In the Shadow of the Pyramid

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 16, 2019



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Oteotep's work quality dropped as the day progressed, and as I observed him sweating profusely, dangerously, I realized that he was totally unused to this labor. Well, everyone has to learn, and I kindly showed him how to cool himself by the dousing of his body with water. His response to that was the sort of grunt one would give a nonentity who had done one a minor favor, and my misgivings increased. I would speak with the steward of the stone-cutters this evening, I decided, and ask him to be removed and for Keotin, or at least a co-worker able to handle his duties, be assigned to replace him. As it was, I shared the shame of having to discard two of the stones placed into our keeping, both because of Oteotep's careless strokes with his hammer.

And yet, when all was done and we were washing ourselves, a true wash and not just the cooling wash of the water, Oteotep came up to me with an appearance of joviality (though it seemed forced) and said, "We shall go to meet my friends just after the evening meal and the prayers to the gods." he said.

I nodded, rather curtly. "I shall be there as I promised." I said.

"Good." Oteotep said to me. "See that you do."

Only after he left did I realize that I had been given an order.

Keotin found me as I was in line for the evening food. He called me forward and because we were well-known to the other workers, my moving forward to join him was tolerated where it wouldn't have been by a newcomer.

"Where have they taken you?" I asked Keotin and he beamed.

"I have been placed with the artisans." He said proudly. I pounded his shoulder in praise, but my heart sank. He had been promoted, would work within the cool interior of the pyramid while I labored still upon the outer parts.

"Are you painting the glyphs?" I asked him.

"No, of course not." Keotin said. "But I lay out the plaster and spread it smooth so that they may paint upon it their designs." he said. "Some small imperfections in the stone must be smoothed out as well, it is why they chose a stone-cutter for the job when it was needed."

"You are lucky." I agreed with him. "Though the man they gave me to replace you will need much training before he can properly be a stone-cutter."

"You can hope he can be trained." Keotin laughed. "Although, if he is anything like the man I replaced, Oteotep, then you should speak with the steward."

"It is Oteotep who is my new helper." I admitted, and Keotin laughed heartily.

"I am told he could not learn how to spread the limestone plaster smoothly." he said. "That and he kept speaking a lot of nonsense. I hope he is a more genial stone-cutter."

"He ruined two stones this afternoon." I said. "That and he has not yet learned to handle the afternoon sun."

Keotin only laughed the more, and I was determined to speak with the steward.

Yet Oteotep came for me immediately after the prayers, and because I had given my word, made my promise to him, I felt compelled despite all I had learned since, to go with him. Keotin saw us leaving together and his look of surprise was answered my own look of helplessness, and while the rest of the workers gathered about the fires to sing songs and tell stories and drink wine, I ended up going with Oteotep, away from the one part of the day that truly belonged to myself, to go with him to meet his friends.

I ended up at a house somewhat apart from the others of the village that had sprung up around the pyramid, and one somewhat larger than the others. This impressed me in a way that Oteotep had not. Nobody built a house so large unless he needed it this size. Several wives, children, riches. This is what made a man add rooms to a house, and this house held a second story above the first one, true magnificence! Only nobles had a second floor to their homes!

Oteotep was stopped by a man at the doorway, and they exchanged words unfamiliar to me. I couldn't tell if it was another language, or just our own with a different inflection.

And I was ushered inside with Oteotep beside me, toward a ladder that led up to the second floor. I had thought I saw the ladder being lowered when I entered, and after we had climbed up it, the ladder was indeed pulled up. Nobody would interrupt us now, not without bringing a ladder of their own or something similarly difficult beforehand.

The room was smaller than the room below, but not by so very much. There was plenty of room for the four men who were in the room. They were gathered around a small object, which was a cubical block of stone some six inches on a side, that was stood upon one corner, and held in that position by three golden prongs that rose up from the stand beneath it.

"I have brought him, Grand Builder." Oteotep said with every sound of reverence, the tone one would use with a priest.

My own reaction was one of immediate if dubious acceptance of this priest and his title. There are many gods, more than any could know by name. If these men knew of another god and how to worship and propitiate him, how to gain his favor, then I would listen and be glad of their aid. If they could not, then I would speak with the steward tonight or tomorrow morning and get Oteotep reassigned.

"Step forward, and state your name and profession." the Grand Builder said.

Trembling somewhat, I obeyed. "I am Kephrin, and I am a stone-cutter." I said.

"You work upon the pyramid?" came his question.

"I do." I said with rightful pride.

"Then you are worthy of inclusion in our circle." he said.

"I do not understand." I responded.

