In the Still of the Night

By dino alpacino

Published on Dec 17, 2007


A pale autumn sun hung in the air. The golden mirror of the river was ruptured with the swift and decisive lunge of a piercing bow. The water rippled, then churned when sixteen oars disturbed its peace.

'Time!' I yelled.

Peter clicked his stopwatch and gave the results to Louis who scribbled it on the clipboard. 'This puts them third.'

'Cornell still has to race, and so does Amherst.' Someone said, with a sigh.

'I just hope we're in the top five.' I said and crossed my fingers.

We walked back to the dock, where the varsity team was climbing ashore. The banks were filled with students and spectators. Banners of the competing teams fluttered in the wind. Ladies held their hats in their place with one hand and their drinks with the other.

Beau walked beside me and I saw him cringe when he crossed eyes with another black boy about our age. In a waiters uniform, of course.

'Don't tell me it's not like this in France.'

'Not like this, Dylan.'

'I'm sorry.'

'It will change, in time.'

'Let's hope so.'

'It seems like there's nothing else I can do, but hope. LibertŽ, ŽgalitŽ et fraternitŽ, mon cul.' He said with a glum shrug.

'So, sleep well?'

This brought a smile to his lips.

'Very well, merci.'


'None of your business, mon pote.'

'Is that a no?'

Beau chuckled and elbowed me. 'It means my lips are sealed.'

'As opposed to last night?' I asked innocently.

'I did not know we openly discussed these matters. Or do we?'

'I thought the French were liberal.'

'We are highly adaptive.'

'Fair enough.'

We came to the dock and rushed down to help the rest of the crew lifting the shell out of the water. The varsity crew has huddled around the coaches. We passed them, carrying the shell ashore and Thom threw me a wink and a smile. Beau, who was right behind me, gave me a tap on the shoulder and laughed as I blushed.

'Are your parents here somewhere?' I asked.

'Most likely. Drinking sherry and socializing.'

'Aren't they going to come over and congratulate you? Third place is pretty impressive.'

'My father would say I should've joined Yale or Harvard.'

'Why didn't you? It's closer to home.'


'Oh, right.'

'So, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?'

'I don't know, it's five o'clock already. I'm getting hungry.'

'Okay, let's go home and change.'

'What's your place like anyway?'


'I gathered as much.'

'But it's home. I glad we got it back.'

'What do you mean?'

'During the Crash we had to sell it, so Dad's company could keep its head above water.'


'Yeah, but then again, who didn't?'

'We didn't.'

'Don't tell me your family didn't feel a thing.'

'Honest to God. Literally.'

Thom cocked his eyebrow.

'My father had most of his investments in European holdings. When the American market showed signs of weakness he sold everything before it hit Europe.'

'So? The dollar dropped. Everything went to hell.'

'Everything but the Catholic Church. We now own a few dozen churches and a publishing agency that deals in Bibles and stuff.'

'And you make money out of it?'

'So you have any idea how much money the Church has?'

'Point taken.'

When he said the house was big, he understated. The townhouse of the Burke family must've been as wide as three regular houses. Five flours of it. When we walked up to it, I let out an appreciative whistle.

'That's big.'

Dylan opened the front door and we walked in to a hall of impressive proportions. A large marble stairwell wound its way up five floors. The only natural light came from the immensely high ceiling and by the time it reached the ground floor had faded to a soft glow reflecting of the marble under our feet.

I was about to comment on the dramatic flair of the interior when a butler dressed in a red livery took my coat.

'Why is he wearing that?' I whispered to Thom.

'One of my mothers whims. Some kind of a Russian Empire nostalgia.'

The butler pretended not to hear and gracefully took Thom's coat.

'Young mister Burke, I'm sure Ms. Stella has something for you lads to eat. Shall I go and check?'

'That's alright, Petrov. We'll go ourselves, thank you.' He led me through some rooms, all nicely furnished, if not a bit too lavishly.

'I know, my mother has a flair for the overly dramatic.' Thom chuckled as he opened a door that led to the servants quarters. Going through a hallway we passed some of the household help. They all stood aside and greeted us with a small but courteous bow of the head. Which I found to be a bit much, but to each his own.

