
By Journeyman Harper

Published on Jan 29, 2008




By Journeyman Harper

Harry Potter, and all the characters and references to that wonderful world are property of J. K Rowling, Scholastic Publishers, Warner Brothers, and their respective holders.

This story is fiction (of course), and is compliant with the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Book Seven in the sequence. It has some creepy moments. If you ever wondered what "Pirates of the Caribbean" would be like with wizards, read on!

Welcome to Inheritance!

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall met Harry Potter, defeater of Voldemort, and NEWT-level wizard in her Transfiguration classroom. Her class was about to begin. And she had something for him.

Since the Battle of Hogwarts and the defeat of the Dark Lord, it had taken considerable wizarding skill to return Hogwarts to a usable school again. But everyone pitched in, and within a few weeks things had returned to some semblance of normalcy. Poignant moments were had by all, as the reminder of the deaths and injuries arose briefly. But still, the world restored itself to order.

Harry, who had missed seven of the nine months of schooling for the NEWT exams, was desperately cramming what little he could achieve. Once or twice a guilty thought went through his mind about how much easier the NEWTs would be if he had kept the Elder Wand. But no, there were bigger things at stake than that, and while he was particularly strong in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms, Transfiguration and Potions needed bolstering. But without the threat of Voldemort, and with the nightmares finally receding, he found that he could apply himself more readily than he had thought.

As he entered and took his place, McGonagall came over to him with a parcel.

"Mr. Potter, I think you will find this a most interesting object. It has nothing to do with your NEWT work or Transfiguration, but I found it in the cleanup and felt that it may give you some insight into your history."

Harry took the parcel. "What is it, Professor?"

"A diary. Not just any diary. It is an account from centuries ago of one of your ancestors. As far as I can tell, it belonged to the only young man who was the black sheep in your family history. A legend in his own time."

"Thank you, Professor." He paused, then asked, "What went wrong with him?"

She smiled. "Most of all, he wasn't a Gryffindor. Ravenus Potter was sorted into Ravenclaw. But he also was as brave, courageous and stubborn as a certain Gryffindor who saved us all." She regarded him seriously. "He and you have many traits in common. In many ways the world was a different place back then. Your defeat of the Dark Lord has put you in a place of power and you can wield great influence. You are bound to be challenged in many different ways." She pointed at the parcel. "He was forced onto one path. You have choices. I am hoping you will understand what and why things happened for Ravenus."

Curious, Harry nodded. Class resumed. His day continued, and it wasn't until later that night that Harry thought of the parcel again. Sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room, with the firelight dancing in the grate, he removed the wrappings and revealed a very worn, leather bound book. Opening to the first page, he read the simple title and inscription. The writing was a little childish, and the spelling a little odd. But there it was.

My Diary. Ravenus Potter. Read Not Without Permission

Harry continued to the next page. He gasped when he saw the date on the top of the first page, and read on.

September the second, 1670.

My name is Ravenus Potter. I have three brothers. They each are Hermes, James and Horatio. We are different in that they have brown hair from my father's first wife, and I have black hair and black eyes from my father's second wife. My father is James Potter also, and my mother's name is Lydia. I was born on March the nineteenth of 1659. I have been here at Hogwarts now for five days, and I am so unhappy. All my brothers went into Gryffindor House, and I thought I would too. But the Sorting Hat couldn't make up its mind. It sat on my head for almost a minute, telling me things I knew about myself. I was so scared because it knew everything. It knew I could do more magic than my brothers could, and that they and I never really got along. It told me I was brave enough for Gryffindor, but that Slytherin was the place for loners like me. I didn't like that, so I just kept thinking about how much I didn't want Slytherin. It seemed to know that, but it wouldn't let me into Gryffindor with the way my brothers and I were. So it put me in Ravenclaw. I don't think that is so bad, but my brothers did. Hermes especially, who wrote home by owl to my mother and father. They sent me a Howler about how unhappy they were that I didn't make Gryffindor. I am afraid I cried a lot, although the other Ravenclaw students were nice to me. At least my brothers aren't first years like I am.

Harry's heart went out to this little boy. Ravenclaw wasn't bad. But the narrow-mindedness of the Potter parents was not constructive. He suddenly realized that not only was this diary educational for use as a wizard, it also would have insight for him as a future parent. Ginny might have good role models for that, but he certainly did not. He doubly thanked McGonagall for her gift. And he continued.

17th of September, 1670.

Darius Diggle is my best friend. We study together. He is good with magic, but he has to work at it. He was a little mad at me because in Potions I managed a perfect Sleeping Draught on the first try, and it took him two to get an acceptable one. I caught two other Ravenclaws kissing and stuff late tonight as I was practicing Charms. They weren't really embarrassed, but got mad at me anyway. But before they could do anything, the Ravenclaw Prefect came in. He was stern, but nice to me despite.

20th of September, 1670.

Darius and I got in trouble. I had learned an Invisibility spell, and we had gone out to see the Threstrals. They were so nice and friendly. But it was after Curfew, and Professor Malfoy caught us. I used the Invisibility Spell and got Darius out of harm's way, but it was too late for me. I had to do detention with Malfoy. Lines, lines, and more lines. Darius felt so bad.

Harry read on. A long list of mischief. Apparently Ravenus was a very good and clever wizard, but he had all the Gryffindor adventure. His comments about Gryffindors were telling, in that they all seemed to be brave warriors but not very good wizards. There was a long break, and then the diary resumed.

19th of March, 1671.

I found this diary again. Today I am twelve years old. I've learned so much. I have perfect grades so far in all my classes. Today we learned dueling, and the Disarming Charm. That was easy, as I had learned it from my brothers years ago. They didn't think I knew about the Shield Charm, Confounding or Stupefying, but I showed them. Professor Laurentius was pleased but a little unnerved. But in dueling, I am still undefeated. No one could get a touch on me.

30th of March, 1671.

Well, today was scary. There was a big fight in the Great Hall today between the Gryffindors and the Slytherins. Since we Ravenclaws sit in the middle between them, we all ducked but still got hit with spells and curses. I was so scared because I could see the spells bouncing off shields and stuff that I used the Shield Charm as strong as I could over us first years. It worked so well that it covered the entire Ravenclaw table, and nothing got through. It wasn't until all the Gryffindors and Slytherins began aiming at me that I had to do something, so I used the Disarming Charm. Now they are all mad at me because I disarmed them all. The Headmaster wants to talk to me later. All I was trying to do was protect us. Now I am in trouble.

It is later. The Headmaster and I talked about how helpful I had been and that it was unusual for a first year to have so much power, let alone know the spells. Most of what I knew he told me was at least OWL level and that wouldn't come for a couple years. We then did some exercises on some very intricate spells, like Inscription, and Transfiguration of objects. I think he was impressed. It seems like the level of detail in a transfiguration goes up as skill gets better. I'm a little scared.

Oh, I also had a letter from father. It seems that Hermes has been telling tales about me, and I am in trouble again. Maybe I should practice on him.

8th of Aprille, 1671.

I found a book today. One of the Slytherins left it out on the table, and I could tell it was from the Restricted Section immediately. Maybe I shouldn't have, but I grabbed it and took it with me. I just finished reading it. It was called Common Spells for Darke Magick. There was a lot of interesting stuff in there. I know I probably shouldn't be reading it, but I tried some of these and they really worked. The Prefect caught me, but I used a carefully applied Obliviate Charm on him and removed the memory. I feel a little guilty about that, but I don't want to get in trouble.

10th of Aprille, 1671.

I got caught again with the Threstrals. Professor Malfoy really has it in for me. I tried the Obliviate Charm on him but he shielded too quickly. The Headmaster has forbidden me from using it. I lost thirty five points from Ravenclaw for that. Even Darius is mad at me.

Harry read on. He then came to a page that had been smeared a bit from water. His heart in his throat, he continued the tale.

30th of June, 1671.

Father beat me today. My grades came in from Hogwarts, and they were all perfect except for History of Magick. No one ever does well there. All the teachers commented that I was a very good and clever student who performed years above grade. Father beat me because I did better than all my brothers did, and they were Gryffindors. A Ravenclaw shouldn't outperform Gryffindors. I spent the rest of the day and night out in the field looking at the stars. I think I will take Astronomy and Arithmancy next term.

7th of July, 1671.

Today was bad. I have spelled this diary so that if any of my family members reads this, it will burn up. Hermes would not leave me alone. He is seventeen now, and can legally apparate. Everywhere I went, he found me and kept hitting me. I finally pulled out my wand and Stupefied him. But he wouldn't stop, and I lost my temper. They didn't know that I knew the Cruciatus Curse, and I used it on him. I was so mad and so angry, I kept it on him for like a minute. It must have hurt him a lot, because he was crying and screaming. When I stopped, he told me that they send wizards to Azkaban for using that Curse, that it was one of the three Unforgivable Curses. I didn't want to go to Azkaban, so I Obliviated him. I don't think anyone knows. It was lucky that I had removed the Trace from me last week, or else the Ministry would know.

17th of July, 1671.

Mother is very sick. Sometimes I think she is the only one who loves me. But she has a sickness of the blood and it is killing her. I don't think she will live much longer. Father is very worried. Things will get worse if she dies. I don't want her to die. If she does, I will be all alone. I think she will, though. No one at St. Mungos has been able to help her.

21st of July, 1671.

Mother died this morning. We have buried her here in Godric's Hollow. Father and I attended the funeral, but Hermes, James and Horatio did not. James and I have started to get along better, but Horatio and Hermes are becoming very difficult. Father was nice to me today too. I went back there that evening with Father and my brothers, and he said that it was too bad the flowers would wilt on her grave. I pulled my wand out and used the Permanence Charm on the flowers, and told them that they would never ever wilt, forever. Father was very surprised, and none of my brothers or Father had ever heard of that spell. I am going to have to be careful about how much I know. I am surprised at how much they don't know. I had to make dinner because no one else had watched Mother do it.

I had a letter from Darius today. He can't wait to get back to Hogwarts. Neither can I.

21st of Auguste, 1671.

Today was very strange. I was out in the fields trying to avoid my brothers when I heard moaning from two people. One was definitely Hermes, and the other was definitely a girl. I cast Invisibility and approached slowly. It was so strange. I mean, I have heard about sex and haven't done it myself, but Hermes had no clothes on and was pushing his thing in and out of this girl's hole between her legs. They looked very much like they were enjoying it, like you enjoy a good run or something that is hard but you feel good about doing it after it is done. I couldn't take my eyes off of Hermes. He has this nice butt, and a really nice back and shoulders, and his thing was really big and his balls were going back and forth. I barely noticed the girl. She had boobs, I guess, but it was kind of icky. Hermes like them enough, as he turned her over and put his thing into her from behind like I have seen horses and dogs do on our neighbor's farm. He kept holding and squeezing them. I think that would hurt, but she liked it. Well, anyway, they got faster and faster until something happened that they both loved, and it was over. Hermes did the Cleansing Charm wrong and gave her a rash, but she fixed it. I think I have seen her at Hogwarts. She then did something bizarre for him. She actually put his thing in her mouth! At first it was yucky to me, but as I watched Hermes really really liked it. He shouted that he was coming, and she stopped while he spurted out this white stuff from his thing. Not like pee at all. That was it, I guess. But when they were gone away, I saw James crawl out from under a bush, holding his thing. He rubbed it a lot and then he moaned and shot his own white stuff. Maybe I can ask him about that.

23rd of Auguste, 1671.

I talked with James. He really is nice to me. He explained all about that stuff. It sounds like come, but is spelled c- u-m . And it feels really really good. It is what happens when husbands and wives make babies, but also can be made to happen by doing it yourself. James is worried, though, as I told him how much I watched Hermes instead of the girl. He says that that is called being gay, and Father would be very angry. He won't tell anyone, he said, but I can't tell anyone either. I think I will ask Darius, though. He is my best friend. But it is going to have to wait until Hogwarts.

27th of Auguste, 1671.

I had my first cum today! Tomorrow it is back to Hogwarts, so I went out into the fields again, went Invisible, and took out my thing. James called it a cock, although the correct word is penis, no one ever says that. Oh well. So I rubbed my cock like I remembered seeing James do it, and it felt very good. Then all of a sudden it felt incredible, and I spurted my own white stuff. Later today, I peeked at Horatio as he was changing. No one saw me, but compared to Hermes and James, his is pretty small. Mine was as big as Hermes. I guess that is a good thing. I'll ask Darius.

11th of September, 1671.

I told Darius about Hermes, and the girl. He has seen his older brother do the same thing to a girl. Today though I watched Darius wash in the bathing rooms. He has a nice butt too, for a young guy. He is not quite as big as I am, and he knows how to cum too. He saw me watching, and winked at me. I don't know why but that got me so excited. I think I will explore this.

A big break, and then the story resumed. Harry found he was absolutely fascinated with what Ravenus was describing.

21st of October, 1671.

Darius and I found two books in the library about gay people. The first one wasn't very nice. The second one was in the Restricted Section. I had long ago broken in there, and found it by accident. We took it out and read it. It was full of things about how men could have sex together with their cocks, butts, and mouths. It was so exciting I came right there in the library. Darius was very embarrassed. But we wrote down some of the things and are going to try them tonight.

22nd of October, 1671.

Darius and I got caught by the Prefect. All we were doing was sucking each other quietly. But the Prefect found us. I thought we were in big trouble. But he opened his robes, and said he wouldn't tell if one of us would do it for him. He was nice and hard and pretty long, and that sounded so good to me I didn't give Darius a chance. He held my head onto him and he actually came in my mouth! Cum tasted OK from him. He said that anytime we got in trouble with him, if we would do that he would forget about our trouble. Sounds good to me! Although I think that is what is called blackmail, it only counts if I don't want to suck him like that. And I want to very much!

3rd of November, 1671.

Darius isn't gay. He found a girl he likes now that he is thirteen and has stopped being interested in the gay thing. He is still my best friend.

22nd of December, 1671.

I'm staying here at Christmas. Father said it was OK. He has a new wife now, Arabella. I think she used to be one of Mother's friends. I don't want to be anywhere near Hermes or Horatio. James told me that Horatio was mad that I was staying because he wanted to beat me up. I told James that I could defend myself. James said that Horatio was almost failing his classes and that everyone was mad about that. It would make everyone extra mad if I was there with my almost perfect grades. Horatio may be brave, but he was stupid. James told me then that he loved me, but our family was a problem. I understand now.

25th of December, 1671.

Christmas was so unfair. I got some super spell books from the teachers here - all above OWL level. But only a note from Father, who said that he had had to spend the money he would have used for my present on a new wand for Horatio. James sent me some of his old robes that had the Gryffindor symbol removed, saying that he was sure I could transfigure them. That meant more to me than any present from Father.

4th of January, 1672.

I could kill Darius. He told his girlfriend that I was gay. She told her friends. Now all of Ravenclaw doesn't like me anymore, and the other Houses are out to hurt me. I can defend myself.

12th February, 1672.

I did the most amazing thing today. The seventh year Ravenclaws stole my wand. I was so mad and so scared that right in front of them I used the Accio Summoning Charm, without my wand. It worked! I was so surprised, and so were they. It was a good thing, I think, because they stopped thinking about me as a gay boy but as a powerful wizard in Ravenclaw. I need that. Darius and I are still not friends like we used to be.

7 Aprille 1672.

I should write more in this diary. Today a Slytherin got hold of Darius, and was using a Tickling Charm on him. Darius was really scared, and so when I saw this I Stupefied the Slytherin. The Headmaster told me I shouldn't stupefy students, but what else should I do? They were hurting Darius! We are better friends now than recently. Being gay has not been talked about. Maybe everyone forgot.

12 Aprille 1672.

I had to Obliviate Horatio today again about the gay thing. James saw me do it and was very surprised at how easy it was for me. Later I saw James with his Gryffindors. He has lots of friends. I realized today that I have Darius, and really no one else. It is kind of lonely when your one friend isn't all that friendly like he used to be.

