In the Still of the Night

By dino alpacino

Published on Oct 20, 2007


'Hey Dannyboy. Why so glum, chum?'

Dannyboy had apparently stuck for good with Edward, who seemed to be in an extraordinarily good mood.

'Thom's gone.'

'Gone where?' he asked cautiously.

'Boston. For the weekend.' I answered moping.

'So he's gone for one day?'


'Good grief, you made it sound like he was off to the Raj for five years.'

I lifted my shoulders and got my shower kit.

'Tell you what, after your shower, we'll go for dinner.'


'And you better be in a better mood. I have no intention whatsoever to carry you around like a sack of taters.'

The shower did me good. After all, he would be back on Monday. And dinner with Edward was always fun. And it was Saturday night. Who can mope on a Saturday night?

'So where do you want to go? No, don't even bother, I know exactly where we're going. You better pack an overnight bag. And take the fiddle.' Edward ran out and I stood in the middle of our room, still dripping and aghast. I dressed, casual, but not too casual. Who knew where he was taking me. I packed a bag, and threw in a few of Edwards clothes as well.

'Packed and ready? Off we go!' he shouted excited and looked at me with a raised eyebrow when I didn't move.

'What's the matter now?'

'Where are we going?'

'You'll see. Let's go now. Patty Hendersmith loaned me her car and we better leave before she changes her mind. Quickly!'

I grabbed our stuff and followed an over excited Edward. He ran over campus, jangling the car keys and urging me to run faster. We got a lot of looks, but even only a few weeks into the semester Edward had already acquired somewhat of a status. So I don't think many people thought anything of it. For me at least, it was nothing new. Me running after an over excited Edward, while he was rambling at me in his dirtiest cockney to catch up.

We came to the covered garage, a converted carriage house actually, and caught our breaths. For me a short run like this was standard. Edward, as he usually did after one of his outbursts of energy, heaved dramatically and supported himself with one hand against the wall.

'Oh dear, the exertion.'

'Well, maybe you shouldn't have yelled at me while running.'

'Where's the fun in that?' Heave. 'Then it would be just running, now wouldn't it?'

'What's so wrong with that?'

'Honestly, O'Keafe. It's like Wimbledon sans champagne.'

'Alright, enough with the dramatics. What now?'

'We're looking for a gorgeous black and white Mercedes 260.'

'They bought their daughter a 1936 Mercedes? That's brave.'

'Hardly, everybody KNOWS the Hendersmiths are Nazis.'

'Are they?' I asked, while we sauntered through the garage.

'Of course! Her old man wrote a pamphlet that practically called for the hanging of all Americans who weren't pure of blood. Pure blooded Americans, have you ever. Oh, there it is!'

'How are you on those issues anyway?' I asked, we rarely discussed politics.

'White, negro, Jewish or Arian, makes no difference to me. I'm superior to the lot of you anyhow.' He replied with an air of indifference. 'Say, can you drive?'

'Of course, can't you?'

'Perfect, you can be the chauffeur then.'

'For all your talents, you can't drive?' I mocked.

'I don't cleave wood, does that mean I can't enjoy the hearth?'

'Oh boy, you're getting Aristotelian on me again.'

'On the contrary my Irish donkey, I'm getting Scottish on you.'

'Excuse me?'

'I will explain if you start the automobile.'

I knew there was no other option than to comply. Hesitantly I started the car and when I heard the engine had run warm I went into gear and we rolled out of the garage.

'As I was saying O'Keafe, the Scottish School speaks of axioms. Undeniable and unquestionable facts, that lie at the base of reason. In this case, that I am far too delicate for manual labour yet reap its products.'

'Got it. Never ask you about actually doing something.'


'Where am I going?'

'Straight ahead, O'Keafe.'

'You're fantasizing again, aren't you?'

'What ever would you be talking of?'

'That you're the Lord and I'm the Irish stable boy.'

'I never stopped believing that.'

'That's a comfort.'

'Silence, you rebellious peasant.'

I slapped him on the head and swayed a little on the road.

'Are you sure you can drive?'

'Are you sure you want to know?'

'Oh dear.'

I laughed and floored it. This car was great.

'So how's the Nazi-mobile doing?'

'I would give up free speech for this.'

'Spoken like a true white man. Want a swig?' he offered me his flask.

'I'm driving.'

'So what?'

'In Patty Hendersmith's car.'

