
By S M

Published on Oct 10, 2006



The following story contains sexual content between men and a woman. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Additionally, the actions of the characters in this story are in no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions.

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I've led a pretty vanilla life. In my mid-30's, I had worked myself to a management job in an office. Married, with one daughter and one on the way, life was getting to be pretty mapped out. I had regular duties, regular expectations and a pretty regular life -- or so I thought.

My office is a pretty conservative place, ok, it's really conservative. I must admit, there's a number of decent looking women on my floor. You'd never really know it since so many of them wear business suits and you have to leave it up to your imagination on what's going on under all those layers. I've been married a long time so fooling around wasn't something that I'd ever expect to have happen to me. My wife's a great gal but when you're married for over 10 years, I must admit, you find yourself looking and thinking about what's around you.

We work on some high profile projects in our group. The pressure can be pretty high since so many people are looking -- both at work and when we launch our programs. So we work lots of crazy hours, and it's not uncommon that we have to put in a lot of extra hours. The team I work in is close knit and we rely on each other for support at all times. After being with the same group for over a year, we pretty much were friends and co-workers.

In my immediate area, there were a couple of cuties that I worked with among a lot of men. Slim bodies on women in their early and mid thirties. I even had a woman as my supervisor, Tina. She had been with the company her entire professional life. She's in her early 40's and unlike most other women. I'm not being mean when I say she's a big woman, tall for sure, nearly 5' 11". With that height, she was also not a waif, she had a strong build for a woman, "big boned" if you will. I never found her "hot" by any means, especially since she always wore pant suits and was, as typical with the office, conservative. She's single and never been married. I always wondered, if she was more of a lesbian but she was not butch. Makeup, and jewelry, she was about as feminine as a woman can be in a conservative fortress.

So the story really begins as my wife and daughter left for a long weekend with her parents out of town. I took them to the airport and made sure they got going safely. Then, to the office to grind away on my current workload. For a Friday, it seemed to be more work than normal and I was already thinking that I'd have to get some food on the way home and do a bunch of work that night if I wanted to do any golfing while I had some freedom.

I got in and the place was already hopping with people. I got right to it, even worked through lunch but I just wasn't getting enough work done to get out of working the weekend. Basically on cue, just when I least needed it, Tina came by at 3pm and asked me to come by her office at 5 before going home. I knew this would mean more work for sure. Tina's a great boss, don't get me wrong, but I wasn't looking forward to more work, not when I had a free weekend coming.

Sitting in her office at 5, she went over a new plan the company had, an offer that would help drive sales and our team was taking the lead. It was high profile and something that always looks good internally for anyone trying to climb the corporate ladder. We discussed strategy and next steps, obstacles and timing. As we talked, the office emptied out and by the time we finished, it was going on 7pm. We got up and Tina looked around as I headed to my desk to get my stuff and head home.

"Wait Steve, it's late and I owe you for making you stay late." She said.

"No biggie" I said. "I'm just going to get something on the way and chill out tonight anyway"

She smirked and gave me a cool but friendly stare. "Hey, that's right, your family is out, right? Look, if I am driving you this hard at work, the least I can do is give you a reward for putting up with this on a Friday."

I hesitated, I mean, she's my boss but I wasn't really looking forward to going home and getting a burger on the way.

"Don't be silly, c'mon, I can cook you something and it'll be great. You're not far from my house anyway and I can just have you come by, have some dinner, I'll whip up something good for us both. Besides, I'm the boss and I insist."

I thought about it for a moment, I mean, she is my boss and hell, I deserved something for all my hard work.

"Ok" I said

"Excellent" she said with a smile

As she turned to go to her office, I shook my head in disbelief. For me, I always think of women in some sort of sexual way -- even when I say to myself "no way would I ever be with her". Tina came back with her bag and we exited the building as the sun started to set on a fall evening. Following Tina to her house, I called my wife and gave her a rundown on my day and that I was heading home. For some reason, telling her I was going to a single woman's home, even though it was my boss, seemed to be a bad idea.

Tina's house is huge -- at least 3000 square feet. Obviously, she was making some great bank at work and she wasn't afraid to spend it. She welcomed me and it was a nice change, a chance to relax rather than work. With some chit chat, I took a set near a huge counter in her kitchen and she gave me a wide choice of drinks, I took a cold beer and she poured some wine.

Promising to keep it simple, we had a nice dinner with steak and pasta which made the decision to come over a far better choice than my alternative. Tina gave me a glass of wine to have with some cheese she had for dessert. I'm not much of a wine drinker, but the mix of the wine and cheese tasted awesome.

We talked for a bit about all sorts of things we never have the time to talk about at work; family, friends and what we hope to achieve someday. Tina was more open than I had ever seen. Friendly, nice, even playful, I was surprised at how she so easily relaxed, but of course, it was her home, so it made sense.