We entered the kitchen, two more maids did their bow, and at the stove was a large woman.

'Afternoon, Stella.'

She turned around and was all smiles. He rosy cheeks like apples, glints in her eyes, and unruly red hair.

'Tomazj!' she shouted with a thick Slavic accent and hugged him tightly. Thomas, not scrawny or even slim, still managed to disappear into her bosom. She had her eyes clenched shut and seemed to be enjoying this moment. After a few moments though she opened them and noticed me. Pulling Thom from her breasts she asked, 'Tomazj, who's handsome friend of yours? But better, does he eat?'

'Stella, this is Dylan. And I guess he might be hungry. At least I am.'

'Any friend of my malchik is friend of mine. So, what do you want for meal?'

'I'm sure that whatever you have cooking will be just fine.'

Thomas and Stella exchanged a glance and broke out in laughter.

'How about I make you boys peanut butter and jelly sandwich?'

'Great, thanks Stella. Can you send it up to my room?'

'I chase those lazy maids there myself!' she bellowed and turned back the stove.

Thomas grabbed me by the hand and dragged me back into the hallway. He gave me a quick peck on the lips when I bumped into him.

'Thom, the help.' I whispered.

'This is the one place in the house where you can do what you want. They won't tell.' And as if to prove his point he gave me full kiss on the lips. And the people just acted as if they didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I was still a bit baffled from being kissed in the open, well not really open, but still in public. But Thom dragged me on, up a flight of stairs that led back into the house.

'The second floor. My parents' bedrooms are on the end of the hall. Those of my sisters on the left. And all the way in the back, ' he said as he opened the last door, 'are the stairs to my part of the third floor.' Another flight of stairs, which brought us to a small foyer with a set of high double doors.

Behind those lay Thomas' room, although apartment would be more proper. First a drawing room with high windows on the streetside. Then a study with what seemed to be his private library.

'Impressive. Have you read all that?'

'Hold your horses, they're mostly children's books. So, yes I have.'

Another drawing room, more intimate, but with French doors opening up to the back of the house. The setting dusk veiled the garden down below, but I could make out a balconied terrace. The last door led into his bedroom. A gigantic four-poster dominated the room. The woodwork was done in black lacquered paint. The walls and ceiling a very dark grey with only the relief adornments in white. It had a very majestic air to it all. There was very little light in the room and it bathed in an enticing obscurity.

'Wow, this is a great room. Rooms.'

'I know. My mother still doesn't understand why I couldn't just go to school here in Boston and stay in the house.'

'Shows how much she knows.'

'That it does. Let's go sit outside.' I followed him back to the first living room and outside.

'Don't you think it's a little cold for this?' I asked, blowing clouds.

'I'll go get some blankets.'

I studied the garden that lay down two floors. It was rather large for a townhouse. There were some trimmed bushes and a small pond. I recognised the landscaping as an English Garden from one of my mother's books. It was beautifully done although I couldn't see much of it. Thom's terrace looked more suited to the setting with some potted plants that could withstand the cold winters of Massachusetts.

'There we go.' He said from behind me and pulled me down on the large lounge chair that could easily seat two. We crawled under a stack of plaid blankets and didn't talk. Gradually we warmed up, mostly due to our huddling together.

The soft tap of footsteps shook me out of my comfort and I made a point out of releasing me from Thom's hug. A young girl in a maid's uniform put down a platter with our sandwiches and a coffeepot. She poured two big bowls of cafŽ au lait and handed them to us. All the while she was silent and didn't look us in the eye. Thomas sat up straight and asked her a question in what I presumed to be Russian. Shyly she answered and looked up. As they conversed for a short minute I noticed she observed the situation skilfully. While she listened and answered her eyes darted from Thom to me and I think she had at least some perception of what was going on. Most likely she had already heard of our kiss in the service halls. The household was usually fast to spread such rumours. The 'upstairs world' presented itself as a play to them, in which they were the stage managers. I wondered what I had to be like to live your own private life in a large household such as this.

The girl made a polite pliŽ and walked back inside.