Harry put the book down. His heart went out three hundred twenty years back to the young student. Sure there were gay students at Hogwarts now, but they weren't persecuted for it. Harry wasn't gay, for sure. Ginny occupied his thoughts and fantasies, and in fact he had had a particularly good one this morning with her and a mountain hideaway. They had actually talked about sex and it was only school oversight that had kept them from doing some serious exploring together. She was going to be a tiger.

Looking at the time, Harry decided to continue on. He found more happenings at Hogwarts, more rivalry among the Houses, and that Ravenus had ended the year again with near perfect grades. He was horrified that the boy had been beaten again for showing up the Gryffindor brothers.

There was a long break then, followed by a new sequence of entries.

19th of March, 1675.

I found this diary again, and have decided to resume writing. Maybe it will help. Classes are so boring. I am sixteen now, and have not received any birthday presents. Father, Hermes, and Horatio don't write anymore. James sends me a note now and then. He works in the Ministry, which pleased Father. Hermes works for Gringotts and Horatio is working the farm. Hogwarts was a waste for Horatio.

I have been made a Prefect. First in the family in many years. I had thought Father would be happy, but he wasn't because, again, his precious little Gryffindors never made Prefect. But the teachers here have been wonderful and I have learned so much.

Darius and I are better friends again, after all this time. He is not gay, but at least he is tolerant. The Prefect thing turned around a number of people. After all, a Ravenclaw Prefect is about as knowledgeable as you can get. I have learned much on the Dark Magic side from Professor Nigellus. He seems to have gotten past the Slytherin hypocrisy.

I have been going Invisible and visiting the lake a lot. The Mer-people and the Centaurs come over to talk to me. The Centaurs are amazing with Astronomy; I have learned so incredibly much. I can tell where I am anytime at night and how the patterns shift and move.

I think I am ready for my NEWTs. I got a dozen OWLs last year, all Outstanding. I have petitioned the Headmaster to take them this year, not next. We will see what he says.

I am very lonely. No one around me is gay. It is as if a brick wall like the one at Diagon Alley has been built around me, and I can't find anyone to open it. They are scared of me, too.

Oh yes, I got my ear pierced and wear a small steel stud in it. That made the other Ravenclaws really act weird, and I got all kinds of comments from the faculty. But it is my ear, and I wanted it. I used my own money from making and selling potions. The other students seem to act like kids, really. It is like they never grew up, even the Seventh Years. I seem so much older than them.

25th of May, 1675.

This may be my final entry. Yesterday I got Outstanding on all my NEWTs. All Outstandings, and a year early. Any normal family should be proud, right? Not Father. It was one more thing that showed that I was a successful Ravenclaw and not a Gryffindor. So he was mad.

The real problem is that I have a hearing with the Board of Governors. One of the Gryffindors today was torturing a Ravenclaw. He was using a series of curses that was really going into this poor boy, and it was a Seventh year against a Second year. I was so mad at Gryffindor because of Father that I broke the curses, and used the Cruciatus Curse on the Gryffindor. Professor Malfoy saw it, and reported me. If they choose to, they can expel me for this. But since I have my NEWTs already, I don't know what they are going to do. They have my wand. That scares me the most.

30th of May, 1675.

I have been almost expelled. They call it administratively denied access. The Gryffindor has been expelled. Father is so furious that he is going to do something rash. I'm only sixteen and therefore still under his responsibility. I am really scared at what he is capable of. I found out that Father actually withdrew me from Hogwarts. He has something planned and I don't know what it is.

I am really scared. Why did I have to use that curse? Well, I know why - it was the only way to get through to the Gryffindor. They are so incredibly thick.

Harry saw the writing get quite stilted here.

10th of June, 1675.

Father has sold me to a boat's company of mostly Muggles. Father sold me for a hundred pounds into a five year indenture as a seaman. He is asleep now in a drunken stupor. I go aboard tomorrow before dawn. He took the time to tell me exactly what he thought of me, that he was doing me a favor instead of the Azkaban sentence. I know they wouldn't have sent me there. I have one rucksack of my clothes, some quills and this diary. I doubt I will be able to write much from now on. I have spelled the diary so it is impervious to water. Maybe it will survive if I don't.

I am so scared. But I will never forgive Father or Hogwarts for letting this happen.

19th of June, 1675.

I don't know whether to be happy or angry. Stupid Father sold me to a band of pirates. Privateers they like to call themselves. As long as you are on their side, this ship is OK. The first couple of days were hard. But there were several new members, and they tolerated us for that long. One of us, Jack, has already felt the sting of the whip they call the cat. He is very slow-minded.

Captain Lee was very pleased when he found out that I can read, write and do mathematics. He had lost his navigator in a fight, and with all my Astronomy he gave me the sextant. I still pull lines and climb the rigging, but my big role now is navigator of the Phantom Raider. That is the ship's name. She is a barque with three masts, several foresails, gallants and topgallants, and cannons all along her hull. Captain Lee is very adventurous. They tell me that I am terrible with a cutlass, but since we all have to fight together I have been learning. It isn't good fighting at all. Slash, stab, disarm and kill. Not at all like the dueling we used to do at Hogwarts. They say I am getting better.

14th of July, 1675.

We took our first prize today. The battle was tremendous. I was scared at first, but when the cannons went off it was obvious that they had no understanding of trigonometry. I immediately went down and helped the three end ones aim, and each of our shots went straight into their rigging, taking down their masts. That sealed our victory. I was part of the boarding party, and killed seven of them with my cutlass. It was easier than I thought. Slash, slash, stab, disarm, and then I cut their heads off. The blood didn't bother me, but the other pirates from the Phantom Raider were kind of surprised. I found out later that I had killed more than any of them. It didn't seem like a problem to me - after all, it was them or me. I could feel my magic surging as I fought, so maybe that played a part. I haven't used magic before that.

We left their ship to burn. The crew was either dead or dying. Give me a quick beheading any day over a long lingering wound. The other ship had Rum on board. That was good, but it gave me a headache.

27th of July, 1675.

I got knocked into the water today. That was scary. Jack let slip a line while I was in the rigging, and one of the booms swung around and hit me. I hung on, but when it swung back it got me in the shoulder and knocked me loose. Fortunately they threw me a line and I grabbed it and was pulled back in. The ones who pulled me in - Jack, Kitton, Barger and the bosun's mate - were all pretty impressed with my tattoo. I never mentioned that, did I? I have the Ravenclaw coat of arms tattooed on the left side of my chest. I am actually really proud of it, but they didn't know what it was. One of the crew did, though, I think. He is one of the cannon guys - Richard Figg. Anyway, it gave me a good chance to see what I looked like again and I have to say that I like the way I look.

31st of July, 1675.

Captain Lee asked me this day if I was a wizard. I told him I was, but I couldn't do much because they had taken my wand away. He was OK with this, and then told me that Father had sold me to him on the basis that I was gay and unintelligent, and could be of service to him. In other words, Father sold me as a prostitute or a catamite. I think he understood what I was feeling, as I could not speak for several minutes. I am so furious with Father. I think when my indenture is over, I will return to England and kill him. Not with a wand, either, but with my cutlass.

12th of August, 1675.

I gave Captain Lee a good cock sucking today. He is actually very attractive, and relatively young too. He didn't really ask me, although I could tell he wanted something and he kept adjusting his pants. So I offered to help him relieve some of his tension, and when we went into his cabin in the aft of the ship I told him what I could do for him, with none the wiser, and he accepted. I don't think he wants to do my ass. He isn't that type. But I can see many more times in the future for the cock sucking.

18th of August, 1675.

I am exhausted. I am drunk too. We took a prize today, a French ship larger than us. They found us in the rolling seas, and immediately went after us. Even though we crammed on more sail, topgallants and royals too, they drew along side and the cannons started. It would have been the end of us except that I could see on their ship a person in flowing black robes, holding a wand of all things. He was cursing and flinging force and fire at us. Even without my wand, I was able to Stupefy him, and when he went unconscious I Stupefied as many of the crew as I could. It worked!! They suddenly could not fire anymore and we took them. More cutlass work, and I killed another six of them. It was then that I made my way back to the stern and found the French wizard. He was still unconscious, but he was a threat if he should wake up. But, to my eternal hope, there was his wand! I grabbed it, and it was not a bad fit. I had studied some wand lore at Hogwarts and had some good discussions with Ollivander. This wand would be OK, but not as good as mine. As I was examining it, he woke up and went for me. I guess that the whole concept of death was rationalized at that point. I mean, cutlass or curse, if my opponent was dead, why would the how matter? So as he went for me, I was so tempted to use the Avada Kedavra, but I Stupefied him instead, and then did the Four Hour Sleep. We looted the ship and left it, no masts, little rigging, but with most of her crew alive, and the wizard asleep. I kept the wand. I can feel it warming me as we return to the Phantom Raider. Captain Lee is very happy.

19th of August, 1675.

The captain and I had a long talk. Well, that means he asked questions and I gave him answers. He was very pleased with the result. I showed him how we could mend things quicker, heal cuts and wounds faster, purify water, and more. There is more that I can do, but I have to practice it. He had heard that many ships were now carrying wizards around for magic purposes, but he was impressed that I had disabled the Frenchman. I had thought he might have developed a liking for me, but I could see the ambition clearly in his eyes as we spoke.

The memory I have of the French prize is so clear in my mind. I remember a spell vaguely that would embed a living memory in a page, like this one, and so I will try to do that here. Only a true man of Potter blood may invoke it on the letter R with success.

Harry was fascinated by the account. Unable to prevent himself, he touched his wand to the ornate calligraphic letter R on the middle of the page. Harry found himself engulfed in haze, and then landed on the aft deck of what could only be the Phantom Raider. The roar of cannon fire swept through the ship, and the enemy shot ripped wood and splashed water. Harry looked to his left to see a young man with long, raven-black hair blowing in the wind, and bright black eyes. He was tanned, but there was no mistaking the Potter features. This was Ravenus Potter, and he was attentively watching the battle.

Harry heard a cry, and fire flew from the end of the French ship towards the barque. A cry from Ravenus and from his own hands a blast of light streaked to the stern of the French ship and knocked a distant figure down. Over the next few minutes, many flashes of light emitted from Ravenus as he worked his way along the French ship's crew. Then the boarding, and the sword fighting.

Harry watched Ravenus intently. The young man was very good with his cutlass. He wasn't berserk during the fighting, but fierce and methodical. He was working his way to the stern. A moment of achievement as he recovered the wand, settled the wizard, and then began collecting the loot.

On the return to the Phantom Raider, Ravenus watched the captain and Harry could see that Captain Lee was intelligent and ambitious. But the capture and looting of a ship that large would have been noteworthy. And then slowly the haze grew back and Harry was staring at the book again.

It had been so real. Three hundred year old magic, still as fresh as the day it was made. Ravenus must have been a very powerful wizard, indeed. He read on.

First of October, 1675.

We have arrived at Tortuga. This is an island city and free port where the various governments have no power. The stench is terrible. But, anything can be obtained here for a price.

Captain Lee gave out a portion of our prize. It is in gold pieces, but different from our galleons. I was able to buy some clothes and secure a room with a fire place. It was the first time in four months I have been on land and I wanted to talk to James. It is too far for an owl to go. With my captured wand, I connected the fireplace to the Floo network and was able to listen at Father's house. I learned enough. James had taken his leave of Father. He, Horatio and Hermes were alone. They did not sound particularly happy, and in fact I think Father was very low on money. Even being a pirate, it makes me feel some satisfaction that I am more successful than they.

I next went in search of James, but could not find him. This touch of familiarity from home is disturbing. I wonder how Darius is. But without knowing what he does now, trying to find him would be dangerous.

Last night I got drunk with the rest of the crew. When I woke up this morning, there were four of us in the same bed. Two were women. I think I had sex with both of them. They seemed pretty happy and left me and Jack. Jack was still sleeping, but they both winked naughtily at me. I guess I was good for them. I remember now that their names were Anna and Grace.

8th of October, 1675.

We are at sea again. It finally happened today. I "gave way" to the captain. He had been hinting that it was coming and his interest was growing, so this was no surprise. Since I am still sixteen, I guess technically that makes me a catamite. The memory is still vividly clear, so I think I will try spelling it into this diary again. It started while I was writing a letter to James.

Harry gulped. He was torn. Invoking the ornate letter R would make him an observer on a very private scene between Ravenus and his captain. Yes, it was long ago and yes, all the players had been dead now for at least a quarter millennium. But this was one of his ancestors, in a deeply personal moment. Harry could not quite shake the feeling of voyeurism, but his curiosity drove him into it. He touched his wand to the letter R, invoking it. The haze came down around him, and then cleared.

He was in a darkened room. One candle was lit by what must have been the navigator's desk. Quill in hand, Ravenus had filled two pieces of parchment with his compressed but ornate text. Harry was amazed that he wrote so quickly and yet it came out so well. Ravenus looked . ravenous. His hair was back and pony-tailed, and his clothes finally looked like they belonged on him. They were dark, too. His hands were strong, not the fragile spidery hands of most accomplished wizards, but powerful.

The door opened and closed, and a man entered. Ravenus looked around, and immediately put down the quill.

"Captain, what can I do, sir?" Ravenus regarded the captain with his respectful grin.

The captain was silent for a moment, and then said quietly, "It is time for you to execute the purpose for which I bought you, lad. You will give way to me."

Ravenus carefully schooled his features, but Harry saw a transition of surprise to dread and then to anticipation sweep across his face. "Yes, sir." And they both began to remove their clothes. Ravenus was done first, and the Ravenclaw tattoo on his chest rippled with his muscular movement. He was quite obviously a very attractive young man. His cock was well-shaped, and in fact matched the rest of him. Ravenus would have been desirable by anyone.

Naked, he came around the captain who had gotten his shirt off. "Let me help, sir." And he gently and precisely stripped the captain of his clothes, using the opportunity to gently caress the captain's cock and balls, and work his hands over the captain's butt. But when Lee was completely naked, he moved Ravenus towards the bed, and bent him over, hands on the edge and facing away from him. Lee was after sex, not distraction.

"I'm sorry. This will hurt quite a bit as it is not slick." Lee felt a flash of guilt go through him.

Ravenus went cold, and then reassured his captain. "Perhaps not." He closed his eyes and muttered, "Lubrio" while focusing on his opening. The coolness eased his nerves, and he remembered to push out upon the captain's push in.

Captain Lee regarded the waiting paradise in front of him, reminded himself that he had paid a hundred pounds for this and gotten so much more, but this was what he had paid for. His first stroke in took Ravenus by surprise, and an involuntary gasp was elicited from both of them.

Harry found this the most erotic experience. He could see the sensations spreading across the captain's face as he plundered his crewman. Ravenus was a study in pain-pleasure, both at a mental level as well as a physical level. The pistoning of Ravenus continued, as the young man's head was turned to the right and his eyes were screwed shut and he breathed through his teeth as the captain pumped and thrust into him. Minutes later, Lee buried himself into Ravenus and sighed a loud, long "Ahhhh!" before stopping and removing himself.

The captain spoke only three words as he quickly pulled on his clothes. "Carry on, seaman." And he left the room.

Ravenus took a number of long, shuddering breaths. Harry could see tears in his eyes, and for a moment those raven- black eyes pierced through the centuries to look straight at Harry. And then Ravenus closed them, reached his hand down to his own cock and began to stroke it slowly, and then more quickly until with a sigh he himself came in his own hand. After cleaning up and dressing, he resumed his seat and continued writing. Harry could see, though, that he had just aged considerably from that one experience.

The haze reasserted itself, and Harry was staring at the book again. Horrified, he found that he had come in his own pants. A quick "Scourgify" spell and he was fine, but just the same . Harry had not realized how erotic that was. He continued reading.

Well, now I've been taken. It was not as bad as I had feared, but even with the spell it hurt. More of a stretching than anything. I suppose it gets easier with time but I hope the captain will wait a while before asking me to give way again.