'Who cares, her father will buy her a new one.'

'You drive it then.'

'I'd rather not.'

Maybe it was all the nazi talk, or I just wanted to talk about him, but I said, 'Thom's Jewish, you know.'

'Oh, really? Now you mention it, it shows in his face.'

'How so?'

'Dark hair, fair complexion, strong nose, strong eyebrows.'

'Maybe, yes.'

'Did you now that before I came to America, I had never seen an circumcised cock?'

'No, really?'

'True.' He answered laconically. 'How is his?'

'What do you mean?'

'Now don't you pretend to be coy.'

''s nice, I guess.'

'What kind of an answer is that?'

'Besides my own it's the first I ever...handled.'

'You blew him already, no?'

I blushed and kept my eyes on the road.

'Yeah, I have.'

'It's great, isn't it?' he grinned.

'It's uhm, weird. And strangely satisfying.'

'That it is.'

We came to the crossroads that connected the town with the state roads.

'What now?'


'Edward, where are we going?' I asked with a hint of suspicion in my voice.

'We're going to the shore.'

'Lake shore is right Edward.' I sighed and looked for a spot to make a u turn.

'I know. Sea shore is left.'

'What?! That's a two hour drive!'

'You better floor it then.' He answered undisturbed.

I shook my head, and floored it.

We made good time and arrived at our destination in an hour and a half. Dusk had already fallen and the salty smell of the ocean drifted our way on a soft breeze.

The little town of Shorebrook offered a picturesque view, not unlike a Hopper painting.

Edward dragged me to a wooden inn, painted white with blue windows.

'Here we are, the wonderful Clam Inn.'

'Are you serious? The Clam Inn?' I laughed.

'This was your last jab. There is no mocking The Clam!'

'Okay.' I chuckled, surprised that Edward actually valued something. He mocked and despised everything, from the Great Pyramids to his mother's Siamese cat. This tacky Hampton tourist trap however seemed to be exempt. I was very curious why.

We went inside and everything screamed "Seashells, fishing nets and kerosene lanterns". I suppressed a cocky grin and Edward sighed contently.

'Ed!' a surprised voice rang from a shadowy hallway.

"ED?!" I thought, "That's a first."

Out of the shadows stepped a hunk of a man. He looked to be a few years older than us, mid twenties. Broad shouldered, tall, suntanned skin, a blond mop of hair that was bleached by sun and seawater. He was to drool over. Edwards face lit up like a Christmas tree and they flew in each other's arms. The hug lasted somewhat longer than expected when two old friends meet again. I watched amused, but when the bloke's eyes fell on me I stiffened. What was that look? Confusion, or jealousy? He let go of Edward and turned to me. Edward quickly caught up and put his hand on the guy's arm.

'How rude of me! Charlie, meet Dylan. My roommate.' The last word was said with a certain emphasis I couldn't quite place. I offered my hand and Charlie shook it with a firm grasp. He gave me the once over and finally broke into a friendly smile.

'So, you're roommates at college?'

'Yes, we are.' I answered, and determined to clear up this situation, asked, 'And you were...'

'We were uhm, roommates this summer.' He answered with a wink.

'I wouldn't exactly call it that Chuck, more like b...'

'Edward, customers.' He whispered and glanced at a few old men in the corner, who were observing us with no particular interest.

'Sorry, I forgot.' Edward apologised true heartedly. Another first for me.

'So, what are you doing here?'

'We're coming for your famous clam chowder, of course.'

'Of course. You want a table inside, or outside?'

'What do you think?'

Charlie laughed and put his hand on Edward's shoulder, where it lingered. 'You know the way, I'll be with you in a few. Okay?'

'Take your time, Charlie.'

I followed Edward out and was treated to a great view. The terrace tables, all empty, overlooked the beach and the ocean. In the blue grey light of dusk, one could see shadowy shapes on the water. The light of the lanterns was their sole give away. Small fishing boats bobbing on the calm Atlantic.

'So, Ed.' I teased, 'Spill it.'

He smiled and lit a cigarette. 'Some relatives have a summerhouse nearby. I had planned to visit them for a week and enjoy the beach. Afterwards, I would explore the cities of the East Coast. You know, go to the Met, the Boston Opera, see the Liberty Bell.'