I told her, it was a great night but I had to get going. Before I could get going though, she insisted I have a final, small glass of sherry. The sweet, candylike wine came in a little glass. She poured one for me and one for herself. As I sipped it, she went on and on about how she had discovered that particular brand of sherry on a trip through Europe. Man, I must have been tired but as she was talking, I found her voice had an almost hypnotic type echo to it. As I tried to focus on her words, I felt like a fog had settled over my head.

Tina's words sort of melted together and I felt like I was in huge soft pillow. I wasn't panicked, I wasn't worried, and rather, I had a sense of comfort. I could feel myself walking, more like floating as I was being led out of the dining area to another room. Something told me that I was at the mercy of Tina but I wasn't in a position to protest at all.

I kind of blacked out as I followed Tina. I don't know how long I was out, but it must have been a little bit of time. My hands felt like they were being held by some kind of binding. I made a weak attempt to struggle as the fog lifted but quickly found that I was restrained. Then, it really sank in as I felt the sensation of air touching my bare skin -- all over me!

My eyes opened and I looked around, somewhat groggy and let out a moan of consciousness. Looking around, I could see my hands bound just above my shoulders. I was on a bed of sorts in a normal looking bedroom that had a light on in the corner. Lifting my head, I looked down and I had been stripped of my clothes. The only thing I had on was a pair of panties -- pink satin or nylon with lots of lace frills. As my head continued to clear, it sank in that I had been drugged and was now at the mercy of Tina.

Just as these thoughts crossed my brain, I heard footsteps and Tina entered the room. She had a smile on her face as she looked at me tied to the bed. Tina had changed her clothing. She was now wearing something akin to a dominatrix outfit. A black outfit that was some kind of teddy with plenty of lace and black sheer pantyhose covering her legs which were exposed. I had never seen her legs before, they are long and strong, not chunky as I had thought they would be. I couldn't see them but I heard the sound of some kind of high heels.

"Awake now? Good." She said as she looked me over with a smile.

"Wa...wait...don't..." I garbled

With a parenthetical look, she frowned at me, saying: "Now Steve, don't even bother to say anything, I think you will enjoy yourself much more than if you had made it home tonight." She walked over to me, eyeing me as if I was some sort of prize she had won. Stepping closer, she reached out and touched my leg and ran her fingers slowly up to the panty fabric and then continued up my stomach to my chest before she lifted her fingertips.

My body I was now nearly clearly seeing, feeling and thinking again. I tried to say something but she simply said "shhhhhhhh" as she again touched me and ran her fingertips on my chest and up to my shoulders, tracing her way over my skin to my arms. Tina felt my body all over, inspecting me. I tried, as gently and slowly as I could to try to move my body and that's when I felt another binding, this one was just around my thigh, thick but padded binds that were actually surprisingly comfortable for as strong as they were. I was immobilized -- damn!

My heart raced as, for the first time in my life felt totally helpless.

Tina moved closer to me and then slid down to her knees next to me, her hand going to my panty covered cock. I gasped and she again said "shhhhh" as her hand felt my balls and cock. I groaned and looked at her, seeing a smile that had a sense of accomplishment. My cock betrayed my wish of staying uninterested; I quickly grew rock hard as she felt me up.

Leaning in -- she kissed my ear as she gently rubbed me. Her tongue tracing my ear as she slowly felt what I had in panties. I couldn't help but moan as her warm breath and hot tongue increased the tingles covering my body.

The smell of her perfume and these sensations were new, exciting, forbidden to a married man like myself. Tina softly whispered "You're going to be so glad you came to my house Steven." As the words left her lips, I felt her tongue slide into my ear and she kissed it hard. I couldn't help but gasp with pleasure, feeling as if she was in total control.

My cock was now rock hard and she slid her hand into my panties to grip my cock at the base. She purred a knowing approval as she felt how hard I was. "Good boy, I love feeling a cock so hard in a pair of panties that I chose just for you, don't they feel good?" She cooed into my ear.

"Yes!" I gasped as the thought of resisting her was long gone.

"Mmmmm, now that's more like it, feels good to let me do what I want, doesn't it Steve?" she whispered.

I groaned and nodded my head yes to her question.

Leaning over me, she kissed me hard as her hand now stroked my hardon. We made out with a deep kiss, her tongue ramming into my mouth, I basically had to kiss her back hard to keep her tongue from going all the way down my throat. Moaning deeply, she didn't stop until I was nearly out of oxygen. Breaking the kiss with a wicked smile and her hair now slightly messed, Tina stroked me with a grin of pure lust. I could only look at her as she smiled at me, I could see her mind working as she played with me.

