In the Middle

By Marc Mclean

Published on Jan 31, 2018



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In the Middle

By MJ Mclean

The air had turned chill on my drive from Pasadena to Santa Barbara. I retrieved my jacket from the backseat and shrugged into it. I snagged my duffel and locked the car. The chirp from the car seemed louder than usual, the only noise in the hotel parking lot at two a.m.

The short walk to the entrance felt good after sitting in the car for nearly three hours. An accident in the middle of L.A. had added nearly an hour to the drive and given me more time to brood.

I'd already warned Brody and Max I would arrive late after a deadline at work kept me in the office. As I sat in the gridlock out of L.A., I'd called again, apologizing, offering to find my own room. They wouldn't hear of it. A key card would be waiting at the front desk, Brody promised.

I might have skipped the drive and the weekend in Santa Barbara if I hadn't needed the distraction so badly. Had it been a full week since I'd arrived home one night to find the note from Jaime?


I need some time to think, so I'm heading down

to Newport to stay with my sister for a while. It's

not your fault, but you must know we're just not

working. I think I love the idea of us more than the

reality of us. You deserve more and so do I.


I ran through the five stages of grief at least twice that night, spending most of my energy on anger. He threw away almost three years in a note he could have copied out of a cheap self-help book. And he'd lied. I texted his sister, who always joked she liked me better than him, and not only wasn't he staying with her, he'd borrowed her nice luggage for a trip to Cabo.

I spent the day after working through the self-pity part of being dumped, on and off the phone with Brody, plowing through two pints of Ben and Jerry's. I must have looked pathetic when Brody and Max talked about their weekend getaway to Santa Barbara because they invited me to join them.

Third wheel reporting for duty, I thought, as the hotel doors slid open. I felt guilty as fuck for intruding on their weekend, but they insisted I was welcome and I chose to believe them. I'd known Brody since college and had nursed his heart through more than a few break-ups over the years.

Max I'd met when he and Brody started to date and we'd hit it off right away. The three of us grew close, going to movies and plays, sometimes as a threesome, sometimes paired off in different combinations.

It bugged Jaime when I'd hang out with them, but he rarely wanted to join us. More than once he'd accused me of having an affair with one of them, but now I figured he was trying to distract me from his own cheating.

The hotel lobby was deserted. I gave the desk clerk my name and said my friends had left a key card for me. The clerk checked a few notes and finally found the right one. He ran a card through the machine and held it up.

"I assume they gave you the room number?" he said, arching an eyebrow like he'd only just considered the idea I was not on the level.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and checked the texts from Brody.

"Yep, it's 414," I said. The clerk let go of the card and directed me to the elevators.

Brody and Max were staying in a suite with a full bedroom and a living room with a fold-out bed. They'd promised to make up the sofa bed before I arrived.

I found the room and inserted the key into the slot The green light flashed, but when I pushed the door, it stopped with a thud. The security latch was in place. I sighed, wondering if I the desk clerk would mind if I napped in the lobby until morning.

Instead, I knocked. "Um, guys?" I said. "Hello? Brody? Max? I'm here, but I can't get in." I knocked again, hoping I didn't wake up the rest of the floor.

I finally heard muffled voices and the rustle of bed covers. A thump of feet and another rustle.

"Sorry, Riley, hold up." Moments later, the door closed and then reopened. Brody let me me in, squinting from the hallway lights. "Sorry, Riles, I guess we locked up by habit. C'mon in."

He turned to lead me in. His blonde hair was mussed and he wore only a pair of navy briefs, which hugged a bubble butt I'd stared at more than once. Way more than once, actually. I nearly ran into him as he stopped and motioned to his right.

"Living room's there," he said "Bed's made up. S'OK, but it's a sofa bed. If you want, we can make room in the king-size." He grinned. "It's soooo big and soft."

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I said. "I'm so tired, I could sleep almost anywhere. Besides, you always say Max snores."

"That's a lie," Max called out from the bedroom. "I sleep with gusto, that's all."

I dropped my duffel near the sofa bed. "I can't thank you guys enough for letting me ruin your weekend. Really. I'll make it up to you."

Brody smiled and pulled me in for a hug. His bare skin was warm as I wrapped my arms around him. "We're happy to have you here," he said. He kissed me on the cheek and moved toward the bedroom. "Last chance for a love sandwich, baby!"