"Then listen and learn." The Grand Builder intoned.

"I hear and obey." I said. It was the response used in the temples, I knew it well.

The Grand Builder showed me the cube of stone. "In the beginning was the All. And the All held within itself the universe. But it was unformed, no part was separate from any other. The All required someone to form the universe out of the All."

"And so there came to the All the Great Architect." And the men made an obiesance. I wondered if I should attempt to imitate it, decided not to. I was not an initiate, I could not be expected to know the signs and forms.

"And the Great Architect held in his left hand a chisel and in his right hand a hammer." the Grand Builder continued. I perked up some at this, this god was a stonecutter like myself! Surely he was a god I would be interested in worshiping myself!

"And the Great Architect placed the chisel upon the All and he swung the hammer a mighty blow! Ka-Thoom!"

And the All was shattered into a million, million pieces from that one blow, that one magnificent stroke, for each piece emerged fully formed, and from the All came all things, the birds in the sky, the beasts in the fields, the plants in the fields, the water in the Great River and the fish therein, all were born in that one great stroke, the beginning of all things, the strike of the Great Architect!"

"Blessed be the Great Architect!" the others intoned.

"The Great Architect formed the world." the Grand Builder finished. "And we continue his work under his divine guidance, creating more beauty for the glory of the one who created us all from the All, we the builders, guided by him, the Architect of the Universe!"

I listened to all of this (there was much more, I have given you but the gist of it here, the story was much richer in detail and colorful metaphors that made it live for me) with conflicting emotions. Horror, for this story of creation denied all the other gods, each of whom had their own place in the shape of the world, and excitement, for this was a god being offered to me, a god who would look most favorably upon me and my family, for were we not builders as he had said. Whom would such a god be most kindly toward, if not such as me? That was the great problem with the other gods, one must find sacrifices that were pleasing, buy their aid, but what would please an Architect more than the proper work that I was already doing?

Yet still.... The Grand Builder noted my discomfiture and smiled, spoke to me. "You wonder how you can worship the Great Architect without offending the other gods?"

I nodded, fearing the words that would be needed. You never knew which god was listening at any time, or what would displease them.

"You may continue to worship the other gods without fear. The Great Architect created them as he created us. Their powers remain and cannot be denied. Yet they listen to the Great Architect, and so he is worthy of your prayers first and last each day. We shall teach you this prayer so that you may gain the Great Architect's favor."

I nodded, much relieved. The gods could not object to an extra prayer from my lips so long as I gave them their prayers and offerings as before.

"And there is the matter of the initiation into our circle of worship." the Grand Builder continued. "If this is what you wish to do, now that you know the basics of our circle. Do you choose to join us now, that we may teach you the rest of it?"

I nodded again, this time eagerly. "Yes, please." I said. "Show me the way of the Great Architect, that I may serve him and gain his favor."

"We shall, once you are one of us." the Grand Builder said. "The three of us shall initiate you this night and begin your instruction upon the morrow."

Three? I looked about, Oteotep was gone. But how? Where? The ladder was still up!

I had no more time to think on this for my initiation was begun. The two other men in the room (I still did not know them at all, though both were about my own age and handsome, well-muscled men), stepped up to me on either side and I started as their hands reached for me, touched me.

Those touches turned to strokes, those strokes turned to fire upon my body. These two were deliberately inciting my senses, heightening my joy by the intimate touching, the curving stroke that encircled a breast and came back to lightly tap my nipple, the hand that strode along the long muscle of my back, down from my shoulder, following it down to the small of my back, and come to rest upon the indentation below my waist.

Somewhere in this moment, my wrap about my mid-body was undone, and it rustled down and away from me, leaving me exposed to the Grand Builder. Exposed and my excitement showing in my turgid rod pointing toward him, toward the image of the All that became the universe under the Great Architect's hand and hammer-blow.

The Grand Builder just smiled as his two acolytes (for so I adjudged them now to be, the servants of the priest who wait upon him and assist in his rituals) further inflamed my body, and when one of their hands finally encircled my manhood and pulled upon the tower of my virility, I could but groan and a rope of my very life exuded from it to reach in a rich drop toward the floor. As it fell, the Grand Builder nodded his approval. "He is ready."

I found myself now gripped by the acolytes, and they showed their power by lifting me up between them, one hand each under my thighs and I was carried, lifted over the All and I gasped as the uppermost point just grazed the hairs of my anus as we passed. Had they done this on purpose? They could not have excited me more had they done so by accident.

But the All was not their target, for the Grand Builder had laid back and his prong reached toward the heavens, the chisel that would split me open and create the universe that lay dormant within me.