I have finished my letter to James. Our next stop is Bridgetowne in Barbados, and although we will have to come in near the northwestern edge of the towne rather than into the harbour, it is supposed to be a proper English towne. If that is true, then I can obtain some ingredients and news.

11th of October, 1675.

We barely escaped Bridgetowne with our lives. It is quite astonishing how obvious pirates are in a British towne. They seem only to be safe in free ports like Tortuga. I did get a number of ingredients needed for some basic potions, and I did post my letter to James. I spelled it so none could open it save him. They have told me it would be two weeks to return to England.

I had to give way to the captain again. It was easier on me this time, although I have not cum yet when he does. He took longer this time, but still finished and left with his "Carry on, seaman."

I must go now. They have just sighted a British warship coming after us.

12th of October, 1675.

I can not describe the spectacle before me. Some would say that we were victorious, but I would prefer to say that we survived and they did not. Apparently we were recognized in Bridgetowne, and they were ready for pursuit. The winds held, but the Brit was faster and tried to give us her full broadsides. They had a wizard too. It was the first time, but when they hoisted their colors showing that they were Brit, they also flew the red and gold flag of Gryffindor. Gryffindor, of all Houses! The captain asked me about it, and I explained about the House rivalry. So he asked me if I had one from my House. Of course not. He looked a bit downfallen, and then asked if I could create one. It was so irrational that I pulled out my wand, and shouted "Proclami Ravenclaw!" and the sails turned dark green with the Ravenclaw R and symbols on them. The captain's face was framed in eager joy, and the roar of the crew was magnificent as we turned and bore into the Brit. I could tell that they were surprised. The wizard on the Brit started working on the crew, and before I knew it I had my wand in hand and shouted "Avada Kedavra!" with all my might and thought bent on his destruction. And thus I killed him. What had surprised me then was that another wizard jumped up and began cursing us, aiming at me! There were two on that ship! I decided for something a little more mild, and instead we began exchanging curse after curse. The air sizzled between us as I worked my way through spellwork. Finally, I was so lost in the rapture of the spellwork that I cast the darkest spell I know. It is called the Manger Noir, and it creates a darkness that consumes the object in question. When I cast it, the whole back end of the Brit was swallowed up, and the wizard just escaped with his life. She went down, but there were many left in her lifeboats. My last act was to set fire to the Gryffindor flag on the Brit.

We have a lot of damage on Phantom Raider. I was really very tired then, but I liberally used the Reparo spell to repair the worst of the damage.

13th of October, 1675.

Most of the crew are afraid of me. I am not quite sure, but I think it was the Manger Noir that did it. They have seen me attack people and wizards, but I may have gone too far by attacking the ship. Then again, they attack ships with their cannons, so that shouldn't be it.

Captain Lee has been staring at me a lot. I hope it is for sex. That at least I can understand, ha ha.

27th of October, 1675.

The past week has given us very bad weather. The waves were tremendous, but we held on. It is amazing to me that we can still heel over with not a stitch of sail up. The captain has taken to teaching me seamanship by practical rules. A couple others of the crew learn as well, but not as easily as I do. I think I will start in this diary writing down the rules of seamanship from the back. Who knows, it could be useful someday.

The captain tried me on a new task today. Several of the crew have been mutinous, and the captain decided not to use the cat on them. Instead, he asked me to punish them, with pain and suffering, five seconds for each stroke of the cat that they were allotted. I had told him about the Cruciatus Curse months ago, and apparently he remembered.

I can't write this. I am going to spell the memory in. I don't understand why, but somehow this is important.

Harry stared at the R symbol that would bring him to relive the moment. He had seen plenty of suffering, but this would be his first time that he chose to see it. That would be a milestone in his own life. Slowly bringing his wand to the symbol, he realized that he had to see it. There were things to be learned and experienced, and the fact that it happened three centuries ago didn't change what was going on. The haze came down around him, and he found himself on the deck of the ship on a cloudy day.

The crew was all assembled around the mast. The first of three sailors was stripped naked and tied to the mainmast with his hands around it, exposing the entire back side of him. There was no mystery but that this man was ready for a flogging.

"No, I think not the cat today." That was Captain Lee. He looked towards a cluster of his crew, which by far stood out as the most intelligent of the group, including Ravenus Potter. Two of them looked crestfallen. They apparently were looking forward to watching the punishment. Ravenus stayed neutral.

"Mr. Potter." Harry jumped, and then reassured himself as Ravenus looked up.

"Yes, sir?"

"Take out your implement. You will apply the sentence today, five seconds for each stroke."

Ravenus Potter took out his wand, and slowly moved to the allotted position. His face was a study in emotion. He did not want to do this, yet the intense feeling of power and might that comes with the Cruciatus Curse was causing him dire anticipation. This was no dutiful servant performing a task. This was a killer being given prey. Harry was totally chilled as he saw Ravenus adjust his wand, hungry almost. Harry knew that emotion was a big part of the Cruciatus Curse, and Ravenus apparently was working up to it.

"Three strokes."

Ravenus took a deep breath, and flung his wand forward. "Crucio!" he bellowed. And the man at the mast screamed and flailed about. His hoarse cries and ragged breathing told most of the story, but the hardy sailor's involuntary body movements made it abundantly clear what he was going through. And after fifteen seconds, Ravenus stopped.

The man was openly weeping. Not a mark on him, but weeping and shuddering uncontrollably as his friends helped him down. The next one was strapped to the mast with great effort, and then stripped as well.

"Two strokes."

Harry had been watching Ravenus. He was not happy. Certainly exhilarated, and basking in the feeling of power, but Harry could tell that he was appalled by his own reaction. But at the command, he readied his wand and let loose with the curse again, and again for ten seconds the sailor was tortured in agony without leaving a mark on him. When he was done, his friends removed him as well.

The crew was totally silent. The last man was guilty of trying to organize mutiny. On a Navy ship, that would be death. But for pirates, the code was less harsh. Nevertheless, when Captain Lee called out "Fifteen strokes," the crew recoiled in horror, and the crewman broke free. He shouted "No, you satanic coward!" and ran towards Ravenus.

Ravenus reacted instantly. With more fury than ever before, he howled "CRUCIO!" and the sailor dropped in his tracks to writhe uncontrollably on the deck. After ten seconds he began screaming and arching his back, the pain so excruciating and so real that it could not be escaped. And still as the seconds ticked by Ravenus's magic lanced out to engulf and rack the rebellious sailor.

At sixty seconds he stopped, to catch his breath. Dead silence on the deck, except for the broken whimpering of the sailor. Harry was watching Ravenus carefully. With thirty seconds left to go, a hungry zeal crossed his features as he approached his prey. Raising his wand, with deadly intensity and cold fury he said, "Crucio." And the resulting suffering was double the previous time, with the mutinous crewman spread-eagled and shrieking out of control. An interminable time later, Ravenus stopped, and pocketed his wand.

Harry studied Ravenus again. Distaste crossed his face as he realized that he had relished the feeling of power and control. The crew were stunned, and even Captain Lee looked a bit uncomfortable. If nothing else, they realized now that Ravenus was capable of some very scary stuff.

The crewman had finished twitching and was almost breathing normally again. Ravenus approached him, extended a hand, and said, "Don't do that again. This wasn't my idea." And the crewman realized the truth in that, and accepted the hand.

The haze fell again, and Harry was sitting again with the diary. He read on.

After the sentence, I had to be alone to think. I had forgotten how satisfying the Cruciatus Curse was, to feel your legitimate enemy squirm and suffer because of your action. There is a fine line between barbarism and discipline. I think today I may have crossed it. The third one today was especially satisfying because he was going to attack me. I feel partly as if my soul has started down a long, dark path and while it is going to feel very good and slake my thirsts, it is going to ruin me. But I want it. It is calling to me.

Harry read through a number of short entries that documented where they were, and some experiences in port. His interest began to wane, especially with the late hour. But then a few more entries caught his eye.

19th of March, 1676.

Today I am seventeen years old. Not much of a birthday. But the captain acknowledged to me that I was now a full crew member and that anytime I could pay off my indenture, I could go. From prize money I had more than enough, and so I did pay off my indenture. Captain Lee was a little unhappy about that, but then I told him that I would be pleased to remain in his crew as Navigator and whatever else I do. That made all the difference. So I am a pirate now by choice. Someday I hope to tell Father that so that it eats him alive.

Most especially when we were near port I received an owl from James. It was several months old, but he obviously had gotten my more conventional letter. I am copying it here.

My Dearest Ravenus,

How amazed I was when I received your letter by carrier. Your letter sounds like you are well, although the circumstances are appalling. We learned that Father had sold you into indenture on a ship after a couple of weeks, but even he did not know that he was swindled and sold you to a pirate ship. I thought I might have seen some regret there, but if there was it was short lived. You are much better placed on your ship than staying here. Father was furious that you had shaken off the Trace.

I have found a place of my own to live, not being able to stand it back at Godric's Hollow right now. I have a small second story apartment near London, and my young wife and I are satisfied if not happy. It is on the Floo network now. Let us talk sometime, please. I miss you, and such wrongs have been done to you.

You probably have heard, but there is a considerable price on your head right now. Your Captain Lee and his Phantom Raider have quite a reputation. Your battle with the HMS Ranger received a lot of attention, and while they didn't know it was you at the time, when you turned the sails green with the Ravenclaw coat of arms, those of us who knew guessed it was you. The tracked down Father who finally admitted that he had sold you off, and to who, and they made the connection. So I do not expect you home anytime soon.

I took your wand from Father, and have spelled it into this message. Say the name of your blood Mother and it will emerge for you. You are probably of age now, and should not be denied your wand.

Know that I miss you.

Love, your half brother, James

I spoke my mother's name, Lydia, and my wand slid out of the paper. My wand. Mine. The one that I was so at home with. It felt warm in my hand, alike an old reunion, and so much better than the one I captured. But I will keep them both.

I miss James so much. But I have my life now. And I am satisfied.

Harry read through another series of short updates, mostly about where the ship had been. They had much success in prizes and spent their money in port. Several years passed, and then major events struck.

27th August, 1680.

I have had a wonderful idea. My last speech with James in the fireplace had his family barely making it by. I have all this prize money that I can't spend fast enough. It is risky, but the next port I will Apparate back to James with a chest for him. As long has he spends it slowly, which I know he will, they will be more comfortable.

30th August 1680.

It has been more than four years since I first gave way to Captain Lee. No one has ever given way to me yet. The captain must know this, for he has told me that tomorrow when we reach port he is going to buy me a catamite on which I may satisfy myself. He now treats me with the respect he does his ship's master. The seamen do not question my few orders, and I have stood watch now many times at the wheel and giving the orders and commands. Today the captain told me that I looked so natural at the wheel, smiling and studying the sails and their setting.

Having someone give way to me intrigues me. I have always been the so-called bottom, but the notion of topping lights a fire in my veins and loins. Maybe after I see James.

3rd of September, 1680.

I am in an inn. I have just spoken with James, and am about to Apparate. I have a thousand galleons here that I transfigured from gold pieces. Here goes.

Well, I am back. It was so good to see James and his wife. She has a baby now, a boy named Robert. They truly appreciated the galleons, and will spend them wisely. I am glad they accepted my offer.

I stopped in Hogsmeade on the way back, to look at the castle. Students were back in it, and the lights glowed and flickered. But it is far away from me now. Someday I should like to return to it, but I have other needs now. The bartender at the Hogs Head may have recognized me, but he did not say anything. And I was able to get some key ingredients on Knockturn Alley without being stopped. But it is risky. I shall have to be careful.

5th of September, 1680.

Things have gone wrong. The British Navy is very interested in crushing piracy right now. We stopped at Boaz Island in Bermuda and may have been seen. The Spanish are also a little touchy. Captain Lee is continuing to hunt for Spanish prizes, but I have a feeling the Brits are going to be our problem.

19th of Steptember, 1680.

I don't quite believe it, but I am now the Captain of the Phantom Raider. I don't know which is more remarkable, that I am captain or that I am alive at all. We were set upon by the Brits. Seven of them had been following us and circled around the island of Pico in the Azores. We had stopped at Lajes de Pico, and upon our departure three British warships bore down on us from the west, and four from the east. The captain set all sail and in the stiff breeze we flew out to sea. But they were faster, and had the upwind advantage from four of them. And they all flew the flag of Gryffindor. Bastards. They raked us over with their cannons from distance, and some of the shots rang true. The wizards all were attacking the crew and myself, and with good timing we defended. I know it sounds odd, but it is easier to fight seven than it is one, because the seven must maintain awareness of the other six's actions. Otherwise they would shoot each other or collide.

One of the cannons got a lucky shot that blew Captain Lee apart. His final words to the bosun were that the ship belonged to Captain Potter now. And then he died. I was so furious that I stood in full view of everyone on the aft deck, transfigured the sails to absolute black with the green Ravenclaw symbol. I must have been scary because the crew never performed so well. I used the Avada Kedavra seven times, and each time was successful in killing the wizard I was aiming at. The others frantically tried to stop me, but my shield was impervious.

We were losing, though. The men knew it. They also knew that Captain Lee would have stayed and sunk the ship, even against these odds. What did I do? I got the ships master and the bosun up to talk. I asked them if we could win. They shook their heads. And so I told them that we would flee. They were skeptical, but obedient. And so I stood on the back of the Phantom Raider, and said in a loud voice, "It seems that I will escape you again. Until next, gentlemen!" And then I dug deep in to my spell lore, and cast the largest Dense Fog Charm that I could. It worked, and under the cover of that fog bank we slipped away quietly. It was hours before the fog cleared and the Brits realized that I had given them the slip.

Captain Ravenus Potter. Captain of the Phantom Raider. But my captain is dead, and seventeen others including Jack who came on board when I did. Damn the Brits. I will make them pay. If they think that Captain Lee was a problem, just wait until they feel the wrath of Captain Potter.

Harry had to put the book down. Twenty one years old and captain of the most respected pirate ship. He was enemy number one because his father could not abide a Ravenclaw instead of a Gryffindor. This relative had some of the same feelings that Harry had felt from Voldemort. That made him very uncomfortable. But he was not basking in them; rather, he was keeping hold of his conscience. Very different than Voldemort.

He kept reading.

28th November 1680.

We took our first prize under my command today. A Spaniard. I used a new strategy that I had devised. We wait until we sight them. I then call in a fog around us, and we come in nice and close. At the last minute they see us, and we unload our broadsides into them. Then we board, plunder, and set them free. And then we sail off into the fog.

It was a little confusing for us. I have devised a new one, in which the fog goes around them and not us. They had some news, though. They kept threatening us that the great Spanish fleet would show us British the power and might of Spain. I shall have to think about this.

5th December, 1680.

We stopped at Pico in the Azores again. The Brits were gone but the Spanish military had retaken the islands. They were all talking about the massive Spanish fleet that had passed the islands. They would not tell me how many, as they dislike even pirates who sound British. I took a moment to Floo James and ask him to keep his ears alert at the Ministry.

Many of the crew are feeling nationalistic right now. True, Britain would hang us from the gallows if they could, but we would prefer that than having to learn Spanish. I speak Spanish now, but the sentiment is the same.

9th December, 1680.

James and I had exchanged a special coin. I had put the Protean Charm on it so that each would replicate what the other had. Well, today James spelled the words "Floo Me" into it. There is a little archipelago right here that we will hide in overnight. I can row ashore and Apparate to him.

I am back. It was a good thing I did go to James. I Apparated to a couple of blocks from his flat, and as I approached I saw that there were several members of the Royal Navy there. They were there huddled around the fireplace. So I snuck into a nearby apartment, made sure everyone was asleep, and then connected it to the Floo Network and began speaking. They were worried. This large Spanish fleet has been hunting down British force groups of two or three ships and destroying them utterly. The Royal Navy officers were very hungry for information. And while I was on the fireplace, the others had apparently scrambled and gotten Lord Randolph to the room. James was quite taken aback, I can tell you. Lord Randolph and I had a short, pointed discussion in which he lamented that we could not meet in person.

I decided it was worth the risk. I leaned out of the fireplace and Apparated directly to James's kitchen. It was late.

