Innocent Repentance

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Apr 30, 2016


Felix has nothing but sneakers and a boner. He escaped the black creature for now, but how can he get his brother's assistance?

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Felix left the forest behind. He couldn't go back into town so he made his way further out. There was farmland all around the place. The naked, sweating, erect teen walked along dirt roads, only his feet protected from the chilly weather. How was he going to ask for a phone looking like that? He'd have to steal clothes first. In movies there was always a conveniently abandoned clothesline behind farms. Maybe he would be lucky. His skin itched again. This time it was neither heat nor horniness that followed. The teen could feel his weight shift. He looked at his backside as far as that was possible and saw that his butt had clearly gained size. It was as muscular as ever, but much more voluptuous, as if he trained ass three times a week. For a seconds he hoped all his muscles would grow, but nothing like that happened. Had a new tattoo sprung up too? Yes, there now was one running along his right biceps saying "I AM A CHEATING ASSHOLE". That was probably a hit to what James had done. There was the first farmhouse, right ahead. Even before he got anywhere near it, he knew there would be no clothesline waiting for him with a selection of textiles. It was an industrial type of farm. Of course, why had he expected something old timey? He lived in the town, he should have known better. As he walked up to the metal fence, he saw work clothes laying outside a concrete barn. What an incredible streak of luck. He'd grab it and find a different place to call his brother from. Now Felix only had to get past the fence. Well, there was only one way to do that. He slipped out of his shoes to have better grip on the fence with his feet and began the ascend. Once on top he looked around to make sure he wasn't about to jump into a blood hound's territory. The boy swung himself over the barrier and climbed down. So far, so good. Looking left and right, he rushed across the space to the barn. There were voices inside. But the clothes were not in front of the gate, but rather off to the side, so it was safe to take them. Felix lifted the plaid shirt and the old jeans off the ground, carefully making sure there was nothing that would make noise on them. Then he bailed. His heart raced as it had when the black creature had come after him. Back at the fence, he threw the items over it, climbed up, across and down. That was easy. Immensely satisfied with his work he slipped into the clothes. The itch on his skin was back immediately. The clothes melted of him and turned black. A very dark black. Felix tore the disintegrating fabric off his body. It converged into a foggy shape. The creature could materialize from stuff he wore. He stepped away, slipped into his shoes – eyes on the wreathing mass – and ran. Was that the same one or where there two now? He couldn't be sure. He had to find another creek. Was there even more than one in the area? Lacking better options he ran along the path between the fields, the setting sun reflecting off his sweat glistening skin as his teen muscles were strained for maximum speed. A motor noise behind him made Felix look back. A tractor. And it was catching up. The vehicle stopped next to Felix and a thirty-something looking man in a work overall opened the cabin door. "What have we here?" Felix did his best to hide his erection, which didn't work at all. "Sir, could you take me a little further, just a bit more away from town?" "Sure, hop in." "Thank you." Felix climbed inside and closed the door as the man set the vehicle back into motion. There was only one seat, the one for the driver. The boy slipped past the man and crouched down behind the seat where tools were spread over the tractor's floor. They drove in silence for about ten minutes, which put a comfortable distance between Felix and the creature. Then the man halted. "You're stop's here. Get out." "Thank you, Sir." The man left the tractor and Felix climbed out after him. They had made it further out of town, where the dirt road hit the interstate. They were still far enough away that cars in the street couldn't see them clearly. Felix heard a belt rattling behind him. He turned around to see the man stripping off his overall, down to the knees. Before he could say anything, the boy was grabbed by the shoulders and pushed down on his knees. Now kneeling in the dust, Felix was eye to eye with a rapidly hardening dick. It was probably regular sized but to the boy it looked like a baseball bat. "Time to pay your fee, boy." "No, please-" The man pried Felix's mouth open with three fingers from each hand and formed the fingers to hooks, pulling his mouth over the dick head. Stench and taste indicated that the man hadn't gotten around to washing his dick in a few days. Felix retched. "Oh, yeah. Make some noise." Felix had his hands raised but didn't know where to put them. He couldn't fight the