'Nice girl.' Thom commented.

'A bit shy, no?'

'She told me she's only been here for a few weeks. I sure hadn't seen her before.'

We enjoyed the sweet sandwiches and the coffee. I warmed my hands on the bowl and when it was empty quickly put them back under the covers. I reached under Thom's sweater and rubbed his stomach.

'Mmm, nice.' He purred and put his warm hands on my neck. We crawled closer and embraced like a couple of Eskimos. The sky turned from violet to a deep blue and the first stars twinkled weakly. We stayed outside until the blue hour of dusk made room for the early evening dark.

'We better go and say hi to my parents.' Thom mumbled but didn't let go.

The mention of his parents sobered me and I got up and pulled him with me.

'Getting nervous?' he chuckled.

'I'll have to get changed.'

'My parents prefer formal dress. I hope you packed your three piece suit.' He stated with a hint of sarcasm.

'Real funny.' I replied and went over to my small suitcase to retrieve a clean shirt and dress trousers. As I undressed Thom came over and ran a finger over my bare chest.

'Damned, you're so hot I could just devour you right now.'

'Parents first, devouring later.'

'You've got your priorities all messed up, you know that?'

I just smiled and buttoned up my white shirt.

'Leave the two top buttons open.'

'Whatever you say.' I walked up to him and gave a quick kiss. 'Satisfactory?'

He pulled me in for a deep kiss and I took that as a yes.

'Okay, let's get into "buddy mode". My mother is very perceptive.'

We walked out of the room and I tried my best to keep a comfortable distance. I realised I needed to make this my second nature whenever we were together in public; and not in the least around our teammates.

'Port, sherry, vodka perhaps?' Thom's father asked after we sat down. He spoke with a thick accent. It was a mix between Slavic and Jiddish sounds, and was quite agreeable to listen to. I've always gotten a kick out of accents.

'Vodka would be good, thank you.'

The butler who had taken our coats earlier served me a crystal glass with about two fingers of vodka and a lemon curl in it.

'To bronze!' Mr. Burke toasted.

I had to keep myself from laughing when I saw the glances Thom and his father exchanged.

'I think bronze isn't that bad at all.' Mrs. Burke said with lightness in her voice that suggested her pride in her son.

'Then give me your wedding band and I will slide a curtain ring on your finger, Svetochka.' Mr. Burke replied with a twinkle in his eyes.

'Oh Dov, there is no need to be crude.' She rolled her eyes. 'So tell me, Dylan O'Keafe, something about yourself.'

Three sets of eyes turned to me and I wasn't sure how comfortable I was.

'Oy, when my wife asks a question you better drink up.'

I smiled and downed the glass.

'Ah! At least we know the boy can drink.' He joked.

'I'm Irish.' I said in a reply to both Mr. and Mrs. Burke. 'I'm from Chicago, where my father's an investment banker.'

'A banker? Good people.' Mr. Burke added.

'Well, I guess so. I'm studying Literature and Art History and, as you know, I'm on the crew with Thom...Thomas. Well, I'm a junior actually.'

'Literature and Art History, that's interesting.' Mrs. Burke said. 'Favourite writer, favourite artist?' Which was not as much a question as a demand.

'Prose: Forster. Poetry: Elliot. Although I must admit that Dylan Thomas is growing on me. Depends on his next publication. And art, Georges Braque or even Malevich.'

'It surprises me you two even get along, which such different tastes.' She remarked with a delicate smile.

'We manage just fine mother.' Thom rebutted with a subtle hint of irritation.

'Well, we're happy to see you here with a friend once more. How is Calvin doing by the way?'

Thom tensed and shot me a quick glance. I kept up a perfect front and didn't give away a thing.

'He's fine. Lost the first game of the season though, I've heard.'

'Tough luck.' Mr. Burke replied and shot his son an intense glance.

'Well, you give him our regards, and tell him his mother wishes him to come home once in while. She was terribly jealous when I spoke her last, after you visited. And now you're here again. I'll better keep that to myself. The poor thing would become worried.'

'Well, I'll try to drag him along next weekend.'

'Oh my, aren't we popular. Three weeks in a row?'

