
By moc.liamtoh@4sivadl

Published on Apr 3, 2010



Injury by Laura Lynn Davis F/F Bnd ========================= It was November 8, the quarterfinals of the state girl's Division II soccer tournament. We were ahead 2-1 and I was racing to cut off the other team' s leading scorer when it happened. She changed direction and I tried to swerve to get between her and the goal. As soon as my right foot hit the ground my knee buckled and then I was on the ground, screaming in agony. I knew it was my ACL. My name is Megan Maguire and I was 16, a junior at Central Catholic at the time. I was a slender, attractive tomboy and sports were my life. As I lay there I was bitter because I knew I wouldn't be playing basketball that winter. I was counting on a basketball scholarship to a good college and a torn ACL wasn't in my plans. They took me to the hospital and I was admitted through the emergency room. My mom came straight from work. She said she'd called Katie, my older sister, to let her know. No mention was made of my father. We hadn't seen or heard from him in years. Mom stayed until almost eleven p.m. I was scheduled for a full examination in the morning and, possible, surgery would follow. The nurse who came on at midnight, Marie, was a pretty redhead in her late twenties. She came in about 12:30 a.m., just as I was beginning to doze off, and said that there were a couple of things we needed to do just in case I did have surgery the following morning. The first thing she did was take my temperature - with a rectal thermometer. I'd never been in the hospital and didn't know that they weren't used anymore. I obediently rolled onto my belly and blushed as she pulled my nightgown up. Mom had brought one from home so I wouldn't have to wear that awful hospital gown. I was wearing plain cotton panties and I blushed more as Marie lowered them to my knees. Normally, I wear sexy thong panties but not on game days. Marie spread my buttocks with one hand and slipped the thermometer into my rectum. She stood there with her hand resting on the back of my thigh while she waited. I sighed when she removed the thermometer. She smiled and said, "98.7, that 's very good." She patted my butt and then pulled my panties up. I rolled onto my back and pulled my nightgown down. Marie grinned. "Not so fast. I have to give you an enema." I'd never had an enema but I know what it was. "Do you have to?" I was in a private room but people were in and out all the time. Marie smiled. "Yes, but I'll lock the door to ensure privacy. I" be back in few minutes." She left and I stared at the ceiling while I waited, reliving every moment of the game. When Marie returned she was pushing one of those IV stands with an enema bag hanging from one of the arms. It looked huge! Marie smiled at my sudden alarm and said, "Relax, honey, it's only two quarts." I pulled my nightgown up but Marie shook her head and said, "Best take it off so it doesn't get stained. Accidents do happen. Take your panties all the way off too." She paused as I pulled my nightgown off over my head. "Leave your socks. I'll help you into the bathroom when the time comes." When I rolled onto my belly I was almost completely naked. All I had on were my socks, the bandages and brace on my right knees, and a gold chain around my neck. Marie spread me and inserted the lubricated nozzle. She removed the clamp and stood there rubbing my back while the warm, soapy solution flooded my rectum. She asked me about the game and how I'd come to be injured. Explaining helped distract me. So did the back rub. When the bag was empty she removed the nozzle. Then she had me wait for a two minutes. She stayed by the bed, talking to me, her hand resting on my bare buttocks. When two minutes had passed she had me sit up. Then, instead of helping me walk to the bathroom, she just picked me up and carried me! I'm slender, but at 5' 6" I weighed about 115 pounds. But Marie didn' t have any trouble carrying me. She set me down on the toilet and left. "I'll be right outside if you need me." She left and I voided my bowels a few moments later. When I was done and ready to go back to bed she came in and picked me up. When I was settled in her arms I saw her glance at my breasts. I blushed. She smiled and then carried me back to bed. She helped me put my panties and nightgown on and then she left. She promised to come back and sit with me when things quieted down. "In the meantime, try to get some sleep." I dozed off a while later. The next time I woke I saw Marie standing by my bed. "Time to take your temperature again." I grumbled as I rolled onto my belly. She lowered my panties and inserted the thermometer. She stroked the back of my thigh absentmindedly as she kept time. My temp was still 98.7. When I was put back together she sat down on the edge of the bed and chatted with me. As we talked, she put her hand on my left knee, under my nightgown, and squeezed it gently. When she left a few minutes later she gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and promised to come in again before morning. I didn't want her to go because I was totally aroused. But I had no idea what to say to make her stay. I didn't even know if she was aware of the effect she was having on me. I'd known since junior high that I preferred girls and I was comfortable with it. I'd just never done anything about it. Didn't want to come out and be thrown out of school. I was a clich - sixteen and I had never been kissed! She came in again shortly after 4:30 in the morning. I'd just woken up and wondered if she'd sensed it. I tried to explain what I was feeling but she held her finger to her lips and whispered, "Shush. I know what you're going to say. But I'm 27 and you're 16. It wouldn't work. Your mother would have me in jail in a minute." She leaned and kissed me on the lips, a brief, soft kiss that curled my toes. "Please, don't go. I'm scared." She smiled. "I'll be here. I'm going to stay until you come out of surgery. Assuming they do operate. And your mother will be here." They did operate, repairing my knee with arthroscopic surgery. I faced months of rehab but I was going to be able to play basketball and soccer again. Mom and Marie were both there when I came out. Marie was off to one side. She smiled and waved before she slipped out the door. I began my rehab a couple of weeks later with some light exercises under the supervision of a therapist named Bonnie. After a while she began working me harder. Daily workouts were a grind for me and for mom. In late January, during my workout, I was surprised to see Marie coming toward me with a big smile on her face. She gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek and said, "How are ya doing, Megan?" "Good, I suppose. But it's hard and boring. How'd you know where to find me?" "Bonnie told me. The hospital knew which therapist you'd chosen. She'll be along in few minutes to check up on you." I made a face. "She's a slave driver! I think she's trying to kill me!"