"You did not just say that, did you?" I said with mock horror, but somewhere in the back of my mind the picture of the three of us entwined in bed flashed and my cock stirred. "Go to bed, you perv."

I made a quick trip to the bathroom, then stripped to my boxer briefs and slid into bed. It wasn't as bad as most sofa beds, but there was no getting past what it was. I thought I might toss and turn, but I fell asleep almost immediately.

An hour later, I awoke. I was about to adjust my pillows when I heard sounds from the bedroom. Grunts, moans, sighs, the slap of skin. Oh hell. Brody and Max were fucking. I listened. There was no doubt.

"Fuck, oh, fuck, Brody, mmmm ...there, mmm ..."

To be more specific: Brody was fucking Max. Brody always claimed to be versatile and he'd let slip on a few wine-soaked boys' nights how big Max's cock was and how good it felt in his ass, so I suppose this confirmed his claim about going both ways.

Without realizing it, I'd slid my hand into my boxer briefs and begun to stroke my cock, which had grown hard as I eavesdropped.

I heard rustling of sheets. "Wait, Brode... I wanna be on my back when you come..." More moving around and then a satisfied grunt. I could hear the slap of skin on skin again. As Brody found a rhythm, he began to grunt with each thrust.

I pictured the scene: Max, the taller and darker of the two, on his back, his legs spread, maybe wrapped around Brody's hips. Brody, balls deep in Max's ass, thrusting faster and harder, his head thrown back.

"Mmmm... wanna come with you, babe..." That was Max. I heard a new sound. Had he started to stroke his cock?

I had eased my boxer briefs down and off and thrown off the covers. If one of them walked out now, they'd catch me naked and hard and stroking, but I didn't care. I fell into Brody's pace, feeling my precome coat my cock and hand. I slowed a little to make sure the sofa bed didn't squeak. I was close. So was Brody.

"Almost there, Max, almost ... unh... unh ... ahhhhh ..." I imagined Brody shooting his load into Max's ass and with that image in my head, I started to shoot. I grabbed my boxer briefs to catch my come. I heard Max cry out as he reached his own climax. Suddenly, the room was quiet.

I carefully pulled the covers over me moments before I heard one of the guys get out of bed and go into the bathroom, maybe to clean up. I didn't dare move at all for fear of being caught. I couldn't believe what I'd done, but I felt the tension drain from my body.


The sun was out and filtering through the edges of the drapes when I awoke again. I found my phone to check the time. 9:20. I could hear voices in the other room, heard my name a couple of times, but couldn't tell why.

As the night before came back to me, I found my sticky boxer briefs and shoved them in a side pocket of my duffel. As I sat up, Max walked into the room, showered and dressed in a red henley and jeans.

"Well, good morning, sleepy head." He leaned over and pecked me on the cheek. "Make it through the night on this thing?"

"Morning, Max, good to see you," I said. "It wasn't all that bad. I fell asleep almost before my head hit the pillow. Just woke up." He smiled, but I thought I saw something else in his eyes. Had they heard me?

"Well, we're going to go find coffee and bagels while you get ready," he said. "Then we can talk about the day."

Brody emerged from the bedroom, wearing a green polo shirt and jeans. "Hey there, sexy, you have hot dreams?" For a minute, I was sure he knew, but then I realized he was just being Brody.

"Yeah, all about you," I said, licking my lips with an exaggerated slurp.

Before I could stop him, Brody had pulled the covers off, exposing me. "I told you he slept naked, Max. He always did in school too."

I reddened, but tried to play it cool. I hoped there were no globs of dried come left from my jerk-off session. I rummaged through my duffel to find a shirt, clean underwear and my bathroom kit. I stood and headed for the bathroom, wiggling my ass for show as Brody and Max cat-called.

We spent the day sightseeing in Santa Barbara. We shopped, toured a winery up the coast, ate too much and watched the sun set from the beach at a place called One Thousand Steps. Brody and Max held hands and Brody motioned for me to join them. He put one arm around my shoulder and I leaned on him, holding back tears. Of sadness? Of happiness? I didn't know.

For dinner, we tried a seafood joint on the wharf. We drank a lot of wine and talked and reminisced and the guys did their best to distract me. They never once mentioned Jaime, even when I did.