'Coincidence mother.' He jabbed with a smile, 'Dylan needs to be in Boston for a play. I thought I'd tag along.'

'So glad to have raised our son with a born sense of hospitality, isn't that right Dov?'

'Russian blood can't freeze.' I supposed he meant that in agreement. 'Now, Svetlana, we really must be going. That banquet must be in desperate need of our entertaining presence. And you boys be good, I don't need bastard kin running around Boston. And I bet neither does your banker-father.'

'Uhm, no sir, he doesn't.'

'Dov, what must the boy think of us. Let's go, before you embarrass me even more.' She sighed and pushed her husband to the door. I stood up, shook his hand and kissed her politely on the cheek. Right before she closed the drawing room door, Mrs. Burke turned around. 'Be good.' She reminded Thom, and she was serious.

The door closed and I bent over double, laughing. Thom was still embarrassed by his parents' display.

'Well, at least there's no worry of knocking someone up.' I jeered.

'Pity, I hoped to breed you tonight.' Thom growled in a very good impression of his father and pulled me to his chest.

'Mmm, I thought you were going to show me around town.'

'State House,' he whispered and kissed me under my left ear. 'Boston Commons,' another kiss right under my Adam's apple. 'Fenway.' His hand stroked the growing bulge in my pants.

'What about dinner?' I asked, without much resolve, as I pressed myself into his groping palm.

'We'll go all out and have a decadent meal in my bedroom.'

'Well, Mr. Burke I'm still not entirely...'

'I said bedroom.' He interrupted and squeezed my hardening dick.

'No point in arguing is there?'

'None,' kiss, 'what,' kiss, 'so,' kiss, 'ever.'

'You state an excellent case.' I smiled and opened the door.

I landed on the firm mattress with a soft thump. Thom stood at the end of the bed, rather triumphantly. He'd tricked me into a slow make out session and I was getting lost in his expert distribution of attentions when he shoved me without much ceremony.

In his eyes smouldered a dark fire I had not often seen in him. Taking off his shirt he slowly looked me over appraisingly. If I'd been naked I would have felt like a piece of meat. Shirtless and backlit he did nothing but look at me, and still I had never before felt so desired. There was hardly any tenderness to be found. The pure masculinity of his actions had me turned on like nobody's business. I wanted to reach out and pull him on top of me, but something told me Thom would be running the show. With slow and deliberate movements he unbuckled his pants. My anticipation grew and so did my cock. Thom turned around and walked over to the bedroom door to close it. The light that had streamed in from his living room was shut out and the room was now nearly dark. I heard him yank his belt out of the straps and it fell to the floor. With a soft rustle his pants followed. He jumped on the bed, coming out of the dark into my range of vision. Crawling on top of me he straddled my legs and slowly unbuttoned my shirt. His hands slid over my torso and it stayed unclear if it was a gentle caress or a claim. In no time he had my pants off. We stared at each other's beauty and masculine form. He put the full weight of his body on me and I sighed. The close contact of his hot skin combined with the obstruction of his body on mine relaxed me. With slow rotating thrusts Thom ground his cloth-covered groin into mine and a little moan escaped my lips. I wanted for him to kiss me but he seemed intent on keeping our eye contact. Not a word was said.

We got into some heavy rubbing and thrusting and I felt my cock dribble a wet spot on my briefs. Once again, as I got lost in his touch and movement, Thom broke it off. He lifted himself off me and left me feeling cold and abandoned. His fingers traced from my pits down to the waistband of my jockeys and they were slowly peeled off. My rod was trapped under the waistband until it cleared and slapped on my abdomen.

'Turn over.' His coarse voice commanded and I obeyed. The touch of his hands on my lower back ran a shiver over my body. They ran down over the globes and his thumbs delved into the crevice. As they passed the tense muscle that lay hidden inside a second shiver spread. For a few minutes all that was felt where his hands, caressing and kneading my ass. I tried to relax but the knowledge of what lay ahead prevented me. He crawled back on top of me and the fabric of his briefs felt rough after his warm and soft hands. The hard mound inside them made me buck involuntary and his soft chuckle broke the silence. He came to rest on my back and the weight pressed me down into the mattress. It was then that I suddenly felt harboured and safe. I knew that, though anxious and with some dread, I looked forward to having him take me. I longed for it. His muted but very present dominance put me at ease. With a tender kiss on my neck Thom reassured me. He rummaged for something in the bedside cabinet and came up with a bottle of massage oil.

