Incredible Lady

By John Nail

Published on Sep 19, 2009


It has been 3 months since that accident and Celeste and I have been at my house for 2 months. She said it was a time for a step forward and I have no idea what she means.

She came in with the smell of bacon and eggs wafting in after her and she was smiling.

She dug into my dresser and came out with a clean knit shirt and went into the closet and came out with a clean pair of Wranglers and she also came out with a belt and tennis shoes.

She put on the knit shirt over my head and worked the sleeves onto my arm and than she put on the Wranglers and than the belt and she put on my socks and tennis shoes.

She stood back inspecting me and said," Oh I know you are missing your cap but you will have that on after breakfast."

We chatted and she wouldn't tell me during the whole breakfast and when we got done that is when she told me.

She said," We are going out to the park I think it will be good for you to go out."

I agreed I have been cramped up inside this house since coming home from the hospital.

Celeste went outside and came back in and went back into my bedroom and came back out with a light jacket and a cap.

She put it on and said," It is a bit nippy out there it is after Labor Day."

She wheeled me out and I saw a different mini-van.

She said," This mini-van is for the disabled."

She wheeled me to the front of the back-door and pressed a button on the side of the min-van. The door opened and than a lift came down and she secured me on the ramp and pushed a button and the lift went up. Than the lift went in and I was in the van and the door closed. She went around the van and opened the driver's side door and got in and belted herself in.

She started it up and backed out of my drive-way and off we went.

We talked and it was weird for me my back was towards her and I wasn't used to that.

Within 10 minutes we got to the park and she came around and lowered my down on the ramp and pulled me off the lift. She pushed the button and it raised back up.

She pushed and we both took turns pointing and laughing and than we saw Steve and his girlfriend.

Steve laughed and said," John, so you finally decided to grace the outside world with your presence."

I laughed and said," TA DA, Yeah I told Celeste I know the world misses me I think the world deserves my appearance."

Steve said," Celeste this is my girl Francine."

Francine said," You must be the nurse that is taking such good care of John."

Celeste said," Well, to be fair John is easy to care for even though I was horrified when I looked at his refrigerator and cupboards he didn't really have any nutritious food but I resolved it. But other than that he has been pretty easy and I have been able to catch up on a little reading and we have had some good conversation. He is just getting impatient of when he gets to be mobile again and working again but that is understandable."

Francine said," I have a feeling that this was progress further than just nurse and patient."

That took Celeste and I by surprise because I didn't expect that I mean yeah she is a sexy lady.

We talked to Steve and Francine for 5 more minutes and said our goodbyes.

Celeste said," John have you thought about us having that kind of relationship?"

I said," No, in fact I have presumed you already had a boyfriend. You are a knockout and you are also very sweet."

Celeste said," Thank you, but I don't have a boyfriend and it has crossed my mind but if it did get further than patient and nurse I might be violating some ethics rule."

I was stunned and I said," You don't have a boyfriend and you have thought about us? Well, if you are afraid of violating some ethics why don't we leave it like this until I am back up and around and I don't need you in this capacity."

She said," You know what that just might work."

I asked," So for the future would you like to go out with me Celeste?"

She said," Yes, John I would."

Now there was no sudden moment of embrace between the both of us we just resumed chatting and laughing while she pushed me.

Celeste looked at her watch and said," John, it is time I start fixing you supper so let's go back to the van."

While she pushed me and I was thinking I was now really impatient to get mobile and independent of her care.

We got to the van and she wheeled me to the front of the back door and as the lift came down she cleared her throat.

She said," Today has really been pleasant and I am glad that Francine said what she said. I might have finished caring for you and even though I have started getting feelings for you we might not have seen anymore of each other."

I said," Celeste, I started getting feelings for you a week after being in the hospital but I just presumed you had a boyfriend."

Celeste asked," John, why don't you have a girlfriend?"

I said," Well, I just broke up with a girl about a couple of weeks before that accident and wasn't really looking for one."

She said," Hmmmm that is interesting."

She pushed me into the lift and I was lifted into the van and the door closed.

She went to the driver's side and got in and started the van and we were off back towards home.

We chatted and laughed on the way home and the next thing I knew we were pulling back into my drive-way. She pulled to a stop and put the van in park and walked around and pushed the button and lift lowered me to the ground.

She pulled me off the ramp and pushed the button and than pushed me towards the door.

We went inside and she pushed me to the living-room and secured the chair.

She went in and cooked dinner and came back out about 45 minutes later and pushed me to the table.

Ate another delicious dinner and we talked and laughed and after we were done she pushed me to the living-room and secured my chair.

After cleaning the kitchen she came back in and I was loving it after she put me close to her,

We talked and laughed until I found myself dozing and than she took me to my bedroom and stripped me to my underwear and put me to bed.

I fell asleep dreaming about the future of Celeste and I.

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