I think I will spell the memory in.

Lord Randolph!! Harry remembered a little bit of history and Lord Randolph was one of the more famous Navy figures. This was a precious gift! Eagerly he stepped into the waiting haze.

Ravenus stood back from the fireplace, and made sure he was presentable. He had aged again, but only gotten more devilishly hot. Even Harry felt the sexual magnetism from Ravenus. And with the quick step he popped out and into the kitchen area. Harry followed him as he walked quietly from the kitchen to the sitting room. It was surprising that the scene could have happened minutes ago and very little would have changed appearances. As always, the Wizarding world seemed to be stalled in the seventeenth century.

Five men were there. Four looked the type, wearing uniforms that were both heavy and ornate, with the typical flour- colored formal wig. James was normal. And so, when Ravenus slid into the room, everyone looked up expecting to see James' wife.

They were never so wrong. Ravenus spoke in his now deep voice. "It seems I am able to grant your wish, Lord Randolph. I ask to parlay."

Harry could see that the shock was such that they didn't even get their swords out. The middle one spoke.

"Ravenus Potter?"

"Captain Ravenus Potter of the Phantom Raider. I am afraid that one of your ships blew Captain Lee to bits before we could flee."

James' eyes widened. This was way more than he had bargained for. But Lord Randolph nodded his head.

"Yes, that would have been off Pico?" He shook his head. "We have expended a lot of resources looking for you."

Ravenus brushed that off. He told them what he had seen from the Spaniards. "My men and I are having a touch of British nationalism right now, and hence this meeting."

Lord Randolph was pale. "Captain, for I must admit that you are, we can not resist them. We lost so much to the French that we can not call in enough of our fleet in time to handle the Spanish too. We will engage them bravely and with honour, but we do not have the resources to win." He stood. "As a captain, a fighter and tactician, you are unequaled, even at your young age. What we could have done for you in the Admiralty! But now, I must ask your help as a supplicant. Will you help England?"


Lord Randolph shifted. "There is an action coming up that is going to separate the wizarding world from the - what is the word? - muggle world. I can't get wizards to go out on Navy ships anymore; you have killed or scared off the ones who would. I need England to win, by whatever means."

"And in exchange?"

Lord Randolph looked blankly. "What on earth could you want?"

Ravenus grinned. "A general pardon. For my entire crew and myself, although it seems unlikely that I will use it. Our British conflicts have been few and all defensive."

"A pardon. That would be most interesting. Can you substantiate your position?"

Ravenus reached into his cloak and pulled out a small, leatherbound book. "This is my diary. I have detailed all the conflicts that I have fought. Many of the entries are spelled in, and can be verified by wizards for their authenticity."

Lord Randolph nodded absently. His tongue traveled across his cultured lips, moistening them. His feelings again were rising, those that he had fought to control. His eyes, downcast at this moment, raised slowly and a look crossed his face. It was a look of anguish.

Ravenus recognized that look, and his eyes went wide as he grinned. "James, would you clear the room please, except for myself and Lord Randolph?"

Randolph nodded as the other men were ushered out. James looked back once, and sudden perception stole a horrified smile across his face as he locked the doors.

Ravenus stood there. A towering symbol of freedom and independence. Lord Randolph rose too, a symbol of the might and bureaucracy of his country. Which would break first to ask for what they both wanted?

Randolph did. "It seems, captain, that an intimate action is pending that might help seal together our sincerity."

Ravenus nodded. "Allow me to show respect for your position." And he approached, knelt down and began to open Randolph's breeches. After several layers of odd garments, a moderate but quite hard cock emerged, and Ravenus began immediately to work his oral talents as Randolph began to moan quietly. There was no question that Ravenus was good at this, as the Lord's composure evaporated and in less than one minute Ravenus heard and felt the orgasm ripple through his prey. He swallowed the small amount of cum, and after a careful and thorough job on the now softening cock, he released it with a grin.

Lord Randolph dressed himself, breathing hard. Ravenus was magnificent. Randolph had been sucked before, but never as well or effectively as this gay wizard pirate. But now it was his turn. He came over and started to kneel in front of Ravenus, but he was stopped.

"That is not necessary, Lord Randolph." Ravenus stepped away. "My service on you is sufficient in my eyes."

Tinged with being denied, Lord Randolph stood. "As you wish." He unlocked the doors, and the remaining men returned to the room somewhat confused. Only James looked like he understood.

"Have you a location where you choose to meet the Spanish?"

"We control the Channel. I suspect that they will approach by Galicia."

Ravenus nodded. "Coruna." He looked at James. "Can we count on your cooperation?"

"Of course. What do you need me to do?"

"Relay messages. You know the limitations."


Lord Randolph nodded. "Misters Potter, England is in your debt." One of his assistants handed him a sheaf of parchments. "Here are one hundred general pardons, all blank, all signed. Use them wisely."

Ravenus nodded. "Victory for England."


And before it could go bad, Ravenus stepped to the back of the room. "Farewell, gentlemen." And he Apparated back to the archipelago and rejoined his crew.

The haze rose and fell around Harry, and he was again back in the Gryffindor Common Room. It was very late, and Harry had to put the diary down. He carefully marked his place and cradling the diary like a precious heirloom, which it was, he went upstairs to his bed. His dreams were filled with crashing waves and the thrill of the sea.

When he woke, Harry resumed his daytime routines. But his thoughts again were riveted on the raven-haired ancestor. Arriving early to Transfiguration and being the first there, he looked at the gauzy white curtains in the room, and on sudden impulse raised his wand.

"Proclami Gryffindor!"

With a sizzle the change took place. The curtains were now the Gryffindor red, with the Lion boldly emblazoned. Grinning he turned to see a surprised Minerva McGonagall staring at him.

"Well, Mr. Potter, I like the color but where on earth did you learn that spell?"

Harry held up the diary. "In here. Ravenus has spelled some of his memories in here, and I saw him do it. NO," he said hastily, "It isn't a Horcrux. But I saw him do this to his sails, and ."

"You thought you might try it on our curtains."

"Well, not exactly, but . sort of."

McGonagall waved her wand. Nothing happened. She looked at him, quirked her eyebrows, and Harry turned red.

"Finite Proclami Gryffindor!" And they turned back to gauzy white again.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Potter."

"Professor, did you read the diary?"

"I did, and although I saw the memory seals, I am not a male of Potter blood so I could not experience them."

Harry sighed. "They are perfect. Like the day they were recorded. He formed a secret alliance with Lord Randolph to defeat a Spanish incursion."

She smiled. "Have you gotten to the battle yet?"

"No, just the agreement." He turned bright red.

"Something relevant?"

Why not? "Professor, you knew that Ravenus was gay, right?"

"It did say so early on."

"Well, apparently at the agreement to seal the deal he gave Lord Randolph a blowjob." Harry was really red now. "You know what that is, don't you?"

McGonagall's face was a study in conflict. "I most certainly do." She humphed a bit. "While that today would be most . unusual . I seem to recall Professor Binns mentioning at some point that intimate contact was a sign of trust and sincerity." She smiled a bit more. "I don't suppose that there are other intimate moments spelled into the memory seals?"

Harry nodded. "Several. With exquisite detail. That diary is truly miraculous. He was better than Tom Riddle was in his diary."

McGonagall was quiet for a moment. "Harry," she said quietly, "Do you find yourself dreaming and longing for the sea?"

Poignancy hung in the air, and Harry nodded again. "Yes, Minerva. Though not actually longing for it, more like being exhilarated when finally back at sea." And he looked directly at her. "And a part of me is longing for him."

She nodded. "Be careful. Ravenus was incredibly powerful." She stopped a moment, and then confided in Harry. "One of the spells he is known to have invented is the ability for a memory to interact with a reader, like role-playing. The Pensieve allows us to browse memories, but not interact. Ravenus Potter invented the Role-Interaction Charm. At least one of his memory seals is likely to be one." Almost reproving, she said, "It is very likely that he left one like that for some . intimate moments with himself and whoever is reading the book."

Harry blushed again. "Thank you for the warning."

She moved away as the other students came in. Harry pocketed the book for later. It would be late tonight as he and Ginny were having a somewhat extended dinner. But as he moved about, he smiled a little more, and he could feel his hair blowing slightly in the wind. He had always had unruly hair, but it hadn't been quite so long.

Ginny noticed. She loved Harry, but when she and he met for dinner she was fundamentally shaken by just how sexy he looked. Dark robes went best with Harry. Maybe it was confidence, maybe it was maturity, but the just seemed to have a little more flair tonight.

The snogging session that followed dinner had been incredible. Both knew that they were each ready for some serious sex, but were holding off out of respect and the school circumstances. But Harry, who was usually the rather passive one in the whole activity had been demanding and urgent, and his hands had gone exploring further than ever, much to Ginny's delight.

"Harry, you are just incredible tonight! I am so incredibly in love with you."

"I love you so much, Ginny. Tonight I just feel . like I know what I want and I know what you will like. And it would be no good to be hesitant about it."

She thought a moment. "Believe me, I am enjoying it! But you haven't been like this before. What has changed?"

They sat back and Harry responded. "McGonagall gave me this diary of Ravenus Potter, from over three centuries ago. It's given me an insight that I haven't ever had into a mind." Harry shrugged. "Maybe I just am getting a little of his style. He definitely has style."

"Who was he?"

"A gay wizard, the only Potter to become a non-Gryffindor. His father sold him into piracy at age sixteen."

"A Slytherin?"

"No, a Ravenclaw. Apparently a very good one."

Ginny grinned and held him tight. "I don't know about the gay part, but a little pirate flair might break your conservatism."

They bade each other goodnight, and Ginny went to bed. Harry sat back and resumed the reading of the diary.

Harry resumed his position by the fire, opened the diary again and continued on.

21st December 1680

The crew are somewhat daunted, but I have finally succeeded in Bulk Apparition. After my meeting with James and Lord Randolph, we immediately set forth for Coruna off of Spain. I have been working with magic on a scale I haven't ever attempted before, and although it is exhausting I am getting results. If not distracted, and fresh in body, I can Apparate the entire ship and crew now. Together with Dense Fog, we will be uncatchable. But what to use against the Spanish? How do we, one barque, hold out against their ships of the line? Shields, motion, and fire, I guess. If I attack with fire, that is going to give them some problems. The Killing Curse is not broad enough.

We will make port tomorrow on the African coast to take on food and water. The islet of Carangua was a favorite port of Captain Lee's, and it is my fervent hope that we will be well received. It is likely to be our last port before the conflict.

23rd December, 1680

I am writing this as we leave Carangua. I think I am forever changed. We have taken on supplies and water, and are making our way towards Morocco and then up to Coruna. The crew has never been better, and the weather is just right. I can feel the wind blowing through my hair, and life is good. Too bad we are sailing into what could be death.

Captain Lee had arranged for a gift for me. He once told me that. Well, I have received his gift now. Unbeknownst to us, Lee had a handful of favorite boys that he had cultivated over the years, each in different ports. He was definitely known to women, but apparently had a wide variety in taste. The one here, Robert, had been planned by Captain Lee to be shared amongst him and me the next time we came to this port. Well, the captain is dead now, and the arrangement between him and Robert was such that Robert expected to continue on with me as he did Lee.

I have never been a dominant personality. Rather, I have always been a contributor, often a leader but only for coordination and execution. I am not one that inspires armies or battalions to plunder their courage on a fatalistic move. I know I have power, and influence, but I have always tried to stay in the background. There are some people who will see an opportunity, and carpe diem, seize it with both hands. Others don't see the opportunity. I have tended to find the opportunities that others don't see - subtle ones, with minor visible gain. Success has brought me fame, though and the opportunities are larger.

That is all different now. I feel a sense of thrill, of power, and adventure perhaps, and it all came from my night with Robert. Already the energy and freedom of the seas fill me, and the memory of Robert is etched forever in my mind. I am going to etch it here as well, that you my descendent might also be filled with the wonder and taste of dominance.

Harry stopped. This event had a significant turning point in Ravenus. He could see that the script was bolder, and his choice of wording a little stronger. He looked at the highly ornate letter R in the page, and applied the tip of his wand to it. The haze rose around him again, and fell.

He was in the cabin, and Ravenus was writing. He finished, sealed the letter, and spelled it shut. Harry looked over his shoulder and saw that it was addressed to James, when there was a knock on the door.

The bosun brought in a small letter. "Captain, sir, this arrived as usual for Captain Lee. The messenger indicated it was to go to you in his absence."

"Thank you." And the bosun left. Ravenus had the common British accent, baritone now, and silky. It was a voice that caressed, even under the worst of circumstances. He opened the letter, and saw the handwriting. Harry looked over his shoulder.

To Captaine, Phantomme Rayder, Upon Arrival

Your servant awaits you at the Beach Front Howse tonight.

Most Respectfully,


Ravenus studied the letter. The sun was setting - whatever this was, he would have to go shortly. He freshened himself as best as possible, and in the process Harry noted that he was now very very good looking. His chest had added considerable definition, and in his loincloth a gorgeous butt and well proportioned cock were present. Harry only felt the slightest touch of oddness at these observations.

Ravenus dressed nondescriptly, and made his way down the gangplank to shore. He had left Carstairs in charge as officer of the deck, and as he looked back he saw the Phantom Raider looking smart and well-kept. The other pirates that he could see were slovenly.

The Beach Front Howse was a building at the upwind section of the town. A consistent breeze blew through the town, and upwind was better than downwind. He stopped for a moment, again feeling the free breeze through his long raven-black hair, and Harry watched him bask in the sunset outside the long rambling building that was labeled as his destination. At that moment, he was so hot that Harry realized that if Ravenus approached him, he would happily agree to a night of fucking and sucking and whatever else he desired. Deep down, Harry had the touch of gay in him, even though it was only a small touch.

Another figure joined them watching the waves. He was a young man, barely sixteen, blond and very attractive. He was quite tanned, and carried himself with grace and confidence. They stood for a moment, and then Ravenus turned to him.

"Greetings, neighbor. I am looking for a worthy gentleman named Robert."

The young man laughed an easy laugh. "Well, I don't know about worthy gentlemen, but I am Robert." He looked quizzically at Ravenus. "Are you with the Captain of the Phantom Raider?"

Ravenus sighed. "May God rest is soul, Captain Lee was killed some months ago by a cannon ball." He watched the stricken young man, and then continued. "I now am the Captain of the Phantom Raider. Captain Ravenus Potter, and very unhappy to bring you that dire news."

Robert eyed him thoughtfully. "Ah, Mr. Potter. David, that is, Captain Lee had spoken to me of you. Perhaps he mentioned that I might have a gift for you?"

Ravenus nodded. "Only in the most general terms. I know nothing other than he had arranged a gift for me at this port."

Robert looked troubled. "I see. Well sir, David used to come here when in Carangua for relaxation and entertainment." He looked squarely at Ravenus. "David had told me that you and he were intimate amongst men together. Is it true?"

Ravenus's eyes went wide. "We never spoke of it to anyone. At least, I did not. But now that he has gone, yes, I have given way to him a number of times, and he was most enthusiastic about my oral satisfaction of him"

Robert nodded. "Oh yes, he mentioned that. Well, he and I shared the same kind of intimacy. It was his strongest desire, and his gift, in fact, that you, he and I share together on our next visit to this port." Robert looked down. "I will regret his absence."

"I too am sorry."

They stood as the last rays of the sun sank below the horizon. Not a time for mourning, but for thought, each distant and far away. But it was Robert who slowly placed his hand in that of Ravenus's, and moved closer.

"He would have wanted us to continue. He had a special lesson for you."

The blood raced through Ravenus as even Harry could see him tense. "Did he now?"

"Yes, but I can only tell you later."

Harry could see the introvert side begin to slip away from the moment, and apparently so did Robert. In response Robert pulled him around and squarely placed his mouth on Ravenus's own, not as a dominant but as a desperate supplicant. The kiss broke, and Ravenus stared at Robert for a moment before stepping inward and wrapping his arms around the blond young man for an extended and prolonged kiss. It was obvious that Ravenus was kissing Robert, and not the other way around.