man off and he didn't want to hold onto him either. The dick was shoved further in. Too far. The boy puked the creamy content of his stomach. The man let go, but didn't retract his dick. Instead he gripped Felix's neck and waited only until the puking had stopped to shove his tool in, all the way to the base. Felix's face was tickled by coarse pubes, his throat stretched and humped sore. He didn't stop retching, gagging and gargling his own mucus. Then the man held onto the boy's hair and kept his head still. He stepped forwards, bringing his legs over Felix's shoulders. By moving the boy's head and humping at the same time, the man achieved the most uncomfortable fuck possible, going in and out the entire length of his dick with every thrust. The teen's throat was straightened perfectly, forming a stretched tube down. As the man let up, Felix sank down, sobbing. The man came all over his hair. To finish up, the man finger-hooked Felix's face up again and spread the boy's sore lips. He spit and then snotted into the retching teen's mouth, who kept battling against his futile fight flight reflex. Climbing back into the tractor, the man said "That was pretty bad. What kind of slut uses that much teeth." He dropped a few coins and drove off. They amounted to fifty cent. Felix hadn't even begun to recover when he saw in the corner of his eyes that the black creature was on the horizon. He rose on shaking knees and groaned with his hoarse voice. Looking towards the street he saw a payphone. Somehow this didn't feel like luck, even though it technically was. Everything about the situation was fucked. Most of all his face. The taste of vomit and smegma in his mouth, Felix made it to the phone. It took forever for James to pick up. "Hello? I'm in the middle of something." "It's me," Felix said. "I lost my phone." "That sucks. Good you found it again." "No it's a payphone." "Okay, whatever. I figured out what it is. The old hag wanted to turn me into her slave, so the curse makes you more and more what she thought a slave should be like. The black thing will bring you to her. Don't let it catch you or it's game over. And don't touch anything that doesn't belong to you, it can replicate through that." "Okay, but what do I do?" "I... haven't figured that out yet. My girlfriend is digging through her notes. Just stay on the run." Felix was in despair. "Some of the goo got on me when I opened the letter. It itches sometimes and... does things to me." "It's not going to kill you, just make you what she thinks a slave should be." "But-" "Look, we can keep talking or I can keep looking for a solution." "Isn't there anything you can tell me?" "Actually yes, there is a place where you should be save. Right in town. Only a few streets down from home." "I guess I can get there somehow. Where is it?" "The address is-" Then the money ran out and the call ended. The creature was only minutes away. Felix had to run again. If he had to head back home he would get to cross the creak again but he couldn't go back to where he had crossed previously because the first creature might still be waiting. He had to jog along the interstate, then break off where the town began and run along the outskirts until he got to the creek again. Simple. Not many cars were driving along the road and they were pretty fast. It was likely they didn't even really see him, especially now that twilight was breaking. If he stayed a few steps to the side of the road he would remain unseen. The approaching darkness made it more difficult to see for him, too. Luckily his sneakers kept his foot soles protected from the sharp stones he stepped on. Quickly it got dark around him. With an overcast sky, the moon and stars didn't get through to the ground. Felix was starving, thirsty and had a disgusting taste in his mouth. He'd have to find a way to fix that soon or he'd become too weak to run. The itch returned. Like before when his butt had grown, he felt his weight shift. This time he didn't gain weight directly. In the cloudy night it was hard to say for sure but he was now wearing several things that had somehow popped up on his body out of nowhere. All items were made from metal. He had gotten thick, solid cuffs around his wrists and ankles and a collar had found its way around his neck. They were so tight that even on the sweaty skin they didn't move. No way had these been meant for James. The curse adapted to him specifically. The five objects were heavy. From years of weight lifting he could easily estimate that the collar and wrist cuffs each had a weight of about five pounds, while the ankle cuffs were more like ten each. Very, very heavy – especially for someone who was already exhausted and thirsty. He couldn't keep up the pace and had to walk instead of jog. He would die out here if no miracle happened. As the clouds parted for a second he could spot the new tattoo. It was right on the skin of his rigid dick, saying "MANWHORE". Far ahead he saw the lights of a filling station. Was that his miracle?

Next: Chapter 3

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