"I love playing Steve, it's such a turn on to feel your cock and see you in panties, something you're wife wouldn't approve of at all would she?" Tine said.

"No" I whispered. "She would be furious"

"Then we won't tell her this little secret." Tina said as she used her fingertips to tease my cockhead. "Since we're going to have a secret, why not have a few tonight?" Tina said and I heard the sound of footsteps. Unable to move, I looked over to the doorway and saw a man enter the room! My jaw dropped as I recognized him as one of our co-workers, Jay, who worked on my floor but I'd never gotten to know him very well. He was wearing panties much like mine, except they were purple.

"He's a good friend, I invited him for some fun tonight Steve." Tina whispered in my ear. Turning to Jay, Tina said: "Let's see how the boys play together".

With that, Jay stepped over to the foot of the bed, looking at me as Tina stroked me. He waited for her to release my cock before he did anything. I silently struggled a little, in a vain attempt to break free from this pantied man at my feet. Tina slid her hand out of my panties and traced her fingers on my stomach. Jay slowly slid onto the bed, crawling between my legs, eyeing my pantied cock.

My heart raced as he got closer. I was so close to a man, in panties, so vulnerable. Tina leaned in and kissed my ear again as her fingers continued to play. Whispering, she said "He's so good, you're going to love this baby."

Reaching forward, Jay took my panties at the waistband and slowly pulled them down until my cock popped straight up. He was focusing right on my hardon, never looking at if he was mesmerized by my hardon. Tina slid her hand back down to my cock, holding it at the base, she smiled and looked at it. "Don't be shy Steve, it's a very nice cock you have -- looks like it's so hot and ready for some affection -- and Jay is just the boy to give you some."

I couldn't stop what was happening, and part of me wasn't sure that I wanted to. I was straight, never ever did anything with a man but I had a man's lips so close to my hard cock. I could feel his breath on it as Tina slowly moved it back and forth infront of Jay. He was waiting for her to tell him what to do next. I began to plead for her not to do this when she gave me a comical frown and said: "Don't be silly, Jay is going to suck your cock so good baby, you'll see stars." She looked at me in the eye as she calmly, confidently said "begin".

I was looking her in the eye as she said it, and immediately my cock was engulfed by that oh so wonderfully hot and wet sensation of an eager mouth on me. I gasped and groaned to Tina's delight, she watched how I reacted to Jay sucking my cock into his mouth. Pursing her lips she nodded in approval, "Yes! That's it, it's so good isn't it Steve?" My whole body was wracked with pleasure from what Jay was doing. His hands went up and down my legs as he sucked me -- it felt so good, I could only moan and groan as he began to take me in and out.

Tina watched Jay work my cock, and my face for reaction. She smiled, seeing me gasp and groan in an extreme pleasure. Jay's mouth was incredible, strong then soft, rough then smooth, I whimpered as he brought me these amazing feeling.

Tina kissed and licked my ear as he did this. Purring in approval, I was a plaything for her amusement. Jay was hers, and she had been getting him ready for something like this...or maybe they had done this before. Tina whispered into my ear, telling me how hot it was to see me getting head from Jay. I wasn't able to say much and my resistance to the idea of a man sucking me was virtually gone.

"He's going to make you cum, and Jay will suck it all down Steve. He'll make you wish you had him suck you every day it's so good." She wanted to humiliate me, she wanted to make me submit to her. "Don't you want to cum in his hot mouth Steve? Cum in his cocksucking mouth like some horny faggot?"

I groaned "N-no...unggh, not a faggot, not -- fair."

Tina's look was determined -- "Wrong answer Stevie, Jay is going to get your cum and you can't stop him, he'll make you beg to cum before I finish with you."

Jay heard this and his mouth went into overdrive, sucking me hard, and deep. My orgasm, rapidly approaching. Tine knew I wasn't going to last.

"Yes, Jay is so good, he'll make you so hard you will have to cum. And when he drinks your cum, you'll beg for more over and over, more of Jay!"

My body tensed, I tried to resist but it was futile, Tina began to say "Yes! Yes!" as she saw me struggle in the binds. I gritted my teeth, the orgasm wasn't going to be denied, I arched my back then my body gave in to the pleasure. I cried out "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!"

Jay never missed a beat, he had my cockhead in his mouth as his hand firmly held the shaft. Milking all the cum I had into his mouth that sucked in ever drop. I could hear Tina's encouragement as he drained me.

Laying, in a pool of sweat -- spent. I was out of breath as if I'd run for miles but I'd never moved more than a few inches.

Tina told Jay to stop finally, as my cock was drained but still hard.

"Very nice Steve -- I like watching you and Jay play -- we'll have to see what other fun we can have before the night is over"

I looked at her as she stood...walking to the dresser. The night was going to be very long for sure.


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