at me with a subtle cheeky expression on his face, "morning babe, how did you sleep?" How did I sleep? He just gave me an amazing blowjob and all he asked is how did I sleep? "hmm slept okay, waking up was better, what would be even better is having you up here so we could make out" I panned. Within a few seconds Sam had positioned himself between my legs and granted my wish, we may have been at it for a while but honestly I didn't care. Feeling alive I wondered what it would be like to wake up like this every morning and if we would ever loose this spark, "why don't you shower while I make breakfast? You stink" I think I may have laughed out loud at the thought of Sam cooking, we would probably be eating burned food if that was the case so I suggested he shower while I made breakfast to which he readily agreed. Sam headed for the bathroom while I headed for the kitchen, figuring it may be a hot sight I would cook naked, donning an apron just to protect myself I whipped up eggs, bacon, hash brownies and a salad. When Sam entered the kitchen he was wearing a pair of flimsy boxers which immediately alerted me to his growing state of arousal, "damn can you cook every day? Fuck that is the hottest thing I have ever seen babe" he stated. I of course was aiming for this response, ah how I love teasing this sexy hunk.

Sam had breakfast while I showered and prepared myself, I wasn't sure why but I thought I would have to be clean just in case things led to us having sex. Part of me realized that I want to make things work, that I would do almost anything Sam needed me to do, even if it meant getting over my fear and letting him inside of me. finishing up in the shower I dressed and went downstairs, where Sam was cooking, I figured since he was cooking it meant that he had eaten all my food too and was offering me burned food as a peace offer. Seeing him try to be all domesticated sparked something in me, emotions I never thought id have for another man yet it wasn't overwhelming, "uhm I kinda was hungry so I ate your food too but its okay since I made you more, less appetizing, but more food" Sam said. I accepted it without question and dug into a meal that wasn't too bad, if you don't mind the little bit of burn or the lack of taste due to no salt being added; I thanked Sam and made quick work of the dishes. "There's a storm coming tonight, so I better go and chop up some wood for the fire. Why don't you just chill and relax maybe read a book since there are plenty on the book shelf" I had to agree, I wasn't particularly feeling up to the menial task of chopping wood so grabbing a book and placing myself comfortably on the couch was a good idea.

I must have dozed off as I found myself in a field, I couldn't move, my jeans were torn and my arms bruised and constrain behind my back. I couldn't see anything but I heard the deadly silence of nature, no birds chirping and no sunlight to illuminate my way. Then I felt him on me, he was holding me down with a powerful grip, I felt a second set of hands attempting to thrust my already broken jeans below my waist as I fought in vein to free myself. I was terrified to the point of paralysis but I knew I couldn't give in; I couldn't let them do this to me. I slowly felt my jeans and underwear being forced even further down my legs as rough hands and foul breath were the only sensations overpowering my senses, when I attempted to scream I was struck by those rough hands and when I moved I felt the pressure of those rough hands exceed a blinding force on my narrow hips. Feeling trapped and totally powerless I wished I was anywhere but there, with those men who were about to do unspeakable things to me. I felt hot tears leave my lips as I begged and pleaded them to release me, not to hurt me, those pleas fell of deaf ears as the two men only wanted one thing, to completely ravage my young body for their pleasure. At that point the hands became more violent, shaking me and calling my name; "Reee, REEEE!!!! Wake up it's just a dream, you're dreaming again, wake up babe you're safe, you're here with me" I heard the words pierce my subconscious but could make little sense of them, it took me a couple of seconds to focus on the person before me, "Sammy?? Sammy!!!" I screamed them grabbed him in a bear hug and held on for dear life as all the fear and frustrations ebbed away. In Sam's arms I'm safe; he wouldn't let anyone hurt me. When I finally calmed down Sam sat on the couch next to me, sensing that I needed time and that I would clamp shut if he asked me any questions he kept quiet and remain that way till I spoke up. "It's just a dream that I have, I really don't want to talk about it but I'm fine now so don't worry" I guess this wasn't the answer he wanted but he agreed to leave it be for now however that I would have to talk about it at some point. "Are you done with the fire wood?" I asked, "yeah it's all done and in the shed, so why don't we take a walk on the beach. I think some fresh air will do us both some good besides I wanna make out with you some more." Grabbing my hand Sam led me out the patio door which opened up right onto the beach, there was a slight oceanic breeze that ruffled his hair and gave me a shiver as the sweat on my back evaporated. All the while Sam did not once let go of my hand even though we were out in public and it was thrilling, I felt free and uninhibited so I pulled Sam towards me and placed a huge kiss on his lips which he hungrily accepted, we stood there feeling the sun shining on our skin, the soft breeze tousling our hair and the scent of the ocean as we practically forced our bodies together, our lips and tongues and hands roaming and revelling in the sensations we were experiencing together. Pulling a part I couldn't help but stare into his beautiful eyes, they seemed to look directly into my soul; seemingly transfixed on my eyes the intensity between us electrified the air and made us paralysed with desire. At that moment I wanted him so badly every fibre in my being resonated in the desire for more; we continued walking down the beach holding hands and talking about life and all the things we want to do. All in all this was shaping up to be the weekend get away we both needed, tomorrow Rick and his plus one would join us and then it would be a real party but for now I was more than content just being in Sam's arms and presence.

End of Chapter 4 *********************************************************************

Hey guys hope you all enjoyed this chapter, took a while to write but never the less its done. My apologies if there are any inconsistencies or errors as it has not been proof read yet. Keep well and hope to hear from you guys. - Ree

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