
Published on May 26, 2021


Inevitable. By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

I'm John Williams. My parents did not value imagination in naming children. You probably know a John Williams. At college there three students named John Williams and I sometimes think that a significant portion of the world's population is named John Williams.

In addition to my name my family left me a considerable amount of money and their house in the mountains, William's Rest. I am a tenured faculty member of a local university and used to be the Chair of the Art History Department. I retired at fifty, not because I disliked the job. There were younger men and women who deserved to move up. I didn't need to work, and I could engage in my own studies. I had an apartment in town, but I spent most of my time at William's Rest.

I am gay, and leaving the university meant I no longer needed to be cagy about my sexual interests. I made the transition from being the distinguished faculty member to being an oversexed older man with ease. This surprised me. I had no idea I was so sexually driven until I had no obligations. Apparently, there was an inner slut in me that I hadn't recognized.

My gay friends included gay faculty members and guys I had sex with. These friends included businessmen, construction workers, teachers, and laborers. I was open minded. I tend to evaluate playmates by their cocks, and personalities. Some say using cocks to become a friend is superficial. I figure that an interest in cocks is part of being gay. Why pretend it isn't?

Every once and a while I have a small party at William's Rest for my gay friends. These parties include overnight stays and give the guests a chance for extended sexual experiences. For most of my pals, sex is a quick interlude lasting no more than an hour.

I wanted them to have a chance to wallow in sex. My hope was that men would experiment and leave their everyday, conventional lives behind and just enjoy themselves. Many were closeted and I want to give them a chance to be gay men. I assumed that men being men would feel liberated. I also knew that the weekend would probably not be devoted to deep conversations on men and their needs.

My first weekend had seven guests. I invited two men of the cloth, a Methodist named Don and a Catholic, Fergus. Don was on vacation and Fergus was returning from a conference. Joining them was Rocky, a stone mason and Rod, a carpenter. Frank and Orwell were a retired gay couple, and they brought their houseboy, Juan. They knew all the guests were gay.

I told them we could spend the weekend playing cards or board game, or we could have a homosexual romp. I told them that this was an opportunity to let it all hang out. "We all share the same interests and urges," I explained. "I want this to be a chance to let go and have some 100% man fun." They opted for the romp.

"Why don't we all strip and get the ball rolling?" I suggested.

"Is that a bit premature?" Don asked.

"You have to jump in the water before you learn how to swim," I replied. They stripped. I knew them all; some of them knew each other. I also knew that they were well equipped and that would be inspirational. I had noticed that gay men's cocks tend to attract attention.

The men tended toward the mature, masculine look, rather than the boyish party-boy type. Juan was the youngest man there; he was 35 or so. Juan was smooth, muscular, and clearly was an Indian. I guessed Mayan. Frank was the oldest man there, seventy. He had a prize-winning cock, a thick, meaty, eight inches. His partner, Orwell, was sixty or so, very hairy and loved sucking. His cock was a thin, seven-inch rod. Juan was their house boy.

Don was a blond, chubby, tall man. His body was tanned, and he was a swimmer. He tended to be jolly and energetic. His cock looked like a fire hydrant. Fergus was pale, he was bald, and had a black beard. Black hair was continuous from his beard to his toes, except for a pale snake hanging between his legs.

Rocky was a huge, blond man. His skin was pink and almost delicate. He had a pink beer can between his legs. Rod was tall, thin, hairy, and looked like a hillbilly extra from Green Acres. He had worked on a job at my house. He was a superb, smart carpenter.

I was a little afraid the men would be shocked and uneasy. They were a bit uneasy, but the unease was moderated by frankly admiring glances, and a clear recognition of the recreational potential. There was almost five feet of cock distributed between eight men.

"We are all gay men. I can all but promise that when you go home it is inevitable that your balls will be drained. Some sperm may be on the floor or wiped up with a towel. It many have been swallowed by a new friend, or it may lubricate a needy ass, I said. "We don't know the future, but it is inevitable that your balls will be empty, and everyone here will be happy."

I had hoped my little talk would have a dramatic effect. It didn't. By the time my speech was over, most of the men were already engaged. Juan was alone, and I went over to him.

"Would you mind if I wake a lick?" I asked.

"I ooze a lot. It can be messy," he replied in a strong Spanish accent. I bent over and liked his cock. I was lucky I didn't get a black eye he got hard so fast. I got on my knees and sucked his sweet precum drooling from his cock. Juan liked that a lot. A minute or two later he was sucking my cock with enthusiasm.

When he got up, he asked, "Do you want to fuck me?"