The kiss broke, and Harry had to strain to hear the invitation. "So, Robert, the message was written to say that the captain's servant awaits him. Does that servant also await on me?"

"Most fervently, sir. I am now your servant, per the captain's final wishes."

"Most excellent. And what would be most excellent would be a bath. A nice, long bath."

Robert grinned. "The water is already run, sir."

"Call me Ravenus." And they entered the house on the beach front.

Harry followed quickly. Robert was the perfect manservant, and Ravenus positively glowed when finished. A robe was available for him, and with his chiseled body and flowing hair they ate a well-prepared dinner together. Ravenus had kept his table manners and etiquette, which made Robert beam with pleasure.

Robert's official function was to scan the waters periodically from his high position on the beach front for ships. It was a quiet and unobtrusive job, but he knew a lot about the movements going on. He had seen the Phantom Raider nearly a day off, and had made all the preparations.

Dinner was cleared, and the two men had finished the wine. Robert began to grin, and slowly he moved behind Ravenus, and began to stroke his hair.

"It is so beautiful, your hair. Black as night, and so long and free." He moved it to one side to land a kiss on the nape of Ravenus's neck. He ran his fingers inside the robe over his bare chest, and that elicited a gentle moan from Ravenus. Bringing his tongue to Ravenus's nearby ear, he whispered, "I am a total servant, and I have waited long and anxiously for my master to come and relieve his stress and torment on me. I am your complete amusement and willing sacrifice. Please don't hold back. David never did." And the stimulation continued.

Harry watched as Ravenus stood slowly, and turning he approached Robert, moving closer until Robert was pinned against the wall. Ravenus deliberately and slowly brought his mouth down again for a kiss, and he literally devoured Robert. Ravenus moved his hands throughout Robert and had taken control. When the kiss finally did break, Robert was panting.

"Sir, let me show you to the sleeping chambers, that we might continue."

Ravenus felt the power now. "Not yet." And he elicited another long kiss from Robert, who was now totally involved and excited. "Now show me the chambers."

Harry followed them up the staircase, where several candles cleared the dark. A double sigh from Harry and Ravenus, as they caught sight of what must be the largest bed on the planet. Robert grinned in his appreciation, and made an inviting gesture.

Ravenus had to be sure. "Robert, are things truly as you state for this?"

Robert nodded. "Sir, I am your willing slave." A chill went through them both.

"Then strip for me, Robert. I long to see you in all your own beauty."

Robert began removing clothes, and for the young man that he was, again Harry could appreciate what kind of a partner he would be. Nearly hairless except on his head and pubes, he was tanned all over, long legged and with a tight and lean butt. His cock was nice too, but it was the butt that kept getting Harry's attention. Realizing for the first time, some of Ravenus's interests were interacting with the memory and awakening thoughts in Harry he wasn't prepared for entirely.

Robert posed for Ravenus, and smiled when Ravenus stated his approval. "I can see why Lee loved you. You are exquisite."

"I am your plaything, your bauble. It is playtime."

Ravenus nodded. "Then, bauble, suck me." He removed the robe, and Robert gasped in hot anticipation. It was again obvious that Robert appreciated a delectable sexual morsel.

The one-way did not last long, and soon the two sexy young men were in the bed, each mutually sucking the other. Robert was the first to come, and he did so with great gusto. Ravenus consumed his semen with no qualms or hesitation, and so minutes later when it was his term Robert responded in kind.

Ravenus was in heaven. He decided to let Robert make some decisions. "Robert, proceed along the same plan as David would have." And Harry watched as Robert rolled over Ravenus, massaged his back, legs and waist until spending many minutes on his butt. He then leaned forward and applied his hot tongue to his master's butt, causing a great round of moaning and pleasurable sounds as Robert rimmed Ravenus expertly and relentlessly.

Harry had never heard of such a thing. But as he watched, his own back entrance began to warm and tingle slightly. And he yearned to touch the hot butt that Robert had such pleasure with. He reached his hand forward, and actually could feel the buttock, the graceful curve from lower back, down over the rise and tuck in to the firm and toned thigh. He could feel it, but if Ravenus could, he did not know.

When Robert rolled him over and began to work on his chest, Ravenus had already gotten hard again. But from the fierce look in Ravenus's eyes, Harry could tell that a strength and desire had awakened in Ravenus and that Robert was about to get the fuck of his life.

From that moment, Ravenus was in control. He sucked, he licked, he covered Robert in active and exploratory hands nearly continuously. It was a spectacle for sure in the candlelight, with the dark long-haired sea captain spread across the young blond man crying out in pleasure and intensity.

And then Ravenus was ready. He turned over Robert so he was on his hands and knees, and Robert must have known what he wanted because he uttered quietly, "Master, you must punish me for my shortcomings."

Punish? Ravenus positioned himself next to Robert, raised his hand and brought it smartly down across the younger man's butt. Robert gasped, but his cock grew harder.

Feeling the surge of dominance, he spanked Robert again, and Robert gasped and his cock grew harder. And so, without causing significant discomfort, Ravenus lightly reddened the butt of his servant-slave. This excited him beyond belief, as Harry could see Ravenus's cock now bobbing with his heartbeat.

Harry had found the spanking absolutely intoxicating. It wasn't punishment, it was dominance and that made him extremely horny. He wondered if he could find a way to introduce spanking with Ginny at some point.

Ravenus stopped, and moved behind Robert. Robert was breathing hard and fast, and Harry could faintly make out the words "oh yes" from each breath. Ravenus muttered the spell that all male wizards know to lubricate, and Robert changed to "oh please" in his mantra.

Ravenus positioned himself, and placing the head of his cock at Robert's entrance, he began the push. Robert met him expertly, and the cock surged into the nice warm and inviting place. Both young men gasped, and then the rhythm and speed began to steady. Ravenus leaned forward, pulled Robert up off his hands and fastened them on to the bed headboard. He then proceded, while still inside Robert, to tongue his neck, the upper part of his back, and then move forward so that his entire body from chin to cock was in contact with Robert's. Ravenus's hands moved and covered the lower stomach of his lover, and then caressing upwards until over his chest and the sensitive nubs there. All the while, Robert was whimpering and cooing with the pleasure and knowledge of his total submission.

Ravenus then brought his hands up over the neck, and onto Robert's face. His fingers brushed his partner's mouth, stroked the bridge of his nose and cheeks back to his ears, and massaged his temples. This highly intimate contact was totally new for Robert, and it just seemed to make him hornier and harder than ever.

Ravenus spoke, then. "And now, the fuck will begin." And he began to thrust, slowly at first, and then with more depth and intensity. His face was ravaged by intensity and desire, and he entwined his arms around Robert who now could not escape. Robert struggled feebly and then surrendered as the punitive aspects of fucking entered Ravenus's mind and the assault on Robert's ass continued.

Harry would have been concerned except that Robert was obviously enjoying the experience. The intensity and focus of the slick cock pistoning in and out of Robert's, their naked bodies sliding and blending together as one put Robert over the edge first as he screamed out his orgasm. Ravenus responded by letting him go down again, now with only one focus for the sexual ramming that was taking place where cock entered butt. The furious slapping of skin on skin and the faster and faster movement until Ravenus crossed the line again and impaled Robert with his most violent orgasm ever. He pounded the young man over and over, pulling, stretching, reaching and crushing the blond onto him, until the moment of ecstasy was over and he began to soften.

Panting, they separated without losing contact and laid on the bed. And over the entire night, Harry watched as Ravenus fucked and fucked and fucked Robert in a dozen positions and approaches, including the long slow gentle fuck that Robert cried after, and the violent conquest that Robert had begged for and then begged for rescue from. That last one had put the fire of desire and adventure into Ravenus as it had never been known before, and when they separated the next morning, Robert was positively beaming with satisfaction.

After breakfast, Robert handed him his bag of clean clothes and they sat for a moment at the table. Ravenus was grinning, and Robert was very smug.

"The tide will turn soon. You must hurry."

Ravenus nodded. "Robert, you are incredible and a beautiful sight for sore eyes." He looked at him with bright eyes. "How can I thank you?"

"By returning when you can. My intuition tells me that you are a sincere man, and much closer in age to me."

"Would you ever take ship?"

Robert shook his head. "No, I am very much a landlubber, thank you. But I can appreciate sea captains."

"More than myself, and Captain Lee?"

Again, a shake of his head. "No, just you. Although I know David had others elsewhere, I sense that you don't."

"I don't."


They finished, parted, and Ravenus returned to the harbor. Both recognized that each watched the other go, for a long time.

The haze fell around Harry again, and he was staring at the diary. It was hours later, and he was covered in sweat. He closed the diary, and made his way to bed.

Upon waking, he felt refreshed and alert. People noticed too, as many gave way to him and yet with his warm smile and commanding presence he strode the hallways. Commanding presence? Where had that come from? But as he stopped to look in the mirror, his hair a little longer, almost shaggy, but eyes bright green still, something had changed. He held himself like Ravenus did. He, who had outwitted Voldemort and slew him, who had been through so much. Yes, it was he.

Transfiguration was easy. It had always come reasonably to him, but today the goal was to transfigure a glass of water into an ornate lace doily, where the level of detail would earn more points. Harry had stood for his turn, concentrated very hard, and with a flourish he bent his total concentration on the spell. What resulted was an exquisite pure white lace doily with patterns so subtle that they could not be seen. Professor McGonagall had watched Harry profoundly as he received full marks.

"A moment of your time, Mr. Potter, after class." And as the others filed out, Harry went up to Professor McGonagall.

"You are changing in front of me, Mr. Potter." She looked at him closely. "How do you feel?"

Harry thought a moment. "Confident, actually. Like I know that I can take care of myself and do what is right now."

She nodded. "You need that." She paused, and then, "Do you see some of Ravenus coming through you?"

"Yes and no. I have in passing, like my hair which has always been a bit independent, it seems to have decided to grow a little longer and stay that way."

"You have added a little style to your presence. I saw it when you transfigured that doily. Which, by the way, is exquisite work."

"Thank you."

Minerva came to a decision. "Harry, dear, the time is going to come very soon when you and . uh . Ginny may decide on a personal . adventure of sorts." Harry blushed, and she hurried along. "All I can say is to remember the Room of Requirement. There are alerts throughout the rest of the castle for that kind of activity, and most who try for a place in Hogsmeade have had difficulty."

Harry nodded, surprised, and before it could get any more awkward, she left.

Harry didn't see Ginny until much later, and when he did they just propped each other up in one of the side alcoves where a nice lounge was placed. Both were fatigued, and just enjoyed each other's company. Harry felt to his core that she was right there with him. He chuckled quietly.

"What was that for?"

"McGonagall. She all but gave us permission to go and explore each other."

Ginny's eyes went wide. "Really? How? I'd been planning on Hogsmeade cause the castle is booby trapped."

"She suggested the Room of Requirement."

Her eyes went wide, and her grin got wider. "Now that is an idea!"

His eyes met hers. "Are you really ready?"

She sobered a little. "Almost, Harry. Are you?"

He thought, and then nodded. "Yes, for you I am. And when you are ready, I will be there."

She was quiet. "You will wait for me?"

Harry smiled. "Of course. I love you, Ginny. I know that we are meant to be together. I'll wait for you anytime."

With that she jumped on him and the kiss was as much gratitude as it was desire. Laughing, they made their way to the Common Room, and Ginny went up to bed. Harry sat down and reopened the diary.

28th December 1680.

We happened upon a Spanish warship today. Just one, on its way northeast. The wind was favorable and I decided to put some of my new strategy to the test. I have trained the crew on this new way of fighting. When I give the order to Run Silent, we set the sails for straight line sailing with all cannons at the ready, and then try not to make a single sound. I then cast a Disillusionment Charm, which essentially renders our entire ship invisible. That was hard the first time, but now that I know how much to put into it, it works quite well. Then I pick a location just right for our prey, and I cast a Bulk Apparition and the ship, invisible leaps forward to that location. When the time is right, I signal to fire, and the cannons go off on the first round of broadsides. Once the first round goes off, I cancel the Disillusionment Charm and we fight it out. The trick is, we always guarantee surprise that way. And it worked perfectly. Well, almost. Here is the memory.

Harry tapped the symbol, and the haze came down around him. When it raised, he found he was on the bow of the ship. He breathed in the air, and stared up at the sails filled with wind as the ship plowed along. Turning, he saw a sail in the distance, several miles away.

"All Hands, Run Silent!" Ravenus stood in the stern by the wheel, looking like the wizard captain that he was. Harry ran back to the stern of the ship, and the crew settled everything in place. They watched him expectantly.

"Steady, now! Fire on my signal." And he stood, and with a sweep of his wand he cast the Disillusionment Charm. The Phantom Raider gently became transparent, as Harry could see dimly that the crew were still there. But the were probably invisible from another ship.

Another sweep of the wand, and the entire ship wrenched forward with a pop and amazingly within twenty feet the other ship lay to their starboard, unsuspecting. The cannons were not out, and the crew were briskly working ship. But it was clearly a very large Spanish warship, and an English seaman's hat hung from the top of the mizzen mast as a trophy.

They paralleled for a minute, and then the Spanish crew started to check to their portside anxiously. They knew something was there but what?

Ravenus apparently had a moment of conscience. He cried "Finite!" and the Disillusionment Charm fell. An alarm cry immediately went up on the Spanish ship, but Ravenus shouted "FIRE!" and the entire broadsides of the Phantom Raider split through the Spaniard. Her entire cannon ports and breeching were destroyed, as well as the mainmast split in two. The second round of broadsides smashed her stern and the mizzenmast. Immobile, disabled, the Spaniards began shouting cries of alarm.

Ravenus grinned at the destruction, and turned to the sails. "PROCLAMI RAVENCLAW!" And the sails turned dark green with the Ravenclaw symbol.

"Hoist the Colors!" And the large black flag called the Jolly Roger sailed up the stays, along with the British Union Jack.

The Spaniard was quiet

The Phantom Raider pulled away from the Spaniard, and just for effect Ravenus cast the Disillusionment Charm again, and the ship faded into nothingness as she sailed onward, save for the roar of victory from her crew.

The haze came up again, and Harry was back holding the book. The whole memory had taken less than ten minutes.

I realized that as we approached silent that this was like slaughtering lambs. No human being deserves to be treated that way. So we fired after I released the Disillusionment Charm. It evens out the sense of fairness. As for the Spaniard, she is now disabled for a goodly while. But it is reassuring to know that we can disable a ship four times our size.

4th of January, 1681

Two more ships from Spain disabled. We are approaching Coruna now. I took a chance and sent an owl that we had kept with us with a note for Lord Randolph. I think though that the conflict will declare itself tomorrow. How I wish I had found out how to be an Animagus.

I sent my Patronus to James to let him know that we will be in position in Coruna tomorrow.

6th of January, 1681.

Well, miracles can happen. We stopped in Coruna in the middle of the night on the north side, and picked up and stole supplies. I went with them this time, and put almost an entire quarter of the town to sleep in the process. While they loaded, I Apparated up to Hogsmeade and just about ran into Hogwarts. I am sure no one recognized me, but was admitted to the Headmaster's Office without issue. Professor Bones was there, and she had apparently been in contact with the British Government about me. I asked her to help me become an Animagus. While she was quite surprised, something caught her interest in the idea and we spent some time researching it. She obtained some Animorph Potion from Professor Malfoy discreetly, well she actually stole it, but since she was Headmistress, does that count? Drink the potion, bond with the animal, and you are an Animagus. I took it, thanked her, and was about to run when she also showed me the Portkey Command spell. Now that would be very useful.

I asked her why she was being so helpful. Her response was that she realized under the prior headmaster that a great wrong had been done me, and in the formation of the contemporary Ministry of Magic underway that was separate from the British Government, she knew of a role for me. Someday, she said, I might like to settle down. I laughed a bit, and then left the castle.