His breath was heavy on my neck and after a swift lick of his tongue on my right ear he said, 'This is the time to back out.'

I ground my buttocks into his groin in response. With a kiss close to my eye he moved his warm body back down.

He spread my cheeks and his breath fell on my ass. A few furtive licks down my crack made me sigh. He didn't waste much time and before long Thom had his tongue working on my bud. When I had gone to work on his ass, and even on Charlie's I hadn't known that it felt like this. I realized it really was your most private place. For it to be washed with spit and teased by an agile tongue was indescribable. The thought that someone was worshipping my arsehole with his mouth seemed beyond everything I had ever deemed possible. But there was no denying Thom was doing just that. He lapped the closed muscle and softly sucked on it. I groaned in appreciation. Coming up for a breather he pulled my buns farther apart. The wetness cooled and for the third time I shivered.

His face buried itself between my butt cheeks and Thom attacked the entrance with his tongue. At first I clenched but quickly yielded to his intrusion. The tip gained entrance and I gasped. With some more effort the rest of his tongue snaked its way through the muscled ring and I moaned. A deep and satisfied moan, voicing the passion that built up inside of me. The recognition that my ass should not be left unattended. The need to be taken care of, in more than one way.

His tongue slid in and out, jabbing at my hole. A fingertip joined in and took over. It gradually moved inside. After the second knuckle I felt discomfort. It didn't hurt but it didn't seem to meet the required form or whatever. I groaned when he moved his finger in and out and shifted my ass a bit. Thom pulled out and I thought he would give me a second to relax. But I felt two fingers return and try to ease their way in.

'Thom, wait a second.'

'Shh, baby, just relax. I know.' His soothing voice came from behind me.

He dripped some oil on my pucker and worked it into the knot of muscle. The slickness was unaccustomed but helped the two fingers. They forced themselves inside and though still uncomfortable I had no problem letting them inside. He worked on my sphincter, loosening me up. After some minutes I had grown accustomed to the penetration and the need to be filled rose again. I moaned and moved my ass closer to him, signalling I wanted more. Thom pulled out his fingers and I was surprised how empty it felt now. He crawled back on top of me and the jockeys were gone. Instead I felt his hot and pulsing hardness slide in my crack. He pressed the length of his dick against my butt and slowly moved it up and down. Pouring some oil on himself he lubricated me as well and soon we were bucking against each other in earnest.

'Mhm, Thom, I want you. I want to feel you.'

It didn't take any convincing at all and I knew he was randy as hell. Getting up on his knees, Thom started to rub his bell end against my pucker. I made little grinding motions both to satisfy my ass and my cock, which lay trapped and very hard underneath me.

'Put it in. I don't want to wait anymore.' I moaned.

'Okay, here goes.'

The pressure increased and after a first reflex of clenching I tried to relax. I knew to push out but it was difficult fighting the impulse. Thom didn't relent though and I felt him pushing though, gaining entrance to my ass. The head popped in and I let out a little groan and clenched my teeth. He patiently waited for me to adjust and let the spasm in my sphincter subside. I took a few deep breaths and felt as ready as I'd ever be.

'Okay, go.' I heaved.

In a slow but deliberate motion he pushed himself all the way home. It burned and my ass didn't take to kindly to be invaded. But I had to admit it wasn't as bad I thought it would be. All the prepping had proven useful. But most important, I wanted him so badly inside of me.

The soft patch of curly pubes tickled my buns and his balls rested against the curves.

Thom lowered himself on my back and put his arms under my chest, hugging me from behind. His head lay in the nook of my shoulder and his hot breath caressed my face.

'Are you all right, buddy?' he whispered.

'Yeah, just give me a minute.'

'We've got all the time in the world, lover. The bad part is over.'