"Sometimes I would like that. Right now, I have an itch up my ass that needs to be scratched. Could you help me with that?" I asked. I asked him to get on the floor and I would sit on his cock. I had lubricant nearby. As I sat on Juan's cock, he moaned as my ass caressed his cock.

I had an ulterior motive. I wanted my friends to know there were no limits. Much to my surprise, while Juan's cock was average, it was the perfect length to ram my prostate. Each bounce I made forced his tool deeper and sent me to the moon.

The men watching us realized this wasn't going to be a ladies tea party and they weren't in Kansas anymore. The looked surprised and interested. Juan and I disentangled and joined the other men.

I was surprised that Don and Fergus joined us. As clergymen, I assumed they would be timid.

"You put on quite a show," Fergus observed.

"You observed the parable, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?"" I asked.

"I doubt the gospel writer had that in mind," Don said.

"I assumed it was meant to apply to most situations," I replied. "We don't know than much about Biblical sex practices. We know they seemed to want you to go forth and multiply. That was sex as far as I can tell."

Both men laughed. Juan and I are good sports.

"It was good!" Juan said. "Mr. Williams is a good man."

We talked and Don and Fergus wanted private lessons. They were cock suckers and had never tried anal. They had seen Juan's reaction to my cock.

I told them I would be glad to be their anal guide. "You don't need to hide your interests," I said. "The men here are old friends. We all remember the first time we sucked a cock and the first cock up our asses. That know what it felt like and they understand your unease."

"Cock sucking is easy, and it easy to like. We all know that a hard cock is a loaded gun with a trick trigger. It may go off at any time. Some guys like to take a load, other don't," I explained. "I'm a bit selective as to when I take a load. I can assure you everyone here has A-Number One cock cream."

"Fucking is more complicated. All cocks don't fit every ass. Some are too big, and others are too small. Some don't hit the right places," I said. "It is easier to take a nice guys' slow and easy approach than a man rammer who wants to prove something."

"I assume some men love that," Fergus said.

I smiled. "There is a man somewhere who liked just about anything," I said. "I had a good experience with a laborer, Bubba. He was a crude man rammer. He turned into a pussy cat when he shot off. He moaned and cried. I told him it was beautiful. I could feel him ejaculating into me. I asked him if he would get hard again if he left his cock in me."

"How did that work out?" Don asked.

"Way better than I thought it would. I saw Bubba off and on for years," I said.

Rocky and Rod came over to us. "We overheard your conversation," Rocky said. "My pal has a special skill at opening virgin asses. I would go so far as to say he has the electric can opener for underused asses." Rocky was a cheerful and almost jolly man who could say almost anything, and no be offensive.

"That's me, Painless Rod. Unlike the dentists of yore, I don't do painless extractions. I do painless insertions!" he said. "Now I admit, no one recruited me to be on the Love Boat, but I do no fault fucking. If it's good, all is well. If it isn't that good, you haven't offended the future love of your life."

"What's in it for you?" Don asked.

"I have a confession to make. It's always good for me," Rod said. As we chatted, Rocky had dropped to his knees and was sucking Don. Rod went for Fergus. It is amazing that lips and a tongue caressing a cock can cure shyness.

I went over to Juan, Frank, and Orwell. I told them that some of the guests had not been in a naked, gay group before. They were also reconsidering anal virginity.

"I'm too old to remember being a virgin," Frank said.

"I was the first to visit your tunnel of love," Orwell said.

"Technically, you were the first visitor who counted," Frank commented. "For your information, Oliver may well be the first man to have a prehensile cock."

"I noticed," I said.

"Shit," Frank said. "Is John the reason your asshole is callused?" Both men laughed. Commenting on their partner's virginity was a running joke between them. Frank had a master's degree in cock sucking. Orwell's strengths were anal, although he claimed he was sexually ambidextrous.

We joined the other men and joined in the discussion. It would be more correct to say it was a demonstration-conversation. While Don, Fergus and Juan were shy, the rest of us lacked the shy gene. Given a choice, Orwell would be nude all the time with an erection decorated with a florescent cock ring.

All the men were more than willing to help Fergus and Don to discover a new sex organ in their asses. Don soon proved to be both a natural bottom and a size queen. He attracted Rocky, who was larger and more muscular man. While Rocky was big, he was well coordinated. I had a feeling he had a good idea what Don would like. Rocky had a thick cock that would normally not be good for a beginner. If you like men built like Rocky, a beefy cock was part of the attraction.

Fergus was a man of the cloth. Somehow, Rod gave the impression he could use some salvation. I was raised in a church going family, and I didn't remember exchanging sperm as part of the path to salvation. On the other hand, sharing and giving freely was good. rod's balls were sperm factories, and he gave freely of the abundance. Both men were tall and thin, and their thin, long cocks were similar.