'One morning I went for an early stroll at the shoreline. The fishermen had just returned and were selling their stuff on the beach. It reminded me of home and I sat down to watch. All of the sudden this gorgeous stud, barefoot, clad in his pyjama bottoms and nothing else strolls up to the fishermen. I think I was sold right then and there. He looked so...'

'Dreamy?' I teased.

'Half naked.' Edward replied, remembering a previous conversation of ours. 'And irresistibly cute. He still had this morning head, you know. Scruffy face, puffy eyes, his hair unkempt...' He smiled and stared at the ocean.

'So what happened?'

'He stalked me for a few days, got me drunk with a cheap bottle of gin and seduced me.' Charles said from behind me. Edward veered up and smirked, 'There was little seducing to it, Chuck.'

'That's because we were so plastered we could hardly stand up straight.' He replied and took a seat next to Edward. 'Though if I'd let you, you really would have put all your moves on me.'

'One word of advice, Dannyboy, never try drinking a sailor under the table.'

I laughed, all the more because they were both serious.

'Now, where's that chowder?'

'Hey hey, cool it. I'm not your lackey, your majesty.'

Edward, to my surprise, had no witty repartee in store. Instead, he rubbed Charlie's leg and smiled at me.

'But you're right, it's almost ready. I'll be back in a flash.'

When Charlie was back inside, I lifted an eyebrow and looked at Edward.

'Needless to say, I saw Met, nor Opera, nor Liberty Bell.'

'He looks like a great guy.'

'He is. But different worlds.' He answered, with a hint of regret.

We didn't say anything more and waited for the food, which didn't take long.

'Here we go, two clam chowders, enjoy.'

'Thanks, Charlie.' I said and dug in. It was good. Really good.

'I've got to go back inside, kick the drunken locals out. You're staying the night?'

Edward looked at me, almost pleadingly.

'Sure, why not.' I replied.

'Good, I'll set you up with a room.'

'He can make due with a singles.' Edward said and smiled.

'Great!' Charlie beamed and left.

'So I guess I'll be walking the beach alone tomorrow?' I asked with a grin.

'Leaves you some time to pine for Captain Jew, I mean, Crew.'

'Yeah yeah, smart ass. I'm sure you won't be slurping oysters.'

'Far better, my friend, far better.'

We enjoyed the clam chowder and commented on the view, I made one more jab at the interior and Edward gracefully admitted it was somewhat over the top. Apparently Charlie had taken over this business and not dared to change anything because of its acquired value in the town of Shorebrook.

We had just about finished our meal when Charlie came outside and joined us at the table. He put a bottle of Kentucky Bourbon on the table with three glasses.

'I kicked everybody out. Time for them to head for the bar anyways.'

'So we're all alone?' Edward asked.

'Just the three of us.'

Edward scooted closer to Charlie and pulled him in for a kiss. At first I smiled but when they didn't stop and decided to make up for time passed, I poured myself a glass of bourbon. When they finally came up for air, I was leaning against the wall, my legs stretched out on the bench. Sipping my bourbon and smoking a cigarette I was totally at ease.

'Hey man, I'm sorry if we were uhm a bit indiscreet right now.' Charlie apologised blushing.

'That's okay.' I replied in a mellow tone.

'No really, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything.' He said and then added, 'I mean with two guys and all...'

'Oh Chuck please, he's got a bloke.' Edward laughed.

'Oh really, you do? I wouldn't, I mean I didn't notice...'

'He's cute when he does that innocent routine.' I said to Edward.

'I know, it reminds me of the farm boys back home.' He answered and put his arm around Charlie's waist.

'Oh I'm anything but innocent.' Charlie grinned and to prove his point gave Edward a sloppy kiss.

'Point taken.' I replied dryly and poured them both a glass.

Edward raised his glass in a toast, 'To the Greek vice!'

The three of us clinked and jugged our shot.

'So, tell me about this boy of yours.' Charlie asked and poured me another one.

'Well, he's my senior by one year. Name's Thom. We're in crew together. He's from Boston, that's where he is right now.' I tried to think of other things to tell when Edward interrupted me. 'That's not what he wants to hear. Get to the good parts.'

I blushed and with a grin I continued. 'He's a damn cute, a bit like you but with black hair. Not as big as you though. For me he's the sexiest man alive and I could just...' I trailed off.

'Yes?' they both asked.

'Let's just say that if he were here, I wouldn't be sitting here with you guys.'