Marie laughed. "If she wasn't tough nobody would ever recover!" She was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt so she obviously hadn't come to work out. I was done and I got up and grabbed my towel. "I'm going to take a shower. Come and talk to me." She hesitated for a moment, "I shouldn't." I could tell she wanted to come with me so I insisted and we walked to the locker room together. She straddled the bench near my locked and watched me undress. There were three or four other women in the locker room but none in the same aisle. I was fit and firm and had the usual lack of modesty common to most athletes. I stripped without hesitation and stood there chatting with her for a moment before going to take my shower. I liked having her see me nude and I could tell she enjoyed the view. I was slender but I had nice, pert breasts (34b), a tight little butt, and slim, pretty legs. My dark, reddish-brown hair was razor cut and enhanced my tomboy look. As I walked away I made sure my butt twitched a little more than usual.I glanced over my shoulder when I reached the end of the aisle and caught her staring. I winked and was pleased to see her blush. I was shampooing my hair when another woman entered the communal shower. I was surprised to see that it was Marie. She was taller than me, about 5' 8", and bigger in the bust. Her breasts were a good full 36c and very beautiful. They bounced gently with each step. The rest of her body was just as nice - flat, firm belly, slim hips, slender thighs, and a pale, perfect complexion. I was startled, then fascinated by her total lack of pubic hair. Her sex was shockingly, enticingly visible. She took the shower next to mine and turned it on. Then she smiled and asked if she could borrow some shampoo. She shampooed her long red hair, working up a huge amount of lather, which she spread over her breasts, belly, and vulva. It was a totally erotic performance. At one point she grinned at me and said, "Your eyes are going to fall out." We didn't touch one another, didn't come within a foot, but it was still an incredibly sexual experience. Later, we walked outside and stood chatting while waiting for my mom to pick me up. It was cold but I didn't really notice. I was busy plotting Marie's seduction but not getting to far because I just didn't know how to seduce another woman. Mom arrived and got out of the car when she saw Marie. They shook hands and chatted for a moment. Then mom said, "You know, Megan is just 16." Marie smiled. "I know. That's why I won't be seeing her again. I just wanted to say hello and see how she was doing." She turned and started to walk away. I glanced at mom, furious with her for interfering. She saw the look on my face and stepped back. "Mom! How could you? I'm not a baby! I'll be 17 in a few weeks. Now go home and I'll see you later." I turned and hurried after Marie. When I caught up with her she was just unlocking her car. "Wait. I need a ride home." She glanced up in surprise. "Where's your mother?" I looked back. Mom's car was gone. "Gone. I told her I was going to ride with you." Marie hesitated. "And she was comfortable with that?" I shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I'm a big girl now and I can take care of myself. I'll be 17 on the second of February." I smiled. "Age of consent is sixteen. You're safe and I'm certainly consenting. Actually, chasing would be more accurate. I've been trying to figure out how to seduce you but I don't have a clue." She grinned. "You're doing a damn good job anyway! Hop in before we both