Rocky and Rod were friendly, generous men. They were willing to help and take their time. We all had a nice afternoon exploring the possibilities. Don took Rock's cock, and Fergus took Rod's cock. They became increasingly enthusiastic as Rocky, and Rod worked their magic. Don took Rocky's sperm baptism well. Fergus shot off as Rod administered the sacrament deep in Fergus' rectum. It'd hard so say it was just okay, but Fergus sprayed most of us with his load. They were also fine when Orwell and Juan licked up the used sperm dribbling from their ass.

Of course, everyone is fine after a spectacular orgasm, but sometimes the thrill fades. Both Don and Fergus were fine. I think they were relieved. They could admit to themselves that they were gay, and they accepted reality. They had also begun to explore guilt-free sexual pleasure.

I went to get dinner ready. Juan and Frank helped me. Frank asked me if Juan's trip into my ass had been successful. It told him that it had been enjoyable, and Juan was rather imaginative.

"He was quite young when we found him and in a terrible situation," Frank explained. "I am afraid we thought of him as a charity case. He is a man. Orwell and I are getting older. We have health problems. I hope he will stay with us." he paused. "Is it too late?"

"I think you might treat him as a man and give him some respect," I suggested.

"I'm embarrassed. You must think we are fools," he said.

"Fools won't admit they have made mistakes," I replied.

Dinner was good. The conversation was easy and unexpectedly funny. Don and Fergus seemed to feel liberated and spoke freely. Rocky and Rod saw the world differently than I did, but they saw the humor in my pretentions. Privately. I thanked god that I was free of any pretention or affectation. I realized I wasn't a professor anymore and my ever so slight tendency to correct people, might be annoying.

After dinner we mixed combining conversation, cock sucking, and fucking. Sucking and fucking sounded crude. I thought perhaps the phase, "erection related dalliances," might be more refined. I suggested that and caused uproarious laughter.

I noticed Frank was gently sucking Juan's cock. When Juan shot off, Frank took every drop. It had been a busy day and we went to bed at 10:30. I slept like a log. When I woke the next morning, it seemed there might have been a game of musical chairs during the night.

The next day was warm, and sunny day. Everyone was in a good mood. I had a swimming pool, so the nudity seemed more natural. The men had become used to it the day before, but some might have reverted to old attitudes overnight. That didn't seem to be a problem.

Some men are excited by doing something titillating, naughty, and perhaps even bad. I have a strong sense that associating sexual activity with being bad is a bad idea. That can convert into masochism, and inflicting pain. I think enjoying sex with friends is a healthy approach to sex. I have always thought that mutual pleasure is the objective. Sharing affection is preferable to hoarding it for yourself.

It seemed that my friends enjoyed it and shared and exchanged the physical and emotional pleasure. I was concerned that Don and Fergus might opt for the intellectual and spiritual approach to sex. Both men discovered the intimacy of taste of their friends' cocks and sperm. They also discovered that nothing is more up close and personal than entertaining a pal's cock in your ass. The weekend party was a success for all.

I was surprised when Don and Fergus dropped in on me two weeks later. they said they were just passing by. I and they knew that you can't just "drop in" at my remote cabin. We exchanged small talk for a while.

"I hope you know that your party was life changing experience for us," Don said. "One of the Church trustees reported that my congregation noticed I was more relaxed and personable. I told them I hadn't realized how much I needed a vacation. He said he could use some rest and recreation. We had exchanged some admiring glances at the urinals. They were long erection inducing glances.

"I presided at a funeral for one of my most troubled parishioners," Fergus said. "The family told me it was beautiful and comforting." I hate to admit it, but no one had ever said that to me. "The choir director complimented me as asked what had changed. I knew he was gay. and I had been strict and unkind to him. I told him about the party."

"He asked me if it has been a physical or spiritual experience," Fergus continued. "I told him it was both, but I had never had physical experiences as powerful and pleasurable. I discovered you can't ignore your physical needs. They are linked to the intellectual and spiritual. I admitted the physical needs were sexual."

"How did he take it?" I asked.

"Well, he took it well. I assume getting an erection is counted as taking it well," Fergus said. I laughed.

"I told an old friend. I guess you could say our relationship is semi-platonic," Don said. "It excited him too."

"My conversation was whispered. We were at the church," Fergus said. "The choir director wanted to know if I knew of a private place where we could get together without prying eyes. I was hoping you could help us out?" Don had the same need. A completely safe, private space was hard to find.

I wish I were a generous man. I wasn't that generous, but I was always ready for sex. I mentioned that I liked sex a lot, and sometimes sex with men I didn't know was exciting."

"Some excitement is what my friend wants," Don said.

Next: Chapter 2

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