After dinner, we went to a bar on State Street where they didn't care who you danced with. We did shots and danced, the three of us. I watched Brody and Max grinding against one another, kissing, groping. I felt sad, alone, but tried to stay in the moment. I danced a while with a younger guy who tried to feel me up, clumsily, then excused himself to throw up in the men's room. I tried not to take it personally.

Finally, we made our way back to the hotel. We were all exhausted, but smelled like the beach and the bar, so we took quick showers. I was last. Afterward, I pulled on a pair clean boxer briefs and retreated to the living room. Brody and Max were already in bed, scrolling through their phones, laughing at Facebook posts or videos.

I sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. The day had been good for me. I'd managed to stop thinking about Jaime for most of it and I'd loved my friends' company. But I was still a third wheel. I decided to leave after breakfast and let the guys had a Sunday together.

As I plugged my phone in, I heard a voice from the bedroom. "Hey, Riles," Brody called. "Why don't you come in with us. This is a really big king bed and it's soooo much nicer than that thing you're on."

"It's OK, Brode, I'm fine," I said. "It's your room. I slept well last night."

"Riley, don't be such a diva," Max said. "Come in with us. We want you to, really."

I thought about it. Why not? The sofa bed was really not that comfortable. I just had to figure out how to keep my cock from sporting wood all night.

I stood and walked into the room. Brody and Max were sitting up in bed, the covers at their waist. Brody pulled back the comforter and patted a spot on the bed.

"Right here, Riles," he said. "Our bed is your bed."

I smiled. "Thanks, guys, this is too nice." I sat on the bed and was about to swing my legs in when Brody stopped me.

"Hold up there, Riley," he said. "We don't wear underwear in this bed, buddy."

I blushed. Max clucked his tongue.

"I thought we decided this morning that you slept, you know, nekkid." He made it sound so ... inviting.

"Um. I... uh ... but you guys ..."

"You want us to remove them for you?" Brody said.

"Fine," I said. I shucked the boxer briefs and slid into bed, pulling the covers over me, aware of how naked I felt. I worried I'd start to get hard and that was all it took. I started to get hard.

Max turned the light off and I settled in on my side, facing away from Brody and Max, willing my cock to back off.

"Um, Brody?" I heard Max's voice.

"Yes, Max?"

"We're not being very good hosts, leaving poor Riley hanging off the edge of the bed. I think he should sleep in the middle, where it's more comfortable. What do you think?"

"You always have the best ideas, Max. It's why I married you, you know," Brody said.

"I thought it was my big cock," Max said and I swear I heard him swat Brody's ass.

"Well, that too," Brody said. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "C'mon, Riles, move into the middle. Be the meat in our love sandwich."

My heart beat wildly. What was going on here? My cock was almost at full boner now. "Listen, Brody, I really ..."

Brody pushed himself up and, as he did, Max pulled me toward the middle. Brody landed on the edge, where I'd been. And in one deft move, I was in the middle.

Max turned to face me from his side and Brody from his. "Now isn't this better, Riley?" Brody said. "So much nicer for all of us."

"God, I thought you'd never take the hint," Max said. "We practically begged you last night."

I felt a hand on my hip. Max's hand. He ran his fingers along my side, up and back. Brody began to caress me from the other side.

"Yeah, and after you jerked off when we were ... fucking," Brody said, "I thought sure you'd come in."

"Um ... you heard that?" I said.

A hand grasped my cock. Brody's hand. "Yeah, we heard you. Kinda hard to jerk off on a sofa bed. It was all we could do not to laugh, all the squeaking out there."

Brody ran his hand along my cock. "Fuck, Riles, you're already hard for us? I was hoping you would be. We were hoping." I felt Max's hand tug on my balls. Brody leaned in and kissed me.

"Um ..." I started to say, but Brody kissed me again, this time pushing his tongue past my lips. Max moved closer and I could feel his cock against my hip. He nudged Riley's head aside and took his turn on my lips. I felt Riley press his cock into my other side.

Max lifted his head up and pulled Brody's face to his. I watched them kiss and felt my cock throb. They both leaned down and kissed me at the same time. I gave in to the heat and kissed them back, our tongues exploring each other.