freeze." Marie drove me straight home and drove fast enough to pull into the driveway just behind mom. "Stay here for a moment." She got out and went over to mom. They talked for what seemed like and hour but it couldn't have been more than two or three minutes. Finally, mom nodded and they walked toward the front door together. At the last moment, Marie turned and waved for me to join them. "Jeez, I thought you were going to leave me there to freeze!" But I was smiling. We sat and had coffee and mom laid out some ground rules. No dates on school nights. No overnights at Marie's. No this, no that. Marie agreed completely. I didn't but I apparently I didn't have a vote. "Can I walk her to her car?" My voice dripped with sarcasm. Marie told me to mind my manners. "You're not to big to spank." Mom actually smiled! I pouted. But, inside, I was thrilled with the way things were turning out. We chatted for a while longer and then I walked Marie out to her car. Mom stayed in the kitchen and Marie and I hugged in the front hall. She ran her hands up under my sweatshirt and I turned my face up for a kiss. It was a long, satisfying erotic kiss. She unhooked my bra and fondled my small, firm tits for a couple of moments. My nipples turned into hard little points and I moaned with pleasure. Then she stepped back and opened the front door. We walked down to her car and I asked her when I was going to see her again. "I'm off tomorrow. How about a early movie? I'll pick you up from school?" We talked and made arrangements and then she was driving away. I went inside and paused to hook my bra. Mom was still in the kitchen. She glanced up as I walked in. "Megan, are you sure about this? She is eleven years older than you are." I crossed the room and hugged her. "Mom, I'm not planning on settling down with her for life. But, for here and now, she is the person I want to be with." I kissed her on the cheek. "Look on the bright side, she's not going to get me pregnant!" She pushed me away. "Don't be fresh!" She was fighting not to smile. "I just don't want you getting hurt, that's all." She turned back to the sink. "She does seem like a nice sensible person. When are you going to see her again?" "Tomorrow, if it's okay with you. She'll pick me up after school and we' re going to go to an early movie. Then we'll get something to eat and she' ll take me over the club for my workout." "How will you get home from there?" "She's going to hang out and drop me off afterward. I'll be home by ten."

I didn't mention she'd probably shower with me again. "Nine." "Aw, mom. 9:30?" She was silent for a moment. "Okay, 9:30." She turned and looked at me. "Be careful, Megan." I nodded. "Always. I'm going to do my homework and go to bed. Nite." "G'nite." The next, on the way out of school, I stopped in the girl's room and rolled my uniform skirt an extra turn. I wasn't the prettiest girl in school but it was generally acknowledged that I had the best legs. And the scar on my knee didn't detract from that. I wanted to show them off for Marie. At the last moment, I went into a stall and took my bra off. When I opened the car door the first thing Marie said was, "Where's your bra?" I lifted my backpack. "In here." "Go back and put it on. You're not a slut and I won't have you acting like one." I knew better than to respond so I just turned and trudged back inside. When I returned I dumped my backpack in the back seat and got in. She smiled and said, "Much better." She pulled away from the curb while I was fastening my seatbelt. There was a line of traffic at the stop sign at the end of the road. She stopped and reached over and stroked my bare thigh. "God, you've got beautiful legs!" I sighed and smiled. "Thanks. I love having you touch me." She continued to stroke my thigh during the ride to the theater. I forget what we saw but I think it was Jurassic Park. We were sitting in the back and she was stroking the inside of my left thigh and I was so aroused I couldn't see straight. By the time the opening credits were over I was cuddled as close to her as possible and she was stroking my mound though my panties, just barely touching me with the tips of her fingers. I clung to her, biting my lip in order to remain silent, as my body shuddered through a wonderful orgasm, the first I hadn't induced with my own fingers. It was fantastic! I put my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes while my breathing returned to normal. She was wearing a man-tailored shirt and I undid one button, then another. Her bra hooked in front. She whispered, "No," and slapped at my hand but I unhooked it anyway and slid my hand inside her shirt. I cupped her left breast and giggled as her nipple hardened against the palm of my hand. "God, you've got beautiful tits! I wish mine were bigger." She shook her head and whispered, "Your tits are just right for your body.

I love them." I continued to fondle her breast as we watched the movie. I wasn't paying much attention because I was more interested in the way her expression changed as I fondled her. I pinched her nipple and heard her moan. She didn't push my hand away so I assumed she found it pleasurable as long as I didn't pinch too hard. I ran my hand down over her belly but her jeans were too tight for me to get my hand inside and she slapped my hand away when I tried to undo her belt. Her limits were her limits and I had to respect them or take the consequences. I didn't want her to take me across her lap, not in public anyway, so I went back to fondling her tits. She hooked her bra just before the lights came on and we followed the crowd out. I wanted to hold hands but it wasn't a good idea. Too many people around and someone might recognize one of us. We were in the, moving toward the exit, when I asked, "Would you be shocked if I took my panties off?" She shook her head. "Are you trying to prove that they're right about Catholic schoolgirls?" "Who's they and what are they right about?" She laughed. "Every man in America fantasizes about Catholic schoolgirls.