'Point taken.' Charlie smiled. 'Speaking of which, I think I'm gonna turn in.' and then added, not even trying to be subtle, 'Whenever you're ready.'

Edward got the message loud and clear and practically shot up.

'Your room is the first on the left. Up the stairs next to the kitchen.'


'Will you be alright, I can show you if you want to?' Charlie asked.

'He'll be fine, let's go. I'm really tired.' Edward jumped in, obviously faking a yawn.

'I am, you guys have fun. I'll see you tomorrow morning.'

'Make that noon.' Edward smiled lustfully.

'Is that a promise?' Charlie teased pulling Edward in for a kiss.

'It's a necessity.' He replied and pulled Charlie with him. 'Goodnight Dylan.'

'Sleep tight, Dylan.' Charlie chuckled and followed Edward inside.

'Goodnight guys.' I answered softly and stared at the ocean. Damn, I really missed him. I was letting this get to me a lot more than I had planned. So far for being rational. I was happy for Edward though. I really hadn't expected for him to have someone special. I was determined to hear him out on the way back what he thought of his relationship with Charlie. What were they? For another fifteen minutes and another glass of bourbon I stared at the fishing boats and the calm surf. Thinking of Thom of course. I decided I better head upstairs myself.

Walking up the stairs I heard faint laughing from the room at the end of the hall and smiled. At least they were getting some.

I woke up, it was still dark. Staring at the ceiling I listened to the soft rustle of rolling waves. In the distance a foghorn blew and the sad wail made me all the more melancholy. Throwing the warm covers of my body I was chilled by the crisp sea breeze coming through the open window. I reached for my singlet and pulled it over my head. The fabric clung tight to my torso and I felt it rub over my hardened nipples. My insomnia could only be helped, I knew from experience, by a cup of warm milk. It had been thus ever since I was little. I cautiously opened the door and tiptoed into the hallway when a sound made me freeze in my steps. From the end of the hall I heard a low moan. I knew it came from Charlie's room. And I knew I should've just walked downstairs to the kitchen, but I didn't. Instead I turned around and tried not to make the floorboards creak as I lightly trod on them, heading for Charlie's room. I held my breath and felt like I was little again. Trying not to make a sound, sneaking up to my brother, playing hide and seek. This time though the game was a bit different. I came to the door of their room, slightly ajar and was greeted by a deep sigh. I peeked through and saw Edward lying on his stomach and Charlie on top of him. In the blue shadows they looked like one, connected at the hip. Well, not exactly at the hip.

'This okay?' Charlie whispered huskily.

Edward moaned in response and curled his back, moving his butt closer into Charlie's groin. They both grunted and Charlie pushed his torso up on those big arms of his. That boy had a great body. It was strong and big and muscled. His head hung between his shoulders and I saw his face in profile. With closed eyes and his lips slightly parted he sighed. He started slowly moving his ass up and down, causing Edward to whimper. With slow and sensuous thrusts it moved closer to his lover and then parted again. The two full mounds of his butt stood proudly in the dim light.

'I want you.' Edward gasped and clasped onto one of Charlie's strong forearms.

'How do you want it?' he asked with a hoarse voice.


Charlie took longer strokes and sped up the rhythm. I opened the door a little more and was rewarded by a full view of their bodies in a mirror on the dresser. I now saw both sides and could distinguish Edwards face, turned towards the mirror. He was biting his bottom lip, eyes closed. Charlie seemed to be at cruise speed and was pounding his meat into Edwards ass with abandon. The slapping sound of flesh on flesh filled the room, from time to time accompanied by a muffled groan. I focused on Edwards butt and each time Charlie pulled out I saw part of his shaft, glistening in the soft moonlight. He bent his arms until his head was over Edwards neck. Tenderly he nipped at it, keeping up the rhythm of his hips. Edward moaned and propped himself up on his elbows. The thrusts slowed down and they shared a kiss.

Edward whispered something in Charlie's ear and he moved off. The full glory of his cock came into view. He leaned back, sitting on his knees. The proud cock stood up in an angle from his taught stomach. His body shone with sweat, it had an almost poetic value.