Brody threw the covers off the bed and by the light from the window, I could see the three of us together, naked, hard, Brody along one side, Max the other, me in the middle.

I was the smoothest and the leanest of us. I had no chest hair and just a dusting on my legs. I kept my bush trimmed close and my balls smooth. Brody's chest had a smattering of hair, with rings around his nipples and a faint treasure trail from his belly button to his bush, which was trimmed, but not by much. Max had a little more hair on his chest and a full, natural bush, dark and tangled.

"Is this for real?" I whispered and then I felt a wet, warm mouth take my cock. Brody sucked one me, then looked up.

"Is this real enough for you?"

I moaned again as Brody took my cock into his mouth, the shaft sliding down his tongue. Max began to kiss me again and, emboldened, I reached down and began to stroke him and Brody, a cock in each hand.

Chills swept through my body as Brody sucked deeper. I guided Max up and over and slid under his hips so I could get at his cock. He was the biggest of the three of us, with the only uncut cock. I practically drooled on it as I began to lick it, pushing my tongue beneath the foreskin, tasting his salty precome.

He moaned as I took his cock into my mouth, a little at a time. "Brode," he said, his voice thick. "Let's do it."

Brody understood and he pulled his mouth from my cock. The two of them arranged themselves around me and guided me until we had formed a triangle. Brody eased his cock into my mouth as Max took mine into his. Then Brody twisted until he could take Max's cock.

We writhed and moaned, turning our bodies. Brody began to thrust his cock into my mouth and I swallowed it hungrily. I felt Max draw my length into his mouth. He massaged my balls and the sensitive skin behind them. As Brody fucked my face, I found his ass and began to press at his hole and I felt Max do the same to me.

I could see Brody swallow most of Max's big cock and I marveled at his control. I pulled on Brody's balls and played with his ass, tracing a finger lightly across the area behind his balls. His cock rubbed against the back of my throat and I sucked and ran my tongue over the shaft. Max eased back and sucked on my balls, one at a time, then took my cock back in his mouth, pressing harder at my ass.

I could feel my orgasm building, almost as much from the sight of the three of us as from Max's expert mouth. I moaned louder and squirmed, trying to send the message that I was close to shooting. Max realized what was happening and sucked harder, determined to drain me.

I knew I was going to shoot first, but I couldn't hold back any more. I let out a muffled cry and my body tensed as I shot into Max's mouth, feeling what felt like quarts of come. Brody thrust one last time and froze as he began to come. I felt the warm liquid fill my mouth and slide down my throat and I swallowed it all.

Max held out the longest and, before he came, he pulled out of Brody's mouth and kneeled, stroking his cock above us both. He leaned back his head, closing his eyes, and almost yelled as he began to shoot, the ropes of come spilling over my body and Brody's. When he was done, he collapsed on top of us, kissing me and then Brody and then me again.

We lay in a sticky heap for a while. Max got up and returned with warm washcloths. He cleaned us all, then climbed in bed. I was in the middle, with Max behind me and Brody in front of me, spooning in a sweaty threesome.


The sun was shining through the drapes hours later when I awoke. This time, I was the first. I carefully climbed out of bed to pee. My mind was jumbled, partly from the hangover from the wine and the shots, partly from what had happened last night.

Would they regret it this morning? Would this ruin our friendship? Should I sneak back to the sofa bed for now? I washed up and emerged. Brody was still asleep, but Max's eyes were opened. He watched me and patted the spot in bed I'd left.

I climbed back in. Max kissed me. "Morning, Riley. How you feeling?"

"A little hungover, but... was that real last night, Max?"

He kissed me. "It was real," he said. "We've... wanted this for a while. Never knew what to do about it." He kissed me again. "Gotta pee," he said. "Isn't going to be easy with this." He padded to the bathroom, his cock bouncing along in front of him.

I settled back into bed, lying on my back, stunned by what he'd said. They'd wanted me with them? What did that mean? Brody stirred and rolled over, running his hand down my chest. He kissed me as Max had and pressed his erection against me again.

"Morning sexy," he said.

I wanted to ask Brody about what Max and said, but he jumped out of bed as Max returned and Max ducked his head under the covers and started to suck my cock, short-circuiting any thoughts I was having.