I was lost in a sensation I cannot fully describe to you. There was the pleasure of the body, yes, but more, there was the pleasure of finding at last a god whose countenance was not at all frightening, but benevolent and kind, a god who was pleased by my every action, a god who was ready to listen to me with special favor, because I pursued his own avocation, the creation of beauty out of unformed stone. It was like going home to a place I had never been before, and yet all of it was so familiar to me, touching my very soul.

And in that state of ecstasy and excitement of body and mind, I was lowered upon the Grand Builder's cock, and as it slid up into me, I could but moan and let myself be skewered by him. Initiation, yes, the fully being taken by the leader of this new god's circle, to become one of the circle, joined in soul and body, can you understand, can you comprehend, how in that moment I was transported into a fervor of belief and the joy of such realization that no mere touch of body could ever give to me?

And the acolytes now placed my weight upon my own feet, and I was straddle of the Grand Builder, their hands supported my upper body still, but I could see that if the initiation was to continue, I needs must continue it myself!

And I squatted above the Grand Builder and I began to rock on my heels, sending my buttocks bobbing up and down upon his masterful manhood, and the Grand Builder smiled beneficially and kindly upon my eagerness, and I grinned madly back at him as my joy transfigured my body and transmogrified my spirit into the dutiful worshiper of the Great Architect, he who built all, he who would watch over us until we build the world into the image he wanted, and then he would reach down for us and take us up into his realm to live by his side, no longer apprentices to him, but his partners in the shaping of the universe that was ever changing and ever in need of the Great Architect's guiding hand!

In that joy that transported me, I danced my joy above and upon the Grand Builder's cock, and as that majestic organ heated from my attentions, my own heat built higher still.

As the groans of the Grand Builder increased, my own climax clawed at me and I was helpless, I could only spray my seed upon the Grand Builder's clean, brown body and I groaned in helpless desire and dismay, for had I offended him?

No, for he laughed at me in my eager fountain of my sperm and he let that heat seep into him from my jism upon his body and he hunched up into my clutching buttocks and he gasped and his groan caught and held and in a high keening pitch, his tower of masculinity ejected its fluid up into me, and I felt the hot peppery spray of his come into my ass, and felt it drip back out again and I groaned and I plunged down to impale myself utterly upon him, and yet in doing so, I trapped the remainder of his jism and it pumped up into me and I caught it all and held it and then when I rose, I milked his cock with my sphincter and it gushed a final present into my anus and my body closed up tight when I released to keep it always within me.

Without another word, the two acolytes, whose hold upon me had never yet ended, lowered me down to the floor before the Grand Builder's cushion and upon that floor, they lay upon me, in a triangle of male lust and they kissed and fondled me as their cocks rubbed against my body.

Deftly I was turned over and one of them plunged his prod into me and I was fucked by this acolyte, who had done his duty and now deserved his reward, he was burning with his lust and he lasted but a few moments, enough for a scant double-score of thrusts into my body and then he was ejaculating, pumping his seed into me, to join with the Grand Builder's.

I was unsurprised when he rolled off as soon as he was done, and his cock was replaced by the second acolytes, this one had a gentle rolling motion to his fucking, and it took him longer, and yet before he was done, my own delight had awakened in me again and while I did not reach a second climax (I was unsure I could have given the power of the first despite the attentions I received), I did find my body welcoming his kindly strokes happily even as he intensified their speed and then jetted his spunk into my body while he hunched at me in small movements that kept him deeply imbedded in me.

Done, I was feeling weak but very contented, and I looked up at the Emblem of the All before me, and I said, in new-found religious awe, "The All." I whispered. "May the Great Architect find favor with me as he did with you, and create his greatest works through my hands."

"Noble words indeed." the Grand Builder said approvingly. "Now you should return to your quarters and speak not on what you have learned, for not all are ready yet to hear the words of the Great Architect. We shall call upon you soon and you will have your second test of the initiation."

I smiled at the thought of what a second initiation would entail. "I will wait happily for you to call upon me." I said.

"Rise and dress, then, and go." the Grand Builder said. "And again, say nothing of this to anyone. We shall be most displeased if you speak of us to anyone not of our choosing."

"I understand." I said, and bowed, cast a last look at the Emblem of the All, and I left via the ladder.

Keotin was full of questions when I finally made it back to our bed. Yet I kept my word and told him only that I had visited with some new friends. I had to promise to introduce him to them soon, and I comforted myself by thinking that the Great Architect would surely want Keotin as well within his circle.

Great things were going to happen soon, was my final thought before I fell soundly asleep.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 4

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