It just so happened that on my way to Hogsmeade a raven was sitting on the fence. I wasn't going to let that opportunity go away, so I quickly drank the Animorph Potion and fixed all my attention on the raven. And as I did so, it seemed to open up and swallow me into its awareness. A horrible wrenching grabbed me, and suddenly I was flying! It took some practice, but I can now switch back and forth easily. I think this will help the battle considerably, at least in the early part.

So now I am Ravenus, the Ravenclaw Raven! But I feel the freedom. And the gratitude to Headmistress Bones. I hope she knows that I am gay.

9th of January, 1681

I have taken to flying as a raven at night to survey the area around us. I can see the Spanish flotilla now, and the British one coming up. We are on the north side of center. The Spanish flotilla is at least twenty versus our British eight. Looks like we have some work to do. The formal conflict will take place on the 11th.

It is later now. I have been to Lord Randolph's ship, and told him all this. He of course was quite curious as to how I came to be there. Some secrets are better left as secrets.

10th of January, 1681.

It is very early in the morning. I can see the Spaniards. Time for some action.

Eight Spaniards sunk. The crew and I are elated. We applied the same technique - Prepare, Disillusionment, Apparate, Cancel, Fire, Sail away, Disillusionment and Apparate. Four of them we did as pairs, sailing invisible between them and then unloading both our broadsides into them. The carnage is incredible. They are now so touchy and sensitized that they stand ready with cannons continuously. This is a great side effect, as they will be weary by the time the actual conflict arises. They call us the Nave del Fantasma - Ghost Ship in Spanish. Tonight we will take out some more.

I have to rest, though. This is exhilarating but exhausting at the same time.

Night, 10th of January, 1681.

There is a wizard on at least one of the Spaniards. He must have caught on, because he tried to do Bulk Apparition. I was lucky as I saw it happen. He failed. The ship splinched, and as a result it broke in two pieces and sank quickly. They had to stop and rescue survivors.

The Spanish count is down now by half. That makes a total of twelve sunk, disabled or destroyed. The British gained two ships, so they sit at ten. We now outnumber the Spanish, and although they are larger it is probably now an even fight. The crew and I are resting. Tomorrow will be a big day.

I am planning something. I think we might actually be able to scare them off with a little high drama.

11th of January, 1681.

We can see them. I have moved Phantom Raider back behind the British. That actually was kind of fun. I used the same technique - Disillusion, Apparate, Cancel. We surprised Lord Randolph considerably. They are foolish though. Both sides are moving into line position where they just shoot and chop each other apart and whoever survives, survives. I have learned so much about battle and timing.

Will return later. Bosun says both sides have raised the colors and the white flag. They want to talk. I suspect treachery. Since Phantom Raider is safe here, I am going to fly over - literally - and see what is going on.

Treachery is right. Here is the memory.

Harry automatically touched the letter R on the page, and the haze encased him. When it dropped, he saw that he was airborne and following Ravenus. He could see the Spanish ships, the one lone one out front meeting the British ship, that were just hundreds of feet away. He spiraled down on to the British ship, the HMS Bludgeon, landed on her very stern rail, and transformed back to himself as he jumped down.

"Lord Randolph."

The man in question spun around, and then sighed in relief. "Captain Potter."

"I strongly suspect treachery. Make sure your cannons are loaded and ready to fire."

He nodded. And the ships closed on each other. Harry could see the Spanish seamen in position. They too were manning the cannons. Ravenus stood there, boldly, holding his wand, ready for action should things go wrong.

Tension built as the two ships drifted together. The Spaniard Admiral was ornately decorated, and Lord Randolph looked somewhat Spartan in comparison. Lord Randolph started.

"Good Morning. Shall we fight today, or go our ways?"

The Spaniard laughed. In his clipped accent, he shouted back. "Will you surrender your meager navy to the Spanish dominance?"

"Right now all I see is British dominance. Will you surrender to that?"

"NEVER!" And as he turned Ravenus could see him prepare to fire. Ravenus shouted loudly, "DEFEND THE SHIP!" as the Spaniard violated the white flag agreement and opened fire on the HMS Bludgeon. Likewise, the Bludgeon returned fire, and damage was incurred. Amid the swearing the two ships separated to rejoin their fleet, flinging cannon balls back and forth.

Ravenus caught sight of a man with a wand on the Spaniard, and realized that he was deflecting cannon balls. Rage over the white flag betrayal surged through him, and for the first time in months he stood up, his hair blowing in the wind, and shouted the Killing Curse onto the wizard.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The blaze of green light blinded everyone, and the Spanish wizard was blown off his deck some thirty feet into the air before crashing into the sea. After that, a few cannon balls hit the Spaniard, but they were out of range.

Harry turned to see Ravenus concentrate and then Apparate away. Harry suddenly found himself standing on the deck of the Phantom Raider, hearing the screams of protest from the British sailors at the Spanish treachery, and saw the raven spiral downwards and land on the deck, becoming Captain Ravenus Potter again. Fury etched across his face as the British and Spanish closed on each other. He swore at the bosun.

"Bloody mongrels from Iberia! They betrayed the white flag!" He shook himself, and came to a decision. "Run out the cannons! Run Silent!"

The crew cheered and ran out their cannons. The British ships in front of them echoed some concern, but when Ravenus cast the Disillusionment Charm, an audible gasp rose from the British. They then Apparated to fifty feet behind the retreating Spaniard, broadsides ready to bear on the retreating ship. The Bludgeon was behind the Phantom Raider.

"FINITE!" And the cry of dismay was audible from the Spaniard, who started running out her cannons again. The British saw the shimmer and appearance of the Phantom Raider, and cheered even louder.

Meanwhile, the Phantom Raider's reputation must have spread, Harry thought, because he could hear them crying out "Nave del Fantasma!"

"PROCLAMI RAVENCLAW!" And the sails crested the Ravenclaw House coat of arms, and a huge green flag joined the Jolly Roger on the backstay.

"FIRE!" And the Phantom Raider's cannons boomed at the Spaniard. Shots were exchanged, but the Spaniard survived.

"CEASE FIRE!" And Ravenus began to breathe deeply. He was obviously steeling himself for something. And then he shouted a spell that Harry had never heard.


There was a moment of silence, and then the Spaniard was gone, replaced by a billion small splinters of wood and gore. She literally had exploded.

The crew was silent, and then the sound caught up with them with a thunderous detonation. Within one minute, the remains of the ship and all her crew were gone.

Ravenus's own crew stared at the spectacle in awe. Few saw that Ravenus collapsed to the floor, breathing hard. Harry reached out to help him, but was still unable to. After a minute he stood again, pale and shaking, but gaining strength rapidly.

"Helm, twenty degrees to port. Reload for the next. SOMEONE GET ME SOME RUM AND A SANDWICH!" And the crew jumped to their orders.

"Let fly the topgallants and royals! Speed is our advantage!" And the Phantom Raider swept towards the Spanish fleet, daring them to challenge her.

One did. Of the remaining Spanish ships, one set her colors and sailed forward, wizard in the bow. Curses flung from her towards Ravenus, who dodged them quickly. He flung his own back at the wizard, marveling at how fast his strength was coming back. Must be the rum.

This Spaniard well outgunned the Phantom Raider. Harry saw that Ravenus began taking breaths again, and then hurled again the unrecoverable and Unforgivable Killing Curse.

"Avada Kedavra!" And the immense green flash streaked over, catching the wizard up into the sails before crashing him back on deck. Maybe they would take that as a warning.

But no. The second Spaniard moved forward to bring her broadsides to bear on Phantom Raider. Ravenus began breathing deep again, straightened himself, and did it again.

This time, the energy was tangible. It was a visible ripple in the air as he shouted "ESPLODA!" and the Spaniard sizzled and shimmered into a rising cloud of dust and splinters. Seconds later the titantic detonation shock swept through the air, and again everyone was awestruck.

Ravenus swayed against the wheel, but held steady. If he did it again he would pass out.

Minutes passed, and then a deafening cheer rose from the crews and from the British as the Spanish brought their colorful flags down and began to move off towards Spain.

They had done it. And the British Navy had barely had to fire a shot. That actually was good news, because their resupply had been very scarce, and they would not have been able to reload more than once during the conflict.

Ravenus grinned wearily. He gave orders to sail perpendicular to the Navy, westward. They didn't need him, but he didn't trust them either. And so he cast Disillusionment once more as they sailed westward to ensure that they weren't followed.

The haze fell around Harry, and he was back in the room again. He continued to read for a bit.

14th January, 1681.

We are off Falmouth. I have given each man who wanted it their General Pardon, and inscribed their name on it and in a register I keep. The lure of the prize money and the newborn feelings of patriotism, plus a way out of piracy legally have fallen on almost all my crew. I have decided then to sail to Falmouth, discharge them, and hide her on the Irish Coast. There is a small harbor that I can make Unplottable and impossible to find. I am not ready to give up Phantom Raider yet, but the time has come for a change.

19th March, 1681.

My birthday. I am twenty two and lived a lifetime.

I stashed Phantom Raider several miles north of Falmouth. Four sailors plus myself can sail her. I have invested our prize money at Gringotts. So far no one has challenged me. I don't advertise who I am, and I am far from London and Hogwarts. I bought the land north of Falmouth that includes my little hidden harbor. I am building a home here.

My thoughts turn to Robert now. I have visited him once, by Apparition, but it wasn't the same. He is only interested in sailors on ships. I thought I caught him thinking of another, and so I told him I would not be returning. He was more relieved than dismayed. That causes me some heartache.

James and his family are doing fine. I see him sometimes but his house is being watched. Something is afoot.

3rd May, 1681.

The Government has brought charges against James for conspiracy with pirates. That would be me. I took some very serious action, but James and his family are cleared now. And me? We'll see.

Here is the memory.

Harry immediately invoked the symbol, and the familiar haze engulfed him. When it dropped, he realized that he was in old Courtroom Ten. The couple times Harry was there, none of it was good and he was chilled at the memory.

Sure enough, James was there in the chair, and his family in the seats nearby. They looked frightened. James simply looked tired.

The chief of what resembled the Wizengamot was standing. "James Potter, son of James Potter senior, of Godric's Hollow, England, the charges are conspiracy with your brother, the notorious pirate Ravenus Potter. There are many witnesses. How do you plead?"

James was silent, and then a voice that Harry recognized filled the room with its silky baritone sonority. "He pleads guilty to all charges."

Gasps spread round the room, and James' eyes widened. "You mustn't!"

"Silence!" The chief addressed the corner. "Witness for the defense?"

Ravenus stood forward. He was wearing formal robes in black and dark green brocade. His hair flowed long and free, but kept, and the black eyes were violent storms of disgust. "Captain Ravenus Potter of the Phantom Raider."

Pandemonium! Half a dozen wands appeared, but the chief pounded his gavel. "SILENCE!" And the courtroom calmed down.

"Ravenus Potter, you take considerable risk appearing in this courtroom."

A chuckle from Ravenus. "Not really, your Honor. No charges have been formally filed against me, and there is a forty- eight hour waiting period before the Wizengamot can act. Any act of aggression against me here is contempt of court."

Muttering, and an old wizard stood up. "Mr. Potter has correctly cited the Law."

"You wish to state that Mr. James Potter is guilty?"

"Yes, your honor. Guilty."

Muttering continued. James looked at Ravenus. "Do you know what you are doing?? I don't relish the thought of Azkaban much at all, you know."

Ravenus grinned. "Trust me."

The chief signaled for silence. "The Wizengamot accepts your guilty plea. The sentence for Conspiracy with Pirates is twenty years in Azkaban. Any final words?"

Ravenus nodded. "Actually, yes, your Honor. Allow me to introduce document number one here to the courtroom." He pulled out a crisp parchment. "This document is a General Pardon issued by Lord Randolph himself and countersigned by the King of England. The names on the top are James Potter and Family, here now as the accused." He handed the document to a stunned chief. "Now that this document is accepted into your hands, it is a Binding Magical Contract that, should it be breached by anyone, the offender will die. It is invested with the Unbreakable Vow between the government as it exists and you, the officer of this court."

Ravenus addressed the entire courtroom. "Are there any questions on this document and procedure?"

Silence prevailed the room. Ravenus continued, "Your Honor, I believe there is nothing left but to stand this court in recess, as Mr. Potter and Family have been pardoned."

The chief stood, and cracked a smile. "You are right. A very clever piece of work, Captain Potter. Totally binding and absolutely complete. This court is adjourned."

Ravenus went to James and his wife and children. "I love you all so much. Never mention me again, and stay out of trouble. That was my last pardon." And he briskly walked away and Disapparated away on the spot.

The haze rushed up, and Harry sat holding the book. So that was what use of power could do. Ravenus was holding the trump cards. And he used his last on his brother. He stood in awe of the gay pirate captain, and yet at the same time he felt the kindred spirit. He had stood before Voldemort, with all those who had sacrificed and followed his leadership, or at least stayed out of his way.

Harry could not imagine the brilliance that Ravenus had. He truly belonged in Ravenclaw. Harry was brave, yes, and persistent, but Hermione and Dumbledore had been essential to the mystery. Ravenus had no one but himself to rely on.

He put the book down and went up to bed. On his bed, however lay an ornate note from the Ministry of Magic. Warily he opened it, and read the ornate script inside.

Dear Mr. Potter,

The Ministry is holding a Grand Ball Saturday night to celebrate the completion of repairs at the Ministry of Magic. The evening would be woefully lacking if you were unable to attend.

Less formally, we hope to see you there. I know that these make you uncomfortable, but please do your best.


Kingsley Shacklebolt Minister of Magic

An idea formed in his mind. He would take Ginny. But first, he needed to ask her a question. Putting on the Invisibility Cloak, Harry snuck carefully to the Girl's Dormitory door. He was lucky to find Hermione awake.

"Hermione! It's me, Harry."

She looked at him. "Harry, it is late. What could you possibly want?"

"I need you to wake Ginny and send her down to the Common Room. It is important."

"Oh, very well." A couple of moments passed, and Ginny came down in her pajamas. What a sight she was, though, with her hair carefully back and her posture at rest.

"Harry, what is it?"

Harry took out his wand and set Silence and Shield Charms around the room. They were alone, although Harry knew that Hermione was trying to listen.

"Please sit." And she sat.

"Ginny, I love you, more than anything. I have to go to a Ministry Ball on Saturday night. It is very likely to be dreadful, but this time I feel different about it." He took a breath. "I would like very much to bring my fianc‚e with me on Saturday night."

Ginny stared at him. "Harry?"

"Yes, I am serious. Virginia Weasley, will you marry me?"

Ginny hid her face. Harry was about to go on, but she stood and launched herself onto him. "Oh Harry, I would like nothing more in this world to marry you! Yes, yes, yes!" And they dove into a prolonged, tender kiss. And it was so right, standing in the Gryffindor Common Room, cementing their love together.

After a while, the broke apart, and started giggling a little. Harry spoke first.

"I am so happy right now, and it all is so perfect." He chuckled. "I owe you an engagement ring."

"You sure do."

"Do you mind if it is public on Saturday night? I would love to give them something positive to talk about."

She nodded. They kissed for a long while, and then both were overcome with yawns.

"I don't know if I can sleep."

Harry ducked his head. "I don't know if I can wait for us to be together, knowing it is going to happen."

Ginny gave a wicked low laugh. "Oh Harry, we are not waiting that long. But not tonight." And for the first time, her hand brushed across the front of his pants and gently sized up his cock, which of course was long and hard from the kissing. "Ooooh, you have no idea what that does to me."

"I will before too long." And they said goodnight and went back to their beds.

Harry responded to Kingsley.

Dear Minister,

I and my fianc‚e would be very pleased to attend the Ministry Ball on Saturday. Please keep that fact close until we disclose it on Saturday.

Warmest regards,

Harry Potter.

And, dropping his magical charms, he skipped up the stairs to bed. Ron was going to freak.

The next morning, Harry received permission to leave Hogwarts for London for the afternoon. He wanted to withdraw a sizeable sum from his Gringotts vault, which after all the donations and award money from various places, wouldn't put a dent in the pile. But he saw a small ring box there, and opened it. There was a note for him.