I think it's the short skirts, the knee socks, and the bare thighs. Definitely the bare thighs. But they say you're the horniest girls in the world because you're so repressed." I giggled. "Do you think I'm repressed?" She shook her head. "No, but you are kind of shy. Leave your panties on until we're out on the road. Where shall we eat?" I thought about it. "How about Jenson's?" Jenson's was an upscale burger place across town, near the club where I worked out. "Sounds good." She glanced at me and smiled as I slipped my panties off. She held her hand out and tucked them into her pocket after I handed them over. Then she ran her hand up the inside of my thigh until it was nestled against my vulva. I closed legs, trapping it between my thighs. I squeezed a couple of times and she chuckled. "What's so funny?" "Nothing. I just thought of an erotic book I read a while back. What you' re doing reminded me of it." "Go ahead, tell me about it." "Well, it was called `THE SLAVE' and in it this young woman who wants to be a slave is being tested. The man is wearing boots and he sits, or stands, with the toe pointed up an angle, his heel firmly against the floor. Then he makes the girl straddled the boot with the toe pressing against her vulva. He give her a certain amount of time, two minutes or five, I can' remember exactly how long, to bring herself to orgasm by humping herself against the toe of the boot. It was very erotic." I squeezed her hand between my thighs. "You're wearing boots. How long would you give me?" She glanced at me with a surprised look. "That appeals to you?" "Being a slave doesn't. But humping myself on the toe of your boot sounds like fun!" She was silent for a few moments. "We do have time. And my apartment is right on the way." Ten minutes later we were in her living room. She sat down on the sofa and watched me undress. When I was finished she took me into the kitchen. She leaned against the counter and stretched her right leg out, the toe of her cowboy boot pointing up at a 45-degree angle. I got down on my knees, astride her boot, and eased myself down until the toe of the boot was pressed against my vulva. "How long do I have?" She shrugged. "Five minutes?" I nodded. I wrapped my arms around her leg and began to rub myself against her toe. It felt wonderful! It was slightly humiliating and weirdly arousing. She brushed my hair with her hand. "Hump yourself, slut!" I glanced up at her, surprised. Her words aroused me further. I humped faster and harder, moaning and whimpering as pleasurable sensations flooded through my body. "Unnnh! Unnnh! Oh, God, that feels soooo good!" She pushed her middle finger into my mouth and I sucked it. "Hump, bitch.

If you don't come within the time limit I'll spank you!" I humped, rubbing my nipples against her jeans, sucking her finger. The toe of her boot slid into my wet cunt. I adjusted my position until my clit was pressed against it. I humped faster and harder and rubbed my nipples against her jeans. She pushed another finger into my mouth and lifted her hand, forcing my head back until I was staring up at her. I was beginning to sweat. "Hump, you hot little slut! Work it!" I came with a rush, grunting and moaning, grinding myself against the toe of her boot as the pleasure flooded through me. Afterward, I clung to her leg, shivering, while I came down. When I slipped off her leg, onto my knees, the toe of her boot was covered with my cunt juice. She crouched and wiped it off with my panties. Then she said, "Open your mouth." I opened my mouth and she wadded up my panties and shoved them in. Then she got up, pulled a chair out from the table, and sat down. She patted her lap. "Up here. You missed by 10 seconds." I stretched out across her lap. She rubbed my buttocks. "God, what a fine tight little ass." Then she spanked me until I cried. When it was over she slipped her hand between my legs and laughed when she found me sopping wet. "Looks like I need to buy you a collar. Slave." I nodded. "Yes, ma'am." That was ten years ago and we're still together. I'm just finishing grad school. Marie attended both of my graduations and she was the only one who knew I was naked under my robe both times. And both times my butt was red and sore from a spanking administered just a few minutes earlier. At my high school graduation I had to keep my buttocks clenched to hold in the butt plug she inserted after spanking me. At my college graduation, my nipples were clamped and I wore a harness that held a big dildo in place deep in my tight, wet cunt. It filled my pussy and kept me turned on the entire time. That was the beginning of my descent into sluthood. I'm a total slut at heart. I love to fuck, love to be used and humiliated and occasionally abused. But, in public, Marie has always insisted that I act like a lady. In private, I'm used like the whore that I am. I've asked Marie to pimp me out to other women but so far she's refused. Each time I say, "You know I'm a whore at heart. Why don't you use me like one?" She just shakes her head. I know she's disappointed in me but I can't help myself. When I go up to get my grad school diploma in a couple of months I'll have nipples and clit clamped and vibrators in my pussy and ass. God, I can't wait! The end.

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