Inlaws and Outlaws

By slut

Published on Apr 21, 2009



"They're back," I heard Ms Elizabeth shout to her friend.

Hearing was about all I could do right then, tied as I was to chair in the front room and with an old sack over my head. The girls had first spent an hour or so amusing themselves using me as a sort of doll, dressing me up in various outfits of Helen's and Mrs Trents' and thoroughly enjoying it all. They'd first sat me down naked in the front of the dressing table mirror to apply make-up. Not garishly, as I'd feared and expected, but expertly done. Looking in the mirror, I even thought I looked quite good. Then they added a short black wig that belonged to Mr Trent and let me get up. As I turned I grabbed the chance to take a look at my arse in the mirror - slut on one arse cheek and bitch on the other.

Eventually they had me outfitted to their satisfaction. Matching bra and panties, green and lacy, that I think belonged to Ms Elizabeth.. A white blouse of Mrs Trent's and a short black skirt of Helen's that barely reached the top of my thighs. All of it straight from the washing basket. They had me parading up and down for a while till they got bored with that, then set me to doing various chores around the house while they followed me around watching and making comments.

Finally they ordered me onto the chair and tied my hands behind the back and my ankles to the legs, and thrust the musty-smelling sack over my head before going off to do who knew what. And that's the way I was, an unknown amount of time later, when I heard that shout and wondered who it was who might be back. Mr and Mrs Trent, or Helen and her brother?

That mystery was soon solved when I heard the door opening and then Helen's voice. Followed by two male voices greeting the girls. And one of the two introducing the other as a fellow Royal Marine called Mitch, sharing his leave. The conversation carried on, with no mention of the fact that I was sitting there tied to chair and blindfolded and dressed up as a woman. It was as if I simply didn't exist.

I heard the voice I had figured to be Sam's, Helen's brother, tell her to go upstairs and get changed, and a few minutes later the blindfold was ripped from my eyes. I blinked them back into focus, and looked around the room. Elizabeth and her friend Beverley were sitting watching on the sofa, and on an armchair nearby a man who I took to be Mitch. Early middle age, I'd say, but a big man who looked pretty tough. Then my eyes came back to the man who had pulled off my blindfold, and he couldn't be anybody but Sam, Helen's twin brother. The likeness was very strong, despite the difference in gender.

"So you're my new brother-in-law," he said, smiling at me. "By the look of it, you're everything Helen said you would be."

There was no time to ponder that remark, because all eyes had turned to the top of the stairs. Mine followed, and there was Helen. She was in her white wedding dress, the dress in which she had married me just a couple of days before, and she looked stunning. She stood there posing a moment, enjoying the attention, and then she lifted the full skirt of the dress at the front to reveal that she was wearing nothing underneath. It seems strange to relate but, because of her playing of the shy innocent up to our nuptials, this was the very first time I'd ever seen her this way. My wife's naked body had been a mystery to me up to that point, and I realised that my masturbatory fantasies had done her less than justice. Long slim legs, flat stomach and a thick bush of dark pubic hair at her groin. This, remember, was a time when a woman shaving her pubic hair was practically unknown. A time I remember fondly, to be honest.

Under the skirt, my cock was responding to the sight, and Sam was quick to notice the bulge. He flicked back the skirt to reveal my hard cock pushing out over the top of the waistband of the panties.

"Looks like you've turned hubby on, sis," he said to Helen.

She dropped the skirt of her dress and came on down to the bottom of the stairs. She looked down at me, a little contemptuously, and smiled. "That's not difficult thing to do, Sam," she said. "From what Daddy says, just about anything will do the trick."

"We'll have to test that," Sam answered, laughing.

Helen bent over me, and ran the tip of a fingernail up the shaft of my cock. It twitched in response, making her smile again. "You look very pretty, hubby," she said. "Very pretty indeed. Any man would be happy to have to you as his sissy bitch."

I looked up at her, confused and, I have to admit, distressed. All this was exciting me, but that didn't make it any better. Or any less confusing. I was being humiliated and degraded in front of and by my wife and these relative strangers, and it was arousing me. Is that what Sam had meant by my being everything Helen had said I would be? Had she seen this in me, even while I was unaware of it myself, and is that why she had chosen me?

I could feel the prickle of tears at my eyes. "Why are you doing this to me, Helen?" I asked plaintively.

She laughed. "Because I can, you idiot," she said. "And it's fun."

Mitch came up behind her and looked down at me. Holding my gaze, he lifted the back of Helen's wedding dress and shoved a hand underneath. She jolted, and then settled back onto the hand with a smile.

"Sam's mess mates had a lottery," Helen said, wiggling her body on Mitch's hand. "To see who would get to fuck me first. I've been saving myself, hubby, till after I was wed. Only Sam has had me before this, but now I have that ring on my finger I'm going to have some fun."

Mitch took his fingers from under my wife's bridal dress and held them to my face. I smelt a mixture of tobacco and what had to be my wife's cunt juice. "Taste her, you pathetic little cuck," he said harshly. "Taste what you're missing. Lick them clean. And then you can watch me fuck her."

Very conscious of all the eyes on me, I opened my mouth and took each finger into it one by one. I heard the two girls laughing, and a snigger from Helen. Then I heard a series of clicks, and looked up to Sam clicking away with an expensive- looking camera.

"For the family album," he said. "Don't let me interrupt what you're doing, bitch."

Next: Chapter 6

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