My darling Harry,

If you read this, I can't give it to you personally. This was James's mother's engagement ring. Someday you will need one, and we would like you to have this one as a choice.


Mother and Father.

Harry's eyes flowed freely as he held the beautifully ornate Marquis diamond in gold setting. It wasn't until the goblin behind him harrumphed that the moment was broken. Yes, Ginny would appreciate this. He closed his vault and started the return trip to Hogwarts.

Ginny had sent home to her mother for dress robes, and Molly had outdone herself. They would be at the ball too. Ginny had to keep a completely straight face with not telling outright, but she suspected that Molly knew something was up. That woman was uncanny.

At dinner at Hogwarts, Harry and Ginny were next to each other as well as Ron, Hermione, Dean, and the rest. Harry saw all the loyal friends in the faculty and the students, and an idea came to him. He leaned over to Ginny.

"What do you think about the first announcement here and now?" He whispered.

Ginny's eyes went wide. "Why?"

"Well, they all were so personally involved. I kind of owe them the honor. The Ministry was half the problem."

She nodded. "The diary?"

"It's given me an understanding and maybe the right kind of confidence. But I know what is right."

She grinned. "Then go for it. When?"

"Now." And Harry stood up and, taking her hand, walked her to the front of the Great Hall. Silence fell around them and Minerva stood up.

Harry spoke in a clear voice. "Headmistress, I would like to address the school student body and faculty for a moment with a special announcement. May I, with your permission?"

Minerva was NOT going to stop this. Her eyes softened. "By all means, Mr. Potter."

Harry turned to the crowd. "My fellow students, we have been through so much together. Tonight I have been invited to attend the Ministry Grand Ball to celebrate the completion of the repairs caused by the War with Voldemort. But I owe it to you first to announce that I will be attending with my fianc‚e ." and the roar of applause and approval from everyone would not let him finish for almost a minute. "My fianc‚e, Ginny Weasley, who has last night consented to marry me."

And another roar of approval and everyone stood up, cheering and clapping. When they finally settled down, Harry spoke once more.

"Thank you, all of you, for everything. Let us hope the healing process is nearly done and our world can resume life in safety and confidence."

But the students would have none of it. It was Hagrid, of course, who started shouting "KISS! KISS" and within seconds the Great Hall reverberated with the demands of its student body and faculty. Harry turned to Ginny, shrugged with a grin and a large wink, and Ginny grinned right back and again, as she only could, hurled herself off the ground and into his arms for a joyous but not too long a deep kiss. And then they stepped down amid the cheering and hooting.

Hermione was crying. Ron was frozen like stone, but then as Harry nudged him and said, "Hey, brother-in-law!" he cracked a grin and pounded Harry on the back.

The spectacle was more subdued that night at the Ball. The crowd had formed of all the best and notable witches and wizards. The Daily Prophet was there, and began snapping pictures of Harry and Ginny as they approached the steps. The Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt was there to meet them, and his eyes were glowing with mischief. In full view of the reporters, Arthur and Molly Weasley, and the senior Ministry staff, including all the Aurors, the Minister gave him the perfect opportunity.

"Mr. Potter, so glad you could come. And would you introduce me to this vision of beauty at your side?"

Harry grinned and winked. "Of course, Minister. And may I say thank you for your gracious invitation. May I present my fianc‚e Virginia Weasley, daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley?"

Ginny curtsied as the shock set in, followed by a furious flashing of pictures and the surging roar of discussion as the news spread.

Kingsley smiled widely, and said, "My best congratulations to the both of you! This is the perfect capstone to tonight's Ball." He looked behind Harry, and grinned. "Arthur, Molly, I am sure that you want to join in the announcement as well!" And the rest of the night the hubbub continued. It would be all over the morning papers.

Much later, when the press was satisfied, Harry stood and went to the bar. The bartending wizard regarded him slowly, knowing he was underage for drinking, and then winked. "What can I get you?"

Harry had an inspiration. "A shot of Caribbean Rum, please, on ice." He took the drink back to the table with water for Ginny.

"What did you order?"

"Rum. Ravenus liked it. On this occasion it seems appropriate." He could see why. It was smooth, it had just a little kick to it. And with that, he took Ginny's hand, and led her to the dance floor.

It was a perfect moment. They were the only ones out there, young and handsome, beautiful and glowing. Both had learned the steps for the dance at the Yule Ball for the Triwizard Tournament, and this they danced. Harry was tall and graceful, and even aristocratic in his dress robes and slender frame. His longish hair only served to add incredible sex appeal. The Prophet would have some hot pictures tomorrow! Ginny was the model of a lady, floating effortlessly along the dance floor, with their eyes entwined in each other. They saw and heard no one during this one dance, and when it was over they kissed politely in public.

On their return, most of Gryffindor had waited up for them, and cheered loudly with many compliments on their robes. Harry took it all in with ease, and inwardly thanked Ravenus for that ability. Ginny was flushed with attention, but she was getting used to it. After all, all her life she had heard and dreamed about the marvel that was The Boy Who Lived, and now the actual man was going to be hers.

Man. That was what did it. Harry had fought a man's battle against Voldemort, so he was a hero, but until now he had still been the boy-hero. The poise that Harry had gained, the confidence, and so much uncertainty lost when Voldemort was vanquished and now with the big-brother role model intuition from Ravenus, he was a man. And Ginny was going to be his wife.

They longed for their beds. Ron still vacillated between encouragement and protection of his sister. But Hermione had been showing Ron a thing or two, and most times he surrendered now. But Harry was going to put a stop to it right now.

Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry were the last to go up. Harry looked at Ginny, kissed her once more, and saw the angst in Ron. Firmly he looked at Ginny and Hermione.

"Ladies, I need to talk to Ron alone, now. Good night, and see you tomorrow."

Hermione's eyebrows went up, but Ginny giggled as they made their way up. Ginny just smiled knowingly. "Hermione, Ron's not a virgin, right?"

Hermione got the idea, and snickered. "Oh no, he certainly isn't." And they snickered the rest of the way up to the dormitory, but stayed at the door to listen.

Harry turned on Ron. "What is with you?"

"She's my sister, Harry!"

"Yes, she is. Look Ron, I'll put it plainly. Ginny and I are engaged to be married. Married! Among married, that means that we are going to have lots and lots of hot, wild sex and fucking and sucking and kissing and all kinds of things that we haven't thought of yet. She is going to be fucked face to face, doggy style, her on top, and any way she and I, her husband can think of." Ron stood there, shocked, as Harry continued. "I know you and Hermione have given yourselves to each other a number of times already, it was kind of hard to miss. Think of how happy and satisfied Hermione was, and then think of your sister in that position. I am going to do my damned best to make her feel as loved and needed and sexy and as best that can, any way that I can!" He stopped for a moment. "Who else better than me?"

Ron was aghast. "You knew?"

"For God's sake, Ron, I'm your best friend. Of course I knew. But you weren't ready to talk about it."

Ron was silent for a few moments. Harry decided to seal it. "She was a girl, Ron, but she now is also a woman. A very determined one, a very powerful one, and you may as well face up to the fact that she and I are going to be hot, horny, naked, and very happily absorbed into one another with the concurrence of the rest of the world. I don't want my best friend to be the lone holdout on our happiness."

Hermione was bright, bright red. Ginny's eyes were wide and her smile huge. But Hermione made the only comment. "Maybe I picked the wrong one."

"No way, girl. Harry's mine." And she called down the stairs. "Harry, any more talk like that and I am going to do you right there and now in the Common Room, whether Ron is watching or not!"

Harry turned back to Ron. "See?"

Thoughts churned through Ron, and finally with a tight shrug that quickly slid into acquiescence he nodded. "I don't envy you. Just don't ever get her mad. And she is ticklish ."

"RON!" That was Ginny.

Harry grinned. "Don't worry, I expect fully to explore out all her known ticklish spots, and even some that aren't known." He turned his success away and went back to the topic of Hermione. "So what exactly does Hermione like?"

"Well, she has this one -"

"RON!!" That was Hermione.

"I'll tell you later."

They went up to bed, and the topic did not come up.

The next morning, the Daily Prophet and all the papers showed pictures taken during their dance. Ginny received permission from Hogwarts to visit her mum and start to work out the details on the wedding. Harry was bound and determined to get through his NEWTs and the diary. And so the evening found them, she studying for Monday's work, and Harry continuing in the diary.

5th of May, 1681

As suspected, charges against me have been filed for piracy. My crew has all gone honorable, and become upright citizens for now. I can't find the four people needed to sail the Phantom Raider. I suspect that my days as a successful pirate are over. The sea is calling, though, and on the sea is safety. I had already closed my house north of Falmouth. It will stay tight, I am sure. As for my ship, I can't sail her alone. I have bought a small sixty foot ship from an unsuspecting seaman. He showed me the particulars of the rigging that were different from the barque, and I am now sailing her down to the Caribbean. Her name is Finesse, and I can see why. No weaponry. But she is good, sturdy with low draught, and with her two masts, main and mizzen, two jibs and topgallants I will do just fine.

Phantom Raider has been hidden. That took some creative spellwork, but she is hidden in Maenporth. I closed off a deep inlet with spellwork. I hope that the Trelawneys, who live nearby, don't get too curious. But it is well protected from them.

10th May, 1681

Weather is good. I have passed the Azores today and picked up supplies. The town talk is all about the conflict still. It is a good thing that they do not connect little Finesse with the big bad pirate. Someone is bound to notice me. I think, though, that I will see Robert. Even if he has found someone else, we shared a close friend in Captain Lee.

22nd May, 1681.

I find this most amazing to put down in words. Young Harry and I departed Carangua today. Harry is my son. I had to look back in this diary, but surely enough he looks like me, and the dark haired wench named Anna from my only experience with women. The age is perfect. And while Anna is quite the muggle, Harry is most definitely a wizard. He is about to turn five years old.

I am most amazed with him. I never thought I would have a child of my own, and certainly not the fine sturdy boy that Harry is. Anna had sent a message out to all Captain Lee's friends that I needed to see her immediately. Robert had it. I Apparated over to Tortuga, where Anna met me without much surprise. They have started the separation of muggles from wizards, and Harry was most definitely a wizard. Anna knew that I had to have him, being a wizard myself. She had no intention of being the muggle mother of a wizard. Not that she didn't love Harry, because it is evident throughout him, but she knew she could not teach him what he needed to know. He is a smart one, too. We can visit Anna from time to time.

I have bought some property outside Carangua near Robert. Robert has found a new love, and it sounds like a good one. We are good friends, though. I have several years to figure out how to get young Harry to Hogwarts, as there is no other school that would be good enough for him.

Harry Potter, someday you will read this and know that the love I have for you is genuine and sincere. I never thought that I would be blessed with you. But I was, and I hope to be the parent that you want and need. I love you so much already!

Harry had to stop and dry his eyes. So Ravenus had fathered a son, albeit under unusual circumstances, but he was a wizard too. Harry realized that he wanted children too. It was likely that Ginny would cooperate there, as she was a keen mother-figure during the Battle of Hogwarts.

He read on through the scattered entries, cataloging the birthdays and the milestones of Ravenus and his son Harry. Harry was a daredevil. There were many instances of "I had to rescue Harry today from the creek." and "Robert brought Harry home after his raft floated away ."

One entry caught Harry's attention, and he continued.

11th of July, 1686.

Today I must make the visit that I have dreaded for so long. Tomorrow is Harry's eleventh birthday, and he needs to be exposed to Hogwarts so that he may get his letter. I am taking a terrible risk in this, but I have to do it. Harry is staying with Robert tonight. I connected my fireplace to the Floo network, and am about to expose myself to the Headmistress at Hogwarts. Headmistress Bones was open-minded and cooperative last time when she knew I was a pirate. I hope it is so again. Otherwise, this could be the end.

Well, I have done it. I am not sure what to expect now. She has agreed to meet me. She wanted to do it at the Ministry but I refused. She said that she understood my concern, and that all would be clear soon. We have agreed to meet at Hogsmeade, at The Hogs Head. She told me that she is bringing a friend, but no one else. A friend of whom, I wonder?

I have prepared a Portkey for my return. If it works, it will return me to Coruna in Spain, and then I can Apparate here. May God endorse my actions and save me from harm. I haven't been this scared in years.

Harry took a breath, and turned the page. The entire fate hung on the next entry. Harry saw that there was no new date, and that it was a continuation with a memory again spelled into the page. He read on.

Well, young Harry will get his letter. I am holding it. Headmistress Bones is a wily character, worthy of any pirate. But there is a price. I must appear in the Ministry two days hence for judgment. Hogwarts students may not enter the school for the first time if there are outstanding judgments against them. So it is with me.

The friend was my only true friend from Hogwarts, Darius Diggle. He was warm and happy to see me, and amazed that I was there to ensure that my son Harry would be enrolled in Hogwarts. Darius had done well for himself, although he did not disclose his career. I was very happy for him.

Here is the memory. It could have gone worse.

Harry tapped the ornate letter R, and when the haze lifted, he was standing with Ravenus outside a neat house in the warm tropical night. Ravenus was dressed in dark robes again, with a long hooded cloak. Quite abnormal for the tropics, but he was going to England. Harry followed as he Apparated away and into Hogsmeade. As he made his way to the Hogs Head, itself unchanged over the three centuries, Ravenus stopped to look up at Hogwarts in wonder, possibly affection, and most definitely longing. And then he entered the Hogs Head.

It was deserted at the pub, except for Madam Bones and another young man. He saw Ravenus's jaw drop, a grin split his face, and then the two embraced closely.

"Darius! What in God's name are you doing here?" He instantly sobered. "I am not putting you at risk, am I?"

Darius shook is head. "No, my friend, not here. Come, sit! This is a most unusual meeting, but you have managed to captivate us."

Ravenus bowed floridly to the Headmistress. "Madam Bones, a pleasure and my thanks for this meeting."

She nodded, with a smile. "Thank you. It is your meeting, though. Please tell me what is on your mind."

Ravenus looked craftily at Darius. "Darius, if things go badly here, I expect you not to breathe a word of this to anyone."

Darius nodded slowly. "Understood."

Ravenus pulled out his wand, and swept the room. It is to the others credit, Harry noted, that they did not even flinch. "We are now safe, private, and undisturbed. Headmistress, to be quite to the point, my son will turn eleven years old tomorrow. He is quite the wizard, and Hogwarts is the best place for him. I am asking you to consider him for enrollment. He will have to stay throughout the year, although I will make arrangements at a legitimate location for him. He must be completely untraceable to me."

There was silence. Then Darius smiled widely. "Congratulations on your son! I had thought you were gay."

Another awkward silence, then Ravenus said with feeling, "I am gay. The circumstances of young Harry's conception are quite unique in my history. I do not wish to go into any details on that topic."

Madam Bones asked, "Harry? His name is Harry Potter?"

Ravenus nodded. "Yes."

She waved her wand, and the letter appeared. "He is so notified. But there is a prerequisite that I must impose, and most importantly, you are going to have to trust me."

Ravenus carefully guarded his face. "State your terms. I make no commitment now."

Madam Bones shifted. "Students entering Hogwarts must necessarily be free of all judgments pending against their parents. You must appear before the Ministry to clear the judgments against you." She let that sink in. "Ravenus, if you do so it will clear the way for your son, and for a unique opportunity that you would fit very well."

Ravenus was aghast. "Why don't I just check myself into Azkaban for an eternity right now?" He got up to leave, but Darius restrained him gently with his touch.

"Ravenus, what makes you think that the outcome is predetermined?"

"You know the Ministry. You heard what they tried to do to James. They are out for blood, probably mine. I want Harry away and clear from that. I haven't figured that out yet, but-"

Madam Bones interrupted him. "It is a small wonder you have evaded the Ministry for so long. But I am asking you to trust me."

Silence. "Why should I?"