Edward sat on his knees as well, facing Charlie. They kissed and let their hands slide over each others bodies. Charlie leaned back and Edward positioned himself over the glistening cockhead. This was the most graphic explanation of man sex I would ever see, I thought to myself. In a slow but deliberate movement Edwards impaled himself on his lover's rod and a deep primal groan emanated from his chest. In a swift move Charlie pulled Edwards legs to him and toppled him over. He now had Edward on his back, legs bent at the knees, pulled up to his chest. And with renewed passion he thrust inside. All tenderness seemed gone and he just went to town. He pounded hard and deep, much to Edwards delight, who was panting and groaning obscenities.

Charlie moved in for a kiss and with savage lust ravaged his mouth. He kept this up for a few minutes, all the while I was pulling my own cock. Watching them go at it, in an embrace so arousing and almost obscene, did it for me. I was in a trance, spying on them.

Charlie groaned with urgency and he pulled out completely, only to drive his big dick back home, deep inside Edwards asshole. With a few firm thrusts he came. I could see his face in the mirror, contorted with the torture of pleasure. He collapsed on Edwards chest and caught his breath. I took that as my cue to leave and tiptoed back to my room, my dick leaking and throbbing. I fell on my bed and yanked down my pyjama bottoms. I recalled the images in my head and closed my eyes. I slowly stroked myself, getting my precum lathered over the shaft. I moved my hips and fucked my fist. I was really getting into it when I heard my door creak open. My eyes flew open and I didn't know what to do. Charlie stood in the door opening, buck naked, his cock still oozing cum.

'Don't stop on my account.' He said, deadly serious.

'I uhm, Edward?'

'He's fast asleep. But I thought it would be only fair I saw you cum. Since you saw me shoot my load.'

I still didn't know what to do but automatically stroked my cock again. He was just way too hot. Charlie closed the door behind him and stood next to my bed, watching me jack off. 'You could've joined in you know? I know Ed wouldn't mind.'

'That'd be awkward don't you think?' I said, still pumping my meat.

'Maybe.' He said thoughtfully and straddled my chest. His half hard meat dangled in front of my face, slick with juices. His heavy frame obstructed me from jerking off so I just marvelled at his big slab of meat.

'Do you want me to fuck you?' he asked bluntly.

'Ah, no, that's okay.'

'Oh, saving it for your boy eh?'

'Uhm, kind of, yeah.'

'That's cool, you're right. Can I do something else for you?'

'I'll clean that cock of yours.'

'Does that get you off?' he grinned.

'Yeah. Move closer, I can't move my arms.'

He did one better and move around so his face was over my cock and his meat dangled over my face. I opened up and he dipped himself inside my mouth. The rich flavour engulfed my mouth. The obscenity of having his half hard cumslicked cock in my mouth got me back on track and I whacked away. Charlie would move down and lick my head, or suck on it a little and then let me get back to my jerking. His cock didn't grow hard, but it didn't soften up either. After a few minutes though it was clean as a whistle. He pulled out of my mouth and went to work on my cock again, bobbing up and down the shaft. Then he did something really unexpected, and I had not a clue what to do. He moved a bit forward and then positioned his butt right over my face. The firm globes filled my field of vision and in between there was his pucker. It was surrounded by damp hairs and it tightened and loosened all the while, like it was twitching. Sensing my confusion he moved off my cock and softly said, 'This is a trick that'll make your boy go wild, you'll thank me for it.'

'What do I do?' I asked unsure

'Improvise.' He said and moved his ass in closer and sat on my face. The musky smell filled my nostrils and I tentatively licked at his crack. When my tongue ran across his asshole, Charlie shuddered and said, 'Right there sport, that's the place you wanna go for.'

So I did. I lapped at it and enjoyed the sensation of the tight knot of muscle loosening under my touch. Charlie ground his ass into my face and I got the message. With some apprehension I pushed my tongue into his hole. It was weird, but the taste wasn't bad at all. A bit tart, but not in the least what I'd expected. When he moaned I decided to go for it and dug in deeper. His ring fought with the intruder but finally relented. He started jacking me off in an expert manner while I ate out his ass. Was it his exquisite touch or was I just so unbelievably turned on by munching on his arse? I don't know but I shot my load within seconds. My groans were muffled by his firm and delicious ass and as I came down from my orgasm, Charlie cleaned my cock. He flipped back around and pressed his mouth on mine. Feeding me my cum and tasting his own ass and cum on my lips.

'I'm sure it wouldn't be awkward. Next time, bring your boy with you. Could be fun.' He said and with a wink he got up and out of my room.

Next: Chapter 8

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