Brody crawled back on the bed and pulled me into a kiss. He sucked on my tongue like it was a cock and it made me shiver. Max came up for air and started playing with my ass. He used a finger to massage my hole, then turned me so he could push his face between my cheeks. I writhed and moaned as he began to suck at my hole.

I pushed my tongue into Brody's mouth, reaching down to stroke our cocks together. He moved my hand around his hip until it was near his ass. I took that as an invitation and started to massage his hole as he stroked our cocks.

Brody reached over to the nightstand. He'd brought a few items from the bathroom, including lube. He handed it to me and I squired some on my finger and his ass. Brody passed the lube to Max. I felt the cold squirt against my ass and then gasped as Max pushed a finger into me.

I rubbed the lube into Brody's ass and began to finger fuck him, wiggling it around, searching for the right place. I added a second finger about the same time Max did in me. He found my spot and I moaned, feeling my cock throb. I pushed my fingers deeper into Brody and drew out a cry.

Brody passed a foil package to Max and one to me. I opened mine and and Brody unrolled the condom onto my cock. I felt Max's wrapped cock push against me, so I knew he'd managed on his own.

I realized Max was about to fuck me with a cock bigger than any I'd ever taken. I held my breath and braced myself as the head began to stretch out the muscle in my hole. I felt a stab of pain and cried out. Max slowed.

"You OK, Riley?" he said. "I can stop."

"No, no," I said, almost panting. "No, I'm all right. I want you in me. Do it."

I pushed my cock against Brody's ass as Max worked his way into mine. He took it slow, but it hurt all the same. I tried to enter Brody, but had to wait for Max to find his way into me first. He pushed until I felt his body close to mine, his bush tickling my ass.

Brody was growing impatient and pushed his ass back toward me. I pushed and slid into him easily. We lay there for a moment, Max's cock in me, mine in Brody. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I also knew I wouldn't last long. This was sending me to places I'd never been.

I pulled back and thrust into Brody, starting the rhythm. Max worked to match it, pulling out of me as I pushed into Brody, shoving his cock into me as I pulled back out of Brody. It took a little effort, but we fell into it and soon we were writhing and thrusting, Max behind me, Brody in front, me in the middle.

I reached around Brody and stroked his cock, which grew hard again in my hand. My heart raced as I fucked Brody and felt Max filling my ass with his cock. Once more, I felt my orgasm building as I thrust.

"Gonna come soon," I said, panting. "Gonna come."

Max pulled out of me and let me fuck faster, thrusting into Brody's ass until I shuddered and thrust in one more time, holding my cock as it filled the condom.

Behind me, Max had pulled his condom off and was stroking his cock to keep it hard. He looked at Brody and back at me and I knew what he wanted. I pulled out of Brody and rolled out of the way. Max turned Brody on his back and lifted his legs, shoving his cock into Brody's ass in a quick move.

He thrust once, twice and on the third time, closed his eyes and held his cock in Brody's ass. Brody moaned and looked into Max's eyes.

"God, I love you so fucking much, Max," he gasped. He reached for his own cock, but he started to shoot before he could stroke it more than once. The come spurted on his chest. He scooped some onto his finger and let Max suck it off.

I pulled my condom off and disposed of it. I fetched warm washcloths and helped Max clean Brody. We fell onto the bed and napped for a while.

When we woke up, we lay in a tangled heap and idly played with whatever cock or nipple or other body part was within reach.

"Guys, I don't know what to say, except this was the single hottest night I've ever had," I said. "It'll keep me in jerk-off fantasies for years."

Brody leaned over and kissed me, then Max. "We hope you won't have to remember it, Riles," he said. "We hope we can keep doing it."

I smiled. "You don't have to say that, Brody," I said. "I don't want to be a third wheel. You guys helped me so much this weekend."

"Riley," Max said. "This wasn't just for you. It's not because we feel bad for you. We want to do this more. A lot more. I told you. We've been wanting you with us."

"If you're a third wheel, then it's only to keep us from tipping over," Brody said.

"You're talking about ... me being part of ... you?"

"Maybe," Brody said. "If you want. And if it ... works."

"So ... you and you and ... me in the middle?" I smiled and sank into the bed, pulling both of them on top of me. I kissed Brody, then Max, then both of them.

"Well," I said, as I took a cock in each hand, "I always did like sandwiches."

The End

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