"Because we are here. Because I showed you the Portkey Command spell, the Animorph potion I gave you, and the fact that I know and saw the misdeeds done to you. A Ravenclaw Prefect! What you could be doing for us once you were cleared." She sighed. "Two days hence. No press, just the Wizengamot in the Ministry. Nine o'clock in the morning. Will you come?"

Ravenus stood and paced. "What will become of Harry if things go badly?"

"I can assure you that there will be no problem."

Ravenus stopped, and stared at her and Darius. "I want your word that if I go to Azkaban or am killed, Harry goes to my brother James with no further consequence." He laid out a parchment, waved his hand over it and the words to that effect appeared there.

Both Madam Bones and Darius stared in surprise, before tapping their wands to it. "This will not be necessary, but we agree." Darius nodded.

Ravenus collected the parchment. "All right, then. I am placing an unprecedented amount of trust in you, Madam Bones. I trust no one after my father's betrayal."

She nodded, and smiled. "Ravenus, two days from now, things will be very different."

"For the positive."


His eyes were haunted now, as he snapped his fingers and the protection spells dropped. "How will I appear unmolested?"

She handed him a small teacup. "Invoke this Portkey."

He nodded. Darius took the moment to observe his magic, and commented quietly. "I see you finally got the hang of wandless magic."

Ravenus laughed bitterly. "Darius, that is the only kind when your wand is taken from you and you are sold into prostitution by a dimwit who didn't recognize the difference between pirates and merchants." He stood, fully erect and his commanding presence filled the room. "Until two days hence." And holding the letter and the portkey, he Apparated back to his island home.

The haze came and went, and Harry started to breathe again. Ravenus was still the hottest thing around. But it only really showed in the last few minutes when he stood as a Captain again, not as a supplicant. Harry saw that there were only a few pages left, and several memories. Finish it, he thought.

Well, that was that. Part of me wants to run, but I know I will go. They know something I don't and their conviction gives me hope. Darius, too. They must have known I would be skeptical and suspicious. I must think about this some more. But I am going.

12th of July, 1686.

It is Harry's birthday. He knows he is eleven, he knows that he is ready for Hogwarts. I saw the hope in his face and realized that I would do anything for him, and so I handed him his letter. He knows somehow that it is costing me. Harry is quite older than he seems. So I had to explain it to him, and he cried. He wants Hogwarts so much, and I told him that no matter what happens, he must go and become the best wizard he can be, even if it is to live with his Uncle James. I am so proud of him, because he told me the thing I really needed to hear: that we should trust Madam Bones and Darius. I hope he is right.

I have decided to take him with me to the courtroom. Well, he insisted on going anyway, but I decided not to fight. If nothing else, he can watch his father be a fine upstanding wizard for once and respect the law.

13th of July, 1686.

We are ready to go. Harry is dressed neatly in nice robes. I am in relatively simple robes, still dark green but with the Ravenclaw symbol. After all, it was my house. I will give this book to Harry for safekeeping. He is a male of true Potter blood, and all its secrets will be revealed to him. God bless, Harry.

Holding his breath, Harry turned to the next to last page in the book.

If anyone could have described what took place at that courtroom, they would be still at a loss for words. I know I am. Here is the memory.

Shit. Harry sat there, preparing for what he would see. He touched his wand carefully to the ornate letter R, and the haze cycled in and out.

Harry saw Ravenus, wearing his nondescript robes with a boy approaching his chest in height. The boy had the same raven black hair, but his eyes were more brown than black. This was Harry Potter, three centuries ago, the son of Ravenus Potter. They held each other closely and then with the twist they Apparated away from their island paradise to the town of Hogsmeade, where the clock showed fifteen minutes to nine.

"Harry, there it is. Hogwarts. The home of everything you could ever wish to learn, create and enjoy for your next seven years. With me, or with James, you will be cared for. I wanted to be the first to show it to you regardless of the outcome."

Young Harry nodded. "Father, is it worth it? Is it worth your sacrifice? I don't want to lose you!"

"Ah Harry, the right thing is always worth it, even if it is hard on us." And they spent the last minutes watching the castle from afar. And then, with a hug, Ravenus invoked the Portkey and the surroundings of the old courtroom dominated the scene.

The Wizengamot was there. Ravenus escorted Harry to a seat on the side, and then when he looked up he saw with horror his father, Hermes, Horatio, and James. James sat apart from the others.

"Ravenus Potter, please take the chair."

Ravenus slowly did. "Your Honor, may I identify the young wizard with me as Harry Potter, my only son, of whom I am guardian. In the event I am not able to care for him, it has been arranged that he shall be given to the care of my brother James with no further consequence."

Madam Bones was in the Wizengamot, and nodded at the Chief, who commented slowly, "So noted."

"The charges against you are piracy, attacking the HMS Ranger and the HMS Lancer, and the murder of seven wizards assigned to British warships. How do you plead?"

Ravenus was quiet. "Your Honor, I would like to address each of those charges individually."

"Very well."

"As you recall, I was sold for sexual services as a prostitute-"

Pandemonium ensued, that required the Chief to pound his gavel. "Order! Potter, you will please clarify that statement."

"Of course." Silence, then "In June 1675, after achieving Outstanding grades on my NEWT exams as a sixth year student at Hogwarts, at age sixteen I was sold into indentured service. The procuring agent, Captain David Lee of the Phantom Raider, procured me for the sum of one hundred pounds for sexual servitude as a catamite for himself." Dead quiet. "At the time, no one knew that he was a pirate."

The Chief asked, "Who was your guardian who sold you?"

"My father, James Potter senior."

The Chief and the Wizengamot looked at him closely. "James Potter, senior, is this true?"

A look of zeal crossed the old wizard's face. "Bloody right, too! Potters are all Gryffindors! This dungpile of a Ravenclaw deserved that, and worse! I can not deny his blood, but he is no son of mine!"

"Did you know that Captain Lee was a pirate?"

"No, but what difference does it make?"

Silence. Ravenus then continued. "I was sold after my wand had been taken away. The Captain found other uses for me, namely in navigation and, when it came to battle to handle the wizards on the other side. The case of the HMS Ranger was one where I was ordered to attack. I captured a wand then, but only Stupefied the wizard. The case of the HMS Lancer was when the British Navy was pursuing us, and they attacked first. I killed the first wizard in self-defense, and then sunk the Lancer under orders from my owner. The case of the seven ships was off of Pico, where we were set upon and again, it was self-defense. Captain Lee was killed in that exchange, and he named me Captain of the Phantom Raider."

A great deal of muttering ensued. Then, the Chief asked, "Did you attack any British ships as Captain?"

"No, your Honor. Any conflicts were in self-defense."

"Gringotts reports you have a considerable fortune. How did you come by it?"

"Spanish and French prizes, your Honor."

Quiet. Ravenus surveyed the Wizengamot. Several people had come in. A flicker of hope held on his breath. The crowd was pensive.

The Chief noted the new arrivals. "Have you anything to add to the testimony?"

Ravenus shook his head. "I have always acted in the best interests of my crew, for whom I have been responsible, and specifically avoided conflict with England. But when the Navy is so tenacious, it is unavoidable that battle and death may occur."

The Chief was waiting for something, and then one of the late arrivals nodded. The Chief continued. "Is there any additional testimony?"

"Yes, your Honor." One of the men stood, and behind him eighty five men stood as well. The front one removed his cloak, much to Ravenus' surprise, and continued. "I am Lord Randolph, of the Royal Navy of England. Captain Potter specifically was instrumental of the defeat of the Spanish incursion into our waters. England would have been lost without him, and it was specifically because of his talent, technique and skill as a wizard that gave us that victory. And when we had won, his shipped disappeared without the slightest accolade or word." He gestured to the men behind him. "The eighty five gentlemen here are the recipients each of a General Pardon based upon that transaction between myself, the Royal Navy, and Captain Potter, which he made at risk from his position." He clapped his hands slowly, and all eighty-five men joined the applause in favor of their Captain.

Order was restored after a bit. The Chief then continued, "Any other testimony?"

In the silence, Ravenus's brother James stood. "Your Honor, there were one hundred pardons given. I myself witnessed this event." He nodded to the Wizengamot. "At our last meeting, when I was on trial for conspiracy with a pirate, my brother, the hundredth pardon was used at my brother's risk for my behalf. He knew and saw justice when it was there. I am grateful, and I ask the court to consider that act in its decision." He sat down.

The Chief nodded once again. "Any more evidence or testimony?"

Quiet. It all hung on a thread.

"Guilty on the charge of the HMS Ranger?" A minority.

"Guilty on the charge of the HMS Lancer?" A minority again.

"Guilty on the charge of the seven wizards in the Royal Navy?" A majority of hands, and a groan through the room. Ravenus sat very still.

"Guilty on the general charge of piracy?" A majority of hands.

The Chief nodded. "Ravenus Potter, the Wizengamot finds you guilty on two of the charges: Piracy, and the killing of seven wizards." He looked around the room. "Is there anything to add before sentencing?"

Six men stood and removed their cloaks. The first one was wearing a crown, the rest royal livery. "I, as you know now, am James, son of Charles the second, and King of England. My father gave me express orders on this circumstance." He handed a gold parchment to one of the men, who ran it down to the Chief. Ravenus's heart beat very hard as he and everyone in the room kneeled to the King.

"Ravenus Potter, per order of King Charles the Second, and commanded by myself, you are hereby pardoned for all past crimes, documented or no, in binding magical contract as defined by my counterpart and Minister of Magic, Dorian Diggle. Pirate or no, England is in your debt and I suspect that you are the most honorable pirate that we might ever meet." He turned to the Chief. "Will you respect this order?"

The Chief of the Wizengamot grinned. "Just like we planned, your Highness." As the shock ran through the crowd and Ravenus himself, Harry felt elated and the cheering and applause burst forth.

The Chief called for attention. "Ravenus Potter, you are hereby pardoned for all past crimes, documented or not. You may go freely. And congratulations!" He banged his gavel, and the courtroom erupted in applause.

The haze drifted down, and Harry found himself bursting with pride and joy. Ravenus had cleared his name. He had made the right choices, stood up for what mattered when it did, and the look of love and relief on young Harry's face had spelled it all out. He had won.

Harry turned the last page, and there were two entries: a short paragraph each, and with another symbolic R at the end. He read slowly.

August the 31st , 1686

Harry goes to Hogwarts today, like a normal child. How happy I am for him, and for us. Since the courtroom drama I have been offered the leadership of a new wizard department - Aurors, they call them. Aurors will be needed to police the wizarding world once the separation of muggle and wizard is executed. I think I can do that. Perhaps I can leave a legacy behind for Harry's children as well. More like an inheritance, of sorts.

Harry then read the final entry in the diary. His heart was pounding at the gently scripted words.

June 1693.

My last entry. I have read through this diary, and relived the memories. There is much here. I will leave it for you to read, Harry my son. Someday you will, and perhaps pass it down as an example of how to return from the abyss. Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, our family should always love and be loved on individuals, not on House colors.

This is the end of this book. I am sure you have questions. I am spelling in here a new construct. A male Potter of true blood may invoke this symbol, and have an interview with me. Yes, I learned how to make an interactive memory charm. But know that I love you, my Harry.

Your father,


Harry's wand moved to the symbol, and invoked it. More grey haze fell, and lifted, and there they were in Ravenus's cabin. Harry could hear the waves and the water going in the background, and Ravenus sat at the desk, reading.

Ravenus looked up directly at Harry. "Hello, young man. If you are here, you are a male of true Potter blood?"

Harry nodded.

Ravenus smiled. "A bit unsettling, isn't it? Falling back a generation or two to meet great-grandpapa?"

Harry finally spoke. "Ravenus, it has actually been quite a bit longer than that."

"Really? How long, may I ask?"

"More than three hundred years."

Ravenus Potter's eyes widened. "That long?"

Harry nodded.

"Well, that is a surprise. But a most excellent bloodline then." He leaned back a little. "So, you have questions?"

Harry laughed. "Not really. I wanted to meet you, and to talk."

Ravenus smiled. "Interesting." He stood, and was about as tall as Harry. "Let's go on deck." And they went out of the cabin, onto the deck of the Phantom Raider. Harry recognized it from the other memories. A few seamen were up in the rigging. Harry looked up into the sails, curiously.

Ravenus noticed the look. "Lets go aloft. Follow me. It is a memory, so you won't fall." And they climbed up the mainmast into the rigging. Harry found himself watching Ravenus's butt, and a slightly lecherous feeling slid through him.

They sat together at the top of the mainmast, legs across a spar. Harry could see for miles around the open ocean, tantalizing, inviting, and challenging. The wind blew through their hair, and Harry breathed deeply and grinned.

"This is absolutely wonderful!"

Ravenus nodded. "I love the sea. It calls to me continuously, even when I am on land. Once a captain, always a captain." He turned to Harry. "You learn to be daring, take chances, and make many decisions because if you don't, you die. I had hoped some of that might rub off after reading my diary."

"It did. Even my fianc‚e noticed, and that was important."

"Ah. You are to be married?"


"Is she good for you?"


Ravenus nodded, and then saw Harry's hesitation. "In words, but your body belays your confidence."

Trapped, Harry nodded. "Yes, there is one thing I am unsure of."

"Can you tell me?" At Harry's silence, Ravenus smiled. "Remember, this is only a memory. There is no one left to offend."

Slowly, Harry nodded. "All right. After reading your diary, and experiencing your personal memories, I find that . well you are very attractive. I am not nor have I ever been gay, but I find that I want to, well you know, give way to you." There, he had said it.

Ravenus's eyebrows raised. "Really? Most interesting." He sighed. "I am afraid that this memory is prohibited from doing that, as it was meant for my son Harry. That would have been highly inappropriate."

Harry nodded. They just sat in the rigging, listening to the thrumming of the wind. Finally, they climbed down and returned to the cabin. Ravenus commented that the memory would only last a little bit longer, so Harry should be brief.

"Ravenus, whatever happened to the Phantom Raider?"

He grinned. "During the summers I would take volunteers from Hogwarts out for a couple weeks, and sail from Falmouth to Carangua and back. Robert and his friend were always happy to host us. The various children loved it." He frowned. "I used to hide her in a harbor north of Falmouth." He showed Harry where on an old map. "After three hundred years, no telling if I had left her there. To reveal her, simply say that you wish to see the Phantom Raider, and if you are a male Potter of blood then she will be revealed to you." Ravenus sat back down at his desk.

Harry reached out and took his hand. "Ravenus, thank you. You were an inspiration, even all these years later."

Ravenus shook his hand, and nodded. "You are welcome. What is your name, by the way?"

Harry grinned. "Harry Potter." And at Ravenus's surprised laughter, the haze rose and fell and Harry was at the end of the diary.

He closed it, smiled, and worked his way up to bed. Three role models he had, now. His father, Sirius, and now his ultimate grandfather, Ravenus. Suddenly, the NEWTs didn't seem so bad. He passed a mirror, saw that his posture and saunter looked so much like Ravenus, his hair had lengthened, and he no longer looked like the Boy Who Lived. No, he was the Nemesis of Voldemort, a man who faced hard choices, made the right decisions, and most importantly, bore the confidence and the high regard of the wizarding world. Knowing that he could do that, knowing that it was right, and showing just a bit of flair, that was the inheritance he had from his ancestors. And as Harry lay down, ready for sleep and his thoughts filled of Ginny, for a moment the sounds of the sea surged through him, invitingly, with a gentle sweep of sensuality throughout his body. An image of Ravenus in the rigging appeared, and faded as Harry fell asleep.

Author's Note:

After DH came out, I needed to write again and was working through Patrick O'Brien's sea novels, as well as Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. It occurred to me that this would be something quite different than other HP slash. The inspiration for the appearance and mannerisms of Ravenus came from Babylon Five's Ranger named Marcus Cole played by Jason Carter (now there is someone I would love to wake up next to!!). I sincerely hope you enjoyed it.

This story had some creepy moments. I've also uploaded one entitled "Leverage" that is much shorter but itself is 100% creepy (I was in a vicious mood that day!).

The Journeyman Harper

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