I sighed with relief and tried to name what I was feeling. Physically I couldn't get a grip on it. I was filled, stretched. Recovering from his penetration I didn't know if I wanted his dick to stay inside of me or leave. Emotionally I was just as confused. I wanted him to dominate me, take me as his own. At the same time I had given myself to him, to my lover, and wanted to be held.

'You feel really big.' I said softly.

'Thanks.' he grinned and stroked my hair.

Thom began moving his hips a bit, in small rotating moves. With each new circle he pulled out just a little and then pressed himself back inside. I got to know the feel of his dick inside of me. Thom let me have a taste of being filled and ground himself deeply inside again. His movements became more pronounced and he pulled out further. With very slow strokes he moved in and out. I still needed some time to get used to having him inside, but right about then Thom left me. His body hovered over mine and I longed for his touch, and I longed to feel him inside.

A teasing kiss landed on my neck and I squirmed. Thom laughed softly.

'Thom.' I whined almost inaudibly.


'Touch me.'


'Don't matter.' I chuckled.

'Not good enough.'

'Take me.'


'You want me to beg for it, don't you?'

'Yes.' He hissed in my ear and licked behind it.

'I need you, I want you...'


'Jesus Thom, fuck me already!' I sighed in frustration.

His body came back down and with one firm shove he filled me again. A long and loud moan escaped my lips.

'Damn, you want it bad, don't you?' Thom teased.

I gyrated my hips and discovered that I could gain some control on the situation. 'You bet.' I grunted as I worked myself on his shaft.

Thom seemed to suddenly change gear and his speed and rhythm increased. I was not prepared for that. Waves of pleasure and heat coursed through my body as he pounded me in earnest. I took every inch of thick cock over and over again. He began panting and moaning as well. We were like two rutting animals. No words were needed; the sound of our fucking was enough. I tried to turn my head and see his face but Thom pressed me down by the neck and I was forced in the pillow. Constricted by his hands and heap of muscle I surrendered completely. At the same time I felt used and loved. Very bizarre but good. Thom's thrusts grew more fierce and he kept going faster. I must've looked like a fish out of the water, gasping for breath and thrashing my head around like a man possessed.

'You like that don't ya.' He growled between clenched teeth.

His moves became more erratic and his breathing ragged and I figure he was about to come. I turned my head and was shocked by the aggressive lust on his face. Like a force of nature he could not be stopped. Jaws clenched, nostrils flaring, a faraway but intense look in his eyes and rivulets of sweat showed me Thom in passion. I watched in awe.

Then in a flash his eyes refocused on mine and biting his lip Thom came in three massive thrusts that shoved me against the headboard. His thick shaft pumped a load in me and Thom dropped himself on top. His heaving breath in my ear, his damp body on mine.

Slowly his cock withdrew from body and I was left gaping. Thom pulled the bedcovers over us and hugged me. Still dazed, I just lay limply on my stomach.

'Hey, you okay?' he whispered.

'Yeah, sure.' I replied, still not back on this world.

'Listen, I'm sorry. That was probably a bit much for you...'

I freed myself from his hold and turned on my back. Pulling him in close I smiled lazily and kissed him. 'Are you crazy? That was the, it was I don't know...just don't say sorry.' I smiled.

'Really? I was kinda rough.'

'I'm a big boy.'

'That you are.' He grinned and grabbed my dick. 'Want me to get you off?'

'Not now, I think I want a shower.'

'I can do you even one better. I'll run a bath and get us some food. You just stay here.'

'There you go, is that better?' he asked soothingly and shifted himself so I lay more comfortable.

'I'm a bit sore, not invalid.'

'I know, but what's wrong with being take care of?' he asked and rubbed my shoulders.

'Mm, nothing I guess.' I cooed. 'But you still feel guilty.'

'Guilty shmuilty!'

'Sure, I know you by now. You're compensating.'

'Jeez, can't a guy be nice just to be nice?'

'I guess it's possible.'

'You're a bastard you know that?' he said close to my ear.

'That's why you love me.'

'Who says I do?'

'I do. Now shut up and wash my hair.'

Next: Chapter 12

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